CITY NEWS THE HAW EXAMIVER THURSDAY DECEHBER 714 llot ll Credible Witness City Youth Gets Three Months Richard Edgar While 17 oi Barrie was sealean to three in definite and three months ioeexrmizale when he was we haul in provincini mun Wrd hesdny oi joy riding who pleaded not glliliy lo the charge before Judge II Trulor John Alexabdu Crown allomey told the court that at 530 up an the mornin Oct police were mlili by Woman that two youths had started car on the lot oi Jack son hieterr on Brodiord and had driven oil with it Several minutes later the car was tuned by police stopped in rent at The Barrie Examin rr buildinz Constable William Walla lestlA llcd that he had observed While in the passenger seat when he ilrst saw the car and when he pulled niongsideil passenger not out and ran up the alley beside The Bumblch Another youlb was observed standing beside ihe drivers side talking In White He and White were token into custody White was charged the other youth was relcosLd and the one who ranup the alloy was not apprehended Constable Waits instilled that the col was not running but said the mm were on and the keys were in the ignition White testied that he llnd been drinking heavily and was walking home along Bradlord St when car slapped and the driver asked him il he wanted ride home Ordered To Keep The Gerald Boucher ol Barrio was bound over in keep the peace or your and was ordered to post bond of $500 when be ap pesrod in Provincial Court Wed ncsdey to loco charge of as sault oceasloning bodily harm The charge resulted irum an incident on Oct into an apart ment on Duniop where Bou cher was living at the time with his mother noucher became involved in White said he accepted the ride and iugzatcd that they re hime the Five Points for milee vhile told Judge Taylor Iii it was at the Five Points thal the driver mid him the ear V15 stolen He testied that he did not steal the car and that be had not been On Jacksons Motors in that evening He also told the 0qu that he had never driven the car Ind that he did notrven possess drivers licence Hilbert Mutilation delence counsel told Judge Tnyior that there was no evidence to indi rate that While tools the car drove it of even caused II to be driven MOVE FOR DISMISSAL He asked Judge Taylor to des miss the charge ilr Alnander pointed out that White land previous cm victims or similar olience and argued that the bsu was mailer of credibility lie said that more were oral points In Ihe accuseds evl dence that were not to be be lioved lie mainlaimd that Whites evidence was compiel ely uncorroboraled have ob=crved the accus ed in lhe witness box said Judge Taylor and do not loci he is credible witness He said he had no alternative but in impose lull senlcnce eel the lime has come ior some slrict supervision oi Mr While he said Peace Zarhari which resulted in bruise on the irls lace Robert llaCKnnon speaking on babel oi Baucher told Judge Taylor that Boueb er knew the girl and that he had not returned to the sport ment since the incident The lerms oi the bond includ ed on order for Buucber lo stay away item the premlscs and to keep lbe peace Bomber oecepled the terms Oi the bond and wished Judge Tay an allereation with Joanne IAck LYALL norOperator Lyelle Tire Town 1944 The war is long way ram being over and thousands at men are yet to die but as Christmns approaches in pri soner at war camp in Germany the scratchy rumanhene plays lil be home ior Christmas and we all knew it isnt true And yet in 44 there is rill lerent tooling from other years it eunt lust loo much longer Christmas without ndvcrils in la almost weird experience When there is absolutely nolhing to buy and nutmeg to sell maybe the more true mean ing oi Christmas has better ehunco or gelling through And yet because there isnt even anything in give it loses sumo thing too The decorations in tho bor ruck blocks are made with in linito curc cunning and expor tlse itn cans are cut with homo made shears into varied gtviltsrmem ior Merry Christmas Luvs MOST MEMORABLE and lntrlcalopntlems to rolled and dilluse the light from the lot lamps The most mundane mnleriols such or labels irom the tins in the Red Cross pnr eels are lubricated into any streamers The perennial gloom is none ior while and an element oi Rape and good will has replaced Christmas Day diilerent ADMISSION lo the Christ mas play at Vnrmcn School Painswlck was lay or can oi something to be distributed to needy village families Packing the boxes ior dellr cry FRO LE Grade pupil Joan llcliinnon bus drhcr Mrs Lillie cus todian Eric Johnson and Grade pupils Sandra Cald ll Diane ilyerscouxb and ElizabcLb Noon Examiner Photo Grade 75 Charlie Brown Meant Presents For Needy By RICHEGNEY Examiner Sta Writer Charlie Browns Christmas live and on videotape and pm stnLi for the its iortunole chil dren were all port oi the lust day of school yesterday It VurA nicn Public School In Painswick The play Charlie Emu11s Christmas was written produc rd and presented by the grade class of Miss Kathy Young The class was divided up lol the various jobs at making sets costumes and perierming They rewrote the hook into this play chose their own directors and even had musical necempuni monk said Miss Young The play lasted about 20 min utes and went smoothly except or the background scenery that Will Irom tile others and dillorent again rent New Years Dali Ior thoughts oi home are stronger and tar more poignant on this duy or days Hard nosed service men he come almost visliui as their daydreaming surlaees irom lime to time and almost solemn air pervades the bar racks Looking back almost Iii curs one wonders ut the slut dlty oi nlrln tho avarice til cruelty the kindness me good and even the greatness Christmas litH enpsuloled all these or me but as the hunlun mind has the happy faculty oi remembelinl mostly the good things oi lite and targets the had it comes back as mom orahle Christmas The Directors Management and Stuff of the marslichen savmgs loan corporatlun PO Box 147 88 Dunlap St East Barrie Ontario silllury oi Mllnlripnl Ilnllkern Corporation loll lellnll MEMBER CANADA UELUSlT lNSUiiANCE CORPORATION smoothly and quietly rolled down The Georgian students said covering Emu and the rest cl southern Ontario milder nuomx may be in In dunp airman ler year mmplolsmmlnlhe Ba rie area lonighl and rise tomor row la on or as wind will be Imm the south at mph and milder nighL Friday Wlnds becommg mu anemone High lodny in the mid ses during one scene 11 ENE 0N You could just see the eyes divert from the action on the Stage to hal rst corner oi the lhey were dolnn the taping iOr pructice Jim Young and John Ailnry are lint yen Communi cations Media siudcnu and they said the head of their deport scenery nsllslarlcslalnuune ggimggwm loother said But the show wunl on Ve need the only problem we had was with the lighting We werent here beforehand lo get an idea at what to expect Mr Young said Gail and Connie Franks and Karen Birch helped out by in terviewing the principal actors As well as presenting the sulnbly ilscii lliss Youngs clusa did their own advertising over the RA system and mode the project more meaningful by charging admission at toy or can of something to each spce inlul Custodian Eric Juhmun and bus drncr Mrs Little were behind the scenes packing Cbristmus hampers with the items donated Mr Johnson said lilo taped program The students said the program was tuned us an exercise and they had no rlellnile plans or transmitting the show via some Inllnwinn the show to round out Area Forecast Indicatee Mild With unsessnmbiy mild air and an evca The temperature is expected Skies will be cloudy and Lbs rumnln Mostly sunny loduyl clouding over to cloudy southerly no mostly Law tonight near High many near to Windsor Lake St Clair Musliy sunny today and milder but clouding over by evening Friday moslly cloudy Vlnds southerly Hugh today and Friday near 40 Lows lonlgnl in JD Landon Hamilton Lake Erie Escaped Custody Sentencing Soon Rodney Allen Kirkpatrick 23 of er St was convivial In charge or escaping cuslody niln he pleaded may to It in Provincial Court Vednlsday Kirkpatrick was remanded in custody but Web or sealant ing He is scheduled to anneal next week or lriai on charges under the Narcotics Control Act John Alexander Cmun utter ney told the court that Kirk patrick had been arrested on Dec II and broke away Irum police as he was being more id up the sleps lo lhe county Mr Alexander said lhat Kirk pnlrick ran across huh and then run aoulil on Mulcusler lo Vorsiey St wilch be was apprehended by police Damp Christmas Lake Huron Niagara western to overnight Highs today Ln the ink Ontario Mulls sunny alga laces to mad today and milder cloudin night lo 15 mgr many 20 over tonighL Pridsy mostly to clomiv llmds become souzh Oahu Montreal Emma rrly so this allemoon Highs cloudy this martin mu pe lndny low to mid ans Leos lo riot oi Ugo snow bezlnzung night ll the mid 20 limos Frl tbs Heller and continuing Fn nay la in day Chance oi rain or snow Eulem Lake Ontario Hnii Friday pmluulnrly in the south ouzlnn southern Georgian Bay rulers Hxsh lulu ncar Aigolm Mostly cloudy today Low lunlghl near Io High Fri and Friday Milder Winds day it so southerly except light at In In the Hollburion and eastern urn 0mm regions Highslslmh 13 mm Ss lodsy mid to low 02 lams mm 38 lonlrot 13k lilghs Frldny 0l Kitchen 55 33 vingtum to North Bay Sudbury normemucn Sound 35 35 Georgian Buy Mo cloudynusknka so 35 lon and Frido hinder 5L Qumran 35 40 winds southerly no In 25 loday mm Becoming easlcrly Friday powwow 35 Highs today in the low 2llsKu1e 32 Lows tonight In to IS chhx Fri Mm gay day =0 10 25 Sudbury 13 Trmngnml While Rhtr Eurllnn Cochrane Cloudy uth occa Tlmmlns sionai light snow today and lxi Kupuskaslns day Periods oi lrcoung drink Mans an overnight beginning near uknchaplcau Supcrior and sprundlng east male River words nght snulhemerly licrnlalan zo winds becoming ruleriy Is to Moosnnce Is High Low RISE St Pauls Innisiil St Peters Churchill Anglican CHRISTMAS SERVICES 51 PAULS ST PETERS Christmas Eve Christmas Evo 30 pm Choral Communion Christmas Day 1000 mm Holy Communion 300 pm Choral Communion Annual ammor1051 the school has been carrying on lllis program ier live years now and hell be taking the boxes of teed and toys around to needy lumilies tomorrow This lilo lint your ior bav ml centralized collection like this and he Salli in post ouch lnss prepared its ewnbnmnor rm Miss Youngs class itsel lboro Mrs special added ni lructlon Filo Georgian Cullcpo studonls including illlss Youngs brother Jimhmught television camera and portable video re curdcr to capture the pcrierm llnCL The lpo was played back following be Show with the slu deals obviously excited about seeing themselves on the screen although low not little cm bu about their TV images There was really no need to feel bllsbiui however since calll pupil had done an excellent job and the play went without thing like the local cable station EMERGENCY NUMBERS Fire Devi 1234131 innitlee Ambulance Service 126$ OPP TitOm GLASSES SAME DAY SERVICE CONTACT LENSES BARRIE OPTICAL DISPENSING OPTICth Cor Clapprriun and Collier 1261211 Holiday Brunch hhunm 260 pm Adult $245 Children under CHRISTMAS IlliY mum at Ilulmllll mu Christmas Smorgoshorll 50 Adult $425 children under 3245 $1M BARRIE SLOS For Reservation Phone Essa Rood 7284619 BAYFIELDST NORTH ON HIGHWAY26 27 NEXT T0 CARDINAL CASH AND CARRY Xl AY MG FURNITURE NEW FOR 72 FABULOUS SELECTION OVER 12 ACRE OF FURNITURE VALUES