TMIIS BUSS Christ Wm um um or mscmm Den Ann Lladerl sum Ch in longer read our column the more mnvlu become that Puck spoke true words when he an whnt fools these mortals be When we buy an expensive picce ot equipment there is usually full set at Instructions Christmas party Conservativ to Ottawa reality MP oiled Flowers righten Holidays is over the plant can ed in runny location ardcu Frequent water lngs vi ensure adequate foliage development over thavaummcr months Ante Tho union is pop ottcd plant for Christmas double Stcva Paproski Pinon can he used to good of frost vantage as part of the Christ as decor The tinctive shop 811m Ito lh the Ontario griculture and can also on it or nomeono on cultural Specialist artment at There are at an be and or these purposes he says inscttla Thu polnsettia is ular favorite as decora plant at Christmas nlu truo blossoms lcuous and it is th loll Iurroundln Ill Ilvo IIIIL beauty 342 conditions or th 187m are not rsvorn nsettlas the drop the dccora Tth should be watered without soaking the coil plants rnqulru tensity and therefore aged in sunny window Ihcy ould also be pmtuclud irom drafts as well as rising ulr cur rents tram radiators and othu hunt reghtcrs Alter tho leaves have fallm tho placed where on between ulur The single and semi ms urn common shades of red room orange and white tcmpcraturo below recs at night and lull 1v that um or yeu AI rum ol poodles The Ind lmmus tops to match 11min inluud more In tryIII And ph plan and with coordination Elltc Theres car tl Inn fur coats Ind punt lull pretty long gowns that holiday picture od be delighted to see WP 60 deg sun dur bloom in tho home Daily water 113 and syringing tho avcntlcal drop mm mm mod Wham from white to shadus oi red Allhouilh beautIiul it one of the most dlilicuit plants to in home conditions The ower buds blast and the foliage turns ulckiy units cd with incon bright red tho flowers In tlv lounge will help 51 or nrogrown nsp mu In color vu hrncts high light In ohould be the plant ight temp erature of 50 dogrccs so to as degrees during the plus full sunlight CERYSANIIIEMUMS Among the nngcst or or the home mums which are ova year round Ihoy any available ydlow bronze red lavcnd er pink and whilu Ianl should he tmpcraturc to and 50 do The soil should be al lowed to dry out completely dur sting stugc lng whun all danger nstlng ow arc pnttcd llahlc all in this re Next spr NIKKKKKHKIEiilWKEKIUI SPECIAL PRE ulmmnxmmmmmnmnmnmamnm CRYSTAL CHANDELI ERS NA3016I LIGHT $6500 NOW $4900 25 NA835 LIGHT $5525 NOW $4500 20 LIGHT $3535 NOW $2850 20 HT $4500 NOW $3250 27 NASH RBBOOZ4 LIG 58040 LIGHT $2910 TRADITIONAL BRASS LAMP 36 to 40 high approxuncle Regular $5500 each One Lamp Reg $5500 Buy Pair Reg $11000 CAST ALUMINUM OUTDOOR LIGHTS never rust gt DURING THIS SPECIAL SALE 20 DISCOUNT ON THESE OUTDOOR LIGHTS hock Mfrs List $2093 $2l 38 $1980 $3758 $2790 SNOC 6735 Stock No 6725 Stock No 3220 Stock No 3420 Stock No 3430 Stock No Wmmwantcum rigidly grigaagg gia 959 ii sail Eg ever when he was younger several pets but he was cruzl to them and said no more pets Two years ago he tten Ind beued me to iL Three do the acts Ivc outlined in this rambling letter Pleuc advise Worrtcd Mother going and good luck many grow you at PreBhristmas SALE 20 to 37 off and at the same time SAVE on all your lighting requirements Lighting utulutzumstluimml mluulututll CHRISTMAS nuummmzlmu SAVING NOW $1995 33 ly 10 varieties to choose from his saving For $3388 For $6900 Clues Point To Trouble Now Is The Time To Act lily Ian Inge Eveytbiaxlstbaiky In it No 115$ roam Sly L1 came In 741 cw weeks Igo Ind 1m van annoyed became Lhzy kind to sleep on the pullout bed in the den Ettore they said goodbye they told in we should have put the hidyin the den and zivux Mounting bl or away at are Sulphuls will he on until talus an nod do ty in run once in nu sign as well Is versatili mixandmstch outfits sure or timed with tuna lavr7 asking you say pascal Ipprotch in well more the kids out yur If you well tell my parents sleep on Lb or go to NO Gaul Khan and makeup ml willbe mama coutik dillth an exper iment with various outts for contort fuhiun air Handbags for example would be roomy enou to hold all the iumt new es need IILKhL but no hay 1131 bulb sly Phyllil And its easy to data lelsh but unruly Is pullout bed Im hotel Please Id anusalong orT use and matnten gs Ollen with Iew warm than is narranry Unlonunntcly body has no wnrr reasonahl quit while nil around us who pols pickle their eat them shnpcs mule Then thcy laying it on the line instead of remainiul silent and golnx tier at apology Ind the duly but with it should last Yet we see people on their any hurt Write In it them to com ing year It mkzsahlzpeantow was wrong ewe bodies with tobacco brain with alcohol selves into grotesqu wear themselves with too little rvs all because the machin BOOX BANNED SALISBURY Bhoduls AP Government censors have banned the book Sexual Politics Dru Mother certainly do written by womens lib tlgurn future trends and urge to waste no time In getting this boy to doctor in psychiatric evaluation There are several cluu which even lay person can recogxlxe as potential danger signals Get cry run down Why are humans so stupid Ann Inndrs Cal roblnm is not or disciplinc oplc rind run at illcgnl intoxicat and irresistible Dear AI 11 stupidity its lac many he great things th Ina Ilttznlnz YOU WERE WONG Dear Ann linden dcal here but my Wit and would like In answtr Im an architectural engineer and my wife nod our two childrcn live in housn duigncd two years No bl The Gift That Gives All Year Round CULLIGAN CONDITIONED WATE Why Not Call Your Culligdn Mun Today ITS ranr run or YEAR AGAIN YW FWmY can 503 EIYI9 mam Culligun Conditioned Water lmmcdiutclyl txansmnns rns slim waahlhle double knit wool colortul out too by mt Ind tentacl coat on ski latkcto by Pea and pant iiitun and will put you rllhl In th Wont you drop to soon There RANSMANS LADIES WEAR DUNLOP Serving this community for halt century N6 517 29 PENETA ut Towno Cr Countryo 54 wlmIIimlmumum ITEMSBIG SAVINGS ltltliHiltsdutmltlullxmaumsluluususiu Its Easy to ioin Just Askl While youre at the store Discount SuvingszCur Good all year on any way you can saveuli year We offer GQuality Lighting 97Day Money Year round Savings Sales Tax Extra Layaway Available Chorgex fixtures Back Guarantee Your Saving 30 We hov Your Saving 37 MONTREAL GI 05 Id vin th llama on villi sum mmummrnr Ah Canada boatusu IIJI yurcld Phyllis Lia Mias might tartarinrishllzrvica mintntxul denrd alts uncontamin nrte of assembles designed to Inn individual Iiintu Ind something suits you Ind ll comlnrtahl working shoe tinoIIiy evolving career robe llis whose light supervisor styl 7284782 ask the sales staff for Up to 15 per cent off your lighting needs This not only at Christmas also added fine quality line of mirrors ranging from $2200 to $8000 each Vlho ltoms altered hero are only Lighting Unlimited Towno at Countrye Square Steel at Yonge Open to to to daily Mon thru Thurs and Sat The chnnxu will be gradual but the focus will stay on c5 We Ire not little dril in ur business includes six museumcowardly The it Inland In ject will be based on good Ish ion sense with Hair keyed in all In current Theres no special mu think you entertain cheese parties or what espodally when served with Benefits of Crafted in wood with many EST which imposing and handsome on my dresser MUSICAL type All It REEVES JEWELLEB Baffin TBSSTE NT To PARIS you couldnt ind more elegant FROCKS than It the KILLER HOUSE They liko floorlength clinging EROCADE KNIT glornor Their exceptional puttogethcn vct ctc SKlRTS and coordinated TOPS to vani JEWLL CH as well as the Dunlap St Eu EVEN IF YOU WE collection of PARTY are simply gorgcmu thats all glitter and specks which look and Kendal Winsome Wardrobe To Replace Uniforms Oi Airline Hostesses DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCES CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS MONDAY to FRIDAY 9amtulim SATURDAY AM TO PM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE by JQVEI Bruit Illccs bacon on crenmcdchem Icupsshmddedcbeddarcheese pieces Saute nutll mag pain on abmrbent or several hours It it becomes This recipe makes comb or masonrudsuougbmmmmaa klMlERYBDXMBEEVESJKW mrmm long wool vol III Collier Shel STEELES CHINA AND GIFT under aoyooes Christmas trcc Foley English china SALAD BOWL with matching SERVE Ior DI plastic CANDLE HOLDERS with gold loci like glass Truly handsome and very cir SILVER pinth STBMWARE as well as newifg me are Lhc ANNIVERSARY only $1095 and unmu impressive gifts are th LIN SERVING PIECES month Theyve wide range and their MINIATURE CHINA Collicr Street her theros the gift of beauty match hcr pctsanctity us we match his Also for her are the night Theres cvcryth their Holiday collection of lovely gills for the ho pleasure shopping at mums Blylleld Hall the Christmas season and HA Christh giving Their BOUQUETS To avoid you pbono or visit 99 Duan St East SHIRTS and ot course HATS are there tog at the 18 Collier Strch open stock Christmas WOOIWORTII for hospitality but at durum time more inqueutly For open home win have you heres dip thats excellent wedges at lee 117 301 CHEESE DIP FLORAL PIECm by Ansley Each of BANIBle VOODENWARE STEELES CHINA AND GET SHOP NURSERY FURNITURE and CLOTHES tor thcm There nrc many me too and the TOY DEPARTMEITI is just crammed with GAMES SUNS CARS and DOLLS even the ROCK FmWER DOLL with hcr own record ch youll iind its slim he this ycar us are their EIDRAL ARRANGEMENTS Ire vcry meaningful oxcours lsnppointmcnt deliver locally and also send FIDWERS by WIRE anywhere if 10 EACH HER OWN and the PINK much in rucstnhlishtng the ago at ind gills or her Fi there are GOLD and SILVER PANTY HOSE which go nonstop from toe to waist other gilt or Christh giving an Lhcir BLAZER PIN from their magnicent CROCHET JEWELLERY collection SWEATERS BELTS and STORE up WWII nuee tsp dry mustard LW onion salt Adrop or twootrabam mum higcrvwd ouumnding because they arc not OUSE has added new linc Its Claim HADDUI IEISUIIEWW which is exquisit comma nous Baxrid mum 5110 have beautiful gills to out For instance mens it Real Old ccc depicts the flower of tho PIECES worth browsing at nrrtc 7232195 syncs WONT un in do lustlco in describlng the wonderful CHRISTMAS GIFTS SAWEITE has for the whole InmisFor to in COIDGNES and PENFl it as AFTERSHAVE IMIONS to PARTY DRmSES as enticing as in golngtor baby at SAYVEIIE even both BOYS and GIRLS will love Barrie COLORFUL FLOWERING PLANTS add their own lclevo touch to RRIS FLOWERS as pcrlcctly beau tllul ones on display There an the majestic rod and white Pom SEIIIAS JERUSALEM CHERRIES and many other quality rmms all wrnppc IXEDJPANS are cxccptionally lovciy CYCLAMENS and bowed Ior RED ROSES otquistmns time as are MIXED ordcr early You imow they mums FLOWERS Barrie TIEM0 PANTHER BOUTIQUE docs lviduollsm in thctr Christmas worn with ono of their HUI ottect would be sensational INK PANTHER BOUTIQUE Barrie mm HOLIDAY TIME is home drusiup time so why not dress your dinner table with PARAGON CHINA from GRAYSONKELD GIFT SHOP Theres 20 cit on place GMYSDNEELD GIFT BED 680 Maple Avenue baking soda added to keep tor now JB Barrio 1335781 Occasionally soak your toolhbnishes in wantn water with lithe them clean and in good condition Bye ANNE VELVEI settings for and 10 oft on gifu their Royal Albert YULETIDE CHINA mm are lovely and no appropriate for thistlmo at year Theyre not expansive either as am also their FLORAL PIECES at $295 and up Theyvuim exquisite PERFUME 301 TIE trimmed in gold which would be fabulous gilt to give at