to Warmest people Ii rou nd those cold days are servch men taking courses at the firefighters training school Canadian Forces Bose Bor dcrl Much of the training is in putting out res Corporal HREFIGHTBR AT BORDER SCHOOL USES CHEMICAL PO foam Io put out blaze in mock up aircraft while on Not Delaying gtCornplnlntI that suspension of winter inspection septic tanks was hampering construc tion were refuted by Dr Nancy Amhursl before Simm County mum at its December nice The dintor SIM county health unit referred in resulw ban pmed by Wasa Beach council and endorsed Tiny Ind Tay cmlnizlls She explain ed there had been misunder standing since the policy adopt ed didnt stop consuuciion In any event she explained SIAYNER SUMOEarlier ac AM album is using chemical um advanmd course at the luvbarman Urinal Dclcnce Photo County Trustees don toward establishing gov ernmcnt liquor store and lcLliI beer outlet is looked for by Suryncr ruidents allowing Mun days successful Voting in which both were approved by over supercent margin Businessmen said they hoped Io see the utilities established beforo next summers Iburist trlidc since this was said to have been main cunsldcrullun in the DISTRICT NEWS 11 Elm WEB THURSDAY DEC 31m County Advised Inspections Construction few contrqu was In the bum of attempting In Install septic systems during wuu or be cause wuther eondtluns nude impractical becm or cum in soils from Ice Where necessary tempuuy IDSLIIIALDII could be made With permanent work left until spring negulbum require rufflclmt sire tank and proper conditions was explained The prvvui rial government pmvxdes 7S pzr cent of Lbs Sim one county boultli unit revenue the councillors were mid Salis faction was orphaned with LIN One or the counly represent tilu on the board Deputy Reevn Fred Cook of Bradford In lmduccd Dr Armme to till county councillors Dr Armbrusi said there were over 100 lots which had been It proved for scplic links which new but ya built on EMBASSY HALL 386 BLAKE ST DISTRICT BRIEFS PAIRED 1353 Pm IE lt83 Hul can Parachute Club is Lb name due for its utuhIormed 3min jumping Emu formed at llumul Iirpor in my lawn Ahip his club is Millinle with use Cmdlsu 5pm Parachuting Association ARSENSTLR SEEKING WARMIXFIER lSufD Mrs Wiggins will be hostess Icl the 1mm meeting nl War IM Womans imam on madly Dec at tho local bull cm and andy will be sigma for chubu at QrLt Inns Km Hm VASEY ISIIID lb got value from jay you must but somebody In stun it with Is one mono chm It the Omar mlu mecca of Vasey Womans lnslzlull in be held on chu erb Mrs EIII has as basins NOW PLAYING Ele Knievel or 645 950 Bullet For Pr Bo at 81237 areMM GEURGE HAMILTON SUE LYON EIIEL flawm Alum murmur THE BULLE RIDDLED SAGA OF CHARLES PRETIYLBOY FLOYD in Riding MPP Reports Tax Cut Jbb Project Initial Meeting favorable vote The government mum ONT Iron won approval with 53 per Four Years Ago cent vote and brcwcry wurc NEW YEARS EVE house by 51 per cent no inaugural muetln of the first Results of thc voting will be DANCE ma 1u emweuwmmwnm mm FABIANFORTEJOCELYNLANEASTRIDWARNERADAMROARKE at the county council hilII In and then it will be up in the extension the Staynet To budge kl2h is gemcl rneiur arm demurrer intprovince and bow covm the mug Liquor Iacrlrhes we um w=m AWL mruvunlrxr snanrorm sum $I0 foster sympathetic uudor rccn niz the dcsir blt in mm 3E 00 Du board to take it from lhu lt Pd 5m Ind his or is re mmrmuumumum 000000 expenditure for day nur standing of the murmur of dif resent rlod 57 was mcntlo ed In sory construction as part of forum religions and the Effect on grid unemppeloymonI cfmuujollgiii MOIIEY Ford of Colllngwd binalion llqiilor stigceundbafgirnt MA gt Ontarios winter works program the lie rind thought of tbcirnd any mum um um hump wus clclcd the first Lhalrmnn lol is possible but nus was Stud mmm will he presented the Ontario harm in dilierenl runs or the ar impede Ihe special public hc member board Dr to ho speculation this stage Balloons um ere minim dmm 5mm wo Humming measures um have he do John mm and MN TM me We Lh SAT which has been culled Iol should conlo from wide rang ed to stimulate the economy in Cskbum were Barrie rep 3120 per unit PM lclpnl council In the last li Monday Dec it was menu lug examination of um ways in Nscnutlvcs No athel bunm peed by Arthur Evans use which spiritual values and con mm1gmuxltl residents Ray Gurlcpy and pfgbm LEW mm Mmquu pup mum Inuence so many meme Mm mt mb wbclnn were separate sdrool 13 Jucksonl Grill Dunlap The Centre Simcuo member poets of life Mr Velch said 5mm Mude Em yhe representuum clccmt by voters 27 WM Ind Embusy uni llso learned um Prcmlcr The guidelines or dirchy Emmy mm ex across the county fmimu Wm George mle will ask the House to llvn religions Hinduism Bud mm Evans lhc scpnrulo school board of yum mm mm to approve 0mm per cent cm dism Judinsm Christianity and lI members also had Lbch In provincial personal incomo Islam but stress that they are INDUSTRIAL LOANS rum Bugle ho SUNDAY AT 130 PM SANTA BRINGS CHRISTMAS FIIII TI MARS IBIasI all for Marswilh Santa and pairofEarih Kldsl ScienceFunrlion Illaimm tnxeliriiinuilon bfmodl notnccc solii the to um cu Jiiif amour 2323 gaislzszisnlrsfpsz withtomorrows lemmemnmmm WW nnd reductun of we not aimed at encouraging sludA ntiuns formerly called forgivable ministration charmer were on mlums for others The income ents to adopt any specific rullg loans and now rcunmcd perfur haunted by then Premier John tax cut will match but provious lnus beliefs but it is hoped thut monce loans concern Sim co Robarls in November llo suid ly unnounccd by iheicdcrnlgow students will profit from the County legislntion would aboliin 1654 crumcnt chance to clarify their own porl 10 of 51mm and 35351 school boards January 1589 Allan neuter MPlf wbo re trons on the meunmg and put mm in mg purchase of equip and consulldntc control of the menu ylleuoo South in pose of up it mound me Bond mm mm mm mm can nugppogd Pew Spcukur of no MES cums new Colilnxwood ln trysize administrative boards use ll buglnbl mm 531 moron APARAMOWfPlcTURE mm when we mm we 1an was drawn by Mr dusiry Mhleh will cnrployim or the 1554 school umuus an ppopla which oxistmibcfore the ebb sigcbrmy mgry nounccmbngjby HVumchlim Mother pOrIOImanc loan nn mm SPWSH Mr Evans also reported um George Guthorcolo thntroics set nmmccd was 5190000 to Camp mm Public schwh 245 the education minister R017ch your age for power supplied ball Films Limited to construct secondary schools and 526m Wclch bus scat new course to municipalities and group and equip new polyethylene scrimulc heals guideline on warm mum to of 83 largo industries will be film manufacturing plant in ammo high schools maintained Lakevrcw industrial park in Or Now vice chairman of lillu vnans 0N COUNCIL RELIGION COURSE Hydro comissiun Mr Evans Six loans also were annouuv ELIWALL Sam The film of courscs cstubhsh referred In it statement by Mr cool by the Northern Ontario Dc Kn mm 09mm ed within the guidclincs is to Gathcrcolc The commission volopmont Corporation eighth year as member or Abqu INIIIAINMINI Also This Second Laugh Feature Elmv coucfuibfiiustiih it par wuycm arm HEAR wy ew annln grub summonmummy migpvgnrrrgpspnmm SanlatumMarsRoboIintoMnthanlcaITcyI ta iA risi mumm mos proginm will be hold at malm mam gmm Azi to the next meeting of Ilillsdulo we 11 one rec an Dcc l5 with Mrs Tom Morrison the hostess IVASAGA BEACH com plunnlng branch oI Illa Ontario plunnm soon ThoOntnrlo Vn mlttco of eight representing four department of municipal ulfnirs tor Rnsourccs Commission al municipalities have been engag Martin Sinclair of the Onturlo ready has design reports under ed hero in preliminary nLIlOn Wutor Resources Commission we and the dc arth toward urgunlzin coopnrutiw and othors spirit is randy Io slurlilng trig planning for devc opmcnt or the MUNICIPAL ROLE cssllry road plans tho mectlug to Wasags Beach area was told Rcuve EugfWLnEchn and Mr Mk0 stressed the It IS the part or municipal Jock ilolloy chairman of the variance WJhe entire skid itch in direct comma it beach planning board am the vi the planning for park com business growth in uccgrdy viii ways members for the re mumwin WDSBEB um mm the planning of the surrounding main or of this your tloaing particularly I019 71 arms Mr lucirctr explained Flos membbls are Reeve Earl surrounding municipalities us he stressed this importance Elliott and Alex Flnlny whllo Need for tho department of of municipalities concerned got Rcovo Edgar Currie and Run transport department of Irmds ting into more detailed silage Emu arc the Nottuwasngn town und forests and local ofcials to ohplanning shin representatives Sunnldnlu plan together where water and is represented by Deputy Reeve sewage fucllitlcs wcro concern Ed Cullinm and Art Gliien all also was stressed LIVES IN NORTH The chairman of the county Announcement was made that 1110 lurid mammal living far Ilccve Jnmcs Wules of Tosarbn the depurtmcnt of lands and for host to the north in Canudu is 3m and project pinnncl Duv is will be hiring recreation tho muskbx iuckott were appolutcd in ad vrsory capacities COUNTY ALIION in the planning oreus recom mended in report to county invgncvinggunggfarpzgh with port of Flex Su ldul ml port or Nottnwsngg Poita of The smoothtaste F105 was placed with Elmvulc in unuiher urea and art of Not 15 lawasugu wlrh Cull ngwood lt was pointed outthcso b9undallcs unmistakably wore subiccl to adjustment if considered desirable Seagram Reeve George Burton bf Innis who is member 01 um lllwllmx mm need for general cooperation in overall imWUI pattern during visit here when he attended the local mcctln We must be concerned wth all people not just those in our CONVENTIONAL TERMS COMPETITIVE RATES BARRIE NEW YEARS EVE BALL own Birdseye Cent No BROKER bed he Ldhbs inrch Bruce smwm and Mr gulldculpollltlcn cunulso provide uesnsonttundmlthom ti ui ers withbhortt along Wm Ted 60mm 30 kg 01221621IILEIE1 onmEiwgyENTs nancing we as 5313 NHA lt gt exist mm Ens ecrruncurm BALL noon For glgtEEZSfslh Yr Mmmmmmm carillon PER COUPLE M1 1AM an 700 7267200 DELICIOUS cuitlalsreu customers dense DANCE TO THE CITATION 99 no tollehurge um rum on municipal F0 SEIVIFIgS 8lt IUEFI CUP DP SUBMA El gt rr iii rfrr Iago MED Canada largestsahng rye whlsky 47 88 Dunlop StEnstBurne0ntuzlo Iuhuilliury ofhiuuiclpul Bankers Corporation 19211 Limited TRY our TODAYI MEMBER CANADA DEPOSll msurwrcl companion Dullllrd Ind bollkd by Ioilph SrIIrIM Sam tilt WIIsllon Uni