TRAVELLING TO SOUTH AMERICA lifeline times Monday in Michael Webb Capt Gavxii sure his release MX man British expodr South Amaze laws Thompson lead or mg Mug Dmothy Nicholson dition is ribsan Alli thhm was niolgwhsuriivgi llmo David Fletcher Capt tary men are 01 threcv years lgrgnc lg Plainlgidllprllpl PcmEeBarry and Trooper movers iCl Photo six years in pmoo in Po tion arrived in Vancouver this right are weir alter completing the lust publisher Knew Of No Blackmail WOmen Testify In Court EDMONTON cry run approe women connected with slain establish travel agent Robert Neville told no might the Albert Supreme Court mflmonlg 531 iicdncsdzly they knew or no at tempts in nlaekmml him as credit in the event that hearing Lands lingerprints we agg um neurophwym gay41 For Free Loneliness Leaves Medical Boll ports west JuliId ard Smith trma lad Mgmmmxh lunntoelimiale Mark On Prisoner PHILADELPHIA AP An army civilian unplgayee who spent nearly hair at his is years in Communin mines prism in solitary said Wednesday he to generally well treated by his Caviar but that the lunch ness had left its mark was alone so long Richard Fedenu Muss his voice almost with reporters or the first time king Chinese npitiii doctor described Fcctcau as Mary Ann Hnrbcri 25 or Palo Alto CniiL prisoner or more were completed lit the nearby Valley Forge Medical Centre to Lth him on June 17 toI in the locker were two items whlch they were brought mes day alter 27hour night mm Hon Kong 31 Allan onlf stall physi dad laid both appeared What tired but othtwlse were essentially normal He added that M33 llarheti who weighs 77 pounds appcnn somewhat Lhin am not bitter It the time Fectcail said He said his trial on spy charges lasted about an hour He declined to comment on his capture and on the any charges Hn said his cellhlock was copied by our other Americans including John Dawney at New Britain Colin who put aboard plane with Femu when it was shot down over China on lith rpm Japan to Korea in 1952 during the K0 renn War The Chinese charged that Fcctcau and Dawocy warp Cury trill Inleuigeoce Agency spies who were engaged in dropping Nationalist Chinese operatives on the mainland chmgem pcatedly dcnitxl by the United States cell it loan later in newspaper section and road sleuthAldus cup Demand 11 per Cent ilic luim would have both an in ity of ammunition tor JZCRl ll 111 in urancc pulley on avllles iiic ibru Smiln nnd ltessnn ch mgtvdrrc pm Notlcs body was round an ver nn llallunlJigllsh die In ntano Ydro onhact nontopitiil trial oi sundiY bolus alter he was shut tiooury and two newspaper clip Kmh Ewe LawL 01 at the travel agency In dnwo pings with pictures at Neville TORONN c9 Cam Lon no Queens University lav WWI Edmonton Elide in ink professor was mted at hm limbKs diun Union or Public Employee testified hiesdgiy pathologist instilled that open ed contract gumuuns an June that key found near the body Neville was shot three times Wm Wm Hydro Wednesday 13 shooting in Edmonton or ml opened lnelser in the city bus with medium gun Bevin 36 travel agent station with demand or an itper ot pay raise in Ii oneylnr The trial continues 00 Counsel Smian told the court Monday that mm bald friends on his an eminent tor the 11000 Hydro employees 111 wags demand no one at eiimmminmuuti Trade Department Olcial named mm cm he had acme to help 51 ne nrs estru tor the my Says Govt ToBuy Submarine 535 153 mm HalIA Han and Valarie Lane were asked by air Staintoni lhich expire March 31 mmwa CPI no Vanlt celled an export permit Dec and new as ion to ullvscale couver firm or lntcmabonal Hy tor the sale at the 52rnilliao re Fnmtlw nz sgmmghggg Tcr drodynximirs Co Ltd has no search submarine to Russia 538mm WW 51 of them had grudge against copied lederal government Trade Minister JennLu mm ml lno lun him or whether they had lmown my WWW Pepin said the permit was com CWE mum mm or blackmail attempt by any one else REPLY ND Earlier slated an to called on grounds at Canadas rm Fmcy trade deparimcnt nlli mm mm Mm new in saves pr ncp vial suid Wednesday lormnlio had been ordered Anions 10 lm mm lle wlis commenting on re and allowing consultation with mam Both replied no to each ported statement Tuesday by Al the United Stutcs reduction in the work question lps up Mr Neville Trice ii company director who Joyce Mowilllnms cumptrol week to 32 hours mm the they had had quullsaid that no utter had been re lcr at lntcrnotlonnl llydrodyn present 35 hours for olich and ille told lllrI court hlIL lilili balm aware Ul ULlltT lumun ceived from the icdcml guvern ilmlLS said In Vancouver lull technical employee who now mum Not only did the tcdurul guv in we who in making the atnlc week Tradesmen want 87th plzmncd to phollc0ttuwn toduy cum hclwccn sun turd $2M ii ihe union wants limitl out clause in lLs new contract rcthement other as yours serv ice or at ms 60 on full pension it also ask increases in pen slons in line with custctlivmg increascs Hydro oiiiciuls had no 1mm dint comment on the union de mands and the protincinlly owned utility has yet to submit its countenprpposals ill hu hudbunds illu and at one tzrninlznl make an alter said the mcnls regurdlnu rdcrill guv hour week and now are work point in will llud tiled lur dl ulliuial vutl as result oi licl lllllivll uted it edge band and iuiiiur NC lil llsu instilled than as lur Silo knew there were no debentures doing at nst lior mess Nuttile World ll cos Lid and that the lithmb uns ill daily pound Mr alnlun told court day that Neville and Lull gt been partners in the agent but the accused had Sold me and had bum paid lo then last April INCLUDED POLICHS The partnership rluded $73m policy tar pl by oillurs li identl doublelode lor paymec of sum died an ti 19 Testimony passes Turmdlry and Net it had 21ml partnership early in in Tuesdays Strapp managtr of the Royal Bank of Canada in Kingston tcstliiod tho La Announce New Healing Substance Shrinks lilcs thrmnumwuvutnm Wald Ind null balm itsin meedmennuummuu band neuin nuan with on lly to engine limo Ihoidapuinlgaalanaliamltchini curl dilcnmnrt in minute healing at Lbs injured tissue Illcam one eusn whila gently clipping pin actual reduction shrinkage toakpbmm Most in ms or fm werpnthnlgughghntthinnnproye mantwumainmnzdawxapmod of many months This was nummpuaned with new healing substance niopyne which ckly help heal Inde all stimulntrs growth new arena Em in paint mom $51 an form nued gmnnnigfmm incum more Satisfaction or your my pramind but the tompauy ac crnmcnt purchase olicr it as revealed Monday mall poor um re plill under contract ilulvowt ir unnu lmrl it the rail government can in the senior lil was hill nus1 we lntl 40hour week on have As tar as my knuwluiul nile ranging from $353 hourly liar laborer lo 1300 or lintN it the L4 nil KAREN rim popular lime doll which thrilled so many young hearts last year 55 again festund GARNETS Smt awry And Her Wedwm 037 imp13w AND ltililtlwii 10 Chi 177le 14311 170 13 BASIC MU IW WW 951 WNWM Lhl AllAl Wilfrid 51th W535 14 666 For All Yum himy wm 041 litur AA irlflnlmu 123 DUNLOP ST 724 iii We Also Custom Cut nawmnbtia Vlintiabieidi ltl Borrioc Most Fascinating shop1 Ihebeer Mr uwm said he an 01 the amend btu that it the prmt probe vith lhe lplm meat in its entirety amino be done at 31 said Ontario ulna tho nine other prom lednu so at og way tamau AUTOMAHCFINE TUNNE cowiz rm armor 26 RCA 95 Make MUNAREH REFRIGERATION DUNLOP ST cm FLIGHT mroaiwnou rorrm Loam on mwmmrmww mmmmmusormanm limoqu CONTINENTAL TRAVEL SERVICES LTD humpmatum mngrmmm mrmnl paYuggTMMnW zmiinum NOT AS EXPENSIVE HERES WHY 0mm rumxc mm CONTROL omen nutnu Herons mars Rat Color Sets are ls upcmive um com parable mdea other makes The mason i3 stroplctltnt out are made in mm Q5Wmmdlmmmthey M5 duty and titres You nymde ColpriVpsthe imports putatmhiomrcosttoyoueltlon buy may trorn the comp dtstrltgxr or1 middle mumum chuminns an on Kiwium Mmsmluryw 7284059 twin fortipariy kenolusting great