Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Dec 1971, p. 30

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13 In an deammwm bodyEdam morning ruxb lo wansh minds helm noon Thai yvgre lzrk Get dam Arc you draw at dawn but lively around dimertimc Them ollr an owl Dont light it Gct night job Travelling In Paris for an Ltu pomnt businus conforms Start suiting you bedtime uccl ortvm ahead Then fund plane thatget you there at night Paris time so you can go to sleepriwt away Such suggestions coma Iroui Gay Gm Luce scientic writer andurcseardzer who be illch that he natural rhythms of our bodies are trying to tell us somclhing we should listcn lo People all have diLfcrmt rhythms she said in an inter view Each person adjusts at hisl out pace The way to nd out about your rhythms is to chart your mood on calendar Put plus abminus sizn on the day according to how you tecL Than youll know how to anticipate your OUT OPIIARMONY in new book Body me Mrs Luce reports the mass of research dealing with such phy siologiml rhythms citing exper imerlu from many parts or the world She charges that modern society rcquircs pace that is dissonant with our inner nccds wc no langcract in harmony with natural cycles in one experiment she nl porLs rats were inicclcd with an amphetamine solution at various hours around the clock ll was discovored the cycles oi the body clearly inuenced tho animals reaction to the drug ats injected at midnight hall drastically mortality rate than the rats injected at am The dlIicrcncc between Lila and death can hang on timing she said noting the implications for giving medicine and con dudin tests illns Luce also sugzcstcd that contrary to popular bellel women are not the only not with recurring cycles Men have monthly rhythms loo shu said although not much rcscarch has bcen done in this arcyslnco all this rucorch an arc IcnuBut it has been shown that men Italic prtr nounccd Uiour nnd sixweek mood cycles Its important to know this so that you dont bcat yourscii when yochcl down she ex plained Women have is sign posttheir menstrual period licn dont have market so its much harder for them worms minty Mrs Luce iark who is up at seven and says she accom plishcs whole days work by Ii also says that whatever your body time requires stick it Regularity is whats impor tant She said Find What is comfortable and stick to it Dont try to keep adjusting Ir regularin is the worst thing for the childs nuturol needs is child is not hungry dont arm him lo cal she saitly And xiii nulcd thul you cant Iuruu child to sloop You can put him in bed but let him plily it hes nut llrcd Also slccn should never Inc used an pupiuhmcnt BANNED illlIlD in liltlh Canadian airlines ranked third in the world in numbers oi pu angcm trnvcl air services an schcdui ling in this world theros always room for am more Call your Welcome MISS aboutme whammysit wouldbeizlrullifl Mnumwhncametouw country slxyears ago said no umt mm in in koala You luv All sort cl prop madectpiastxctwedm mm nameswag Muhammad old My tad mulcrloyunindm mmmamlum BCMP Sled Dog Lives orever After Work OI Taxidermist man 1cm in Wildmlimlmi iatheheasnrthemmw mth $39k av New WASHINGTON AP Edmdthmw Theres new look coming in synmlxtrcetlnfcsigns pavemcnt matting theva gate county is data gin over us rmtcrnationasl Arte discosdeal hg dogma to minim private practice REQUle Mr Morganu ugreeting be sIrma stat of taxidermy and mu division th Vlc tom him My coasts1min 35 dISPIIr settings or its old animals the second12 sled dog horse is 11 the museum dccpvfreu Eating for his turn have to undera are pre considerable training Mr Mm tm and symth than 1mg WSB rema1 mth menu am 5131 mfmll communitls ban until up use Vila standard for Pavctmnt marking until WIS for sizov and mo hmwhovohkmampm can course 3nd setup my and that arrot the EdiIll min The nusenm wort Scenassroimdxheanlbc mkahohavecoberessredimtuects on SALE DECEMBER 151551113 of up misses COMPANY Limitd mmamx pundinm Howmillgkw nw was up an RN mmmmmm mum mam mRCJDdozleamswmm timdhahrorul Are you mas slut in 11111 the can said He began an lpprm lay unshipatdseagucixsinrhg land hue he inlcr went into private praisice Hxswmsexpaimeoccurmdstockotmmmted We hard to pluser mu 151 or gig the snowmo whmnmnbmnghtasmallf Division Canadian made long sleeve dress shirts in Polyester Cottontruly PERMANENT PRESS Sewnin collar stays for that dayj iong wellgroomed look Long pointed Collar choice of 2button or French cuffs The latest plain shades toneontone designsstrlpes patterns Newest fash ion colours BlueBrown Wine Rose Navy Purple or Apricot Neck sizes p141217 sleeve lengths 3235 nu She adviscd the owl chil tircn should not have to tuko exams in the morning that school hoursl should in slagl acrcd like work huurxylo give 11 chance And that parents should rcuct morc sympathetically to sumnksocks 99E Londonerjque in England Wool Nylon plain knits with heather tones Assorted colours Fit 1043 no oss TIES VISA DORA lABEI mart PRICE AME inart PRICE DAYS ONLY Choose lie to go with that new shirt Four in Hand regular ties are wide Great selections nowl Mario in EnglandLondonerl come tomidcalliWool Nylon Jig knits Willi heather tones Assorted colours Fif1013 ClifoWgLo Wagon Hostess now

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