TEE STUDENTS in the lotegrde are in one class room while teacher Wayne mm uvrs in an igloo TeacherBetty Byers gets remandbombs Kind nym tent1m at Joli Grov school ndOakley wwwmmwm meanian dismal WEATHER Arctic Air To Grip County For Few Days westerly law oi Arctic air will keep Simeoc County in its grip for the next few days loony wlu be sunny with the temperature rising to 14 degrees this alternoon and dropping to two below tonight Wednesday is expected to bring little change with high at 15 forecast Synopsis westerly ow or arctic air will prevail over On tario or the next couple of days In this cold air snowur ties are occurring in the north coualry Across southern Ontar lo except for some snow urry adivity in vicinity OI the Great Lakes it wil be mostly sunny today The prospects ior Wednesday are for snowiiurries over most of Ontario and contin uing cold Toronto Hamilton London Windsor Lake St Clairt1ake Spearin works in another classroom in the right back ground oi the picture The question at cradles Heights School The Kindergarten class is run in the nttcmoon Miss Erie Niagara Lake Ontario llaiiburton southern Lake lluran Sunny with in few cloudy periods today Wednesday most ly cloudy with few snowur ries and continuing cold Winds westerly ls Sault Ste Marie ilDilhEm Lake Huron Algoma southern Georgian Bay Mostly cloudy and cold with snowliurries and law snowsqualls today and Wednesday Winds westerly 15 North Bay Sudhury northern gl Bay Temngaml White Riven Cochranel Cloudy with some clear periods and low snowllurries today and Wednesday continuing eold Winds westerly 15 Ottawa and Montreal Mostly sunny and cold today and Wednesday winds light Dow tonight High Wednede Windsor 15 nun Resort Owners Help Needed For International Promotion The response of resort aper ators and their willingness to promote the tourist industry in liuronla will be governing no or in action taken by the onia Tourist Association towards promoting this area or an in ternational market Projections made by the On tario Department or Tourism and information or the coming decade indicate more travellers will be coming to Canada rum Europe and that the number or people travelling from the United States will level oil via liars will be coming lrom more that at spots and staying long er it is predicted lluroniajs in good iocalibn to attract visitors iromlother lands llny Atkinson director oi the lluronia Tautlst Association said The area is rich in historic sites and in natural settings of rash water and long wide beaches It is also near the ln ternational airport at Toronto iliul to make full use at the new market iaclli resort own ers will llavl lurellize the vailiagus ill rncling tlle Vlall rs to this area Plan will have lobe made or new resorltl and udditlons in established ones llaclingc pin including meals llceammodatinn and even transportation 11 ll programs over period of several duyii willllpve in he can dared ruill or than the daily nthnl llnw ill uptjlilllull said Mr Atkinson Even now we are amazed at the inux oi visitors during the past low wocks its almost impossible to get accommoda tionmt certain times and there are not too many plans anot Ior increase in services or the tourist Mr Atkinson said The primary iuncllon of the association in promoting Huron ia lntemotlonally will be as an advertising and co urdinntlng body between the local area and government agencies The real boost has to come from the resort owners those who will ultimately banelit mm the mar ket Mr Atkinson said Barrie Nominee To Gait Meet The to outstanding oun men in the province will bill chosen hythe Ontarlu Inycees tomorrow in Gilli Barrie ilitlllillccd Gally Ever cllo Nunls social worker with the Childrens Aid buriuly will compete ltIr Norrisllp admits be Is sometimes outspoken and alien involved in unpopular rmnmun lty works won the honor of representing Durrlc llatc last year Ml Norris in llilel school illDllUlll llli returned to Siiluul 11 backuolind is yet another or classroom taught byrlluLh Moor There are tour at the For the rst part or the year Candles students were 1115th ted in classrooms at iapla threeroom instructional areas at Cundlcs Heights School and two more can be added as the school increases in size TEACIIE CARLA Jenkins beads to assist Dale Simpson on first day back at school in the new Cundies Heights Public School Carla is one of ten young teachers who in struct pupils in modem open space classrooms lExaminer Photos Ice Hut Operators Meeting Tonight Lakc Simcae commercial ice but operators will meet at the Dalton Hotel Jacksons Point tonight at ll oclnek to discuss better public relations and the formation of an ice hut opera tors amociatlnn The meeting has been argon lzed by the Lake Simeon Tour ist Association wllo have noti iled operators on the lake oi the meeting All commerciallce hut operators on Lake Simone Mount Forest is st Catharines 2i Potertloroulgh 10 15 Kingston 15 Owen Sound 15 Trenton 16 Kiiinioe lo Musknkn 15 North Bay 10 IO Sudbury 10 I0 Earlion Sault Ste Marie lo Kaplxskaslng White River Moosonee Timmlns are invited to attend ANTHONY REESE Examiner tporlzr Alter being crowded into gym nasium in two other school in Barrie or the but part at the year children went back to ciarses after Christmas in school nl thclr own moles Heights School 29900 square tool at modernistl build ing was open or the rst time yesterday Principal Bob lar man and his 10 teachers had only been in the school since Friday yet still managed to make the opehupncz classrooms look as they had hrcu in serv ice for weeks ire got great group here said MI Jorman yesterday al icmoon Youve got to he En lhuslastlc in this Woe DI sel Irp or you dont last low painlcrl mid warkmcn are still around but architect Millet Saltercwects to leave the building almost entirely in the hands of the stall by Friday motile Heights has in the opinion at its principal an tasilc potential for growth It is designed to hold 420 pupils as it stands and with the addition cituu more lnsiructienal mas islmuill be capable o1 handlin Wcro ixht in the middle til subdivision area which is growing even ncnxguid sir Jarrnaa The city is going to grow right mad us and well grow along with it OPEN SPACE Candles Heights like its prc decosser Alinndnlc Brights on the linuih side al the city is base cd on the open space class room concept Each instruction ai arts is TShaped with class room at each arm oI the and common area in the centre There are no wallsseparallng classrooms The acoustic are great In here said Mr Janmn Um less you were actually latching lor the other teacher you could not hear them its much better than gym Oakley Park School and Maple Grove School accommodated lbc childrcrl for the iirsttcrm Mr Jarman and his teachers were in the schools all along working with their own classes to create sense of belonging County Milk Committee To Attend Milk Quota Meet Dalian lcrmcy chairman oi the Simcoc cnunly Milk Cam mitteo and 13 members at the committee will attend the On tario Milk Marketing Board meeting in Toronto this week ihe OMMB meeting has been called to discuss the new market sharing quota system which will be emulated at the meeting Six hundred of Ontarios 27 000 milk producers will attend Main topics will his national and provincial administration lev els at whch the quotas wil bo within the quota and the level at ayment or milk shipped outs the quota MEMBERS Members from Simone Coun ty attending with Mr lermey are Vicechairman James ML Caguc RR Alllstnn accre tarytreasurcr Frahcr Suther land 01 Strand and Gordon At kinson llarrid Dan Bell inamed than Eimvalo Chas Cerswell Bec ton waiter Cnutls an Stay her Ray Genoe RR Stay ner Grant Jermcy llalrkcstono Bruce Keller R17 Eradiord Montcalm Maurice RR Penetang Milton McArthur RR Stayncr Donald McLean Elmvalo and Peter Schep RR Ailislon CAESARS CHOICE Julius Caesar arbitrarily chose Ian as this Iirst day the year when ho initiated the Jillian calendar Announce New Healing Substance Shrinks Piles Exclusllhraxiublunocprllvrnionhrinl hrmorrhnldl and pair damaged tisluo renowned research institute has found uni uu healing anhsLanca Withtho ah ty to nhrmkhemorl rholds palalnsslv1treilavesltohin uud discomfort in minutes an lpeedl up healing or the injured uo In can alter capo while gently humus ltlll uutuul reduction shrinkage took plabo Mont impurlnnt ol allresult wormllloroughlhulthhlmpmvo shunt was maintained over period or many months lilill was accomplished with now healinrksubatnnco nioDyno which ulc iv helps hcul iuiurad calls an uhmuilltnlt growth afnow tissue mgpw EliaDyna offerrarl in ulnh nu au col orv orm coll PreparationiAskfuritntalldnlg Itorel otlatnction or ur in rotundod my 726823 KIDD ACCQQNT the opening of Kim ACCCUNIINC SERVICES NEW LOCATION 39 other st Mr Kidd planted to announce that liar shanty slushy has ioinod KiddvAceounting Services full partner COMPLETE ACCOUNTING SEItVlCES opAYROLL osOOKKEEPING INCOME TAX 39 COLLIER ST finallyrriCui1dles Pupils Have School The Can Call Home lo real Candles Heights School elm though there was no such place in existence mun PODS At present the school has tour at the thnuoom mus bul they are not being used to cap acity When they are tall the already planned or additions can be constructed Between the areas there is large resource retire with small oliices Ior guidance library wurlc sioruge and audiovisual equipment The cenlre doubles as library classroomwilh sunken miniature amphitheatre at one end which can be used teaching or discussion area it saves dragging iurnilurc around and automatically puts the students in circle lacing the leacher said Mr lr nun Its iniormal but dioc live The resource Centre is 5800 square net in area The general purpose room at the other eadoi the school serves as combination gymlt nasium auditorium it has cnrpclcd stage with ioldlng Off To Simcoe winter proved too much or Langevln re elected new of Wasngs Beach he left or two months at Florida sunshine alter the vill nges inauguration of oiiieers Friday However bolero going he made several suggestions or what the coming year might hold for the municipality ditching and draining program or the next five years should be given consideration for the community along with the re pavinx oi streets and rcconstruc tiun sidewalks in aNaSoi the village Road allowances to the river and measures to control over hanging trocll along the Notin uasaga River will be considered Developinan of subdivisions in an orderly way will be point or discussion and all on cll meetings including special oncs will be openedto the public be laid The village also hopes to or he seduces wall which can be closed corn pkteiy turning the lug into quiet classroom was yesterday ior musi teams The change rooms are open and well ugted and can be colored only lrom the gym liner thus making them as secure as possible Storage romi lorsth iclic equipli are located on the outside walls with door cp cnlng directly outtide 1th way things dont have to be dragged across the oor when games are played outside said llr Jarman rmwmu COURTS In slitlured areas designed into the walls on the building on the outside patio slam have been laid in the summer owers and shrubs will be planted and the areas will become teaching courts County education director Jack Ramsay said he is hizbly pleas ed with the school even though it does break the traditional mode at classroom design in school can 3508691 With the proposed 40 pupils that works out to $1211 per pupil and 51107 per square loot PROGRAM SUGGESTED Reeve Langevin Florida ganixe system lll the to vineial government or ght police patrols oi the lakefront ad Joining the park during the sum mer to cut the number at vag rants sleeping out said clerk it Coics lie added that Vasaga Beach is also hoping or lather devel opments in the direction at an oillclal plan during the coming year The plan to include art oi surrounding tolvastaips wi in dicale iuture development at scr vlces roads subdivlons and park expansion The plan is ex pected to be handed down by the provincial government the spring During the absence of Reeve Langevin Clair Robertson De uty Reeve will take his place 11 Robertson has been mem ber of council lorltho past two years Councillors are Ed Gor back Ed Gordon and Willem Pringie 13 in the Public Uglilalacs Comlil ll on Nelsonil Em 72682S8