Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1971, p. 4

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Job Incentive Program Sensible And Practical inzbecndtheymsdsbehzkinx warmer 55mm wwwm mammm Max335 The Ontario gwmm is denLuring sensible winter works pm providing nods steady employmen Idpal senleis In Barrie the 00 to my couudl or Parks and Karenina nd the Public Works nilleantly It has refused temporary help nd spring tree plan Xor stady Under the any mthzgar age mam 322152 i5 155 Wau 2mm git2 mixmmm snfrrnfzww tin variety of mu gorernmest had abal ed $320 royacts wbmitted by the Commission partmenl Sig funds or such things as or sntr removal ite obvious that the government the unemploymen authorizng fund Scores of me given work or fear for week or two last My mine zumn mm It is qu could have changed pcture greatly by purely temporary jobs could have been days or perhaps Dra Dodgers To Stay arvmmnmmmm maa gnaw amalgam253$ mmmvazmmmnsmmis Thnzrirzwngvmdmm my 12125 tun2 from an Amman paint at cm of draft dodgers to Canada survey reaches condos0 la somewhat inocldng It appears of the csltmated 30000 you who left the United Slates to Vlclnam war service have no in tention going The survey has been done ed Churdh of Chrlst and by the Amerlea One at It autloru Rev Rlchard Looking view at the maven Land The avggm wlllcll that most QUEENS PARK Plenty Of Work Is Facing MPPs nos2523 is meagre In Ontario partial we may by the Unit publldhed In United Pie 1151017 rm ted only ibways and 01 French senz antenna itself Tim province was hyx some thousands of Crees and some hundred Canadlans until the mass movement American immigrant Englishspeak Those Immlgranta came da as retugcce from war th volt ol the tnlrteen Colonles at In sympathy There ma llcl between the new Cana from south the Great turlea ago and those book tom Church Prcu sbytcrlnn clergyman who has speciallzod In pastoral Ktllmcr he parents 01 draft dodg counselling to ere or deoertera The sum than half at established an mg population In 1784 arth to Can armed re wlth whlm magma ovaouIly gall to keep 111 mcm lt Wu bll Iurprlau when It the closlnz nl tho non Ilon Mr DIvII announced lppoLnlnmnt commlltccr DON OHEAIIN QumI Perk 3mm The Eumlner Premer DIle lo do hII but bury rlved more or Iou out ol the premlcrI Ileavo MANY MORE rlae In the study that more the 80000 appear to have declded to stay In Canada or not the eltua parent might hope temporarily gone eventually Unless there great reveraal oi attl alder It seems moet col that they have DOWN ME MORY LANE 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrle Examiner Charley umwcll ce tlon or whlch crlcan In which the boy but wlll come back they were he come para lann we nnlne Lakes nearly two cen we are zalnln Indlcnllon that under the DavIl reulmo wn prububl wlll no mum lot select camrnl tceI ILIecl Ono on comnuny Iuw one on Iorolun ownerahln no on mm In oducnuullnm lIchonerWaterlou Record Ilhlo IN Idlnl Incll Ina curly the problem moat louder luvemmunt and yum urIIcululIy one that II top view Two hero cammlltcnl hud envy bnen oxpecled The promIor hud Inld he would be up Intlng group In Iludy lIIIl Ilndlnzn an Iarclnn ownornhlp And the commlllno on company Iuw II cnnllnulnu group plvk Iram unulhur uroup cured wllh lho dII lull loulnlulurc announced that Frank goll manager try Club Iclorla llospltal Andy Stevenson Vysc hud been appolntcd and pro at Burrle Coun Student nurses Royal much In demand tor choral programs dlreclcd by Ross Cnldwel Jansen oi Sunnldale Ito Horllcullural Socletys annual award for best decorated home at Christmas It was announced by Ilusnell McLarcn judglngvchulrmun Dean Arbulhnot Frank lrlco Albert Grow William Lam bert Edwm lncson Gerald Coughlln Charlcn Grmln Bogardla Mra Mel Walllx Armbtrong Erneot Barrlc Falcons topped acnlm hockey team Goorglan Bay oentor roun wuh Ilnc nearing effort by Bobby arner Danny MacDonald hcmon Azlhcrt Bowen and John Maloney Charles MchllIu elected and general manager lmporlnEautman Corporutlon Canada wlth head oulco In llnrrlc WIllnrd Klnzlo completed on other nucccnnlul year an ztulux newcnltclty lv Marlo urn over cc on an IQ Lenter Illlc told Examlncr rcv am Igvterluitaallu dungu Vlhore wordv lte mm IBM BM Dec 22 1601 Mr lclmted 101m hlrlh day In Barrle Royal Vlclorla Hospltal held Chrletmas party urch Helen Shanahan Mra Roy Chrtatlo Installed Dove McOlymont Mrs Marita Paulln and Gordon lcskcy won seat on Barnea Board or Bducatlon Bank 01 Nova Scotla stall held annual stall arty at Emhaxsy llnllv convened by Wlnncra Sp ng Trophy tor women at Barrie url In Club lholr Iorlnu cancelm II to keep IlIoIr Iuoporlurl buy The can take only all many nIamhurI Into their cublnul There urn only In rolnllvoly low cummll nk Iorcu Womens Auxllla at St Georges prerldlng preddent Albert ad won Barrla whlch dIIn IalulIon oI CAIITAL COMMENT Howes Remark Looks Sensible Now other rize winners were amen Small Stoddart were MIMI Marlon Smllh uklp Mrs Stella Clark Mrr Dorks lnhnston Mrs Mlldred Matthu JlTlCIl Moron pranenlcd Laban Tr mm at Barrlc Cur Needhnm Bell by to menn wln ng Club Gordon Rona Stephens Saunders Charles Ohrlstln llo Canadlnn Lculon elected Gordon Hyn 0p obldont wlth cxccutlva oI Fln Menu on Frank Imscona llcrt Rae ihnrlen Lawton John Payne Mel Mcglll lac Jewell Jlm Dlnmond Joe Kaoke lnmex Roas Doug SIlvcrlharn Colonel Shcrvrlnz MC banter Cooke elected Mayor llnrrlc by ach Chrlslmno party or Klw held at home Mrs Bertha Stewart ntohnrd Groh nmlolnlod clerktron Iurcr lnnIrlll Towmhlp Prcnldent By YAIIMEII TIBSINGION manInn man Barron OTTAWA Whats mlllllml Remember Dual hum ourqu to the uan ow down debate ml uvernmrnl wendlnz In the 40 Woznl around here In those resldent Inrmus Mayor Curr Ilc wlll umntlnn Cooke or nnII Club WA portor that In pant two youru were Ilmcyl loll llkc bunglhg my hon aznlmst the wall but must enjoyed ll euguly unto phiaw was do lllled out of In word to no real Illa general wntllnenta at he llmv It turned up haunt Mr lIowe our the re hlv polltlwl career IM null quot4 today dodmlt re ulurly to Mode WS ANALYSIS on Emmllm I15 Hayeld lmt Baum Ontwo Minna 7143537 beetM Clasp Mull Meurllou Unmet WA new 99qu gunman ll Suvoys M41 Gold All But Dethroned By Monetary Settlement NIIIKIIIK The wrap ed holwccn now and lllllu Hm now mnmllnry aw lum In worked out nlnny Cum prnn nntlum nrn mum to worry allqu tho quuo ol cunvorllhlllly It In Impurtunl Immune them In un cutlmnlcd un Illlllnn to hllllon dollar ovnrlmnu In Kw rope pIImI up In unlrnl hankl ppm unwnrlllululny tlm lImulgn nvcrnxnon In an WIIP urea rl low In lIlo 11mm mum were 9Jalgw9 mom Mmlwna Queen Illl Mammal Muan the 110de IIIen Hill AMI mm 171 mMIan We mull IlIlllkl In the AM or wwa wAIN IW to II $51 or neuter and all In local new publish ed mmm IIlu IJmllu leumtlw rIulml to yrluhl In nll mIymul armr III and nllturlul Inuwrlul Ire Ilod by HM rnwluyms and rducwI In lIm newwupzr Zapyrlght llrzlelrulmn Nun Iwr mm Slater In $HmhAaMkdim WWW wllllnu und lulu to rmy out dul Inro or lullnrn at any llmc nut llln Iucnllun In mum nnrl mm than Hut and In Imornu Ilnunelul Iauuo In knuwn ml cnnvorl WIII tho dollar he convurllhln Into nuythlnu ol vuluul Thar ood chance oIII cluln any that gold uvvuluully IIO nun quuxl Ivy Humlnl llnhll tho urllIIcInl tllmnl mnorvu nunol that In noth muln Illan bollkkncmn lnmod on tho lllllll nn Irunt uovornmonln Hull ml IIon nrn culled nuw oxlut but only nupplrnmn lury rvorva mmcl It mny Inko In your nr twn yearn holnro Inlumnllonnl mon otury oIlIcIIIII cun mko convurulon rum Hold no llln cthI rcuorvo amt and the luml or tho Inlornnllunnl mnuolmy nynlmu WOW An SDII III VOIHI OI ll no rlollnml In term gold cnuld 1m mod by ruunlrlan ul ranorllnn lo lho buylnu ready and nlllnn uI gold Ill WASHINGTON AP nclllanwnl laut wcokcml Ily the war dn Mn IInlmra mlnlnlm all but dnlhruncn gold lm Ihn centrnnluco lnIornulIunul monetary purluncu runny the mouvtury Iyalom Nobody French Balance 09 verily All maybe Iln honnl It and the 945 Hnulh NrIcunn who mlno lot at II are purlleulurly unllnppy about that act IInunco oxcepl paper Druwlug lnlnrnu old mceg Went Iwonw 1an NW Ire nurldnnly mammal IllHIlu wIme uul In ml Inelnnt AN DEFICIT IIw oxuon dollbrn not ml at lIm mlnlry Immulsu lhv fullml hInum hull runnlnu Ill Ilenth In Ila bu unuonljpnymenlo nwl Inlarlmllminl man found It prullluhlo doIIIrI overtake Inloloxl rnlu lllll your Imva Mun Iuwvr In Illa llnllml Slum tlmn In llllmw pulllnu lullurn nvornum who my wuru Ilullnr Invoulmunl dollum ware ox vlumnml my mum curlnudes LIllllll bunkn vI Illmzn nullunu thermolva Ilomlnd wllll greonbnoku mInIulorn Ilm Io rIcIuml nanCom In allotI lronltlunt NIxnn Ilm Unltnd entry munlul nulluni Ilrmod dcclllod Aug Staten would no Inngor Ilmmr llu out gold or lur 170qu pledge In pu dollar nlmn nld out the quonllan whnt the llnltcd Stolen now Iholl out Iarulrm lovem monl should declllo l0 urnuunt dollar clullnu or mulrml Aml Inr nmul hon ma pm IUMMI III In III llla Awch and Im to SI why Ilolluro govnrnmunln ulnlloovvr that All luul Vululur uudurnccrc lury ul lho Iran nIIulrr XI ry ormono II untllrduy UB Ilnndu TH SUMMIT SEASON Tmmnxiwuamxexa Mnsz But lha educallan Iludy Ir Ilnd we can lulu from It In ThII will In partly or lhnlr In lhlI Mr DAVID II rtuolnlv ThII problem II that one KC ner II joined he rull kind to prov per Iyrlem of responslhla nav zmmenl The ant premlu merclnm In very much under the thumb ueuLGov Slr Jouph Irutch HI wIl de 351 Then he Name one the lad alter one year In ulflcc sotlan whose rural name was who arent placed can col vary unlmportunl Them however commuters are not to ho dlemlnscd us Just nlnkowark prolccu do normnlly produce land results They nrgn In study cunl aka group at bnken und cnndlonllck mukoru work out lull much It In your nverulo mun ol eltclcd keep lha membare occuplud tn aIvo thorn Iomolhlnz lo do the ul reprcnonlullvol and ct them to come up wlth new NIrgsnerIleglrouhm or memohour Irlumunl on blnm the are It dnwmuh tho ovurnmanII wound llloy cm and up with cell rocommandullonl IISl when mqu or norm lb oppollllonl urt tlme thII Ill come Irum Eldon Woul lhnor particular pro lame lholn Iehnol lhruu only ulna no And mm the work pnrtlculnr oommlllnn they wlll CANADAS STORY Colorful Premier Of British COlumbia By BOB BOWMAN his name In Armr Comm mmeaulnx 23 cl lb World lIhn two vuyl but It mlnt be laid hen th weal Srnlth sand or null illl bl the 1000 Emmi In Salt me GU When he vu Ha the second =1 urged lo take nvenl when he Cunt Ind mu CIIllonul So It mm lhll his love wu lot the world not women be mm next comer bland and lured pomnl part In that colony wllb mIlnland BC One of mu most colorful Am chm beeame premlu ol armn Col umbl Dec rm Nut your mammqumI Brunswick and worked or Balm John Later Blll Smllh went to Call omla and became Pholom pher II place cI ed Mud Sorlnu When Mud 55111 chuan ILlnImB to El bar BIII Smllh declded that It wu llme or hlm to become more glamorour Ind 50 he changed PARLIAMENTARY NOTEBOOK Prime Minister Returning To Slang Of His Boyhood Here In the quelllon Ind the lumen he got on Nov 29 Doe Ind Doc l3 II In government cunIl dorlnx III amendment to Ice llon ol the CrImInIl Code lo lhIl Ill tolerance to there commlllul By DAVE MCINNBII OTTAWA CPI Frlme MInIIlar Inldenu ll back II III 1920i Ilunl Ho Ilnl loanlad Englllh on the meal In than you and the cxprenlon at that time Icem to tho Iluck with hlm In tho Il couple oI yam ad mummy Ind Iaus nd In the hut weak or no ho employed Butor uvurnl tlmur such II In look IIIur yourlull Buller Tho opporIIIon look It up thln week In the Common and Gerald Dnldwln Comcrv Itlvu lloulo Iundor InId Il one polnl to Mr Irud DId you sol lhul lho prlma mlnular done not oltcn utIy Ior common do uule llul ho dId Ia nlulldoy pllcut on ol the uulllollno rue to and dluculllon ol the tax chunuo blll Nolthur don he IIl pntlnnlly crIlIoIImIpuclully IIImI the blxvulcod Conlerv Elan and board loll lo undoubtedly bu uI momnnrvlco We Culllll North uruund And those mom era neuanll Velllnnlon lth All Holes In chnlrmun the Communn puhlle nocounta com mllleu draw ullcntlon to some Incln that make Mr llown lu umuu Ipuruphruuu uppcur pretty henall Audltnr General Muxwoll llsjnderwn re orlod to the com mutes not the proclch III the edvrol governmenl to leave 000 on dcponll wllh tho unaltered bank Cnnudu In return or the harm cullln government wean Mr Hole point out that the Ewemmem 4995 not earn unn Maul 01 Interest In large do Dunn Abwt year Iago Mr lulu says the Imqu dropped tlunr rehouse worse on cheques and named to rush all wrwnul dwuueu free of charge wltlwut the tee of 16 mm 01 59 per nllwue II the banks could 49 the wlll regprd normqu rlques why 15 II nmwrhary tor the sunny ment to cuntlnue so luuye do Iluue hum on deuuult wnu Illean IIlatn the on Liuu Mr Mules Io tulch ll liarled lion um MONEY but wull dweu mun to the awr Mr llulev Explain that the vhunlgmd bunks do play mm aunt Intgrunt the mvcmmunt on any auwuut un drpusll over me mo mlllluu mm an my unnme Iuulnlly hull more this umuunt on Iluud pre puumblfy llle muulhu lnnlcdl vllowmg April 359 MIN he tuxpuycra huvc turned llrelr when Insldo out be meet the 1wa gnome tux dudlhlc In the 1mm yvur W940 Mr all the MO Im ILrl me guvclmmnt Iundu war Am IIIL umounl of money nupob hunk over Ind above Illa bum MOO Mulch hull he hunk government the In urn 51 mIIan In illAI will the lllhrlurcl In lllolr commuultlea 59 So Mr Hales reasons why should not the banks he puyInE the some at per cent Interest on the basic $1M mllllou addlng another mllllan annually to lhe laderal callers Ellher we should collect ln when that llme cum lures on our lull deposit or we proclalmed wllb ern Illnuld not have to leave such Mr Lulng dldnt menllnn lurge sum In the hands of the am he had already banks the Guelph MP argues II anyone has good credll ruIIng In Canada and can cover 619mm Ila cheques lets hope It is the government ol lhls country And wltb the chartered bank to be ultracautious on rcporllnl record enmlnga and sublect pf abortion healthy lInunclul puslmm in te Kanner Huhlnson Liberal 00M you ML Hales doeSl MP Iur Toronto Lakeshure thlnk lIlla government thing you uxnyerruu esub eullaldlzlnz Ilnanclul instl tullona WIlh theo Iurl of Ilgure to about quite so ehocklng CLANUP EllLs Dnvld MacDonald thinks the present government emndlnu the rule cublnet WIEJY Io ml exlrome dourco IIe we IIII comment allow uugucceenml attempt to In pelyolary lernrd Pol to table copy at nlI con respvndelrwe hvlwam mInIIlerI 01 the trawl and Mr Pollcller lcguldlmg lbs unmovol mm prom under mers controversial Opportunllm or Youth prngram Mr Pellcller remand tn do Ulls Am the unman that such Wrcswmnw Izetween mlan will win of mnlldenllul nature and he suld would III the public Interest to mscluse II My Mutllonahl 01mm and MM Ile ma mutton be Iranslerrw Ior law delmld Culvlnel nlnlslnru aru helm Elven prolorunllul convent in reunion no other members ml the Ilouuu chime 125er and tr nun was wllwimrly bled the query to tam oxmltrut suggunuon an yrumlmd to look guta Illa mug at cur Bum ejected um Muclvonsht know that wow mm NIAIIIB In the ow ovad vo written hlm who learn much wow an oppunuull Irogrum but we are Ie kuvwlvduc the div ll Mr Interrupted hlm once vItn Como on Buslar you cun do hotter than Illut prlme mlnlsler culled out out Works Mlnletor Arthur Lalng look loodhumored purl In the euma debate We mngm gt wr WA CIIIOPLWIII IllNOE or T0 69 lover rent to VII In In mum at In Idvocuu cl EC 0th Llll In er on came pm laln Blll Srnllh He was born II m1 he ma mm Yvrnasor NS the blrthpucn Pmrmm on 31 SImil 33 ma In Hulllax where he worked can up an at grocery clerk lFrImln Bennett cImI lrom New may lcmwd or poop why IegIIIIIurI mu lime II hardqu clerk In an tw1lhngdmw on sour IpplI trell other Dce Eenbx lessGrand unk complolad rIllwa beluetn Mvtl and El Thomal Que IntQuebec wired munlclle IIWI mod 5th IIIhed code low made It necuury Ior he chore Omwa pl hl daemon wu Inu Inlo the luIIlIIure mm pa wlll be omlltedl IuItIco MlnIIlar John CnnIldol mpoIIlI IN nIIurI II In lull In bayunce unIIl Iller Illa IpIcIII Commonll debate on Ibortlon II held ovommanl annul dar the In blllly Ind uncu oI conducllnu Itudy am act cl Ibonlon upon II WIII the the IocIllyI Health MInlIlnr Iorlhcomlnu ropoeed debuts on nborllun Ihould ullow Munro Purllumenl tho lovornmonl nlty lo comldur Iludy on me eIIuclI aI Iboruon upon Incl thc opportu ovamment nonal VIIbIIlIy ol dulln th lIrmInI re Iney bolero 20 uwm um dar the Id Ihorllon II Inn of weokI lumen Munro acIod debII rolllln In th llur oI Iborllo that dellnluon of come Idvlllblo Mr Truduu hII promllod endday debate on lh Incl HI hunl uld apart Irom mebc lama IImI nbxl you BIBLE THOUGHT wlll do mum now It Ilnll Iprtnu cub IbIll yo not know It wlll uvu nuke In In the wlldernell Indrlvurl In the hurt lIIIII llred ul doln the lame old tblng alve God chance to do somelhln new In and throu you ll any mun In In Chr lHI now own oId lhlngu are puucd hehold all thlngs are be come new the bx It me do When Mr Woolllum com pleted hIa perorullon about the KuIlloIIno rule belnu mockery of Purllumeul ol lroedum and All random speech In that order the Take hlm uwuy Take hlm Behold In passage and will meet the leader the Opposldnn on the husllnga It you are nounced that he wlll not he cundldale hlmself 1n the next novAL lNVlTAllo LONDON AP Quca abelh bun Invlled West German emunn 1m to Brllaln 15m Bucklnghum Palace an nounced The government oonllnues nEIIu Prealdenl Gusluv Heln state han put three recenlguestInns Inannulamlllg 1THAPPENED IN CANADA wr uwae Omen MBcumn 84 grams warms 0F nls PERIOD 19391942 ARI 1049 wow covaEp CANADIAN BlBR ammu sllw FOUR was Ill ouneo Ills RINKIO llla MANIIDBA HONSIIIPIHoDURING III ACHIEVED we own memm or 111 DIFFIOULI MANqu BONSPIEL No L555 mm cousicunvsnuw wowi MMuMI KEN WATscN OHCURLI atworm lam comaM emu5 rialW VIM 14752 Mil15 57m mm ms me Im MAMc5 fDMJDIMNDIIA I901 IIll WM RlquDnI I915 MDUARaWIMWIIMITIID LAND MAWDDNI WHIIIVAIWIIOR DIIAWIGIT mun uIIhnswgvlllf

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