FiMdrchond Denies Chdreol Patronage In Quebec DIIAWA Gl Regional Developers Hlnluter Jean army druid Cae sarsalive charge Wadnnday um pallbeai patronage is low ttilved In the millions dollars pron invcrant to rm locatinx in Quebea Both in the Com and In hurtfka outside III Mar dund called the charges false Outside ml lions he called them pack of an Hr Merchant was obviously enraged as be was qulzod In the Commons by James Mclt Grail PCSt Johns Last And Jack Homer PG00F loot hlr IIcGrath raid the minib er had admitted in letter In the Quebec City newspaper Le Soldl Ith mono in Industrial Incentive grants had been psid out to Quebec firms that later went bankrupt The Conservav Lire MP mid thcrc are reports now that some $2 million chl to Quebec firms that either treat broke or laid oil workers The grants are based on the number of new Jobs creams Blr Homer sought assurance that there was no conflict of interest in hit hlmhand bola Quebec leader of the liberal party and also the minister in charge of handing out large sum of money within the prov incur lie wanted assurance that 3011qu hamlet were not vtng out the grants blast of the mum fired at hlr linrthand were ruled out of order inside the House But he did get Io ray that 500000 to rms that later went broke 23 AM right and that this VIM small In relation to total grants of about Vim million rm Speaker called repeatedly for order but Mr Mankind and Mr Homer continued their exchange from their seats In as national orgo lur Mr Harrier called out that is the only way to clear your name You resin if you cannot Hearing BURTON NJ CF Pre liminary hearln will begin hers March into Is paid to bt the first case in Canada involv In combiner thatch agains companies publishing daily newspapers Provincial Judge Charles Twecddale set the date Wednes day The proceeding lasting Icu than ve minutes Involved tva lawyers for the federal jus tice department and one for the defence Group Concluded Mixed Nuts Means Nothing milon CPI survey ythe Consumers Association of muda concludes that the term on was rncnns The association also said mlxcd riqu sold in cans vary wity in content as well as prleoaml um higher price docs not necessarily indicate coxtlier nuts of survey rcported In the eurront issue of Canadian Con sumcr said the quantity of peanuts in the 15 brands of mixed nuts surveyed ran ed 21mm 13 to no per cent and that bishprlccd nuts Included in lists sol la cats were not always iaciu In the mixture ijiw association report said tho survo thu fcdcr Scrooge Seen it Acting Normally SAN FRANCISCO AP bcnczor Scrooge Clllittl macs amour sourpu may hath been actin rm nor mally an ho stumpal about casting Bali hamburg to lbs world lanai thats lhu way nev crnlSan Francisco phyclila trists see the Charles Dickcns crouch To Dr Robert Chlliln Scroogos liumbups may have been sign of sanity In world of fruutration Tbcres no dnuh Cuirun said Tuesday that Scrooge has become progressively more popular as people find out that Santa Claim hnr let them down ilo continued Santa Claus cant perniny fulfil all llltlllc childhood hopes and dream that mtiku us less prepared for adult frustrations Dr llnbert Wald imitl he views old Scrooge ml pan conformlst and Independent thinker who refused to be happy juiit because everybody also was running around demonstrated that department government has not carporqu affairs said the idoa guns for enough In requiring of manufacturers to llut tha inxrr study awash in goat will may all the Musings of tth Ifcly Diry he yours MODERN AND thAPERIES lg DUNLOP 51 clients In descending order of quantity Even though mixed nuts are labelled with the types of nuts the package can or may con taip our results provo that this In not sufficient information for cumiumcrs to make rationnl choices among brands says the report based on surveys In several cities Just as with some other packaged products whlcll nra mixcd there should be man datury standard for mired nuts This standard should define the reasonable amounts of the different varieties of nuts which must bu saved At present the term mixed nuts means noth nc spokeunnn or thajlodorai of consumer and such standards is undcr Scrnolleu urcuirst crime was that hcllveii before his time wlti Wald lie hail the uttltudcu before CIIIlBtmfi Eve that everyone has after ward when Iheir great expec tations collide with reality it was only the throat of an untimely death tgrrlblo ano nymity and ghostly uravc yards that coerced Soroono of the Chrlntmas Carol into adapting the required merry and farglvlnu attitude That said Wald was unfair Actually everyone owes Scrooge debt of nratltudo All we have to do in umllo little and compared with Srrooac wora great people Scrooge just takes the heat off up Dr Earl IIIIIIItllii anoihcr psychiatrirt told rupnrtars that muttering litarty liah Iiumhunl takes the cdgo off our ltolizlny frustrations Guilinnnury when youre IDIIICMC in good for you Its or butter to get angry anl behave like Scrooge than say to lump of the Golden Gate IIIlfIBO ur wish for you CARPET 7284 99I Your prove what you say Mr Slarv chsnd shot back Mr Homer laid the rumor that came to me Is that people who are receiving man are immediately bugged by bagmea of the liberal party and the Liberal colizn new filled with about $2 million from collection from people who havs received yanu from DELIIE Prove one case hlr Blar chand replied later before rcporten Mr hiarchnnd was obviously still upset by the scenein the Con mom Date Set In Combines Case Monopoly charges were laid against Irving Ltd Dd three associated campanlu lublishinz all live Englishlan uagc dailies in New Bruin wick The prosecutor said thcy knew of no previous Canadian ours Involving daily news papers although cases have been heard In the United State and other countries Judge iwccddalr conferred privaton with prosecution law yers William Hoyt and my Dixon oi Froderictau and dc lencc lawyer Donald Gilli of Saint John before the brief court smion He said he has allotted the rst three days of March for the hearing if hellnds sufficient evidence to warrant trial it will take place before New Brunswick Supreme Court justice in Fred crleton The preliminary hearing will consider our charges of form Inz combines mergers and mo napollcs laid against in In Ltd New Brunswick Pub Iishing Co Ltd of Saint John Moricton Publishing Ltd and University Press of New Bruns wick in Frodcricton All arc in Icrcsis of irvlnu thcSuInt Jul iiiduhiriuliht dailies Involved are the Saint John TelegraphJournal and TimesGlobe Moneton Times and Transcript andIred cricioa Cleaner The only other daily In New Brunswick Is the Frenchdanguagu Lo ProgrssL Evangeline In Moneton The charges follow an Inva uatlon started by federal com bipcs officers In 1009 MAY DECLARE srx STRIKEf WAKEFIELD En ululid ltcutcr wives of Brltlhh miners proposing to strike over pay claim may declare Mix strike of their own unlcim their husbands no on warking An anonymous lLlttl from mother of eight to local newspaper In this Northern England town nnidllo wonicn wcro bocklnu the call for Lyslstrntu strike The group will ulsn bun housework couk no nieubi find resign their own Jobs They hope to recruit more wivuit before the threatened national minors strike due to start Jun ii 1110 letter said the wives have boon sunccsuful with similar threats twice before When our husbands pat an increase they dont uivo us any mom and they expect mi tokoop them In clover It added The idea originated 2400 ago In tho ancient Greek comcily Lyllltlutu In which tho women of Athens denied Iheir husbands bed und board until Athens ended itn war with Sparta SIAN LEBMNC 20 works on womens handbag in cellar workshop of Griffins Leather small Vancouver company ny THE CANADIAN mass WEDNESDAY DEC 23 IV study for the Science Council of Canada said Can ada should think twiccbeforo negotiating another arrrcr merit like the CanadaUnlch States uuio pact because ben efits of more jobs and export earnings were offset by re duccd Canadian rmcarch and managerial abilities The study also warned that growing foreign ownership of sciencebased industries in putting Canada at substan tial disadvantage Tho government put no tlco on the Commons Order paper huyliii six billsuric of them tho contentious one to set up national farm market init boardsmust be passed before the Itouso takes any Ions Christmas recess While Ihe House would not sit Christmas Eve the gov ernment has nlrcntiyschod uled sittings for Monday Dec 21 and the following tiny Conrorvatlva MPs quizzed can MarehnmI regional cro nomlc expansion minister an rcpurLl that mlliionl of dollars In Incentlva grants ward uivcn Ia Qilcbnc firms that later went bnnkrupt or laid off wurkcrs The minister slild min 3500000 Wtnt to flrmil llifit went bankrupt and this was an extremely low failure riiio Thu Cummnnii debated bill to Institute cut of three pcr cent in pcrmnui income taxes and seven per cent in corpora tion tux no IlmImIIWCfI by li iiunla hilnixicr Ii llcnson lth Ociniicr rlfunnimv mar 21 mi The Cummtllit rmuin fit rpm liSl ta Ullllllllu the tax cut debate The Scnfilo also mcein Ill MIL Boys Kidneys Used IOltONIO iCl The kid nein of II nuvonrycarofd boy who iiiuri Vidpcxduy followinn ti Irnfili liccitlunt in Iiiii hometown of Part lcrry Int Monday night have been used In two kid nuy lriimipliintilnne hora anti the other In Clavciimti Ohio Allnn llriiy Willi walking with friends Kuvin Bretn ii and his brother Michael 10 along ii tract in lllli town 20 mlch nurtii nf Utillliwll when they were itlfllck by car MIchmI died Monday and Kevin suffered minor Injuries and was lxitcr ralciiiiod from Whlth Imspliul provincial police at tliiyn Try this wish on for size Have Merry Christmasl manogomonftr staff IIUNLOI HT I4 WILEHIII rated by Stan and 18 ycnr 0K partner iony Pouiscn CP Photo crewmanam arm 1171 Leather Craftsmen Unable To Keep Up With Demand vmcouvan cm Any ideas you had of shop so out the back door onlywhere June when you maize e5 tabltshrrm or Stan Leblanc and Tony Poubeu in the base ment of the green lrnrne horse with the peace sign paintedon thulivlaz mm window But push hard as the ski1 says an the door without handle and your eyes and your nose tell ouyouys found Griffins lea ertmlimitod unincorpor axed and unable to keep up with life Christmas demand for handtrailed bells walletl watch straps hair clips hats and handbags Working 1mm cardboard pai tcms designed and prepared by Sian assistant Betty fcan Chase carves outfrom tanned cowhide the five bode shapes 1th will be buddycd hand oiled bandteoled aadnands Add OTTAWA AT ll GLANCE elitch into womenl handbags ALIwo other beaches part nor Stan and Tony work frec bandas they etch avarlety of desiguinlo the at surfaccs before they shape and thou the leather into finished ha and attach adjustable ouider straps Were turning out about 20 handbags week right now along with few hats and an assortment of smaller itcim Stan said Wednesday But Its long dayfrom about in tho morninguntli nearly mid night KEEP OFF WELFARE At 12 to us wholesale forthe baus 55 for bolts and $15 for BOXING DAY SALE Ours lasts daysl Exclusive Showing Of I972 Citation Travel Trailers 17 ft SC models 19 ff 5C low profile I9 it St custom 22 if SC custom 25 SC eurIom 29 SC custom also 18 it motor home We have few good used trailers In from it through 19 HappyAHuIiilay centre Milo North Throw better keep ontastiltg great Barrio onHighway II at the Crown Motel bars the name of the game isnt exactly profit but it to rain three young peoplcoff re And Stan and Tan are cordl drql thatthe tmns busi ness will put Griffin feather into its aim wholesalercmii shop in the new year Stan lieBlanc next month and native of Concession Ni saidhe turned hobby into laminar about two years ago when he bought hole punch and cutter and started to hairldanlt leather goods for an day last spring he was suf cicnliy established to go of wel fare nzcn he brought in Lon donborn iony Poulsen Ill and in Canada six years as lull partner in what became Grillin Mather 3er was the only way said Slnri Tony is good and needed some help lint with In come so erratic wages were out at sight so were working ona straight soso split Both partners expect families to fall off In the new ycar and they know streetfront shop with two doors in going tacos coed bit more than the $40 month they pay now for tho cq hr But both are condent tbzyli make it Wgli never get rich nys Stan but were doing our own thing and Itiii staying off wel fare man thats where Its at Immigrants Increase LONDON Renter Britain immigrants during the first nine months of 1911 than during the corresponding period last year government statistics issued chntsday show Same 28037 Commonwealth aettlerr were admitted compared with 20515 in the equivalent 1970 period LETTERS RELEASED NEW YORK API North Vietnamese and Vlct Cong rep resentedves in Fair have re Icascd flood of letters and cards which they say are from most of the acknowledged xiv US prisoners of war In Viet nam Rcv Richard Fernandez of Philadelphia arrived from Paris Tuesday with 1091 letters Best wishes torn vary rnqrry Christmas season from tho pnoplo downat STEPHENS Store for Mohar 49 DlINLCP 72325 orderror pa Nielsen Elmert keeps on tasting great ri