mun oaornt the ex to reduce the nnd firm the hipllae labours merry go mmd not the amount of natural uu do is decreasing MB on it one In keep physical pseithy it becolm neeesnry humid conveniences as the saith This type of exercise program altered to maintain healthy bady is in demand Exercise ls essentiid says Greg Marshall owner oper rntor oi Paradise Health spa located on Collier st And he promises what he preaches In im the whole Inmin in amuse oriented including Gregs attractive Isllie Valerie and their two school aged child rcn RULE OF THUMB One might say its form at tamlly togetherness According to Mr Marshall there is general rule of thumb no machine or apparatus can do the work or you one has to exert the body it is necessary to heat up the system In order tor the ox erclse to do any good he notes On entering the Health Spa this writer was pleasantly surp rised gone is the old image at gym Mr Marshall who per sonally supervised the interior decor has come up with col or scheme that is designed not to stimulate but to relax Deep blue and while tapestry wallpapcr decorates the recepv tlon area and the theme Is can tinued through to the Wedgwood blue walls and carpet in the ex orcise area on the main floor Downstairs in the health spa there are separate change rooms and showers us well as sun room which many momlr ers take advantage at to main tain is summer glow There are vanity tables and salon type hair dryers and nu one objects it member Wunta to bring along her hair rollers beverage counter is adluccnt to the change area where mem bers may obtain juice and soit drinks SWIMMING POOL However early in the new year three tours will be in op otatlon and this is really good news Housed In his new area will be warming pout tom perature controlled an outhcn tic Finnish Snunn and whirl pool bath The water In tho whirlpool will be maintained at tempera tures ranging between his and 100 degrees Those who have used II whirlpool confirm it Ls extremer relaxing it stimulates circulation which is of utmost importance and is recommend ed therapy tor anynnnwho has alrahrlLIs rhoumaism or bar Exercise programs are made up on an individual basis ac cording ta ago weight men euremeats and medical history Nutritional guidance is also part oi the scheme tall range at diet is available tor members EEEIIXSAMKRSIAXSH57iF1 aruwncrnuunnntluzmn wmnxrrunnar we brfeuuenrvr Above Cheryl Regersinstrue tresn goes through her paces an em demonstrqu proper cycling Iorm Cheryl wears the required leotanll aud tights Regular EXerCiSe Program mire Marshall strongly believes in giving proper vision which to him In the most import ant part oi the program For best results mornst are encouraged to attend the club two or am times week its possible to be in and out of the club in an hour which Is import out or persons on tight sched ule However member is per mitted to spend much time as he desires Its their club say Mr Marshall and we want them to relax OPEN DAILY The clubls open daily mm to am to lolpm and or wo men members fucllitiu are av ailable on Monday Wednesday Friday and Sunday alternoona There is much more to the business than just appearance even though 60 per cent of mem bers are women who want to al ter their measurements with male members its more conditioning and their program is designed to heighten energy level and to make them leol better generally Muscle toningeand liming is very important but good ex ercisc program also stimulv ates the inner organs of the body it stimulates circulation respiration digestion rciiavcs tensions and even makes can sleep better Pronatal programs will take an expectant mother through to her seventh month at preg Posted on the wall on Cheryls right is poslur with tho lol Iowing advice Give gilt at health this Christmas the sauna and whirlpool The program ls medically approved one Paradise Health Spa is Barrie owned and operated Mr and him Marshall nhd their lamin reside in Alleudnle Heights Mr Marshall says they chose Barrie because of its Ioee ntlori and size Although Mrs Marshall is no newcomer to our fair city she visited bcre oiten during the summers while hull daying in the Stroud Ares YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Mr Marshall brings wealth olexpcriance to his position having worked In Toronto New York City Manhattan Long Island New York Washington no and Montreal Quebec Naturally he is interested in children and while the club is strictly or adults at this mom out he would consider having childrens hours depending on the demand once the swimming pool is oiilclaliy npuncd But this would be completely separate rpm the adult pro gram because lteel Its Import ant inr aduqu to relax he noted The emphasis today Is on maintaining good physical health and that applies to adults and young people nllkc According to Mr Marshall who does lot at reading air eslty is at epidemic porporiion in the North American Contin cnt So guess this is my way of staging battle against an ep idemie like any good citizen nancy The only restrictions are would do he said an Ksx who wish to gain or lose weight UNWANlEb AIR Removedhyf ELECTROLYSIS $5 per ha hour lr 1i yearl experience Corrine Mulhoiisndf mom mun THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Cr GOOD SERVICE 33 Collior St rm noon pop uinr spot at the Paradise Spa andmany members tskc ed vantngo of keeping up sum mcr glow it is also recom mended or persons with skin disorders Members are cau tlanod spam proper use and timing iExsmlncr Photos by Peter Northcoit WW 111E BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC 15 I971 THE STARS SAY BY CONBT ELLA Aries March 21Aprll19Ill someone thinks he has is better Idea let him prove it by him scit Theres no need or you to stick your neck out over nothing more than good sales pitch Taurus April 20May 20 Funds that youve icit to others to manage are note but youll be quite annoyed to llnd more hasnt been done to increase your nest egg Do it yoursoll Gemini May 214nm Compctltidn has been something youve only been vaguely aware oi tip to new but those who plan to beat you to the lead plainly name themselves today Dont be intimidated Cancer Juno 22July 227 Bosses think they can step up your productivity simply by pushing up deadlines when im agination must he used IhIS sort oi system just wont work Leo July uAns rzlDunt expecbto coma homoJo smile in male wholl greet at the door Thosewho stay home have had rough day Be more understanding VIIgo Aug 21ch9 22lThls isnt the day to try to ilnd out Chapter Members Meet For Coffee The Lady Sarah Armstrong Jones Chapter of the Imperial Order Daughter ot the Empire held Christmas meeting at tho home of Mrs TTC Stcplicns Ottuwny Avenue in the tormzoi morning when party short business session was held Contributions oi food and cloth ing were brought by members or the Christmas basket to bu packed for needy tamily in the city The January meeting who wars the pants in the lam Iiy its not mutter oi whos in the right in this tamin squab ble because youre hpth wrong Libra Sept 21Oct 22 When youre already at your Wits end with pressure at home and work it isnt ti time to bring up emotional issues You can coninleton lose control Scorpio Oct 21ch leII you must take gamble bet the interest not the principal Evm the smallest losses are able to soar your day Dont be encour aged to risk it by loved ones Elxltthrlus Nov yahoo You can still be original and independent within the existing social lrnmework In Incl you make more headway new by working with the system rather than against it Capricorn Dee 224mm 10 whcn youro hurt even Just slightl your mnctinn or mt cccd nttockuHoid your mm per incheck or you can say things you re rct Aquarius no 20Fcb IIiIlt may ho pridolui issue now to prove to everyone youre just as good uvcnbetter than the rest at the group it you go ahead though youll only prove youre insecure Pisces Fcb lBIilurch ZilIA little encouragement is good hilt youvogoltcn an overdose Dont let partners convince you you can walk on water for youre liable to try it Todayn blrthdnyYouvn gut an exec of energy and drive this year but its up to you whether It makes you ll saint 0r sinner Listen to males who are trying to bring out the nut in you Its not criticism PRICE It GUIDE in general price can he CUIlSi will be held at the home oi Mrs Hamilton Lay SI RADIO tr TV 7260551 dared good indicator oi coltee too She wasnt was Linda skid The redhaired bl gt0 ye teenagar student at the Sun shine school or the mentally retarded underwent openheart to correct congenital heart do twohour iect Commerce Gi Certificates BeSldes Christmas present if it can be youngsters fi how alweyat to we my children someihiiiy So give them Growth Savings Certificates They help the children understand sovingsThey only cost $68l and can grow to $1000 In six yonraYcu can No as many as you want And theyre cushobie anytime and FLOOR MANAGERBSS or womens programs Mrs Vsl cric Marshall foreground does muscle toning exercise to Doll Keeps During Stay In Hospital KINGSTON Ont CPI Suo LieQ hinYlnced plush doll went into the operating room oi Kingston Gcncrui Hospital few days ago with bar owner 17 yeacold Linda Bins ol lingo dns heart Reginald Buss scared but trutnable operation money grows educational ommerco gift that we alter elx months you receive quality This is the one so at time way to HighFidelity steroocomponenrs are the EaSyonethePocketbook way to COMPLETE HOME ENTERTAMENT complete home entertainment ccn ire Buy the basic innerAmplier and speakers and arid on later Choose either record turntable or tape record vr or both Start out thin Christmas with Teleiunkcn TELEFUNKEN 0Coueerto 105 01 Microvolt Sensitivity sshm Tuner Amplmer 02 10 watts or music power 05 Wavebnntls or am station push buttons oulectrouic Iroqueney indicator uuiltln cuuullaer preamplier keep in trim The equipment at Spa has been specially soi ected by Mr hiarshz The blue color theme in the exer The operation came alter doctor noted murmur in Lin Hcr parents Mr and Mrs fur some time had noticed that Linda was be coming tired and out of breath alter playing ier short time Tesla indicated there in hole in the tissue at Lindas heart An operation was sched uled and cancelled twice before Mr and Mrs Buss decided to undertake the risk at surgery The operationtho least Tum ovvlh Savings rst lesson in interest too So when this children efo old enough to know what they went theyve got little money to get It with Give Commerce Growth Savings Certiiicetee this Christmeeftley called the BANK OF COMMERCE else room creates rclaxin atmosphem 5am Lei is manager in charge at mens exercise programs cedums in the words olLim das surgeon Dr Edwafd ChtllilllHitEed with Hi the two holes in the girls atria two chamber where blood Iscol looted and passed to the pump ing chambers oi the hearti using tuiioncuatcd cr thread During the heartlung machine was uslild in supply circulatory pressure and oxygen tor IS minutes TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PIIHNE 7281410 CANADIAN IMPERIAL sever91 lemmaAgra