New Yorker stand at the trout part of very long line at two are booths in New York subwaystation Monday Committee Told Because Oi His Marxian Views KINGSTON CPI Queens University committee was told Monday that graduate student Charles Edwards was forced to drop his studies be cause or his Marxian views More than witnesses in cluding member or the RCMP and Queens principal Dr Deulsch may bocnlled to tes tlly before the special commit tee deciding the students late The hearing must decide whether Mr Edwards was as he charges forced out of his doctoral studies in the univer sitys chemical engineering de partment because at his politi cal cantataactivities which caused an RCMP inquiry one witness said At one point the committee or live heard suggestion that public and private bodies grant ing research money to the uni varsity rrdght be embarrassed or deterred because Mr Ed wards presence considering him possible leak tor scorer intormatloa Donald Kuyek counsol for Mr Edwards said the student was told last Nov by his dub toral tlpervtn Dr Henry Becker that he must choose hc tween political acLivities and his studies Prof Morley Gorsky at Queens law faculty speaking on behalf of the chemical engi neering department and Dr Becker told the hearing Mr Edwards was never turced to drop his doctoral program EXPRESSES CONCERN He said he could prove that Dr Becker had only expressed concern about Mr Edwards de ctining interest in his thesis work and the fact that this jeop ardized his nances of receiving National Research Council grunt DRIVER FINED 10Ron CP Joseph Pi loggi 20 oiTcrontowas sca tenced Monday to at days lined $00 with the option or another 90 days and had his licence suse years or dan in the death 01 Barbara Alward 10 also at Tm route The girl was struck and killed by Pileggls car here headed for two gerous driving suggested that witnesses include Dr Deutsch and the RCMP which witnesses to call It must report to the universitysenate RAPID TltllNSIl to buy the new enlarged tok ens at an enlarged price at toc it was the iirst evening sh hour crush to experience Student Out Mr Kuyck law student committee must decide by Jan 12 Thomas Good student who is also acting as spnkesman for Mr Edwards said one thing wanted is to have Dr Deulseh tell the committee about his poli cy regarding RCMP investiga tions on campus litr Kuyck and the Free So cialist Movement campus group to which Mr Edwards be longs have maintained that the existence or absence or such policy would nttect the depart ments response to tlons by the RCMP in early lnvestiga the task or buying the ncw tokens alter are increase resulted Sunday from the nE gotlations between the Transr CLIlNKCLRNK WEDDING BELLS IIAMILTON CPI Instead of wedding bells it was the clank al the cell doors that Raymond Lacelle heard When he appeared at prov incial court on robbery charge Monday iytcounscl Edward Oriel asked that the original bail ill $3000 he re duced to $500 understand that the man is to he married this morning lilondny he told Judge Ynl lcr nlchtic have heard everything now Judge Tuchtie answcred Too bad he cant have baby That would cap everything now tllr Drool told the judge that some iriends of the ab cuscd were in court but there was some disagreement among them as to whether they could raise $500 lessons Stanley Burke VANWUVER For mcr CBC television newsman Stanley nurkc says attempts to reach military solution to the civil war in malln are as in sane as trying to solve Canadas hicultural problems by iorco Could we solve our problem by killing 2000000 FrenchCa nndians He asked the morn port Workers Union and the New York Transit Authority AP Wirephutd in IiiFoot Boat Sinks In US vlrmrlslz GARDEN Fla IAPl when his 16 at boot started to sink on wind whippcd lake arolu James Sloan lasllcd young son to the how said prayer and swam irnntically or share Three hours later nineyear ald Larry sloan was rescued by sherilrs deputies who said they tound him not tired and cold Sloan sworn mile and halt to share Sunday night to where his car was parked and raced six miles to telephone to call tor help Air pockets kept the boats bow on the surlaee Father and son were iishing on Lake Butler in central Flor ida when rising winds started to whipup threeloot waves which began to swamp the heat Sloan couldnt start his 35horscpuwcr Nov her into Mr Edward activltl iurels Association day cent association moderate still years ago Oct 21 Plain To more moderately in 1970 TORONTO DP world wide sholtnge ot cornmtmicat inns equipment means demand for it will rmnain strong in teal Lindsay president or the Canadian Electrical ltlanulac said More He made the statement in an lnterview us association sources indicated the industry is looking or gain at about nine per cent in output value this year But moderate rise in prices is ex pected ti trim the growth rate in reatterms to about eight per Our conclusion is that prices will be forced to rise at higher rate because or increases in costs and particularly in costs of labor and capital said the However despite the expected increase prices would low the level of 10 New investment in plants to tailed 35000000 in 1969 With the cost or nancing causing concernthe industry expects to increase its capital emenditures By noon they hadnt and Lacelle was back behind bars CommunicationsTE quipmenl Demand To RemainSirong The recently announced cap ltnl spending intentions at major companies in Canada indicate that demand for nonconsumcr electrical products Will remain strong in 15m especially for communication equipment and supplies where there is worldwide shortage said Mr Lindsay 5060300300 Although still at high level achieved by the sector in 1939 Robert Story output value to dip in the rs hall of the year Tight money actors tious buyer attitudes he said Hamilton Swap Canadas CFIOIBWIS Drawn Up OTTAWA OP plan to swap Canadas CFIDIB Voodo interceptors for an improved version or the some Unite Statesvdesigned has been drawn up by the defence department cabinet decision on the proposal is expected with in month or so Informed sources say the plan the entire eet of Canadas approximately 56 continental defence intercep involves virtually tors They would be exchanged with the US for like number at the same chilly of aircrnlt but with improved electronic and weapons systems Provision nlso has been made for the acquisition or possibly ndditional aircth to bring the inventory up to around 66 the original number acquired rem the 15 in the early 19603 Defence Minister Loo Cadieux referred in general way to the proposed deal some months ago when he told news centercnco his department had delinlto plans to replace thc present tcrceptors The Voodoo could become useful plane to ill the interim decision is made or North Amercnn air dctenee he said Period until on new systcm PLANS ON BOARD Plnlls tor such system based an airborne warning and present have been on in the us ror some time have gured in the delay 10 in VALLEY control as opposed to the groundbased control the drawing board However the 18 evidently is not as close to decision to go ahead with the costly new sys tem as had been thought Infor mants here said big detenee spending cuts planned by the Nixon administration probably The improved Voodoos that Canadalvwould get under the delivered to your home by pan DRIVEYOURSELF CARS TRUCKS There is no charge for this service Americans would be getting plane they can 5Lill use Inter inants say the present Canadian lnterceptor could be converted into reconnaissance plane which the US needs or tacti cal purposes There would be differenti more if the extra planes we have to make up uoncr TO EXAMINER Susscnlnts CARRIER MISS YOU it your Barrie Examiner carrier has not arrived by pan please phone 7282433 and copy or The Examiner will he TAXI Output in this biggest industry sector in 1959 was valued at demand or major appliances had levelled all and growth in 1970 was not expected to match the rise or almost to per cent vicepresident oi Canadian General Electric Co Ltds household appliance division said his sector expects higher unem ployment and uncertainty are inuencing more cau Signs of general tightening or the economy also concern Ca nadian Westinghouse Co Ltd of proposed swap are surplus to US requirements In return the or some millions of dollars purchasedthat Canada would TO CONTACT THE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT directly coll 830 am to 530 Mon to Fri and BARRIE EXAMINER Donnelly Circulation Manager motor What the lcderal govern ment is doing is showing signs of having an effect said Vil linm Luton vicevpresidcnt of the companys consumer prod ucts division However he said small portable appliances are usually impulsebuying items and should not be too affected by tight money Industry spurccs said the an nual value of Canadian electri cal industry production should increase to 34500000000 by 1975 and is expected to double within seven years Last your total production was $257nnooooo when you move when raur welcome Wagon Hostess all elllwttnlhosltstelzilumd triandiyhreetino innit our rut atom evil and losing loam mucous timedtan grlmlmmnltlnkmlrlnl wins Mn ts wlm wagon noon on on Ilontdlltotnnbawth rata BAEKIE nxtuvnnnn Fill out moon and III to mlzan at re Sunday dunntinns that NEWS ROUNDUP Frozen steam tctl homir dd squad datedave says Linda Siltmoan 15 of Ottawa whose trucerl body snouhank Sunday strug was iouad in in apparently put up bcicre she was strun gied Either length at cord or bailing wire The daughter oi Dr and 111s Marvin SIltcrman disappeared Saturday tier body was luuad in snwbank near Mont Belvcdnre just over the hill tum St Sallveur Que by woman walking her dog Police said penclldhin marks alarm the victims cheeks jaw and throat Show her killer had some difficulty undo disappeared at ski rclt sort 40 miles north at Montreal about 10 am Saturday when she was skiing with cousin who later left her in take ski congregation Sunday Christ Church Cathedral Mr Burke said at lcast 000000 Blahans have died in years of tillting lie called on Canadians as in dividuals to express opposition to the war and to increase their to church agencies flying nod and medical supplies into Eiaira Canadians are presently do nating about $10000 day sat GEORGIAN COLLEGE sTARlNaG JANUARYMQ 7266539 up to 200 pmSat tn Aureauaas THE 5mm Elkmu TUESDAY LLVCAKY 170 Girl Was Stranglecl and Races said at his swearint Jill2 secetnry of 13 ceremony he Will have and Assodatlcn oho my gocd news to acnnrmca in Communications YELLOWKNIFE CP Bud Orange Liberal member or Parliament or the Northwest Tar nrlcs called Homily or an investigation into communi cations in the North In telegram to Pid elsgill chairman of the Cann dinn T111590 Commission nicmv as hlr Orange said that if chargu at poor service are substnn tinted comidcrnLion should be given to revoking arcn rights at Canadian National Telecommu nations The telegram said CNT had been leadch in communica tions in the north but recent inlt creases in northern develop ment had caught the company unprepared Rejects Pleas LONDON Ont CFl Prov incial judge 11 Menzies re jected defunct and prosecution plcas Monday or suspended sentence on Francis Cecd Mc Donald es who was ctnvicted at taking liycnrnld London girl rpm the custody of her parents in 1903 Judge Menzies sentenced McDonald to Six munths in jail or taking Darbnn Robinson now in irom her parents llliss Robinson and McDonald re turned to London From Winnipeg lust munth with their two chil at Lari McConce He was 51 Bum tn Vancouver he was one or the founders or life Under the Stars there lie appeared on radio int and in some or Canadas ea licst rv proilucztons Dunc his early days in radio ho manta organize the prcaunt As of Canadian and ILad ists lie staged productions or spe cial menu sad as the luo county and county cent hints and some of the In Columbia centennial Death Peddlers IliLlIILIDN Int iCPl Two Toronto men descride by the Crown as puddles of death Monday were sentenced to total of ii years in peniten tiary on charges of conspiring to tralc in heroin Marin Vegnnduuo 35 re cciled ycnrs nnd Rcmu Gai nssi got live The charge car as maximum penalty at life imprisonment Judge John Latehlord said in passing sentence It is my intention in Stop the like oi these men coming tram Toronto Quebec Lottery MONTREAL CP Quebec dren aged three and two Actor Buried TORONTO he tCP Funeral will have provincial lottery 01v lerihg tirst prize at at least $00000 by April at the Intuit it was announced Monday Maurice Custcnu newlydesig natod head of the Quebec Cnrptr ble to hunch the when tu or three weeks Ila said the moonlion is un powered to organza cs chance hilt lotto1 comciirszthmltlntMi smpltal to opcrlitc Carrunisslcncrs were all studying the possibility or annual sweepstakes at one Ontmals two racetrack Cssttuu and might be 1111 Love Triangle NEW imx Reuters Sig mund Freud father of psytblnr tr had an alialr with urtcs younger sister says an Amer in psychologist lchnlogisl also that kl edge of le liaison was one at the actors the brcak between Freud and Carl Jung another of the arm pioneers or psychiatry The article was written by Dr John ll Biillnsky proicssor psychology and clinical studies at Andovcr Newton Theological School an interdenmlinatl graduate instllution near Bab ton it appeared in the issue of the schools publication Andover Newton Quarterly Ilecuunting meeting Jung in l937 Blllinsky cu Jung who died in 1961 as ing 01 Freuds attractive illlaw She was very much bothered by her relationship with and tell guilty about it From her learned that Freud was in love with her and that their re lationship was indeed inti mate it was sheathan services will be held Wednesday EVENING COURSES Choose From BAR MANAGEMENT for operators and owners of storage entertainment human January 12 1970 study purchasing starting Monday ration iur Operating Lotteries at hotels and motels fee $3600 includes materials used ECOLOGY AND HUMAN AFFAIRS the wise utilization of natural resources the causes and prevention of pollution Bthe development of healthy environment Starting Tuesday Ofee $1800 develop correct EFFECTIVE AND SPEED READING ability to read quickly and accurately faulty reading habits discovery to me relations January 13 1970 for 10 sessions adevelop personal learning habits starting Monday January 12 1970 classes scheduled for Mondays OR Tuesdays ea $2600 FILM APPRECIATION study of motion pictures as an art form gleam theory of film making view starting Thursday Gfee $2600 FILM PRODUCTION large number of short films January 15 1970 learn to produce motion pictures study filming starting Tuesday student will produce own movies editing sound recording January 13 1970 Qfee $9000 includes use of College equipment and films PHOTOGRAPHY AS AN ART Qadvanced course in color slide photography estudy pictorial composition exposure control use of light 9Wednesday January 14 1970 fee $2600 For complete information TELEPHONE 7281951 or MAIL COUPON BELOW slide sandwiches and color dynamics Continuing Education Division Georgian College 401 Duekworlh Street Barrie Ontario Name Address