Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1970, p. 5

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Probably the largest parade In Slmcoo County during the past year was the record or angc parade hold at Coiling PIIRADE AMONG COLLINGWOOD wood to mark the July uth celebration was estimated there were more than 12000 visitors in the Georgian Bay HIGHLIGHTS town Shown are two members of North freland accordion hand from Toronto wllh two trim maiorcllcs Examiner Pholu Show Historic On Map At Museum MIDIIURSI Staff Visit ors lo Slmcoc County museum have shown much interest in large coloer map showlng or chncological and historic sites in the county We have had numerous quires from people about in the Harry Cross New Tecumseth Reeve HEENN Staff mem ber of pioneer family Harry Cross more up to rocvc when the lnaugurnl meeting of Tec umscth council is held here Monday January Mr Cross will succeed Will iam Milligan who did not stand for re election The new term will be for three ears Tecumsclh will live 11 new dc puly recvo in llan Glussford rudlelor rnr be an few years who defeated colleague Reaford Long 526 lo 311 in the recent voting Councillors for the extended term Include incumbent Wollscu Ilalbert who was re elected RoyiGuanihouse and Keith Der mo different sites nald Ross Chan non museum director in lcll ing about the codsldcrnhle al lcntlon given the map it was pointed out the sites shown were lhoso whlch have been studied and marked but there are many more in the county there are some 550 sits of hlstorlc and nrchuceloglcal interest which are known most of which have not of been syslcmutlcnlly cxamln There also has been sprcula lion there are many more which might come to light from future studies and excavations HURON CAPITAL Among the best known which were llslcd included the orgin of site of Barrie on Kemnvcn felt Bay Fort Ste Marie and Fort Ste Marie II near Mld lnnd Pcnetnngulahcne nI base Schooner town Ossossano village andbone ll Exknrcn Mm ond ooks Buy to mention four Site of the ancient Huron coo ital of Cohlugue has been murk ed by plaque neor Wormins for as excavations proceed in locating Indlon longhouscs more than three centuries old At Coldwuler the site of old lndinu mlll is marked by plaque on NEWS OI COOKSTOWN By MISS McMASTER Mr and Mrs Lennox Rowe and family and Mrs Ram say arrived home Sunday cvelng ning spent Christmas in Flor Mr and Mrs Braymnn spent Doc 27 with the lotters sister and brother ln law Mr and Mrs Gardner in Colbomu Mr and Mrs Le in men spent Christmas Dny in Creo moro with tho fornlcrs mother Mrs ii Lommon Mrs Thelma Adams was guest of her son and daughter lt in law Mr and Mrs Ron Adams Toronto Mr and Mrs George Paris and tom ily were with Mr and Mrs Kerr Crccmorc Mr and Mrs Art Hansen were in Orilllu with the lnttcrs sister Mrs rGeorgo Boyer Mr and Mrs Lcmmon and Angela of London spent the vcckpnd with Mr and Mrs Doug Lemmen Mrs Lemmon IlndAngeltl rcmnlning for few days Visit Mr and Mrs Cooncr vlsll ed ln Toronto Dec 20 with their aunt and cousin Mrs Groso and Miss Agnes Gross Mr and Mrs George Gould of Gait spout Boxing Day with Mrs Goulds parents Mr and Mrs Earl Carr Mrs Kirby uccomPunlod by her mother Mrs Porter of Dccton and sister null brother in law Mr and Mrs Pears son Barrlc sloan Cllrlsmna with relatives in Tcmngaml ENTER EONSPIEL Edith Lowe Ellznhclh McLean Jlm Cause and John Barrail cn tercd as team in thoCFRB bonsplel Thursday and Frldny after Chrislmas at Thornhlll They also euioycd banquet to end the bouspiel Friday even ins Mrs William Curr was Christmusgucst in Klng City of her granddaughter and grandson Mr and Mrs Vultcr Graham Mrs Plnkncy spont Christ mas and tho weekend in Gallo rich wllh her son null daughter ln law Mr and Mrs Lyln Plnkncy VISITORS INTIN Chllslnllls visitors in town ln eluded Mr and Mrs Vern Ab rums Toronto Mr and Mrs McComb and family of Lclroy nnd Mrs Marilyn Daniels and daughters Orlllla with Mr and Mrs brnyman John Dcr molt of Toronlo and Mr and Mrs We unk Barrie with Mr Hill ll Wilbert Dcrmott Mr flllfl Mrs Vnndcnbcrg and Miss Marlon Robinson Toronto Mr and Mrs Robert Evans and chlldrcn of London and Glyn It Evans Mr and Mrs Audet and children of Pelvrbur ough and Mr and Mrs Bill Rnelt burn and son of strand with Mr and Mrs Raeburn Mr and Mrs Robert Doncr of Barrie Mr and lllrs Doug Doyle and Mr and Mrs Ken Coulis Tor onto and llfr and Mrs Milt Hnmbly of Bradford with Mr and Mrs Coulis Mr and Mrs Ron McKillicnn Ottawa Mr and Mrs Al Camack and fondly Colborno with Mr and Mrs McKllllcan Mrs McLean Toronto and aid McLean Kltchcncr vllh Mr and Mrs McLean Miss Lln da Palmer harrle and Miss Florence Campbell Smith of Laurcntlnn University Sudbury and Miss Lynn Smith Toronto Universllv and Mr and Mrs Ii Fisher of Alcona Beech wilh Mr and Mrs Ifoctor Smith Mr and Mrs Both nm of Ottawa and Mr and Mrs Wilson Koll of St ntharlncs with Mr and Mrs Albert Kcll Mr and Mrs Vic Campbell of Wycvnle and Nelson Jones with Mr and Mrs Robert Riley Mr and Mrs Peter Reed Toonto with Mr and Mrs Russell Reed Juc Davis and family of Mississ align with Miss Margaret thls Mrs Arno Gldlcy and chil dren are spending the Christmas holiday in Kitchener with Mrs Gldleys son and daughterIn law Mr and Mrs Brian Gldlcy MISS Marlorlu Eldridge of the Perth Ave publlc school staff Toronto uttcnded staff Christ mas party at lho Old Mill be fore coming home where she is spendlng the vocatlon with her father Eldridge rwo PARTIES On Saturday evening Dec 27 Rev and Mrs Mllroy en tcrlnlncd the young people from Thornton Cookslown and llolly charges at Chrlslmns party of fun and games with 32 in ol tcndnncc Donald Ford of Geor glun College Enrrle brought an enioynblo evening to nclose with hrlcf splrltunl meditation followed by all partaklng of bountiful lunch On Monday evening Doc 29 the yuuu people gathered ognln at the home of Mr null Mrs George Furls for an outdoor party of snowmobiling Mr and Mrs Allchlson and Mr and Mrs Brolloy and family Weston were Christmas Day visitors of Mr and Mrs William Cook Mr onll Mrs Roy Taylor Bob and Shirley of Etoblcokc were Boxing ny guests of Mr and Mrs Cook Sites the Eplctt property as is an Tammm other nearby sllc on Molchm Following he an Calm fast Bay Elm as pact troubles whlch arose from mumg pos ccnlrollzallon of powers the NMED MONUMENT Baldwin Act aimed at providing The extensive Champailm strong measure of local ad mo nu me at Couchlchlng Beach Park at Orillin calls at lcntlun to the landing of the French cxpluml in that area in 1014 just before f5bclding lo spend llll winter there with lhl Ifuruns Another plaque and near Elmvale calls nllcntlon to life one time Hamilton Inn site of the first meeting of F105 council back in 1054 Earlier lt was tavern which catered to travellers using the old military to road from Kumpcnlclt Bay Pcnclnngulshene At Edgar cairn directs al tcntion to the one time colony of former slaves who were glvcn refuge there after 5an lug mm the slave states of the last century in the southern part of the Unlled Slates Dalston has plaque in mem ory of Pclcrwhltc planner lustlce of the peace and Wes lcynn lny preacher There are many sites of in terest in the county and the map draws attention to some of them Mr Chalmcn comment ed WI At Everett Traces History EVERETT Staff Among the older branches in Slmcoe County Evcrclt Womens Insil tulc can trace Its history back for 133 years The first branch wos organiz ed In 1906 mm records showing Miss Bella Miller coming here to help organize from the Ont ario department of agrlcullure at the request of group of loc al women Old records show some of the pioneer members were fincth MeCrcory Clara II Mary Emmn Mitchell Alice Pearson Charlotte Allen Mag John Mit glc Cameron Mrs chcll Mrs Pearson Mrs ffcrb Ludlow rlgan Mrs Mrs William Foster William Mcan Mr Herb Wilkinson Mrs Isaac Hall and Mrs Katherine Reld The mntto Fur Home and Country which still prevalls become the keynote and early events included fall falrs fowl and numerous other suppers community nclivilles In 1925 the organization dlslt banded for few years but was calm Essa Will Observe EAXTER Sufi Prelimin ary altslim has been given here for suiLahle event lo mark the occasion of Essa townsblps mil birthday which falls in Wedmsday Jan 21 Reeve George Davis and colleagues are currently busy with plan for the coming Bra mlmlcipal election but also have been giving somclhouxht lo the townships opprnachlng births day Officials have been chcck Lug old records which Show the first Essa Council mectlng was held at Bradcns school in Couksiovm on Jan if I850 will Ilcnry Morris the first recvc LARGE TOWNSHIP Extending from drawn to Base Borden and from High way 39 to Highway 90 the large township horned offer the daugh lcr of an Indian chlcf has rlch historical background close 1y linked with the countys early history In the pioneer era before he first survey was madc In mo the area was mostly woodlands lndlans found lilo hunling good in the forests and the winding antawnanga and other rivers like lhc Pine find the present day Bear Creek were teaming with fish Even todav In season spoiurncn often make some fine catches According to old records the first settlers nrrlvcd In 1316 and from then to 1550 the adminls lrallon of the area was in charge of board of commis sioners One member of the board was choscn as home district councillor and attended meetings at Lllllo York nnw ministration was passed ln lets it made provision for consu tution hi modern municipal councils and opened the way for lhe IIISI Essa council Some consldcr the 20th all nlvcrsary should have special significance because of the rub run trend shilllng more local power to rcglonal and olhcr higher leveLs of ndmlnislratlcn They have recommended rc views of the hlslury of Upper Cnnada before the Baldwin Act 120th Birthday Soon disadvanlagcs of loo much ad ministrnLIVc miralizallea 50ml AHEAD While 1210st farming urea Essa township has urban cum modifies of growing importance with Angus and vicinity the largest Angus police Village it self is cnllrcly in Essa huf some of the built up surrounding area also is partly in neighbor ing Sunnidalc Thornton Baxter Ulopla Hg her and Elmgrovc are some of the ofhcr better known Essa communities The village of Cookstown is at lbc southeast border The lawnship also cxtcnds to thc Allislon border at anolhcr point and the large Ilillcrut subdivision ls in Essa 111151 sErruaks Among the pioneers were George Dinwoady and Thomas Duff who settled on Lots Can cession and l0 and Samuel McClain on Lot Concession Those sclllcrs first built log shanly on the Dinwoody proper ly and lived there until the others were able to build cabins of their own John Dull was said to have been the first while child brought lnlD Essa and William Illnwoody as file first while Child born in he township Among other pioneer who came from Ireland about was or as were John alacmuck Ruben Gilroy Charles Chap man William and John Slmnu and also the hlclfahons Brad ens McKee and Ross families may mostly setlled on the an 921 and mm concessions Alexander Arnold settled on Concession II in IE2 and his son James followed few years later Old records also tell about the arrival of Col Banting who sefllcd near Cooks loun in 1354 and in IBM became Essa township clerk Subse qucnlly he became clerk for Simcoc County The prcsanl clerk Brian Gaulcy who succeeded Harold Bell earlier in the year is the in file no year history of the township Numerous interesting docu ments concerning lhc curly his tory of the township and also various municipal records have been placcd al the Slmcoe County museum in lls archlvcs section where they are current ly being checked Among olhcrs assessment records dab in back to I358 mlnulc books to lsso and bylaw records from BF0 IKI are stored hi the archives when they hnvc been catalogued by Norbert Moran cnunly archivist Radio Men Told Not To Comment SAIGON lAPl Two new commentators with the v5 armed forces network rcllcvcd of their duties for accusing the US military command of cum soring news broadcasts to American forces in Vlclnam said lhcy have been ordered not to discuss the case publicly have been glvcn direct order by Col Robert Couk tho inspectorgeneral of line us commond not to discuss any aspect of this case until the in vcsligalion is completed said Specialist Robert Lawrence 27 of Allanln Ga The other broadcaster fur the armed lurccs nclwork marine as an illustration of some of the NI Thomas Sinkoviiz 21 of Mrs John Cor PARIS AP Tile author of the book inn is said to be Frances best seller in 25 years has butterfly tattooed on his chest nearcsnnpcd locket dangling around his neck and police ardcr banning him from entering Pnrls IIc culls himself and his book Papillonbuflcrfly in French and at 63 Papillon or Henry Charrlcrc ls contending with great energy and some confu slon wilh the riches nnd fame he knew nothing ubout few month ago If you want to know says Pnplllon hall keg olia man lounging in brown vclvct suit black scarf nooscd around his neck my book has probably outsold anything in France this cclllury llc mcntlons fills that the book has taken In more than $2000000 and that always know could write While tcll ing in real estate man his re quirements for beach house golden sand mooring for his hunt and sccrclnry that she should bring him $300 CAGED 42 MONTHS It seems for from them years he spent in such French pcnul colonies as Dcvilssland in 42 months alone ln 11 case without hearing nnothcr human voice the 10 escapes hls intense need to he freethe lhlngs that hls hook is about the things that reviewers find exclllngjor mov ing or sordid 1n months necordlng to the publisher the book sold 700000 copies revived at meelinl Pnplllon grew 11 the south harm or Mrs Pearson in of France the son of school m7 teachers and scrvcd in the MINETS POINT By ALLAN INGRAM Mr and Mrs Merlin Ruwnl visited relatives and Irlcnds in Colllugwoad Dec 27 While Kempcnfolt Bay has only been frozen over since night of Dec 23 it was noted on 27th that there was one flsh shanty on the ice 1t ls report ed two huts went through the ice Chapel an eighth floor of new wing of Royal Vlclnrla Hospi tal and which was furnished by Barrio Brunch Canndlnn Leg ion ls place of useful beauty Window curtnlns are shade of blue In last Sunday of 1009 in scr vlce was conducted by nurses absence of clgymnn of 6C Replaced curd on street culls cctloll mail box at Mlncts More Post Office sill Sillllonl shows 545 monday through Friday at 545 pm Saturday and Sundays and hols times of mall pickup us p111 and l015 pm ldnvs 1015 pm Mr and Mrs Albert Knlcoly it is understood have purchas ed home on Southvlcw ml and have made some improvements French navy Navy friends led hlm lnto ho safecracking business and with on underworld reputation Pop lllon was arrestcd as is suspect in the murder of pimp On Oct 26 1001 Papillon was scn tcnccd to life imprisonment and prohibited even it eventually paroled from returning to Paris Shipped off to the penal colonles of French Gulann he began what he calls the road to rot Papillons book curries through 13 years until his last gallop his word for on cs cape With it came 11 life in V0 hczuclu II which he pumped gas hunted for gold served as an unlicensed dentist in tho lun sic and later began to make some money as nightclub owner BAN IGNORED In 1950 French rndlo repor ter did series of programs about his life leaving Puplllon to tell the story He ut down his story by hand 11 15 school llotwooks Published in Juno by the mid die of July Paplllonlt is the name of tho book as well seemed to be standard part of French vacationers luggage The butterfly tattoo the heartshaped locket the mlaslng thumb lulcd cleverly to build up Author Is Banned From French City Ills familiarity helped to make file book 11 success Nu one who follows the French publishing industry recalls Such an uggres slve or swift campaign to push book The mnslcrslrukc was num ber of carefully developed sto rlcs about Papillons interdic tion It sojour or banishment from Paris The statute of limi tolions hall wiped clean judlclal intcrest in anything else ho had done but the banishment hold fast under French law With the book selling wildly It made Cops Ban Keep lllng Author out of But Papillon got in again and the fact now Is that the police pay him no attention He lives In once arty Lclt Bonk hotel NEW ALLEGIANCE KINSIIASA Tho Congo AP Tho Congo Republic has adopted 11 new constilullon that requires its president to swear allegiance to MorxlstLenlnlst principles Radio unnounced Sunday Brazzavvllc 155 Dnnlop Family Harrisburg Pa said he also had been laid nut to discuss the investigation Lawrence was muulcd ailcr tolling rcportcrs in detail about being questioned Sunday and his objections because he was not allowed lawyer Today military lawyer was with hlm when he was ques lioncd Sinkovilz said he had rccclvcd legal ndvic during his inlcrro gntinn but had not retained lawyer CANT TELL TRUTII Lawrence made the censur DISTRICT Moon Ro HOUSTON TEX APD Theories may tumble and lerics dissolve eddy as lle scidnisls start revealing result of the flnl detailed analysis of rock and sell from the moon The scientists from the failed stares Canada and seven olhcr cnunlncs wvll rc port on so days of studying mulerlul brought lo 3th by Apollo ll About 13 poundsabout onrk third of what astronauts Null Armslrong Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin came back with in Ju were dislrihulcd to lhc Sclcn lsls Sept 12 alfl soda preliminary cxaminalinn the Lunar Receiving Laboratory Results from the preliminary examination indicalcd that Thc moon malcrlal had at and lime bcun molten ruck lhc rocks had hccn lying quietly on me surface of the moon or up 150000000 years Indicating mat the modn may have turned cold ailcr fiery birlh Tllc rocks crystalllzcd about tooooooooo years ago as carlv as any rocks dalcd on earth and about the limo many believe lhe universe was formed Thcre was no sign lhai life existed on the moon DIDNT SETTLE DEBATE The preliminary tests how clf did lllllc lo sclllc the most holly conlcslcd debate among scientists llcrc lhe moon came from and how it got its dislincllvc surface features The lwo most strongly support ed lhcorlcs on the moons origin are that ll formed from the ex ploslon in spacc of larger body or lhal ll was chunk of debris streaking through space which was captured by the earths gravity Another theory that the moon came from lllc earth and was blasted into orbit by on explo sion millions of years ago has hccn largely dlsccunled licsulls of lhc lesls will lie ship charge at he end of his regular ll pm newscast Salur day night on the armed forces network He claimed that the networks broadcasters not free In lcthc Infill SlllkDVIIZ followed Lawrence will spurfs report and In preliminary remark said Thank you Bob in more ways than one He told rcporlcrs Intcr illut Ilc mount the remark as complle endorsement of Lawrences statements Bull men were rcllcvud of their duties The WES InvC command said it gallng Lawrences broadcast to decide if there was on atiun of military rcgulatlnn Lawrence said in statement that he and eight other mem bers of the news Staff had signed in letter asking the not work for clear definition of censorship policy He said the request was totally ignored but of the nine he was the only one still assigned to the network news department llc also charged that signifi cant network news reports con coming the Vietnamese govern mcnt local peace llcmonslla tlon and black market uctivllics ln Sulgon recently were banned from the network Ht sald he had also been told he could not select film for the war portion of his telecasts because his choices were unfavorable to the Suuth Vietnamese govern nlent DINING OUT NIGHTS Emilee View RESTAURANT TEESIN Nights Monday to Thursday BREADED VEAI CUTLETS with Spanish Sauce OR PORK Hoes HAWAII $1 Children under 12 $110 Midland Council Stays Unchanged MIDLAND tsmm Midland will again he represented at Simcoc County council by Rccvc Harvey Ellison and Dc puly Reeve Tom McOIliough during mo The counly reprcscnlallvus or Leonard Self and the com plcle slate of councillors by ac clamatlnn Iullowlng the local nomlnallcn For was his lhlrd sir gill acclum alion since he served as Reeve Councillors rclumcd include Morcland Lynn for ward one Harold Boyd for ward two Per rlc Rinlolll for wan three and Frank Graham for ward four William Logan and Paul Quil ly will Conllnuc as public ulil illcs commissioners also ncclamalion NOW SHOWING mm Pncwcllm filler lnorio llannau column lillls HBWBP smu comic lllillll nua TECNNMIOHI SAT RIATINEE 1215 children 50C Adults $125 TIMES 010 Adult Entertainment BETTIE Slollmg ZLRD MDSIILNM LAST rwo navs moorstruce FROM disclosed in series of pupch were returned along wilh May lyol Self it consulse lllliSlEllSl can and in liilllllAllllll nonmal firm um slnnslrn All ALSO THIS SECOND LAUGHFILLED HIT gTE sonar sans Rosanne NEWS rm BAKIUE BAMINER MONDAY JANUARY 1m cks Soil To Be Analysed pmcnleo during the nvxl cu days The samples here dislrlbulcd prlnc ll lncsllgll0rs in he and 35 in Canada Aus ralza Bulglum unum Fm and West Gcrmuzly Japan and Suilzcrlunli About 1000 alhcr sclcnlisls and government officials have own muted lo allcnd the meet ing called by lhc National Acr enemies and Space Adminislrai llun the mail lmpnrtunl in its 11year thlury Tay find Village Consider Projects VICTORIA IIAIIBOUR Staff proposal fur the Muslim man cf library In serve this Village and neighboring Tay townshlp has been lfll lo pic of discussion CurrLnlly olilLlJIs arc gel ling figures on the estimulcd cast for members of bulb coun cils to consider awe Iirllph Dalton hcads the T21 Council while Carson chlur is niche of Vicloriu Harbour Curslrucllon of joint rlnk for me luu mun lpnlllirs also has Ilkkll llrupusull and lhc luplc iug taken up further Fig and llJ llle lo bcing looked info Assessment Raise For Toscrontio 10 Times Greater EVERETT tSlLlIIl Tome bnllus new assessment under the lmporccnl prnpcrty valu ation manual has been raised to over 10 times lhc level of last year il us shown by lot cst county figures The rcasscsslnl placed the new lolal lit SISJBSJSS in com purlson lo the I958 figure of $146 Ratepayers were told the sub ismntlulhl increased assessment did not necessarily mean high er Properly taxation The lat ter dcpcllds on the spending of he council counly school board and county council The pmv incial government In taking over assessment is relieving the county OI more than $400000 from its 1979 budgcl and rules paycrs hope this will be passed on lo them in reduced county lax Lolcst population figures for Tosomnllu showed 1950 resid unis DEFINITELY GLOODW IIONG KONG AP Hong Kong newspaper Saturday prlnt Ed on article OI 611 words under the headline Feelings After Reading the New Ycar Pro nouncemcnts of the Heads of Status and Olhcr Grout Person ages The ll words were all the same word Gloomy AT THE IMPERIALI NOIAKCilNl WALKER ncnmcolea nonviolen tonM warms anesazvm Aura

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