Christmas bonus store shape up this winter and gas save on quality exerFIse eqUIpment Its tun to be fit ID ms TONE is sham upholstered Ind pad nsro mbbor roller on rpoedamalor rprinz in mandarin coF dad Idimleblo sui lonslonconttnl grinds rpnd exerCIse bICYCIe lared jacket over cinch oi red odometer wooL cards miug our reg Slacks Suit In For Spring NEW YORK AP Hot pants may be dead and knick ers passe but the suckedup slacks suit has survived it is becomlns moro impar tnnt especially in such huh labrics as ushmcrendcsizuu Huith said alter an sprint showing Tuesday All the chic ladies wear 3999 Cycling is recognized by experts as one of the finest exercises for total body fitness Your whole body benelits as you work all calories while toning up those muscles in the privacy of your own home Bicycle has adjustable padded seat and Wais egfg 113 pm fave possible length and just about every material Eamon known for his wn pie elegant styles sticks in onelenxth in slackslong Ho gives them hlgn welsh or ilarod culls and egocentrnte cizzzosdzga gaining slacks suit is fastened only at its mandarin collar llalston shows lot of skin with hni tars or deep vvnccks some tmcs covered with loose Jack oasihorgioeiremissgle alumna wr Shh mwgtwa They 1m um strotc easy exerciser unit Mini cycle exermser Hand grips Chest expander Barbell Dumbells ainciu he said and he has tried hold to please hLI long listnl chic clients For while many designer got bored with the original slacks suit When it reached everyone iron stowardessu says illusion He doserl his loor as nudity without being nu For day he iiku cashmere sweater sets over pants or long lull lush skirts There are suede suits and easy belted jackets In general his clothes are looser this year lrorn drool ing dolmnn sleeves to lull backed coats MORE GET LOANS OTTAWA CF loans total ling 2232800 were authorized under the Canada student loans plan to 64472 students itorn July to Sept 30 this year the finance department announced Tuesday In the comparable pe rind of mo loans totalling 0466150 were authorized to 543 students customer as 4444 Stretch and sirenglhcnllhose largottan muscles with this remarkable exercising device Heavy duty fabric cover wllh chrome plated tubular steel frame Ball bearing action Folds llat or easy storage lnstruc tians included Recommended for men and women Limit per Vauepacked gilt PBMlllllllEll smile 51 per customer teas umnc pawn 99 999 BIC Compact and lightweight Heavy tension hand grips exerciser that you can use that are designed to anywhere Includes daily strengthen hands and di exercise program Limit wrists tor the he our rug 379 vii 9pm each or set handlebars and nonslip floor protectors Limit per customer ts499 as 2499 Help tone muscles ex picce sci Approx pand chest and closed weights will no mar lloors complete in aphram Firms up rich struclion manual included Limit set par and shoulders cable Customer with wood handles man on light no lbs vinyl en list 10 piece socket aeta sockets and Power Master hacksnw Ad juslablelor810and12 made reversible ratchEi and extension chrome plalod lramu 127 ea bar 127 not way mum saw was 13 pro twist drill set Alloy stcel twist drill set in slgcs lrem 1116 ges turns in pasmons 127 oa New three way clamp clamps most anything for easy nailing and olueinov 127 ea Puliyknlle and scraper set tools ol high carbon spring steel 127 set In one nut driver Automatically adiustslor slzesot nuts121oa 10 adjustable plior wrench to 127 set slip joint pller Flier ol drip lorged steel Triple chrome plated 127 ea place llla set popular and handy liles 127 set Multl purpose motel culture 34 long at hardened and tcm pared steel 121 pr Mitre corner clamp An invaluable lor only 38 drive it pace UP use chrome plated socket set selection of the basic tools needed for fix up must for every tool box127 ca aldtor makingscuarecomnrssgnai 10m hammer wranch ieveln screwdrivers 53333 enlsziogltgg 3005 107412klalchel pee mounted storm Package ol hacksahw bi dos opliersotapeos torpedo leveloa pcewrench set Edema Set is heavily chroie 13121 $53 iffisdiiiiaglnggknu1 53 $13551igggefzrfa 08 Pee socket SetoTJ set in comamen Mastic case heavy duly emery hamde and um 999 Canada Pas es Post Canada rollers and one 5939 121 an Soil design and exible lonst21pr