EXAMINER TELEPHONES eyu turned to dispute ovcr glylr earn Christmas Vlcstitul Wednesday through twb budget bills that would rcarrapge some tarllis and implement tax cuts malnudmouths ago attestation Ctanltladhdrutlslng mug WINKW messI em Ne 29 Budget And Tariff Ba ris Ontario Canada Thursday Dcumbur 23 I971 Bills Pelee Before Recess plum CF with their alive proposal to except rattle rem the bill which would atr methodically provlnclai marketing boards ior various Iarrn goods In the It mouth the bill bu been bolero the Cummons this has been major Conservative The demonsanti moments point or debate later tho Sumopasted ll bill putting lnluclrect certain tarlll adjustments lanmuneed by FI mace Minister Benson In Illa June In budget Still In secondreading stage is measure proposed Oct it to cut inborn taxes by three per ceat and corporate taxes by seven per cent Those reduction have been In eilcct since July Meanwhile Npreuatatlves tram III parties were dlckurlng on whether to take just the weekend all or Christmas or rise until Feb 16 The government wants the Commons to pass lungdis putcd laml products marketing bill by tonight than rise until February Agriculture Minister way In the blIL That made Thursday Id PakiStcm RAWALPINDI Rtuteri President Zulllkar All Bhutto strippcd Pakktabl nahlllty at their titles and allowances at public mnds today In another malls against tbs wealthy The president In power or our days since he took over from Iormer pruidcnt Yallya IIijack Scheme Not Intended gggmgrgggggegmlgmm To Be Completed Sources Say case canned anauicry In the Unich States Police sources ssld that Milne plannlxl to swap the ailliner In Russia tor the sailor Apart Item the lack of realism in Soviet girlsnn camp probably this plan everything else Indi ilad rln tcnlion oI carrying out cntcd that he did not really in plan pollen sources said lend to carry It outthe sources sy Menard Milne who resigned mm senior executive past In Toronto with the United Church at Canada low days ago was taken into custody on Monday night altar allegedly telling the pilot oi Pan American W7 he would hijack the pianoduo ta dcpartptar New Yorkltile iollow nlico dho told the pile he wanted tortuous Slmas Kur dlklla aldtlllibalauwlla irch ts dciecl to the United States last February by leaping tram n5olt vlcl ship cats US Coast Guard cutter Kurdlka was handed back at the Russians request and the armsle Router 49 yearald Canadian Scotsman ar rested here because at an lll Iogcd scheme to hijack United States passenger jeillner and tree Lithuanian sailorlrom laid They said that II he had really wanted to an mount with It he would not have told the pilot in advance nor would he have told the pilot exactly where he could be Iaund In llclslnkIIn the hotel where pullcs lstcr nr mstcdjllni gt rblllaes behavlor relalorccd MIIESJWE thawell It Will barristersdud In was public Igdoil Julio the sources Milne will was born in Dua dec Scotland and migrated to Canada in 1050 wIIl probably be held or ll few days and then do llelcd as an unduirabie alien the sources said EEAPSUTE NEWS Boy Reserves Kldney Transplant renown CPI 12yearold Sault Ste Marie boy whose mother died of kidney disdain received kIdnoy sevenyounaId Iort Perry Oak boy Wednesday night Gary Gil bert was Iiawnlhero Wednesday to tho ilaspltal or Slck Cblltlrcn alter Allan Ronald Dray died of injurlm irom Monday night traIIIe accldentlll th hometown 20 miles north of Oshawa Treatment Announced For Angina DONDON AP llrltlsh medical nulhorltlcs reported today HAMILTION CF Virglnla Langls oi Caprcol has awarded silver medal secondhighest award oi the Canadian liumano Association ior her rescue oi three mm burning homo April 11 um Radiation Levels Bislln Canada nuclear test In China Ilcalih ablo levels and was of no health elgalllcanca Man Killed By Tree He Was Falling CAYUGA ICP 15 miles south oi Ilumlitlm struck him the department 01 transport work crew clearing trccl uslralian Police Seek Bomb Thrower CANBERRA Australia Ilcutcr Australian police hunted Shier man they bellovcd was wounded In all exchange 01 shots alter throwing ll gasoline bomb Into dcurwuy or incident happened hours altchllmo Mlnlster William McMahon bud lil prime ministers residence hcrc Tho Olson huuccded In Comm Journmcnt unlikely sumptlan or slttlllgs Monday probability alter takin hell Ihorlm establishment of inter day Friday Commons will sit mall the tax cuts and the marketing bill are Pit$5M But the New Democrats were Opposition Leader Robert Stan Insistan Wtdbesdny that call eld Wednesday attackEd the government In proposing re cess until Feb l6 Lose Allowances Khan already has Impounded bu passports ol the countrys 22 richest Iamlllcs and dismissed the military gavcmors ot West Pakistans leat provinces the allowances and privileges oI the nawam chlels and rulers or the countrys tumor status been oyal drcn OTTAWA CF Atmosphcrlc radiatlun levels rose slightly at suvural points In Canada ill the wake of last Novembers Minister John Munro said In statement today that the radioactivity was at minimum detect Itchcrt Grant 47 or ltll Lowbollks was illcd Wednesday when true he was telling near this commun ilc was member withrc Tbs gevemmc at say the In the midst the argument Nobility llis decision today abolished All civil and mllltary titles were withdrawn rpm the lor mcr rulers he also lnsc spe Importing Tha move against the 22 Inml llcs was symbolic rathcl than real ior In an edch Issund two nights ago Ule 43yearold pmli dent had baaapd Inralxn travel or all Pakistanis anyway But the new lnslrucllon cop luycdmtel the ubllfi titlel Imprbl an 011ch octac lI inwn ca SID clltc grail stink Tawmlgg pogllilllzfput mm ans oposscss mnuNm CP do program mqu Thu min Mr Trudeau who seldom II um mmy mum and prc Court judge says Iho Canadian ol the Canadian West ml Wsmmy seemed to be allowing for the vent them shlltlng their rldlcs to foreign banks Irish Troops Battle Mobs 0iYnungsters lrlsh tree bullied 300 police and release arrested Inbaratlnn with crack battling nrltlsh Iarccs In Nort cm Ireland ncgal on Irelands no llALLYSlllllClTldlCIMICllhm carom allam mobs lol Into lilo Civactworkl almm leaders at the outlawed Irish Itcpubllcan Army who had been The president oi Slnn Icln tho IIlAs legal pollllcul nIIlII atop cllllcd tho nrrcst ol the three men ll blatant act ll col the llrltlsh who have been urulng Lynch to dawn on the guerrillas Ilallyahallllon is small part and market town In Caunt Do we coast at point whom the re The prime minislcr as he had made knuurl bclurchand bad no annuunccmcau but be com mcrltcd on several subjects rpm the economy to relations with tile US It the Quebec silu allon WONT SAY VOTE YEAR OTTAWA CPI Liberal ar galllxcrs may be in mass hinting Ill alter three little words by Prime Minister Tru licau Wednesday The words were it run meaning In the hcxt general cl cctlen as Liberal Icadcr Mr Trudeau was asked at new conlcrcnm WIRIth Con scrvallvc Leader Robert Slan Ilcld can beat him In the next election He replied suppose he can Anybody can beat me In the next election II ran But you know this Is completely hypothetical ques tion Can anyone beat met iupposc so can beat them on reporter approached him privaton alter the news center unbound asked him to clarity his words run ANYIIIIN GPOSSIBLE the subject he declined to say wbcthcr the next election will be held In 1972 Or 191 He said he does not know whether he Il have time in the next month to consider major cablnet changes He would see Energy Minlslcr Greene within week or so lar decisiun on hls cabinet lu tum Illr Greene has been re covering In London Ont mm stroke sullend In Japan in September The Culnrnuns uhcn It ad lourns vlll not reconvene uullll PIERRE TRUDEAU Judge Says CRTC Powerless rhc pirt ll began Oct ETDwlll be lakcrt back to cabinet or re assessment Despite scvcral qucsllons on lkmu nevi draltlng These include the com Fcll l5 and llr Trudeau said the cabinet will use this time to prcparc Icglslatlon ior the nut scs It IS supposed to be the procl ecllon session but All Milena xuuld not be drawn out on dce oral tinltn BILLS He said bills which will die the cumatJesloa ex ltnd pomlblc re pctiliun bill on prlme minister said Iorlt elgn ownerspr policy will be announced In January at the carllcst and possibly not until the sccond hull of February In sllghlLv dlIIerent context he said Canadians will probably tell the government It Lt antl American once this policy is In naunccd The prime minister rcpontcd that the matter was hypolllcli cal that ho dld not wish to de To Stop Shows However tho Judge noted that ho Indian groups may well have lcgltlmnlegrluvanccal though am not so dccldlng RadioTelevision Cammlsslorl ls vlrlually powerless to prevent TV networks and stations irom chance however remote that somebody else might lead the LI unis In the next election WHONN mm The mu Ilrlggcgluaglgnarmullcglvg52 or which the law as prcscutly ldcllug 15 mlxgwmuy bar at suspcets arrested In substantlul number or viewers constituted appears to prOVIdo and um 3m Espoum connectlan with the mllilundul no adequate redress wen me MW mnrcmmu lal hank rubbery In Windsor Allison WaISh mudothn csntmcntin mpago written judgment in whlch he Justice Mr tnr climbed to six The action was Itluncllctl by Wednesday but police suy they the Natlanlll llldlnll Brother hood the IndianEskimo Assn dki not leak cvca silllltly war rlcd about such use blllty Blvplquarria Il run mlAasrsllli nu suttsllcd mad via sorganlsatlons vlousiy Iallcd In ll Iild Illle maltthrown sungstcrs today uslertilcrnxilEclands maa ml $21 gulxgulltl any IN IA MAKSPBEDCTIO whirl tourlg Illsllurlctlll daflumxcu Prlmo Minister Jack Lynchs 0W ClV la ow Dublin government rclll Its Its Inltlal airing In March Ill troops late the ulllu rcpubllcun mm Iowa or Ballyslltmncn nltcr rl PM otars hrealcncdlo overwhelm Mn Jumm anbh HM In Ills THESSALON Ont cs View Nothing like last Wm ludgmcnt that tho lmlllms lo Gmrgc Wublgwllm resident ycur IlILl of this Indian rcscrlu su Illllls Ml Vubluwtllll KI hams Knldcd the program as tanlly racist historically Intlc Ills prcdlcllclls ml the lull no cost of Sault Ste Marie 0lt curan and slanderous to tho ln has good news for those who tlvlty at wlhllllu dlan race and cullurc In Its tires the rigors at Canadian Last year llliclllllng birds version ol the settling of tho winter Ilclv so llgh yull lIllllusl llllll to use glasses In sue the he said but this your they wore cluscr lo the LICllllll And squlrrrlx wru sturllll their winter Illmi supplies only carpenter and former trapper who has been lurc cas llg winter weather tor the past ID years Mr Vllblglluln oneshawl Canadlan Vcsl mm to the turn at the century but he said he would not cum mcnt on the content of the pro gram based on book by To lu prcdlcllng ronto writer Frank Rusky be wlntcr three to tour act llllovc can ho had my pm It has right It should make around this yullr culllpllrml gram and till nlllurn oi mu pro thlnc cllslcl to tukc than last with II0 In slx last your winter when he Iurvctlst ho suld gram soil was not an Issue bolero him Mr Justice Vulsh ulso said It lie wunt gullrllllttc Ills prc tlIcIIuns but docs ch Itllrl collllllcnt Ill tilclll tllrcc In qurshnvcl Wlillll rlnd saw record sllowlalls back up his prediction publlc Status Central Agency muny loplcx oi the MIumtbusrd trial below military cuurt the mall criminal actions HOWOVEI Castro said Spaniard II ecdn 223pcr cnt devaluation oi the Australian dollar ar mrmmuawmw 55er WA CPI when Culle the cash results oI the dcrul tax law on their In the how your most cause In wonder what political lass has Ilccn rout majority ol the eight million tnxpa nliy all or tho ml at make ll living as somebody elsell changes strictly In line royal assent to hecumo lho chcral revcnllo tlcp roll tuxdcductlon guides 1072 but Illdlclltiorla lllo chan as or most taxpayers ho ln aimal on the tax swing they will an the roundabout uI other crul or nlVlIlCllll measures MORE IAY lNUIlANCl Av ulslntlon tux rout will be oliset In Tuesday was waiting only lroll llw mollt still Is preparing Its plly Further what many muy guilt All advance next month on tho retracted Commune Among 12 million long stut hy ll So who will he newly cnrolicd Ill ttco belt passage the unemployment Illsllrullcu and ha llllggcstcll that tho bst Taxpayers Will educlions As Small Change alagllllll Illlll required to lulu tllill lll the legislative unlng Mb ruvlslull or tllllt will rulll xllmblt lt Illllilltl Ulltllrlrl cllrllllll $0000 ll your standard tllmlcdllcthm will be roughly no celltlt 1030 chr art SUD lhle yallr millllll Alberta Castro Claims Ship captain Admitted Being CIA Agent IIAVANA neuter Cubun Premier Fidel Castro said Wednesday night that Jase Villa Dips ll US citizen and captain of ship seized by the Cuban nuvy this month had admitted being all agent at tho Unllcd Intelligence Ill ll twohour speech covering Castro unld Villa Ircigiltcr luhnny Express would stand bns comm ttcd as CIA llgcllt only one other CICW member ll revolutionary had seen Villa lncrlmlnllted and the captain had admitted nally allowances hut wlll rcduco those Ipr Illml ilos Ill middlehad upperIncome rcllldcnt better all unlitr lllll tax law with weekly lakellama plly nI Cnnud an $9151 Illslczlll at tho uvcrubt discover simple drug treatment that has been shown to Ilvomllo cut by all the loath rate among men sullcrlllg lrom anglna NW Im Wmmm between Northern lrolaml iL Inuit this year like It The Illl Ill the puln caused by dollclaat blood supply to the heart the Aunnhlcillt 15 cum vcvghmglfuuggcSTtg lhallld bIltlhlfl pretty tllgllll wasnt loukgaud Ilu mcll as unlo or or snaw an co said but the ll low lvc woman Awarded Medal For Rescue Northern Ireland with the rc mgnslshug lilvmstxm weather he said in an Inlcr been pretty nccurnlc and networks It licenses Police Hold Man In Hljacklng Case MONTREAL CPI Police sald they are holding one mun In connccllun wltll tho hlllleklrlg Tuesday at ll postal truck scar Muntrctlhlntcrnuilonul Airport The hlluckcd truck was taund early Wednesday behind ngtr raga In St Jallvlcr about 27 miles north at Montreal The driver was bound and gagged Inside the truck lie was treated or shock In hospltnl and released moment at Panama under whose ting the ship sailed should surlu piano to pick up the rulllulnlug crew members as soon lls the Inquiry was over Castro said that Villa was In cunluct Ill Tampa lllll Ia mat with Mr John who gave hlm Instructluns to cnmlon CIA ship in 1060 villa moved to the ship Explorer whore ho purticlpntcd in three missions for the CIA Chaim 501d Five armed man escaped with or The premier said that mallbngs post oIIIce he brother ot the CubaaAborn VIIitl ppnkcsman sold all at the bags contained autnItewn mull The remainder was oi Montreal mail About 15 or 20 bogs coh taincd registered mull Mother Tells Coroners Inquest Crowd Watched TIMI T120 79h mo or yeara area boy who died In lira Inst Octrr oer told coroners In am Wednesday that crowd too In lilo persons stood WnlClllg the ames while she ask them to run about 200 yards to turn In lire alarm Paul Cousins and bls laur ycarold brother nay tlltd In tho basement lira which the cork onors Jury ducldad was led by styrolorlln Insulating lPanels plywood used as per lions and gas leaking from meter The Jury ruled Ihut the boys dlctl oI carbon monoxide DOIENI laid In the IIIo he buys mother date tcstltlcd thnt sho askc people to call the lite doplutmcnt but they and nothing remained In Cuba Calllro said that the brother militia man and everything Count gav twu nclmuluge children stand ard deductions and ll salary oi $10000 your will takeleme about Slidlloa wank under the new ruglms compnrcd with an average 015350 this your EVDII government cslimnies oi bcnollts when tllu tax bill was publillllcd Illut Juno were rela Ilvcly Unlllll They ranged between savings ul til your lot ll single person at $0000 lo tux cut at Illlli or married man at 00000 Sumo would pay moreu to Im extra your Iur angle person with $11000 In llrlllutll ln comm lnly Isa BUS DRIVER llus drlvcr Darvlil llllm Ilrouk has his ll way at pat ting Into tho Irlt Ill Christ mas lle doaa Santa Claus with lulllul week 3mm Police Seeking Loot Suspects dhmxslingygl hzisl dawngntffm gm Unlup 01 on ta monitor nervouser at iluwlmmmsm Kvlvhur that would have turccd thc mum czar glucrognu lnzucd luaums lopondcr Payne said that built Tuth IN CHRISTMAS slum Cbrltltlne whclanll and Bobby outllt yesterday bolero trans lldxlmlnl ppr Ing plipllti to King George bc ool Ila ll lean helping and Wlndmr detectives are Inc In or averal menl nltll They also are seeking smpno of the loot that is still missinl mm the 91129000 robbery at lhu Royal Bank at Cana Wmmm Earlier Deputy Police cldlCA Bernard Shamans said two men well known to Mata polkaV may hnvu been two at thoroul mm wile robbed the bank siral SIOIIJIOO In melon mmWInd sul IIIIICWLly was dcllvcrcdbyf lrllllllcd car We knew who they arn and my what to question them In collnccuun with the robbery the deputy uhlcl suld Theyre Tatunto mun ul mm that have tlclcll hung moved Toronto ll CllAllGll CONSPIRACY illtl lstcst arrest came Wednesday when polled charged llunalrl Patrick Bulimia 36 pl Toronto with conspiracy to cum mlt armcd rubbery No more money was rcuovurcd In the ar rest Earlier Wednesday the live persons llrtcslcd Monday night were remanded when they up pcurcd In court charged wllll pusscsalun or stulcn goods All six new arc In Windsor vllero Pol Icc CIllaI Gordon Ilcsion said they will appear In court today on chmes at new Nplracy to rah Amen oll llln bus or IIlolal