STRESS IOOPERATION IN AREA PLANNING thlmrnnhfuignr Fanning Changes or Phnlnl puly Reevu Fred Cook ol Erudlord munher nI plInnlnz auxdy cornlt eeva Burton reused ton loll lullth Ind Do proved Iandlnz lcdcrIl Azrlcul Slmcoc Cmmlyl Iuturo Ind mmenl were Ill ve Georka Bur count mllteo rulqu gave cured by Ree 010 Council Approves Fee For Severances rhlI chorus qullo Iald move lucbeun Ilnllng that Ire Niinlndullm mm ntulnled the mlnlslcrs on helr help pay lho costs modon Irom lhv county hEIIth unIl Illdun up IppruVIlI your excep out should be Mr dorlemcnl by councll rovlalnn mode or reluru In to cheque II the Dnlurlo dnpnrlmcnl ol munlchml lIlrI doesnt Ivo III approval In other war the ea In lo bu puld beloro Illo deed are re lIlered he replled FOLLOW FLOS Neulnld clerk Iuld he won vIch Flna ha almllur too condldnn or Iavurnnea Ouunclllar Howurd CImprlI moved the mollnn Incondod lay Counclllor Ch ed puym TION Stall IlIcr on condlllon of undue wlll Ihlp on January It wu docldud by Ira cuunoll tnwml udmln lIIned coun ORO STA DO lac In Oro Iowa anot should Kr Th1 II to IIIrIlIou com clllur ChurleI Sun anon the new chum wII councIl wlllloul opponl recommended board Wheu do they ed mpuly Rea when they lion or Iller lluvu AllIn Oro Man Elected By Jersey Club on rm cm slutlon churn IuwIrolluror ruclorI or the cludu Glen French lam Morlrun and Bowen Tho Inclul commlllno Incluch Mrs Guam Andruwn lIlrI Ed llutehlnlonlllrl Churlo SunderIon Duncan Cum oron and Charles slmpsun Prulldcnl uI tho Onlurlo Jor Cnttla Breederl tlon VIlllnmA struud announced unnunl provlnclnl lwoday meat Inu whlch wlll ho held In County next month The Inna Inn uour AllIalon tho convunllon cunlrc and date are Wodnosduy und ThurIdIy ll ll Inclnl IIoldmun Duvo Purklnaon who nlIo aka stren ed the value rt IlllK pure brud roululured Jormyl polnl Inl oul there In Inuln mod Ior quIlIly lo mm under now he llc lnnk lmlullullnn are only valid hr tdlvr Ignl nppruvnlla Mnkelu wII Ieu enthullasllc 59 Iv darn nod lhln may 55niiknh In llublly hIIrd be lod the named Implu me to lor much work to be done more mun your elupus DELAY INCREA If omuun lslulll mum on It wu plunnlnz BY It nak ulluco Key aka the Ippllen II II approved McLean luncsl Slmpson by on In um whlch wII Illa Ipplleunl II mIkI new Ippllculon clllor Sandmon and Nova Ho ho adopt TAX PAYMENTS UI 1n ropor memo mlulon no dccldcd lo postpone WU plans Ior another Increase In on Oro tax pay Nnuleld snld 579 or can II the current Oro tuxe nd horn pnld Cnunclllor Sund to up or would mound alven onun Iskod II lhln wn down Irom lul IR $35 In re lnluwu loans umlor tho The Act Inllowlno prnvnl Onlurlo Mun elpul Inch loans The monoy GUTHBIE Stall Goof Andrnwl or llIwkIIluno unlmn ulcIod prualdonl lm club Ior um ll llund ol Mun Tho alecllon vnI held at lhe ul Rlvor Our now Ilcrm In lIn co bylnw Ior Drulnu rpm Board or urnntln 00000 Into ad thrnuuh tho lownahlp Id by tho urovInelnl nov Il wnI uxplnluod We wIlI llkoly out more llcullona In celnlly II ntorcnl ked Deputy llcovo luau Shourdown ay weld In Rune InnuIl monllnu don wllh Mrs Menard Mortean ournm By MRS CAMPBELL PMY ENJOY IM real II Inn and ya ernmunt Auoclu Ibblnu or In or tho lhnso app Illuy donl rule rvmur The Interest rate Inld to be our nor can present tImo The quoelIon Int should be ruloo llxo Slmcun ollnwu wlll be at the to of ChrIIlmuI cunnot ho wrapped In pupor be conveyed In por tho mollo common the Gulhrlo Womenu lnIlI lulu meallnu hold In the oven the home 01 Mrs bell wllh Mrs Mel Jum Inuon In churnv From Itory ontltlod Your ChrlIlmuI Cu plnylel hud been wll Mna Coll Mrs Br llmluun tIkln won orod we lo the Chrlul For Tout ctlnr Illll have Mll you Rucluu when unpllc nlvon lann qu rIIIod would any when we Irom the govern Ronvo McLean vluw whlch mot ngroomcnl Counclllor Sundurlun und nuty Reeve Key moved the mollon may have to WM Jon In In Tho prov aul tho mono manl Ilnlo my mo Eur thought up Muwn adly and purl ll Now Playing Shotgun Weddlna II lo pm Gum lor MIcGrIgor II 820 pm your old Inlorpro ma ulory rend Comlnl Coulee rand It Inr umbrnllu plu und were purl thls mvenlng III wall Ill ol that can be mldu Irom alvo mnlorlnls An exchange oI not lo Mound tho roll call nnd tho hoolovs Mrs WIIIIum Cum boll und Howurd CIIdwel Ice mum and cake wlth Itruw hurry tollllnq lllo mnln Item oI was the Gordon Cu 15th unnlvuranry ol tho Womens In Irln lo lulu the term II noun dlnnot on Cunndlun Room York Hotel branch hon lntumtlnn her ulIta Inexpen THE COUNTR ANDCITY BOYS IT BOY to 1n bualnou olnlmonl aI all to attend the the IoundInl Illlulo ol Onl ob l2 In tho the Ruyul Toronto the opportunlly lend one rcprcuonlutlvo The January meolln convened by union nnd cruIl Ideas on ul your crull wanted to croehol how come mectlnn EMBASSY HALL 30 LAKE 81 unmuu NEW YEARS EVE DANCE lenturlnu Peta Em and hl Orchellru llullut nolrulhmvntl Bullounl lluII Ito 200 per couple llckeln ul Jackann lrlll Dunlap and Embauy llnu wIII be sund Mrs Chnr III hm un uxvhunuu at brlnn lumple If youve ulwuy Ruemmended ll AW worm LAND THEY FUIIIIIIT A8 ONEI along to th muuau Illltlll In MIMI nutu mmwuuo PM uullmmlul mmnmnmmm DII SIIIGIIG MI Illlll um uu onu rum mum man ammo unmwul hum1 IIDIIIIWIIIII IIGIIIISWE DISTRICT NEWS THE mm mm THURSDAY DECEAIBEB 11 Beeton Prospects For Growth Never Better Reeve Reports BEECH sum Bed prospect for Illlure Knuth It never brighter In the l1 you It has been vulan Iccordlux to Run McKelvey The eummunlty now bu pop uhth cl Illsblly men than 1000 people More Internal bu been shown In the ungle sanltnry IeerI were ullal Ind other local Iervlcea Im ed The main street recon lion Ilsa Ian halved much Ilv tendon Reeve llcxelvay spots In par dcuhr mm the development at new resldeuuul Iubdlllslon In the weal put cl the communlly Federation Asks be Id nunlmiam lb dl Ind other clvle mum magnum In lhe aged bulld 111 gm Iormcr mve Ed lulrs In Onlulu ha Iomo excellent Indus Dlrectora the Onlarla Fed In be mum II erallon oI Anlcullure the Ip tum Mahler Bud Olson letter on hlm In Imple Thu lo pruvlnclul mlnhlern ol IuIculturo gave lllr Olson 29 puu lot of propuaIl enrller In or pnunze nl uIlInnII murkeunu leKlIlIllon prIlrII grnln Ilublllullon and Import quotns Puul Sun ol Beumsvllle can lnIllnllvc In druwln up the dob umenl ll allows ulmosl pro clnly the lhlnklnl or II crann However Slmcoe armor Esko uwuuumu mva nmm WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARIH VICIORIA VEIRI mmum cmm water mm and Power Com oleclrlc rule previously nnnouno ed for early part ma The rIIlII rules were lncrulod lull do DUNLOP sr wul Dolt helllh humans people Iuhout Ind ulving premium or per son umml lea than H000 and or Iunluc eunln less than 2000 yen Mr rm also Io pmvui BRADFORD $23 Elites valued at up LI npomo Ire Iubkct lo sumo duly Held 01 the under new r12 gt the ammo humanize Arthur Bum leller Irorn Queens lacuna on McN We aud 133 pound poundI In nine day milk er Ann produegd mums 782 In Ivern la D8 cent bullet In her latest nmum naturald In 305 days Ann pro duced H373 pound cl milk cun ulnln 5H pow of III Illh an Image Inl 315 bullrrlat record breed elm Ivernge 13 per mntllur nllx Ind per cent Iar at present 350000 uluucu pared by drew Iltentlon of milk pan at In EFF in an or nplncu orb um vlth mmblned um In momth or ninxlc people Ind $21 montle for couples Ind IImIlle Aprll The rldmx mpmcnullve aha referred to the legulatlun tr provintlll inme In puable by Indlvidunls by 36 per cent for the In alx month 1371 Ind three per cent reductlan Hectle Jan Mr Evans also pointed out lo wldavu Ind rlduwers the to In MM GUI made within 15 years the death at the donor moms tu Ible II the made an or m1 Until lbm the present Ilva year period wlll apply It in explain Abandon health Insurance premium for pcuslmen and or thelr lbla dependent mm Jun 1m also WI reported The Simm Clnlre member also menuoned Ibo Ibollunu oI We would like to set name new Industry whlch would pro vld mom ions In our village per cut mm servlm mould any The ha Beetm chamber at commerce In been Icuve in promotlu the commlmlty iIll com duclnx me after Jan Benton has been the all the FARM The number person In played In nzrculluru In CnnIdI In 69 Ear aznun lcs than seven per cent tale employment cu 1m Tbv lace hII been modunlxod enlarged It vulou Ilmes wllh the In lull Iddluoo bull couple 65 and evzr USUALLY MALES Yellow randy cat are usually male mcrated 535 yutnu the udmlnlstxalor The vIllnzI bu Inc bull ark the Ialr und excel enl rlnk III ver new Tee umselh Iron Ichool Ind lhu home at one at the but rurIl BUILD NEW HALL ANGUS SI Work ll pro cecdlng In construcllon or null no hm lens Ellnbow Mo lcl George Guernl mm It wlll be IvallIhln or wedding pnnlc and nodal Iuncllona hall on Hka the road from ReevI Mcxelvoy uld the vII YOU DESERVE THE VERY BESTI BAYFIELD STREET CLEANERS Ihrlni on Complete Shel lllnnuun DJ llmtn IMO pm 1285531 RWY BARNIE ONl OUR COUNTRY CANADA Christmas Watch childs face on Christmas morning and feelings you had almost forgotten coma flooding back The sheer wonder of being alive The simple plcnsure and affection with one another of sharing our love snows lie drop and the winds blow For when Canadian chill its sometimes easy to forget Yet in the midst of winter comes Clzrlslnms hlens the winter dark and brings reminder that in this hardy northern land our greatest strength lies in our unity our togetherness So as we shining brilliant jewrl that brig us together once again hare our Christmas with one another let us also remember the joy of being part of this vast adventure called Canada Canada our country and ideals holding to common pride Together it is ours to keep and to build community of people cultures Seagrums V0 Marla In Cmmdamld proud of it