Tb ny handmade luhloirn modelled in theTrinity Junior 6qu Farhlouishow on H1uesdny aadMednudny evenings Trim ity Parish HIll lastweek laveths summer style showing special flavor Marle by one bera Cay Allen daytime and evening dresses at the newert materials gave hints to home Ie while other styles in fury Iha iIIlld childrens wear from out stores pointed unthe ooh for Summer 1956 sheath Costumes The sheath topped by in ct or coatemerged Is ttyle lea er th miner young grand mothebmodel Mrs John stitchin nonhwore white tigurcd sheath drus tapped by colteeeolored ar thégulld more Ihaw wear Ind the titty were equal hibiaanblo nsthelr mothers istetnTerrl Lynne and Chen Ine Woodaerrmade chsronng pietdrei la blue cotton sundnmei touched with embroidery and with mlkhihgbltl and the pped waistline look the lotastehildten lona wu seeii in 1a teenage dress at avocado polish tlo tyled with nil skirt crlnollne Another youtitiul téenatyleyvu inroae printed cotton with sousio neckline dlppilig Playclothea Playelothca were also modelled tartan duster to escort her two in Va yoflnggriunuhlnthe Indchlldren Mary Lynn Brett and olnncTyrrall to arty ohe hlid was in hand aniocked nylanipllaac the other inrerl an white pinstriped nylon Al waistrlength jacket over sleeveless sheath with scooped neckline made an attractive outfit in coral linen The models es were pale panama Cocktail Dresrea Elnborate matcrlirla and sim ple Ityles were indicated for into any wear twmtone green tui iotaLmalerlalpnilcrnedwiih silver leat had been madi into cocktail dress with halter neckline and gored skirt Tissue gingham with tartan pattern in gold pink and blue also tortured the popular neckline lor summer Particularly smart was sheath oi wedgwood blue embossed cot ton For Warm Days handmade black cotton shirt with gold and shocking pink was modelled by teeninge Nancy Fen uaon with matching blouse Aim for warm summer days were princesse line dress with but ton trim in pale green ltaliun iallld cotton and sleeveless black floralprinted cotton with scalloped neckline lor summer party wear were two rocks in turquoise shade one in cotton with gold lent le ternthat gave ille illusion oi silk and another in nylon organza with lull boxpleated skirt Adress oi blue ltalian futile cotton had shlrred bodicedc seendlng to the hip where it was dramatized by large self bow while an olivegreen handmade cotton featured controu belt accentuating the slim waistline in the new natural shade was dress at cotton rayon pongee ltyled with surplica bodice and easy skirt oi impressed pleats Brown cotton tweed had been made into slim sheath with round neckline and threequarter length sleeves and cool blue and white imitItion eyelet appeared in com bination with navy cotton skirt Another cotton with the an penance oi silk was dress print ed in Chinese design made ill boot nee ing and iuil gathered skirt The atline gave it Empire yror Spring Grey was ieatured in all shades for late spring wear appearing in an lrish tweed dressmaker skirt and in charcoal flannel suit withja beaded collar in slate shade bordering blue was ow Two bathing Jbeauties appeared in populI the beaeh roserwl suit with cool whitelIclngIn ostuine to black wateh cottan plaid For the pin ground set there was pair at im llm with matching allloco blouse and co ton shorts with striped trlmmln The Male World Little boyswere not termite Bill ltowe modelled smart khaki icon set with blaekwatth laid shirt and also appeared dressedup outfit grey trousers and locket Decldcdly mantailored was washable cotton tult modelled by David soi Wedding Party highlight of the show lor the audience was the appearance at the wedding party The bride Mrs Eorl winters wore hand made gown In dull satin with nylon tulle oversk styled with bateau nepkllnelins with nylon tulle and shorterthawingskirt ideal ior an iniormal summer wedding wcre the bridesmaids gowns oi embroidered talieta cut on classic princease lines mod cited by Miss Patricio Merrick and Mrs Laura McNabb and the flower girlspink nylon frock worn by little Maren Sinclair Fur Styles gt rAuother lp¢clll ienturo each evening were the spring iura worn by the models stole oi dark brown llusslansauirrel was an inexpensive complain to beaut itul stoleotChlna mink The capeatolcvliashlbn appeared in Canadla squirrel ShortJackets tor spring were at grey Persian lamb and China mlnk Mode hiadcla gineluded niinld Gremo bin deliReid Mrs Jamel Sinclair Mrs William Henry Mrs Bernard Bury Mrs Robert Moran MissJane son Mrs John Payne Mrs Jo Steele Joyce Nettleton and Nancy Drser Mra Edï¬reen was comment alor Eoshlana All childrens wear in the show was from Maude Amenl Ltd Furs choices ior Wm arrovamuirand auttsother thinihm€made by Mrs Allen wereirom SimA mons Company and hats were from Evelyn Tuelt Childrens and teenage shoes were by Penn many oi the dresses was no Walker Stores Makeup was byCusde Miirieal laierhida During ntermtssion Miss Car Mr Blfribble Elected Hommnd Sohool Pifesidént Tribble WI ieeted president otPrlnco not Wales Home Ind SeboolnuoeiItioo It the April meeting last week she rucceedsNorlnlnE Synnott who lowinlthe back blue herringbone twced sident 2nd vicepresident man ncording sehretary and Waters treasurer Followlng lhablccllon bets played euehre checkers and cribbage The gain ranged by Mr Water served relreshmento has herded the executive or the and entertainment had been Ir Mrs rinan and her committee are bio Jo co In brunette ea aisleygra fdnyjo FridaybwithrDlelrMacDougnl Percy SIltzmIn They interview interestingpeople and talk abouts Belore coming to Tabloid both were busy actresses televisioncommercials and once wona beautytltie In CBC radio driimas and has also modelled in New York this hate theft pan TV showseen Mon and Gil Christie ll manner at things 53 Joyce has done Paisley has starred er win pad sandnvnimn and Bonito Balm 30 Mei any node oiSiIter marine Reports given lb mu In Smith In Cnthollc Educational Conierenze held lnToronta oa April and eiiontb mains air In and the oils Indproieects The drive against obscene literI line is being carried out in many units by parents supervising the reading material that comes into homes There is to be aconcentrated Lhri to her LeIdershlp course at St Mic aela CollegeToronto on MI 20 and 21 it was decided to head twa delegates to this course who wouldbring back valuable ln turmatlontand pass it on to other interested persons in loweek course open to all Sister St Jeromes room won the shield or the most parents presenL Prizes were won by Mrs Toner and Madigan Lunch was served by Mrs McClosliey and her committee It ihc close or the meeting Mrs RobérfPryde Named President OfCoronajion WI nJ Mrs Large Attendance At Corinthian Ladies Night ll attenda evening kéy dinner era Star entered adios dancing and cards to the ladies was propose theworshipiul master She was presented with nowe by Dan Keast As each oi the ladics arrive Sorority Marks 25th Anniiersary Founders Day tah Hall lhat week be Jose pres dent oi zi Alpha iota Ml Dlive Robertson and bliss Jack Birchmere Hotel Lindsay chapter Founders day oilors the loan at Kansas City 125090 members in national organization About 25 attended the dinner Barrie and the5p Cameron ed the dinner events at an and Miss Sandra lluth proposed toast to the silver anniversary message from the internation launder Wu read by the preside ni AlphaPhl Mrs Arthur Tod pledge Five sorority and Miss Berti iota fehapter On Tuesday theBeto Sigma ii Sorority isboldlng pol oclock in Blue Hall evening snowman mucosa Gray undwhite carnationpr ed poplin makesmneot the pr tiest nineoats of th eason USE COSTUME iey iaelt tth wool turnout at around no the annual ladlea night at Corinthian Dodge AF and Alli No 98 in the Masonic Temple on Monday Dinners ol the lodge ad Irranged lovely tur Chapterf oi the Order oithe Eut iollowed by rogramoi entertainment for the or lucky 5pm new cm Fred Smith Icted aa chain man for the evening and the toast by Bill Show Mrs Thomas Kerrwlte ot replied Alpha Phi and Zi Alpha Iota chapters at the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority celebrated the sororitya sliver snniversary inundcrs day at dinner at Trinity East End Bars Saturday everiingtour mem the local chaptersx Mfl ll whelfln Miss Millan liowe Sullivan gt travelled to Drillia for the Inniversary celebration there Also guests at the dinnervintbe were members or er of the sorority Walter floss There are over the inter Guests included the local difflcinlhils Leighton Clarke sor Mrs Oliver During the program that allow he past year were reviewedbyhirs Whe Miss Robertson we corned anew pledge Mrs Keith Youriï¬ cars chasm from Miss Lowe gave the ounders day members received their ritualot Jewels degree dun ng the eveningM Marle vair ultwllnnd Alpha Phi chapter Ind Mrs Mari garetMcGee Miss Marion Smith and Miss Noreen James of 21 ten andbamur in the Loya True beginning at eight yearround astume combines navyblue wool crepe sheath and gt reseted and nivyblue sil Pala she was presentedwlth carnage Elmer Thompson said grace be iare dinner Gueat artists or the evening were Raymond Daniels piano 50hr ill Mrs Lloyd Cook and Mrs Ray Bishopth sang aduet minus MeNabb ot0rlllia who gave several humorous monologues Ali Shepherd and his orchestra rnet Gailaugher playing the vio lin tor olditirne dancing Euchre canasta and bridge were also can loved Prise were awarded to winners Special guests or the evening included DDGM ltoy Allen and Mrs Allen William Campbeli 0i Strand district secretary and MrsCompbeil WM Fred Mc Cankey oi Kerr Lodge and Mrs McConkey and WM Ernest Bur ton oi Kempenieit Lodge and Mrs Burton Regional WHA Gathering Held Ar Royal Victoria meeting of the womens Hospi tal auxiliaries oi Region No was held in the Royal Victoria Hospital nurses residence last Wednesday afternoon in coniunction with the meetï¬lg oi NIL lliegion of the Optorio Hospital Association The auxiliary meeting was chair ed by Mrs Murray Mills oi Barrie who opened witha player for has ss ie rds Prayer In unison Six delegates wege sent from Bracebiidge lt£rom Barrie two from Collingwodd tour tram Huntsville two iro teNewmsrkct four from Orillia two languid three mm and rs Kay Drake secrets trees user reported $39 in the reg tonal treaau Mrs announced that the provincial president would address members or Region No in Mid and on at luncheon meet gt Since there was vacancy to be tilled for 2nd viceprcsident oi the region Collingwood was asked to elect an oiiiccr and report toMls in ies in alphabetical or al at All auxiliaries present were asked to bring complete ports for bias Mills to submit in the regional council in Toronto on May One auxiliary has 00 members including key women in all the surrounding institute and had earned $3800 in 1955 ICAal puts outabulletin and gathers In jams and Jellicsirorn the district or use ot the hospital iher quiiiaryplaces mi oil it every Hospital Day Manyreports showed the use oi oi bi patients at deal ofitimd raising is don aswell aswork at thexhosiptal cher auxiliaries concentrate public relations All auxiliaries have member on rabler discus arregordirig various services an grandraising projects with general exchange at idea Newmarket offered nninv even on June see valded music for dancing with italauxiliaries iollewed by the irom Pene sunshllie earts as aservice to gt all members enjoyed mosLin ormalivc address by the superin tendent olToronta Western Hos pital secretary the Ontario Hos pital Association lic spoke on Disaster Services following the auxiliary mccting raire give general report to the combined Mrs group Pupils Present Amusing Skit At PTA Meeting The Trut an amusing ski es his amazingmacbine lle cecded to prove its worth byiiest Machine was pertormed by the Grade pupils of St Marys Schoolvat the regular meeting at the ParentTeacher Association in SL Josephs Auditorium on Tues day During the course at an afternoon tea party attended by several young women and local pastor professor introdue the April meeting at Littles Hill Coronation branch or the Wo mens institute was held in Kelly School With 25 members and Wm visitors present Roll call was payment or lees During the short businessmceung was decided to an ext sion all delegates to the eight annual unleashruin Etienne by two members Mn Emu was named triet convener or built home can onlch A11 is to be held on May 12 st the community centre on the llth concession The committee In charge is Mn Brown Mr King MnE Llcble Willis and Mrs Slury The progrnmwoted most out sunding oi the year was Mrs Johnsons onCitizensh Mrs Klng introduced in spenke Mrs it Ottaway or Barrie woman short talk on institutework The iinta oi oi geeis was presented by Mrs rice The executive installed by Mrs Ottaway is as iollaw Pact pres ident Mrs it Brown president Mrs Pryde lst vicepieildenz Mrs Llehle 2nd vicepresident Mrs Kenwell secretarytress urcr Mrs Downing assistant secretary Mn Brimston dis trict director Mrs Brown assistant district director Mrs Lachie Conveners or standing commit tees are Resolutions ltlrs Levi Srigle eiuzenshipaad education Mrs Moore andMIs King events Mrs Dyer and Mrs Leighton health and home econ omics Mrs Willisantl Mrs historical research and current ittea Iidpuhllerelatlono Mrs Colluua Ind KJohaaon Branch directors Ire Mn Bentley Mn Sebandlen Mrs lira tinremit Ilrt Price and Mrs Fisher Flower and gilt committee mom Mrs Morrow and Mrs Gnhnm Press and publicity convener is lira Campbell Mrs James is assistant reporter Plan ilt la Mrl Ring with Mrs Kenweli acting or her assistant The meeting closed with asbort alngmng and lunch euchre was held for the last itute in the home oi Mrs Gri ham on April it There were nine tables and 50 present lligh iadies prize wa won by Mrs Joseph Cochrane and Mrs llill High mens went to ll Franklanil Door prizes were won by Bent ley and lira lleieheld The committee In charge Mrs Bentley Mrs Collum and Mrs Kenwcll served lunch FLOWERED HATS An important new hot is the heavybeaded ilowcred but deep ripple ol toyo straw comes deep in longstemmed silk rnses while garland oi anemones covers linubrlmmed sailor oi blue baili buntl strn 4i POMPON CUT The newest luhion in coitiures is the pompen cutlong hair ar ranged with new soil fullness Lougheed agriculture and Can ndian industry Mrs Sturyk and Mrs lrvine community activ No curls Soltiy crested it iorml sylmmetricalwreath aroundvthe Sets Slain marten picture the rat time PM ing it on those present much to their embarrassment when testi adon the pastor the machine gave up the ghost andexploded ithe skit was aniyprcacniedih the Misses Joan Woods Moore Ma Margaret McVeigh Belt Anne Marion Cathy MaeleanDon Experienced livestock Caretaker as Herds mdns Assistant Duties to commence May 14 1956 References RequiiedJApply to Mlt Kerstin Manager of The MoploCnflla Breeders Mi cation Martejonrum Vatcii cumi slim Cheekyqu ngwsluperlor it costs down tllat wiyfargo powar and the light truck save youtune on system eona faster starting greaoar capacity snail 5000 lbs 6s and van from gas in 220 tinboleaa tunï¬ï¬andaxdl Soo your Forgodealer owl otsms weak tuna