Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Dec 1971, p. 4

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Walls Editor Emerita televised Alt least that is the prospect and the mayor and aldermen are rec five to the idea The question was broached this week at meeting of council Aid Perlri said ohe local cable firm had been ag preached kind that it was interested the plan The firm is obligated to pro vide community service and televising council sessions is one means of meet ing that requirelnent llha idea has men but twiceannomth television showWith the mayor and al dermen as the star performers may not hold up in the ratings We can envision sizeable audience for the first meeting or twobulafdrpp off of interest as time passes Occ slonally council sessions are electrifiedby stirring debate but on the urhole the business of running the community is conducted with staid con formity to rules of procedure And of 45 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Dec 15 1926 Board of Trade reviewed years work at han quet in American Hotel Some sugges tions by committee chairmen Malcolm Morrison erect welcome signs at town entrances Hal Creswicke develop water front park Ernie Ryan promote Banriea unexcelled drinking water new foun 131115 on main streets DrW lliam Lewis purchase Grand Opera House property on Collier St at offered price $6000 and have it restored to use following fire which caused considerable damage three months ago Albert Bryson elected resident Kiwanis Club Howard Felt egins sixth year as secretary Barrie Bowling Academy over Frank Living stons new garage doing great business Invitations mailed for annual New Years dance at Barrie Armoury At New Dreamland The Silent Lover starring Milton Sills Peter Glennie and family moved to Toronto where he bought grocery store Mr Glennie has been senior clerk Willh Barrie firms near ly 45zyears last 25 with Charles Dev lm drygo Thistles and Barrie curling clubs announced competition sldps for season Alter years as teacher in Barrie schools Mus Booth resigned LNeli McBride elected mayor Boys Council of Barrie Walter Couth NO WONDER ITS CHaAr St Catharines Standard The head of Rochdale College down town Torontos experimental university and according to pohcerecords major centre for some and drug buse said recently storey Bloor Street residence provides an attraction for people looking for cheap decent accommodation Another attraction that wasnt men tioned is phat the collection of rent is very casual affair and that Rochdale that 1112 colleges 18 1381fth Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaper Company Limited 16 Bnyffuld Strut Barrie Ontario Kerry Lunhlc PublisherGeneral Manager HMcPhsrmn Managing mm net 15 mi PAGE TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY Aldermenqu Need Script If Their Sessions Televised Bemummm come therevis no script and frcqu Most of debate is 1y ad lib which in itself could be refreshing Howeverit the cable company and lands consmumcy The members of councrl wish to proceed with the Comrnonweallh nrll iihe program they should he encour aged Mter all debate might not al ways he dull and there is another im Televising bhese meet ings would familiarize people generally Douglm with council procedures and with an in sight into the way city out Then too little discussion their own scripts Editor lhewiypm of thl century during Lbo ma nuke section of the invitations from all idol portant factor usincss is carried knowing they are oncam era members of council may come with But will the prospect CANADAS STORY lioneer Canadians Made GreatFortlmes the calm clock of tho nil my Law governments nunnteed bend WELMJOO no coward Morton shulmu who repro mm Lame 017130 any nadlu only an become mlllt bauxite However it uru easier Lb railway building boon Sir Herbert Hall who bull CPR became flhulouily rich Yet the achievzmtnuof Wil liam Mackenzie and Donald lump were even more spectacu It Mackenzie war null town teacher and kept are Mann was supposed to become church minister but worked in lumber camps where he rose to construction bass They got to gather and built railway in Manitoba between Gladstone and Lake Winnlpegosla that was End Doc 15 1M It was ut ila mllcs long and was opcruicd by 13 men and boy By getting federal and vin clal grants of money an land they extended their way building until 191 when ey own 1000 mlla of railway including the Canadian North cm from Qucboc to the Pacific hoieLi telegraph companies transAtlantic shipping line iron and coal mines sawmills and fisheries They were given 7000000 acres of land $0000000 cash and were al lowcd to keep practically all of PARLIAMENTllRY society was fanned in Scam valued It uooovoco lonerl Ind pmvtnelal their about midi Norman not issue of bankrupt but Mechanics pa OBIL untnuduble forums VIII estimated to betweu $50m MAM Na doubt Manns was About the nine Yet their only investment wulha original nil in Manitoba opentadby men and boyl OTHER chv EVENTS Jul Prmindu mailman Nova lassRailway opened bo twun Hallie and mo NS infchull under Edward Blake won We election SJCPR planned its crigi ml steamshl servic on Great lakes InfHonors Mcrcler wun dis missed Premier of Quebec on campaign INTlled inter Sunday Itrect car urvica caused cnuoverxy in Toronto and charges He was incImmigrants not permitted to enter Canada ulna having $250 for bend of family and $125 for each dependmt over In yran of age insAgreement wluz mum government reduced tranrporta lion rates for immigrants locoMontreal airport daily opened NOTEBOOK offl Tommy Douglas Is Keepi By STEWART MICLEOD OTTAWA flummy Douglas laughs easily any way but he had reef belly shaker when hewus asked about the leisurely life of re tired party leader leisure Well thero are the normal Homeof Commons dudes of privato ME who stepped down earlier this year as leader of the zlyev pampered party There are all more than 100 letters daycoznigg across in Douglas desk are are over North America of which about three unvch uroiuc copied There are visits evcryrsce undwcck to his Vuucouvcr ls mcntary Association And backup university leciulcs topropnre along with fro Qucnirsormous in short little Tammy six months after ending his loycar leadership of the NDP ischnmping at the bit Therels no rocking chalr in hfablflce AND WARM But despitofhis and despite tho clutter of letters docu of closeup be of more importance than mental and reports his the business athand Perish the thought heavily worked desk it rc but members will not be able to ignore will be performers acts of community the fact that the facing the hard rating system DOWN MEMORY LilllE chosen reeve Sandy Ness clerk Others competing in election concluded by Dr Brereton wer George Mchlliny Arthur McLeanBll1 Ballantyne George Goring Arthur Carsclldden Dr Simpson and famlly=rnoved into house recent purchased at corner Colher and ts His office for medicaiprao lice opens on Owen John Woods elected WM Barrie Orange Lodge llhomas Beecroft banker andexunayor heads special committee to supervise Barrie band activities Clarke Clarke farmers of high grade and fancy Nmma Owen mailu onu of Parliaments most comfortable offices to visitlhntr because the pug illst turned pmnchcnturncd politician still has more wit and warmth than just about anybody in the business Despite scoring schedule he now has bit more free dom branengine his time If lhc perky MP now 61 can he found hou usually willing to bow chat Until his retirement he had been party leader for 27 years17 of them as premier of Saskatchewan And now he was being naked what he would do if he now were 21yearsold Cann it go lntopnlltlcu But would train myself first by studying economics sociology and law wouldnt have mes 452 leathers will move industry to Barrie after 75 years in Toronto will employ from 3060 hands at start askonly fixed assessment $15000 for 10 years of Barrie will sell old carriage factory on Ellenvst to firm headed by Norman Clarke president and his brother Leighton Clarke secretarytreasurer Law firm of Boys dc Boys represents company Stan Partridge and Jack Kennedy starred as Barrie Colts beat Camp Borden Flyers 76 Edward Shear principal King Edward School for 35 years died following operation in Toronto William Bell of Coiling wood appointed principal King Edward Schgol at special meeting Board of Ed uca lon Town can afford this generous attitude because the college isnt years ago now more than $200000 in arrears on its first mortgage payments and owes amounts in municipal tax arrears all debts that represent an additional burden on the taxpayers substantial 0hr ame Examiner 15 Boyflcld street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7265537 Second Class Mall Registration Number 0484 Rourn postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 60c weekly $3120 yenr 1y Single copies me By mull Harrie $3120 ycnrly Slmcoe County 32100 yearly Balance of Canada $2100 yearly All other countries $3000 yearly Mr Bell is one of youngest Motor flow off $2400 yearly principals in history of Ontario Errroman EDITORS VIEWS National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 804 1710 040 Cnihcart Monlrcul Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circula nus on in this ever erodith to it or The Assoc otcd Press or neuter and also the locnlncwa publish cd lilcrcln Tho linrrio Examiner claims Copyright in all original udvcr Wed wager that any landlord who can sing and editorial mntcriul cro ignore his mortgn as the local tax payments as well could easily equal Rochdalca offer of cheap dccent ac commodailon died by its employees and ro produccd 1n thlr newspaper Copyright Registration Nutri bcr goaals register oi The Canadian Press is exclusn aylng its way ened ivcly entitled to tho use for ro Roohdalc build ng is vubllcmlan of all now dispatch 119 Busy any specific preference re garding federal or provincial politics Now that he had six months to think about it was then any onething he wished he had done differently as leader of the NDP He lbousht for long time dont consciously know of my place along the road where could have done anything to give us any more rapid but ceasJ Mr Douglas loves to talk nbollt the NDPl think inow have room enthusiasm and dcdicnuonlhnn Ive ever budnnd heif vgo on for hours uboub the social pro lems facingtCunndn But nmv without the pres sure of tbudcudbrship he has more time to throw in those fumed Douglas anecdotes The only olhcr ollllcinn close to Mr Douglas felling joke on himself is former prime rrunisfcr Lester Pear son Why didnt he do more with his humor Ive tried to avoid any image of being the Bob Hope or politics The purpose of humor for mo is to build bridge with my audienceand there is no better way fhnn to let them know you can laugh at yourself you cant hate someone you have been laugh lng wf WRITING BOOK At this point the fivefoot fourlnch politician an nounced that ho is working on book about humor in poll tlcs If he can get his wit into words it will be well read Since the NDP had not achieved any major brook through in its 10year exist ence did Mr Douglas some times wish he find remained premier of Saskatchewan No never had any re greis about that Res nslbll lfy has to be pass on to younger men and had an other job to do Whn surmised him moi about being nonloader There has been no dlffL unity in the adjustment but probably didnt think those tivlw would remain at quite as high pitch However there is for less stressl have only one constituency to worry about not ovcry one in tho country TURNED DOWN FEES Mr Douglas said be has turned down invitations to go on the 115 lecture circuit at handsome icon but is plan mm to spend more timevisit lnghunlvcrlseitles cos st ruu of to is fonddrcss Party supporters can repairs in speech in half an ourbut there isnt much value in speaking in pro lc who agree with ovcrylhffig you say The most useful opocchcs are made to nonpo llilcul groups The little Scot said he can prcpnre sf Andrews my speech few minutes But for onovst Georges Day vcech he worked for three uys BIBLE THOUGHT Come and hear Ill ya that and will declare what be both done for my mini fear God PIlums 0016 if you have know no salva tion any sol Lot the redeemed of tho Lord any so whom Ho hath redccmcd from the hand cf the enemy ONTARIO LEGISLATURE Urge To Comes SoniemgSTO Charla 1030MB Spedlll Roder lcx Lewis clerk of on Ontario lgpslnmrz nay be 56W bnlbe urge to hone from his seat and fell the 111 pmviuchl umber lust linden Ind lll uphill it to you In as yum the clerkrnblo in the prorfodnl parliament Mr say those melanin have not some often but when they do they are one of the frustr lions fhlsiobuclerkoflhc House There an um when the cedunl wands and on no they In getting further aucki be told the Queenu Park bureau of The Barrie Examiner Tbm procedural wrangles are Mr mix apceially As clerk of the House the position he took in 1955 nim ipendln nine years as assistant to his father he described himself as the parliamentary Alb man who knows the rule of the House and precedan as no elec ted Speaker cm be expcted to 8TABTED ACCIDENTALLY Mr Lewis lawyer and Queens Counsel who worked briey as bowl attorney in Toronto before he accepted the invitation of GovernorGeneral Roland hllchcner then speaker of the Ontario Haunt to Join his father Alexander Cameron Lewis as assistant clerk say be slip dlodlnto the lob almost by acci enl He said he had mug in lenders and any private mcm and dried mmnfes had tra latest to the clerks Job when be her who seem information on ditiounlly been dealt with in started and fully expected to re turn to legal practice after few years at the table That my yours has Just be come quarter of century and Mr Lewis 01 says he has Get Into Debate aooemcK House the prime minister gav crnmcut linuse leader opposition House procedures ADVISES EEAKER More than anyone else Mr Lewis says he advises the speak er on rules and precedents in discovered he not only likes me When 19 job but has in certain talent for if too Although ho says heredity bus nnlhlng to do will his work in um Home manna Infonts to the House as his death got longer Mr Lchr raid of on the parliamentary process dates fcrs judgment on point of or der or procedure it is the clerk LONGER DISCUSSION who researches and writes the ruling which the speaker pre back to 1921 when um Wye Other funclions of the clerkl old Rod Lewis uscd to slip in department include the supervis to Queens Park after school to ion of tho Hansnrd the word wufcb no father member for byWard recording of legislature NorthEast Toronto in action in debates and receiving correspon ule Consurvnllvc parry firstin denca addressed to the Hausa opposition during the govcm ment of the United Farmers of was always interested in the House he suld not from Pramler Leslie Frost who led on debate of tho estimatesuv the political polnlobvlow but enjoyed llsmnlng he members 1961 the House sat for about lributlon to the discussions which and wafching the House in uc elites weeks or about 35 to 40 led bill now standing onich Mr ln the Jewelerenon mghtstalla bby rm uSumfFilnll rumm John Romm nu mm warmsn is saysnls depart cicrks acts asfho secretariat to the House Theclerks write and publish fhcVolcs and Proceedings of the legislature roughly parallel to minutes of the session and also keep track of tho agcndn of bus incss facing the House in the Order Paper and Nollce Pap er ih assistants clerk meetings son for the lengthy session data one of his early frustration with or fie gtundlng committees or back to the Frost administration the job when ho arrived tho House and any special or select committees that may be called during the session Mr Lewis role throughout the sessions of the House is that of adviser to tho speaker of the Marry Questions Are flaked About PMs Washington Vieii 011th CF From all hi statements on his mealinn wi President Nixon it is clear that Prime Minister Trudeau went to Washington with sulglc mindcd purposc This purpose was to obtain from Mr Nixon promise that the US does not want an an nual trade surplus with Canada so that it can gradually as Mr Trudeau put it buy up the country He got this promisein spades The rimo mlnlstcr described Mr Nxona undertaking an ionlasticauy now statement breakthrough and words unequalled by any other presi dgnt in speaking about Can The question now is why did Mr Trudeau want this Ameri can promise tag the answer will emerge on the government announces soon iLs policy on control of foreign investment Thorn are two interpretations on Parliament Hill of tho basic meaning of the Washington meeting COULD GET TOUGH One is that Mr Trudeau plans to be tough on foreignthat is primarily American tnvcstora and for this reason walnlcdMr Nixons promise that Cunllda should be entirely free to pursue if owneconomlc and political destiny The opposite View in that Mr Trudeau can be easy on folclgn investment bcruusc he has hilt Nixon promlso that the us has no ulterior economic designs on cuffml ll or Vow up ours in be in tho nwlority Mr lrudonu hllnkclf provldrd all part for this Nov 17 when he and Canadians are lot more circumspect than they hurl been in few months cnrilcr about how touch controls on American in vestman should be He acid at that time that Cn nmiluna were worried about Jobs and consequently about barring entry to foreign capital or drivlnmiwuy what is hero The major change in the Houu in the 25 years he has observed ammo and mm in gumu it Mr Lewis says is the length new sanding orders of the Home mcnlvof Howard Ferguson of the sittings During the administration of the government from 1949 until dale that land stretched to total of be talentfol the job 113 slfungdnys over total of 13 months Mr lawla said Mr Frost used in set the opening date for acs slam of the House by simply counting back eight week from Euler the limo at which the House traditionally adjourned Mr Lewis says the chief rem when the Conservative awopt Ontario wth total of 80 cents in the ellsent legislature of 1951 Ho said Mr Frost encouraged his own buckbenchera to initi ala discussion on the g0Vern Mr Trudeau went to Washing fon interested only in as they the big picture or as he so the psychological result He apparently made his point with Mr Nikon fast and fu riously and drove it home so that there could be no mistake about it For instnnce Mr mdeeu has said since his Washington mccfipgthot he did not discuss at all or in any detail with Mr Nixon the following subjects Dollar revolution the auto pact defence material pur chases tourlat allowances ura nium rolling flour price for warm IT HAPPENED IN ROI4 Hidl all clam armou lulas linoleum ml anmucownru Mal2mm MAN 015 GOLD SEEKERS cific questions from members Bl 1555 flovlNos armorsold alsololuomsusu my on 1115 mm mean we molllrwmamua 90mm sues ulevsR mm cowRick lam Llwumms summ Wdotofuill use up his us mm WHEMCB CAMS Arms asouesr Bilnm rams null wamlm nnnmmmmnonwawsn nonunion llslsolsllll mmwsu Til DETACHMENT lldum su avail MJMEli ilculrzclsbwmlmorvlueuwtm HlACK5MT15SliIDBllILDER5 mmuamez ll mummarroer mmwssvor in Null175 mom505 0mm 4mm owes am mumrumormlm ID lIllllllk lMifAIdw WI armm we arm camera Mmeif wormroomm 33 WNWFLSJ 1555mm as $43 NBGUiLLBMUlMMEMBSRnFhh Auk FAMILV ARE risoueunv lulu LEWIS QC men estimates to mp m1 House ftnm becoming ffoo Cul few sitting day with few ape Tbegovarnmcnla own praciie of encouraging estimates debate mushroomed as in malority was reduced in later elections he and As the opposition got numcr lcnlly stronger the discussfods tcn resulting in long opposition speeches criticizing government policy rather than specificun lions on the estimates facing the House Mr Lewis saidfhose lengthy discussions many of which he raid were technicolly out of or dcr have been curbed by the which went into effect during the last session setting time limit Mr Lewis said his own can tblnga that made were one of mun HS min number of things reclinem mended in terms of slreamlm=7 ing procedures in tho House later discovered have been ar rived at quite independently by parliamentary is elsem whom he said Mr Lewis says his years at Lhelnble have helped him curb House after serving as CNWII attorney As prosecutor in court did most of the talking he said it was frustrating to have all and listen wheat wealcoast oil tanker route tariffs on form machin cry and aeronautical instru mans special US benefits American exporters energy sources antidumping regula tions All those are socnllcdlrrl tunu in Canadav5 relations The ovcrnll ralationrhlp tween the two countriesllsmuch more important Mr nudonu fold Washington new confer ence mcsday The press he said was con cerncd with minutiae and indi vidual things and particular stances CANADll Doublequ utwoonv Ml IMH Ill ED Bl tom mmwummmnyg Dll lMEM AT lllSME llMs

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