modern bathroom pointu the no utility or new ibuiltllris Irejconsp andncoessories The glass block wi dovvwnllgi vherded with pr vocy to the Ni dilatory lore my storagespnce iorboth lnens bat sand otherressehtiols is provided by the cabinetsbes nealh Thesunkentub surrounded by easyvtocareior tile Vpopuiorlty dingonol stylewith corner seats ck wall behind the tub area bri htlyportitlons um n1 oh hallway beyond IVY Mr and Mrs ilrnnk Longhurst net on Mr lennett and family Mr and Mrs Waiter Klutrnan and childre at Mr nnd Mm Bert McQuays lliiss Marian Movanel at McYanois Mrfand Mrsï¬hok Ar jiitt 3ndhildren ot Neunnarket also Mr ulid Mrsr Mel cloud gtot Barrie and Mr and Mrs Ed Gibbons and family Strand were guests at Mr nnd Mrs Spears on Buster Sunday Other Easter visitorsawore Ml ï¬lldMIclehn It Elwood JEnnott hndhrs Charles Hill 55 nd Alexfluskill at Miss hinrgaret Ylen andlyier Botsford It Mr andltrs Lindsiiy Mr and Mrs Bruce Don Ottawa atthe homeiot Mr and Mrs John Hammond To celebra 4lst Wedding anniversaryoi hon parents the following children of Mr and Mrs lsaac Speeis were at hom Mr and Mrs Williammm and Miss Marie spears of Trotonto Mr and Mrs Re Wilson and Jean Easter and Mr nd Cutnduif Mr lvari Mail in Mr an Mrs Cecil Sheers ecboys and Mr nod Mrs speot endnt Parrysound and Mrs Boyd nhdchildren Jenneit one osribllities tor In eonvdnienco snnllsrunpeomih antiquated noisy nightly piring and worn flooring with til square Jilted comer mtylth lawman ruous umminolder jAnimnomntnsw fixture on rcntiy boin ihtroducedi Arnep lclllllolllesvll the bidet Longs standard iguiure throughout Eub upe and South Amarlu the bidet is commonly instilled Idjacent to toilets in pomii culm belie racial hygiene Inrullationut new colorcd ti lures in an older bathroom to gather with proper lighting vent illtion and attractivelystoued plinth qr wuliplpered walls will nddeyc Ippaai convenience Theowner who wishes rldhtrgr soil will find thotmbdem sanitary conveniences will helil move his home luster and It higher price Vince planning and the pro per selection at iixtores Ire im portlnt In cesaful bathroom tion or expansionvor Before modornixing exilt lng blihroomslwuid be examined to deal ther more albow main bé ohtlined by arranging ixtures cesaving flxtumidnow on thepfhurket wlll odd Vprocioulv lnchesnnd avoid that crumpqd crowded op so characto oi oidtushipnsd mgr001nm is wisejo lint goodconveuientgi Mony avengesiu homes otter econd or thirdAhIthroom under the sings on nused unnecessary pantryor even portion his large bedroom gh otdjtbeke toextrs aunties Ynhshgu1d number peop ogw using tbenew hath Cnreiul bathroom congestion and fgive Iumll lusting satistactlon to the entiro little extra time spent lollltiri gdgaiiuiflilpl bc weli worthwhile Abovesall give careiul thought thetixtures they are the has inundation of beautiful Ind coinfortobie thtoogn ypu wnh what haVe taken byiirs Teal Roll can paying tses There iillwe the snnuni cc conveners renorts lli be or your batir oi officers nhd ASinall Iioose Willi SUrpiising Amouni Space Of Room ROOMS BEDROOMS CIJOSBTS CUBAGE DIMENSM Three bedrooms large living room withAiirepiuce tit ng roomnnda combination hon brookinst noo mnkb up the rooms jnthlshoug both up stairs Liavotory downstairs sev enriousls hnmzin driwers in tin upstairs bedrooms buiitin china olnsels and good storage space are other features that are certain to win the approval at many house wives The gable with the picture win dow whith ithllds out It the left is the mainpointoi interest on tho xterior of the house Set back from ï¬ttior gablenhut protruding beyond the rost theghouse the front door iurther increases the exterior charms of this house The slightly roisedshed rooi over the door is snnthsr nttrnctiyeriont yore whiloxshutlers on the Iront door nndwlndil settled loo Vertical lines olihe gnbie cited over ntrosi with the horizontal lines lectian of fixtures canre ca clap rds and the do adds Exterior Va thehouse to the llll dooron th broom iosct To he hit is the stove lid the Ushhpcd working counwrwhlch extends along the back wnllto gland slde door Tho sink is placedin the centre of the counior beneath double windows ov are arranged in an potternubile ihoreniso ispienly at good stor age space below the work counter Liningen the broom closet and swinging door to ihcidlningroom makes an lduill location or the refrigerator The bruktust nook on the other sidesoi thisdon ls well ilghle by window and the handy counter with rounded edge located between thewimlow and door could easily be used as breakfast bar or serving table star oobr Mthnugh side door is includ edin thelloor plan otthe house san illustration the home used has window nstend the choice is up to he with convcrsioh accomplished by exlendinï¬ the windowso that it becomes in dining room the swinging flanked byrvhuilt chins ctualiy 11 andflis well liéhled by two windows Upstairs on two Jacdrooms both measuring run the top olth and cupboards Leachmneanm uan lny homoV in this II lioznr drootn at th closet plunnéi nslde wall gback to right wi on the stairs ornge undernuth tho eaves ia gain through the bedroo tholati Twoscts of builtin druwersai are provided in th oitbomldo of th doort th The apatoben dowrin both cdroonismnke