Wu nu DIVO Bumping days qurl undly brtlllnan lhundly are from Newmlrkel MV nnd Illl BurtHlmln rumm In Mn 11 Mlllcr and Inmlly from nrrl fyhlrsr lvor Stephen lot rlnrontn spent th weekendwilh her pnr cull ll ltd Mcmllsh her fur ln Peterboro gh Blukmnre wnhlhesr mnnnd daughterind Mr ï¬nd Mrs Alvln Blackmore at Peter rough nderafJohn Far 6n Mondly on bus trlp tn Florldn law Weeks hiflldny mick FromIlnrldl Mr und Mrs ngry Reed re turned hnme thls past weekend mm Florldn nlt apendlng tewr and her Mln mm Rodents erg her whn ht been In Northern and torn OnlyIa tor neverl weeks meet recent weekml lntown wl her mnlher nun Wilth lemve Suddenlyï¬ntyfllll Buchanan 1m Fred rlrlr plugk Fornlnrly TheJung aervlce we held In Lelroy nltell Church on Friday March and Inter ment In the 8th lwenlyeluht vlsllorxwere lament at lhe lrnll tut meetlng an Ih rsdny eve nu Mare hull meetrn was In plnce the April meetlnxr The speclal gunshot the evenlngwu Mn bell Strand Dlstrlctlresl lend Mn aï¬cnbd wllh the rellrlng preuldent Patton In the chal was sung and the Mary Stewart Collect repented hall gel was unswergd by smegllantar the annunltrip or oullns durlnz the halldnx season letters at thanks were rend and buslnm Itaken care of lllra DomfldMonkmnn was named tn mlke arrlnzements 9h for the xray cheat clInlcIn Cooks Awny Oh will Iy Mr and Mrs BertArlnstrong went the past weekend la Luna Brnnh rs SndluVBntlnm hasretnrned mgrrpendlng ierilnys ndsln Toronto Hdlng Ahnlvemry AM m1 Mrs Shnw Ind Mlu nrml Shawenttende 40th weddlnz nnnlversnry lidMrs WE ho town lgrluly 19 also collectors were named rthe nual Inner drlyeq Report olthe standing canimlt lees were glven hy the conveners of enehlpmgrlm vale toename themest putslan gpro mm of the yenr Th1 was the Much meetlnz nryagrlqullure and Canadlan ndustrlcs whe lodge taken Lemon Kldd III hf cMyu um Mm nEer Mr An all HrsnKJPeu ndlnr commltlees mnunu lly cllvltlcs and puhllc nlntlonr Georgtilhlnyesï¬nndlllri llama health Du ml nnd Mn hemult nndMrs fund nmnt event MrV Ind nun num lthPlrenk an Keith mam ob wlth her pren In Audrey Manes Mn and let nlInllywaodl and baby lnby gm of Tomnln vIsIted wltlr tlwlgtte Ararents Mr and MrsNormmCamphell ll oseph thly nnd dluahler ol rlorunlo vIslIe nwltli It lltternllthrrï¬eorge won Mrr Ind TedAverlll and chlldren of Tororild were SIHKIJ Mrx Frank Fldlcr Lendhydlfld Mrs Kldd Mm ImhMll give short hlk when she emphaslzed hand books and récbmmcndudan npeclnl nlzht Ior eiuecutlyehto tudynnd plan tor the ears wbr In clnslng she wished nevenltleers hanny an uslul year Mrs Hr Donnell tonvener prgltramrcommlttne opened wlth Jllnmy Renln givlng vplann selectinn allowed by the current dayzuuh wlth the lltters math Al Mn Inhn Houshtunr war runclrnougnmnhl Tor onto ape the eekend with her mother Mrs Haughldnl From nlrv Ind Mr Bernle Gnddnrd Ind Achlldren In Oakvllle were Enter weekend guests wlIII the church nnSnndpy IL Slcuo ensundu were Mr nd Mn Bert humped ot Pllmw ck Ills llhry Laugheed Allludlle Ind Mr Connery flndlord Mr and Elm Rny Lougth hld lheln son Dnuglu hamlied Wrxromre volume We were pleased Io welcome so many Menu and yisltors Nla Jr Cochran favored wlfll Alone and quartet Ad lira By BinInd Mri Bert Enamel 121 North Buy vls ed Mr and Mrs Ernut Ellslnere during the melt name For holiday Mlssu Dunn and Elalne Curr rind Fraser at Toronto wch thelr hemelor the hnlldnya mar Mrs CImDhcllMra Cnllum Id Mrs entle rendered Christ Amse At Weddlnl Mrs Curie Bnldwln out in an $43 rim GLO llttern tslcr nnd hrolhenlnlnw Mr and Mrsr Geérfle Whyle eycnts byMrsN Slmon Mrs Gflhnmand Mm Mchlnster sung duet Alonewltl Mlss lreng McMnster ucnmphnylng on the plane gt Mrs HIndle lntcrestlng talks un Easter Ind rend poem Mpthers Love The pranram endedvwlth lllrsr Donnell glvlngn talk on me but am thlt she and Mrsiwllllnm wIker look tojlorl few weeks ngolhe commlttee rsA Dun Mrs ilnon will nelly letwed hlovelyalunhh me social time we enjoyed Miss Helen VDayls rpendlng the Easter holldnys ith her girents Mr and Mrs Henry DIvis