also Illfllfll SIRCEDR in ours 75c TAX INC Alas IN CINEMASCOPE soc wt muqu eve mes mums 75c rax moi nno MATINEES nouns soerax mow no INC DED Pr money to rural school essay ontest spou soer by Barrie anle Club was distributed at recent dinner meeting The students were ae eompauied by their teachers Bruee Wilson presented tire awards Norman Synn tt chairman of the clubs agric ture deonserv otion coinmittee commented that the contest was designed to stim ulate interest natural resources and pay tribute lhe rural schools which he believed pro dueed the greater number or lead ers in municipal afiaias He thought this was due to greater development oi responsibility among the young people who grow up on farm aim prize went to Marie Hog garth age 11 grade No Subject comma Wells 12 grade teacher Bluebird Lynda Russell 18 grade NILE Vespra Midliuflt Mrs Margaret Neivstm Barrie RR teacher 14HClttb Raelnonda Johnston Mi grade Craigva Mrs Ear Shannon Stioud 112 tcaehe 3irillioln Walter Haidie 11 grade cums Bra l5ssa Thornton teacher Essa Miss Grace Dunhlll in Mrs Finlayson Barrie conversatlod on the On Saturday duaiionpbanoi me ll or 25 participants and to show their wives and guests what they had aecompllahed durlnl the iMa tpeech tuotiona were included in the pronam and all fulï¬lled their parts auceesflully The pro gum opened to good atart under cable chairmanspr otPeter KcGibho olltawere proposed reapon ed to by an hleh llllllJ Bill rituinions George HcLeaminl and Robert Croehio Speakers for the evening wen aroidzNoiand and Derick Wheel er Speath were introduced and thanked by Jack Mllebinson Yr Budjlaln George irueroau nd Gerry Stuhbs The second hall the program Es competently chaired by Al rlrant Here the oublecla woro In lighter vein resulting in many aponlaneoua outbunla ot laughter impromptu speeches were handled by Rush Merriam WallySmith Ted Wray Ed Baker andHarold Brett skit was acted out by Ed Miller Alt Richardson Murdlo Campbell and Barney Lapp respondedto nomination Veretta Lonshuret Bert Plppel and Ross Hickliuz delivered campaign rpeeches Ed Miller receiveda prize or the best progress made in the clan and William Merriam waa presented with prize for thevbest speech gt Theleader at the group the VI known tralning apecialiatt tl author Harold Armstrong CGE Toronto in his to well ipeeeh noted that ho had metin Barrie one Ihernost enthus iastic and able mops that he had lectured in his 25 years oi pen ience with elleetive speaking courses Ho also expresxed the hope that this course would he the steppinustone to moroacliv ity in the lieldrof etfective speech presentation at Barrie Works Menagerlohumitchinson who as speaker is outdone by none warmly congratulated the group on their excellent pertormance and Mr Aroutron on his contin ued success instructor Good wishw or the future speaking talent included ho adviectht th apeaker be VD la Gr 13 grad No1 ll Shltl teacher llonorable mention Hodgson Qmishmu rs Pilkey Robert Lun ted lunla 13A MrsJN Jaln son Ross Campbell Strou MES tin KarolAnnCou 21 Stanley Money Vespr According to surv leanglndiana made yep hered Can rSoeief the auzhton and Jack it la do that this you ill function rm winterandwlllbe added lolvy otherl who ahard similarint rot Mrs Orr Mrswiiiialn flow are and the Bondy at tendedGrand lndze Ontario Wat LDBA at Hamilton Sundaxvllltorl Mr and Mrs Batiusby and Mrs Thompson and daughter at Barrie were Sun visitors It George Thompson Bleak be Dalston friends ol Eldon Thompson were sorry to hear oi his accident on Saturda at the soccer game when heha one leg broken wanna Guests Miss Myrna BrnwlLandJMu Campbell on to pent the he their mean DOG Bcki Thosovarrows might puncture your Pocketbook but good it the Postman decides to soc But Deb sonal LlABlLlTY INSURANCE lean protect YOU Call us about it Annual An ual meeting 01 Girls St Pauls and SL Mrs George Oriillu improving andho born this week ll StPaul and the Paulette ell enough will hold alotat meetingfon May tallospiial in the ning church bsse trieodsiin meat SA new