PHY schedule at Bar Curling Club i956 Jam es Morleyleit mom representative pre sents tie to the rink left to Watt Abwbheesman Frank Hersey skip it righti Frank Andy won another Harold Forster left to right In roundrobin actapnona coum lihe world now has about 98 oooooo telephones including 56 090000 in the United States cging Barrie and Dis irlct ladies Softball League ty court house Major League group play For Countypr Mrs Mary Hamilton of Coiling wood was elected president of the Indy goliersoi Simcoc county at the annual election meeting in Orillia at the home of Mrs Hare riett Hewlticn Wednesday Mrs lsabchPost of Orlllla i955 presi dent presided at the meeting Representatives present from Barrie were Mrs John Ough Mrs Ray Livingston Mrs GeorgeDa Ailornier Barrie resident Mrs Donalthumblolof Collingwood is count se rotarytreasurer Datesilveiy also set the Eehargo of tbepreecntation of pri Hargreaves lr Walter Craig skip Dr Ross llirnbuil Bill Johnston Dr Tayl or not in picture alternated as lend during season and playoffs withpr Tumbuii ayorrs they linished second tied with Herb Shannon Walter Craig rinks then playoff to take the prizes MbuNi ysiï¬tolns Builalo Trip Mr and Mrs Constant King an ndMrs Thcophile King mm to Buffalo inst weekendto attend the wedding of their niece Sally Barber Hog Producera Meeting Plans are being made fora Hog Producers meeting in he hcld in the school next Wednesday even lug Charles Newton Barrie will heLh speaker All elcome Girh Garden Club The Girls Garden Club met at the home of theirzleadcr Mrs Frawiey on Tuesday alternoon The girls received their seeds and plans for their gardensthls sum mer Ah election of oilicers for he coining scasonresulted as fol lows president Rosemary King vieepresidntj Yvonne Bclanger secretary Shirley Todd The girls planned on havingranv other meeting in about twoweeks time torechcck on the dates at planting for their garden seeds committees or their outstanding Shepherd MmBlli Roman and th hence clubbcad Boyea aklpj Mrs out lira llarry Mu In thoaocond fdraw first who went to Karma Nixoopnuaa MrsYohn Ohm Walter =Craig ski and this remaining prises to Mrs Harrflawerboi Colc ills thLIVInulo Larry Hart skip hire Hurubqaï¬charc ilo Hurlibese Hui Ray Smith George Kennedy aklp Mrs wxx Walla AAdamaon Mrs George Dangerllcldhaiph Roivc skip Mrs Ernest McKnight How rd lnhnsion Mn Ralph naive ack Corby skip consolation President Vern Adlhis waaln us along with Mrs Dave Smiiil resident of the ladiu section Mr Adam extended ihanlla tohia work especially tolFranlt llan groans iceDr Hamid Smi house George Kennedy and Larry Hart games The club members gave litany round of applause lo the prcaldcniwvho spent many long home the club arranging bonspicla and other events The social commiitee oi the lad les section headed by MrsBob Hodges provldeda fine lunch and dancing to an orchestra of All floss Ronald concluded the even ing at which about 160 members were present foundation on lite interlock ior weak thumb outside the pocket of lhe gether that 15 golfer position through out the saving and upme looJ log or throwing all th uite tow minon or variations on of acquiring thogpropcr hand position as oasyrluethodof one laihihg Wot and having the clubhead iiunh liiobaii at our meat at impac yuan ag prairiegoli litwent to the quarterfinal round oitho Canadian amateur charn pionahlp playing crosshanded Tho Idiuatlfaent he hadlo make curtailed his cffoctivegolt to just that one year Harry Bradshaw Irish pmteuioï¬ai andJormer Bri tish 0pm hamploneinpioyodr grip akin tho basebal clutch Just theieft thumblprtad down the lucid oi thorlghi hand Brad shaw then found it nee ry Io loo his rwlng which method worked fora year or twou He now has llarted over again build ing swing with the standard grip There arc actually two basic grips the interlocking and the almost universaliycommun over lapping excluding the pulling grip which will be dealt with in separate article The interlocking grip is useful or small handed gollers or those without good wrist flexibility The little finger oi right handis linked with the index finger of the leit hand Properly imifped the in terlock prevents ah fting oi the club during the swing and at im pact Alex Morrison highly successful golf teacher of few years backadvocatcd avvarla lei gallon that of leaving the right only lwohand contact being Xthe twining of the fingers to nights in the Mella his or League Monday Tuesday Arley mpaTl ion ï¬ll cavin mence this Monday and Tuesday with in teams from Iho original all entries still in Vthehunt for the league diamplonahip and the Recvefirophy Each or the three groups has alxtcams qualifyan folthe sixgame totalpln playoff to determine group winner and runnerup who will enter iiie championship finals An innova ilnnihiryear is consolation playqu ior cash awards open to teams that have not qualified for championship playoffs Group inai Standing First Divlaio Menu 74 begion No so Hydro as DaLuxe Taxi sl Webb Bros 42 Copaco Second Division Canadian Gen crai Electric 83 Cliff Brown 63 Barrie Tanning No 60 Monarch Refrigeration 44 Legion No2 43Torgis lo Group Final standing rrrat division arric To ning 58 CN Ielegrapils Auto 57 A60 55 RCEME Lakcvlew Dairy Seeond divislo Copuw Wrightcleaneraï¬ï¬‚ Slnliii Dairy 80 Duncan Plasterers 42 Union Carpenterasi Hydro 32 lna special total win playoff Wednesday nightlBnrrichanning deiealed Tclegraphsto win the series Inward or Final Standing lhend to thelitlii Hagen Lloyd Mangruln former US Open champion and successful urney player is an exponent oi the interlocking grip The small fihgercdMangrumwent one stage further lie crooked theindcx andlittlc fingers across onean other resulting in permanï¬llt grip accounted ln great measure or the unilorm accuracy oi his midiiron play and an exceedingly erisprpreseatationr By far the most commonly em ployed grip is the overlapping with the right little finger hooked over the knuckleoi the lelt index linger Thilt is the one we will deal with here Gollers should employ set and unvariable inrmiill It address of each shot The club held in tho lclthand is set behind the ball squarely at right angles to the line of flight Theaole of tile club rests flatly onihe turf golfer then taking his stance in coin iortable position neitheruleaning loo farforwm nor too rigidly up right Correct position may be ascertained by the topof the club being one handapan from the body The lelt hand Is originally placed on the club with the hack of the hand parallel to the ground After this position is assumed the little finger of the rightbalid la overlapped onthe lelt index and therelnaining fingers folded onto the club aothat that ieitthumhv side of the palm of the ride giilyhmdniiii limo slitso yer um acfosa Lhc gripreais partly on the club shaft the right index finger Theresa inggrlp means that the lab should lie across theiirngerrhzi ih ight antl the tin and Barrie Bowling MHzIr will be held Juno mï¬ays the first of whi oliingwuod all other andATli The last tw field days he tw eelra part to gille the golfers an oppn unityto play in the roviucinl to dates are ight oolr rbert and Esthe or elderly brothe and sister people into cats ilshed tall the 0le groixnd flooroandiromthere swept out the window antiwignitcdiha dro illch round and the haclr di who Broil 31 Royal Liincea as iv sio 79 laxscar ea Weston No 58 ALEBokarsh WestonN ll ervice 74 Ban ay April tie TenniligCNjTel pap inion Auihï¬Acéa Copaed AFal righ legn Bayfield Frosted stag the letterinzr clubheadvfeelfl iala or the col hour day gilt on tiae swinging villimg finger of the apread partlyon top of portant and interesting Teen bring Age carnoadyeo Fri May iland8aturdoy May 12 This is designed glve and communitya young motorists afi opportunity to prove improve their driving habits andvattitudeaiind to stim ulateicommunlty activities iowarda more and bettér high school drivergeducation Yprograma have been in operationin thEiUflitqd V952 mt enagera mobile Fauowiag its immediate atcepi BeeionWlna assignment on bcrioficanadlan Iiinlo Chamber ofCommeaco icked up the idea lumbar ntario oondtittedlocal compel pone 1954 saw the Roadeoipread other partioi in country pan cullrly Saskatchewan and reg onaiy floaii were conducted in Lutyear vmorc than Junior Chambers entered the project and latcprcglonal finals took place betwcan Eastern and Central Onlario National Basia For this year the Jaycccs and All Canada insurance Federation have joined to placenta program on national basis for the lirst time As result the tint Caa adlanvfinals will lake place in 701 Iawa during Jilly i956 Thu Roadco is open toboys and girls frhm ill to all years of age Theymust have an operators permit and must nothave had an accident within the last six monihs written examination will be held Friday May ii 130 pm at Barrie Amount Tho actual car driving test will be at thoArena grounds Satur day May 12 in am Entry Forms Contestants could pick up entry forms at the Chamber oi Corns merce Mninr Show Friday April 20 and Saturday April 21 in Bill backswing Concentrate on kecp ing those two firmly on the shait troughout the awlng Length of backswing does not determine the ovcrswmg You are overswinging at the point where Ihe above mentioned fingers release their grip on the shaft Alter grip practice try taking the club hack to the point where you can feel the loosening Procedure That is where the downswing should begin This Is mainly amatter of trength and or body construction Ben Hogan in his early prime almost brought the club entirely around on his bachswing able to maintain his grip through abnorm allengthoile VIIflLiLniLersVIingL lug because he had complete hand controland was able to generate great power 9n the other hand players such as Smiley Quick take the club back no more than shoulder height at whichpoint for them effectiveghand control enda pmigsional egan with along Wins switdilngin midcareer to short backswing because he was losingthe clubhead The re sults he obtained were just as good becausehe was likely the greatest hitter through the ball of all time Cotton stressedthat the hands were the clue and in his tare tho ciubhead always came inflush tome ball grip un changed Even the immortal Bobby Jones didnt achieve his greatest tri umphs until he saw the firs moviesof his swine and detected that relaxing oftlle third and iourthleiLhaad fingers at the sswing ls important to consult your profemloaai regarding iiiovilizo olZgrlparandtli nan oh left hand all glove all playersruse the glove but ltfls advisable for most in helping maintain firm grip andblisterfrcohands wedncod relax andaw FADE as WEAPON PEMBROKE or JeanGuy Godlu 12 wielderl shade in chase away foxtimi illproachcd shimnearhiahomelAfewdlssf ttackad uie earlier The Henry Cotton great English rie Arena They will also be available It Sergeant insurance Agency up un til the time oi the hoadgco Cnmoleted entry forms may he dropped inlo Sargeantslnsuranco or mailed to aux V105 Barrie Jaycces were selling Scotch Litc lane at booih in the west wing of the Arena to help dcirny cost of the Wooden Prixes offered First Prize is $25 second $15 third SiO First prize winner then advances to the regional iinlls all expenscapald Regional final winner then goes to the National finals at Ottawaby plane for three days oluactivities inciud st roaden examinations again all expenses paid Prizes here run from $1000 acholiirshlpthrough scholarships worth $500 and $259 Cornered in the roadco will hedonatedhylocalcirrlealers and all will have standard trans mission fox had familys hieh iiiid Ill be destroyed raids in uhiia in year more than half million limeric Beeton Bees extended ih win nlag whys lnlo the opening game of the DEA intermediate finals Saturday night defeating Minden Monarchs bridle record crowd ol 2060 at aohcaygeon Community Centre Star oi the conical was Colin Whalcn who took care of all the Eeetorl scoringin light checking overllme gamewith Minden hav ing an edge in play most oi the way iauliy shooting and smart nctmlnding by Bob Kearns hold lag the Monarchs down to two tallies Wholens third goal midway through the overtime period was lhe decisive marker His sizzling slap shot from wellout was ill the twlnc before gozllc Bob Becnie could make move The first iramo was scoreless wiih lilnden taking briai lead In the second Siaiinrd Yearwood scoring whalen soon tied the cï¬uni second session ending one Again whalenopeued the inst regulation period with goal but the Monarchs camo backas Larry Loughecd tied it up with three minutes remaining setting the stage for the overtime windup Second and third gamcs oi the hesiroiiiveaerics will be played in Beetnn Monday and Thursday nighi fourth if necessaiy in Bob caygcon Saturday April 28 ulieithloiu noon ll wil THE ems Twotone greyand green Motor re cently overhauled sold with war