Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1970, p. 4

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Roman Catholic Walls Publisher Ellie Earth Estimator Kerry Lam McPherson Managing Editor MONDAY JANUALY II PAGE mam Must Churches Choose Between Prayer Deeds An editorial In the Jhnuary United Church Observer makes an interesting observationabout modem rellgloa In part the editorial states Men of insight aresaying that the end of the 505 Is great time for religion but bad time for the daurch startling surge of interest in religion has produc ed over 50 do artments of religious stu dies in Cana universities but religious mass meetings and preaching services are out There is growing concern for social actiontoo much emphasis on what man can do Its obvious that failh without works is dead but works without faith wont amount to much either This reminds us of question asked priest What would be better he was asked to kneel down and say some prayers for the sick or to hop into the car and visit the sick at hospital The priests answer was sim ple Why not kneel down say few prayers then hop into the car and visit the hospital There can he no doubt that all chur ches today are more socially active than they were even five years ago Its new kind of social actionnot the tea bingo or Sunday school picnic type of action We have ministers and priests making therounds of obs and night clubs reaching out to ng spiritual and physical comfort to rejected and lonely people Every church has its marchers in clerical collar whether the march for civil rights or urban renewa This is something relatively new for ble General Manager ow New mm OTTAWA REPORT Forgotten Millions 81 PATBIK NIEDLSON WilI the ledcral government achieve by legislation what wouldbe nmsmokul all to achieve through good resolult lions Ream observed The Home of Common coma miltce on bcallh has recom rrmded Cornpmbensive legisla tive and administrative 5195 dulgned to eliminate the coffin hall from our life pattern Progressiver cm the years the committee has tweed ciga rcllc advertising on radio and televisionshall rst be banned before Ill pm and than be total ly prohibited until finally all activities promotingclgnrettes will be eliminated Further warning shall be printed on all cigarette pockets and curious such as DangerCigarette Smoking can cause Depend enty Discs and Death The debate about the dangers to heal inhtrent in cigarette Imolclng has been raging for years Some doctors warn that exccuivc smokiog can cause cancer of the lung but olhcr doctors argue that this I111 not been provcn Most doctors agree that excessive cigarette smoking in conjunction wllh olher pollution oi the atmos phere can cause serious afic tions to our respiratory organs and same assert that it renders lhe=smoker prone to heart nll monts N0 doctors have success fully dened the number of cig nrctlu per day which constitute excessive smoking But few would disagree that the three packs smoked per day by Hcleh Minister John Munro ore excessive NICOIINES DOLLARS There ill 11 practical side to smoking cigarettes which has been almost totally overlooked while the dcbotc centres on health This is the yield to govern menu in taxes on clgnreuu and the employment crealcd by the demand for cigarettes Les apparent but equally algnlfl Hvv1 cont is the cost of cigarettes ln CANADAS STORY Great Humorist reqplo were churches at least on this scale it was spurred to la degree by young nskln the urches what they doing utioclal problems other than speaking out from pulpit Also the churches came to see that silence actually voices approval of things as they are and everyone was calling for things to be changed for the better However it seems that something has been lost in the rocess as though too much attention being shifted away fromrthe spiritual and over to the so cial happy balance has been missed and the spiritual aspect of religion has been the aorta suffer from lack of attention Religion is very personal matter Formal reli ious organizations must have some nd of social stnlcture To have any real meaning religion must combine these two factors so that man or woman can find personal significance in social structure in the years ahead churches of all faiths will have to seek out new ground to resolve this problem Some may con tinue to be primarily social actlvist con vinced they are doing Gods work by ministering to mans reeds Others may reemphasize the purely spiritual aspects of their beliefs leaving much of the so cial work to social organizations Others will seek medium ground betweenthe spiritual and social needs of man It may still be posslblo to sdy afew prayers and then visit the hospita in the new decade but it now seems clear that churches cannot survive onpraycr alone or on deeds alone OTHER EDITORS VIEWS POOR EXAMPLE OF ANTS Wall Street Journal Too many parents make the mistake of usmg the busy ant as an example of industry to their children Most smart kids will agree that the ant works hard at his job takes no breaks and is the soul of industriousness But then what happens Somebody steps on if TBUDEAUS TRIUMPH Kingston Whigvstnndnrd Whatever else it may have proved the Liberal Party conference recently held at Harrison Hot springs proved that Pierre Elliott Trudeau has con foundedjthosc who thought that he could never become enough of poll tlclnn to make his position as head of the party secure He has done that He lathe unchallenged chief or as Allen Linden chairman of the policy confer once calledhlm our Intellectual guru ou1 philosophical leader and teacher Mr Trudeau has disappointed many people buthe has still managed to preserve the quality of mystery which has always marked hlm lnsplte or his approachable exterior He has never become buckslnpper the fraternal handshake and hearty firstname bon ncmle have never been his style He has in fact done something which no body really thought he could do he has maintained intellectual standards in party Parliament and country where even in these times the intellect is generally not as highly regarded as materialism In addition of course Mr Trudeau is welleducated man and specialist in constitutional law The yahoos and Hobbits simply cannot deal with him on his own ground and consequently they tend to try to get him on theirs llko the dissident students and the Saskatchewan farmers and some mem bers of the press SOME TRUTH IN 11 Pcterborough Examiner Thero is obviously enough truth in Mrl Spiro Agnows charges against the major television networks to appeal to man Americans The news managers of television networks are small elite and network commentators do too often simply talk to each other and substitute personal opinion for pulltlcal analysis The news that reaches the people is heavily filtered and edited There is only one thing that would be worse than the present arrangement And that is if the gov ernment were to take it upon itself to filter and edit the news 0i Early Canada uy non novaAN One of the most nmuslng characters in Canadian hlslory was Fnlher JennLouis chnc pin who happened to come to Canada in the same shlp as LnSnllo and nttnched himself to the great emlorcr from thcn on Fnthcr Henncpln did not intend lo be amusing He took hlmsnlf very seriously and wrote one of tin flrat books on North Amer ica published on Jan 1083 it included the first description of Nlagorn ran and stories about the Indians nnd ihcir customs Henncpln ls amusing because he was such llnr Bob Edwards publisher of the Calgary EycOpcnc once said Why spoil good story with facial That was pcrh ops chneplns credo in book did very well run three French cdl lions and was translated Into English Dulch German and Italian in order to appreciate tho humor of lfcnncplns wrltlngs it is necessary to know the truth behind the stories he told For lnatonco he was at Nlugnrn Falls Whrn Tonty built LaSallcs nhlp Griffon The Indians dld not like the ship and one of thcm was going to saltack the workmen llcnnopln wrote that ha spoke to lho Indian nnd por sundcd hlm to go homo but neglected to mention that the blacksmith was holding red The Barrie Examiner It Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 725nm Second Class Mall Registration Number filial Ilclllm posingc guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 55c weekly $2800 yearly Single copies me By mull Barrie $2060 yearly Ontario $1800 year Other mall 3500 your Motor throw off $2100 your National Advartlslng om ccs 425 Unlvcrolly Avenue Toronto 040 Calhcart 81 Montreal Member of lllc anodlan Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is ex cluslvuly cntlllcd thouso for republication of all news dispatches in min paper cred ited to it or Tho Associated Press or Reuters and also the local new published thrrcln The Burrle Examiner claims Copyright in all orlglnlll ud Veriislng and edllurlnl mater iol created by he employees and reproduced in this news paper Copyright llcglslrallon Num ber 2051115 rCL lcr Ill Go Up In Smoke beallh can lost productivity and fires The tobacco Industry esti males that 9500 lulltimc and 40000 wasmal farm works are employed in tobacco pro duction while further 30500 workers are crwloycd in prolt cooling and mnufncturfng Against lhu can be not the loss of employment implicit in the 13800 deaths attributed to C12 reucs in one year in Canada the 29000 ruffercn from related lilacs treated in hospitals and the total of 755000 days which those victims spend In hospital Fortytwo of every 100 Can dians over the ace of 15 smoke cigarettes the average rcguh smoker consume 24 draw relies every day The smokers pay some 3115066000 per year for their cigarettcl and of this hole sumrno less than $723000000 find it way into various government treas urics as foxes Taking so cents as the aver age price of pack of 20 ciga rettes that provides tobacco which bring 25 cents to the grower The cigarette manufac turers costs are cents and hlsprot one cent Wholesale and retail dlstrlbullon aka 12 cents in costs and profit The remaining 31 cents represent faxes One thousand cigarettes are today made from 11 lbs of tobacco This rcpmscnts an economy to the manufacturer from lho 27 lbs needed 20 years ago the introduction of the fil ter the smaller bore of the modern cigarette and the man ufocturlng process of reconsti tuting tobacco shreds nnd utilis ing the stalk have achieved this roving The top qualities of hiccurcd tobacco grown in Canada most ly in Ontario are sold to Brit nln which is willing to pay the prlce ol 75 to as cents per pound The cheaper grndcs costing down to 55 ccnls are bought by the Canadian manu facturcrs hot iron her over the lndions head while licnncpln was sulng his slinging rebuke lfcnncpln also wrote about hla exploration of the Msalsalppl lllvcr and how he managed to escape after being cnptured by band of Sioux Actually he was rescued by Daniel Dulhut who showed great bravery in doing so llcnncpln also claimed that it was he and not LoSalle who found tho mouth of tho Mississlp pl River However he did not make the claim until LoSnllo had been murdered because he said he had been afraid of La Sullc it In known that Huncnpln got hls lnformallon about the mouth of the Mlsslsslppl from Zenobo Mcmbro who had been wllh LnSnllo at the time loLnSallo built Fort Cryo occur on llllnols illvcr milFire nt Quebec destroy cd intondnnta palace and Taluna hrewcry insUS President Van Burcn prnhlhllcd old to rebels in Upper and Lower Canada 1m4annlpeg elected first mayor with an on volcrs list but 331 votes cost BIBLE THOUGHT And If be lifted up from the thrill will drnw all men un to me John 1232 Jesus announced th at He would magnetite all men He is still mankinds most attract ing figure foLtowls All AGE ow Mae1W6 117 ocsz WUOLLXG won Jil ym WADlllON 1175440 artzlle 55 ldMAMADAG 17mm 54M leEEllEACARROT l5 vsooucsoown rltlthcalumbia gig Work proceeds on the lm Olympic Games site in Mm fch West Germany The growing strength of West Germanys economy which permits it to be able in off ord such luxuries as Olympia constructionls in direct conlt tract to the weakening oom omiea of natloua less advanc od In fact the on between the wealthy and poor nations increased during the moon and seems likely to grow even wider in the new decade Blob Nations Fcice Poor By MEL BEISER Reuters The worlds top economists are warning for cover to es cape making predictions about he flscol into their countries during the next doc adc Most are willing however to nnnlyso developments ln the 10005 and mace that me major world problem is still the growing gap between rich and poor nations They also agree that West Germany and Japan brought to their knees in the Second World Wararo threatening the lnduerlal supremacy of the Unllcd Stalled The US itself is in qunll dory over its lnllntcd econ omy and the economic conse quences of costly war in Vlelnom President Nixons tlghtmoncy policy has failed lo hold clown riccs Most economists pr at reces alon In the near future Some say it has already arrived American economic exports talk about an lnflnllonnry roccsslnn which sounds like contradictory phrase If un employment increases prices are supposed to drop Neither has happened ch doubt that serious American recession would of fcct the economics of almost every country in the world cvcn within tho Soviet bloc EastWest trade has made such tremendous strides in thls decade that the nusslan rouble is no longer lmpcrvlous to Wall Streets seesaw pcr formanccs Prices have and wages risen steadily through the doc ade in most countries Nobody has to be told that the money CANADA lNDESCRIBABLE WW Hulllhimk in his pocket continues to shrink For instance Briton who kept pound sterling $260 in his wallet throughout the decade would find inputchos fng Weidually has dropped to 14 shillings 51x pcnco $108 He is victim of the pricemngc inclcase People with fixed incomes are the main sufferers from rising prices An acceptable fixed Income in 1060 could spell starvation in 1909 Nixon is trying to take the beat out of the American economy without letting it cool toemuch Economists fcor it may be as difficult to ireheat the economy as to cool Back in the 1m President Roosevelt primed the pump of the icecold depression econ omy with public works pro jects Economists doubt wheth er the some system would work today In the Roosevelt cra Willie and Negro workers dug ditches and performed other hnrdlnbor jobs sponsored by the government Now ma chines have reduced the amount of hard labor An even more important change is the altitude of American workers who have much hlghcr rate of unemployment than whites The Negro demand for cqunl job opportunity would present major problem for any pumpprlmlng today West Germany is also hav lng trouble in controlling inlt nation during continuing economic boom Last October the newlyInstalled govern ment of Social Democratic Chancellor Willy Brandt ard ouIllE WINGSoFfJE WIND NEAIZ Milton0ntOUNG milestone59mm moms 001s wnsmua one DAINIBZS UDDENLYATORMADOEREMRDUGM NMREAMTAE MM BROKEWllli wml FLVING neslsmoousr WIflJEfiE move out oF SN TERED PLACE SlVlZlnn EcwtllEsuMewumLmolm AIRABOVE 1H6 TREETOPQ yarnserumva TMWIMWllr Er AMIZEIMVlWf ow45454di Across Widening Gap cred an ward revaluation of the dcuts mark This contrasted with deval uatlons of the British pound November 1967 And tho mum August zonal Dnn purpose of German ro valunlfon was to ndueo an embarrassingly high surplus In foreign trade balances This surplus is running down now of for faster rate than anticipated BOOSIS TRADE 0n the olhcr hand Britain and France have found as they had hoped that devalua flon Is helping to sell their goods abroad For the last four months Britain has shown henlLby surplus in foreign trade Economists as wcll as the Labor goycrnlnent are opti mlslic about the immediate outlook Francos economy was badly hit bystudent4workcr riots in May 1968 which forced major wngu increases President Georges Pompldou former banker himself im poscd austere Ilnanclnl meas urcs after he succeeded Charles do Gaullo last spring and claims they are provlng successilll The Soviet Union which raised the value of the roule at the start of the decade has steered its llghllycuntrollcd economy to hlghcr lovels But the Soviet rate of economic growth in the 19605 has been only about half that of the United States Kremlin loaders no longer mention Nikita Khrushchovs boast in 1959 that the Soviet ccunnmy would overtake that of the United States by 1972 Khrushchev fell from power in 1004 Japan like her wnrtlmo partner Germany has rlsen from the ashes to become great industrial power Ex cool for middccade reces Slofl Japans economy has contlnued to thrive The nations bunkers recent ly predicted the present national economy would ox pand by nearly 200 per cent by 1975 GAI WmENS So the wealthy nations with constantly expanding indus lllLSv have become wcnlthlcr Unfortunately the underde veloped countrlcs faced with huge population increases are constantly getting poorer fhls widening gap in llvln standards plogucs both rlc and poor nations poor country is unable to buy the cascade of goods created by the rich counlrlcs Aid programs have not solved tho problml In many cases poor country uses such aid as crutch and llmps along lllhout thought of modernizing the economy or becoming competitive on 0llll markets Yet on thewholo world trade has green to remark nblc degree In the decade World exports ave doubled in the face of series of political and monetary crises

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