5111 mm Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaper Company Limited 16 Blyflold Strut Burris Ontario Walls Editor Emerita Kerry Lunhia PublisherGeneral Manager McPhcnon Managing Editor WAY DEC 1m PAGE ECities Need More Revenue From Province And Ottawa Mayor Les Cooke made all appeal this wcelr for more provincial and federal money to help nance civic servrces in speech to the Barrie Lions Club he spoke of the increasing pressure on the clvic tax dollar to gay or services not contemplated in the orse and buggy days This burden he said all on pro perty moth too heavily despite the ihandauts from the province in the form rot grants and subsidies The Mayor contended that the pron dried and federal government must transfer funds to municipalities which are in position to understand and deal with civic problems As cheral housmg minister Robert Andras declar zed We need an urban voice to be heard at the table where federalpronu 111 affairs are discussed Under the constitution munlcrpalltrcs are creatures of the provrnce How ever they should not be left out in the cold at financial conferences between ipravinces and Ottawa walhpg for the crumbs from the revenue pie cities largely because of industrializa tion As result councis are nding themselva faced with growing demands for services These services include large hospitals that serve not only the city dwellers but district residents as well They also cover the cost of edum tiovn controlled larger by the province and on expensive welfare system financ ed by city province and federal funds One could go down the list and men tion the increasing costs of police and fire protection and the demands for such things as bigger parks and marinas The bulk of city revenue comes from the property tax Over the years espe cially in the past 10 Iheso taxes have increased to the point where many peo ple question the value of owning homes Homeownership of course is cor nerstone of community stability Mayor Cooke realizes this but he also knows that half is vital to the steady upward trend in real estate taxes The solution is bigger municipal share of federal and provincial revenues And munic ny rale moron Ennis 0a lurea omwa Tbs current mm min the Nevform land provincial dealtlo m5 and the flmous Burning at the Bullet incident nerve to illus one what mt be Ipparuat to than in dnrgo of our electoral my It be fed aaLprovfxial tr mullev 1911 The sad act in out in norm cuss the minofccn and deputy returning cars or in capable of tin VOUD pro endure and ballet counting wllh Ufiiilh it bile the cans au waved Ind demand Mos oI the election ofm lsan there by reason of being the right party at the right time Murry held the id for donkey years and are too old to be expected in do In efficient lob And other than written InshIXC than which obviously are either not read or not understood there is no training give to the people who run the polls regard ing election law in advance of votinlL Commenting on the New foundlnnd asco Scnatot Eult gene Fancy tells mo be can recall elections In the post where candldaic or Ii candl ancs ofcial agent was present at the Actual ballot counting leaning over the shoulder of the DROE telling them how It should be donutInd correcting lhelr null addition On 1110 Canadirm side the em courts environmental watchdog MP Dim Won has been spending lot lime don mere argnipf than Mash pipakiu and linker morn The Amcblth lies not dozen or more Cansdianr MP1 and print dawns Washln stun iii Matthew ad viiim mittpigments WP Stun1 Mom of day of talks Ed Broodbcut the Oahnwrwhltby MP made solo night to talk Milo pact with us senators and officials And Canadianvubinet ministers have visited lb LES ecleru times DIME to their counten paru about In import aur churstl Maybe our American lritridl dont unde nurthm ners Or maybe they dont But the 11m of cumrnunlcnlle have been more open reccnuy than for fun lune ODDS AND ENDS Dont be surprised if the Ab berth Ludian Icndtl Humid Can dinnl runs as Progrusive Conscnlauvo candidate in the next general elcctlou Word hero that the Tory brnss were he in in close touch with him dur his recent visit to Ottawa when ho and Indian Allahs lilin isier Jean Chretlcn had their mnImnIBfIms There was time recently when thou Canada might well be grill to complete half There wus pitsslbiliry GREATEST THING SINCE ED SULLIVAN Pcrnpc Khan be um the post office the tale ful having regard to tho blip WW one IBIVCG Slam 5933 553 mm by $5 Tu payecs resume minw hiifuzi cm 12 mm Ions ro ccc II NcWIJm Innd workers and it would have been Urbanization is fact of the last half ipaliities through the Association of May of the 2011 cemury More and more orsland Reeves should have voice in mm people are congregating in towns and the distribution and mic if DOWN MEMORY LANE QUEENst Pm hack to those Iood old pioneer WELL EEATEN PAH days as YEARs AGO IN TOWN ingsmn Lloyd COIPMS Jean Beach Dor dNowluln Plmzdnmifhmlfni um Gray no Barrie Examiner Dec 1936 K1 ohhy er Joan Partridge Douglas ebu us con err res den mm of opposl mm mm bong who 19 01 elected Arum 5mm Ben new mmy 9mm Freddy MC non bcut Illll be lowered Both holth the record for the longest Telephone district manager president Conkey Dorothy Wiles Eslc Cloughiey Tories and New Demm had 0mm WM gum Miss Beta llchever heads Centre Slmcoe George Urry Wilbur Harris purch L11 ma mm month mks mu have been an academic teachers following annual meeting at asednterest zii pagtner Harold Ayrst ucghnlulphmiiatumler Ifalhi diaeresis birncaw Eliob ghoul Burton Ave United Church Harold in dealers rm name mm at pro on ran in arm lroc or Webb appointed field secretary 0211 his Motors Youthful Mr Harris very ngegfgfmu any am Mich NW 9031 10 OttawaWashington hot lino Ottawa Football Club mantis oublic plum and by strenuous of the case ut our mutual rublcms that when Viscount Alexander adlan National Insirtuito For Blind prominent In Banila life srncc conung or The Examiner clcctiobecrlbg in exampkh McNun 11 mi lrudgnu had been was the GchrnorGcncral Town Council decided put issue to vote from Ottawa five Wm H0 as Clmk But avenue least to one ob resident from reluctant other rm have not conceived the idea of mung the of ratepayers re continuance Barrie Gas He is member Kerr Masonic Lodge Lions logggNsgnzwggmgesg servers knowledge hux it tried $53 privy in Klichenur nurer have the Airlines been so football with helium in the glee Co Hon Dr Simpson Barrie Club Mlandule Lawn Bowling Club been Wanna dm no to reply to apparent Incl speed talked about shore line bu ferrying buiwecu tho two rul expectation it would sail cumo Minister of Education more mam Guru our Gulf my mm as mum 33 mm r2ilmtflll linebanrnhulgmrrz fegalig Nu The Chum In umiei Chumh 89 played 55 mo The Clinodiuu Underwriters If gdldg dag lug Canndlnns bud Antcrlcnns viceregal we Mr Thomson address to Crusaders Class of Central ball and baseball In Oblawa played for Amman 1m unnamed um Fonssrnne REASON on pmiecc buck and forth for formal and suspects somebody ut in heavy Mrs Edwin Longmau Barrle several years and coached this rate um expectedw lucrcnsu nio insurance people mlzhi dm Wm informal diacluslnns wutcrfuylaco olbeIlum Barrie Women Libel season Barrie Colts won opening jun an Ivarago 65 per cent and up learn somcuilng from lho forest eventually die And United Church honored at tea uncan McCuai Mrs Leonard Sim on Bowen alternates Roy orbaim wouidJnvor govorn bulb was ngnlnst it but com um locond i1 Stewart Bail ofBarrlo took cuppsm amok ck Livingston Earl Leigh Carl momrun Insurance but it till muting duzelsvuoumh or but my Plastic Bottles margarineng gramma new we Bgd Papergags moorinttwlldlla slursobnoxious mil roll but For Streets All omens aria ian spec er arry car zirry vn sl msurmm mun ll9 Ogaglehtgrlglrn 051 an Eritreldliftirgggllc leggic $13 $233 Linglrgcslguicgsltmkhenigmasz will emblem on picsen gt eman ua ay or opmcnia wi rec MISSJessle son directed delight ducts from local packing plant St am consequence should be operetta at CgIITuI United auditor Andrews Mens Club chose executive of in government plan In onlurlo By HAL BOYLE ium featuring young folk of Barrie Angus Ross Eric Hardy Elmer Braden lou W1 have my Wu two to as 19 or centIn tho lndust In the province nrcnt culled if there Is obso als Presiding were Mrs WIIILlm Moore lorMhOckcy slim lovcriigmversggof willth mrymumy 15 been luter no currlnr then Icenlcally Mn Wdman MrsMurray Mills no Sohoo gap mm mm mm mu 11 the shore lino is worse than Mrs Alex Brown assisted Miss Ag Goring defence Buck clones Sim muchpublicized can urvuy know Conservationists have nt them were no prolocllon mas Strum ms in Install and cant help galfoiargementre Dim Scott wings Which mm may from menu is and muchpubllcscyrlr under pressure of up to 250ll 1111 pounds square inch Oink Oink Tho lowly pig mm pr Smi Fred Ilhorn mumhem columnist might never know it 533 hilt tlhiymt3 551 him units is cufgggcrhrgovgm gm leon Facmg Criticism ilgeuuvogegngugpw 35522 grooming or upon as time on pumps Inwmni duW has mu on di In to solve Pollulla Fmbhm Prilsynesib if was used In ear dawn badly in prismav an jturninz discarded plastic b0 mm 50 th intghgreetihelglgngomg hulml plucleuednti Franc that In or It sompoy oscurc on THE OVERHEAD PETER ucuEY ommnn mu dlspule hut blooded with other substances umosp In England durlng suoh singleminded appraisalas that We an 10 05 ml WASHINGTON or Presl fTiXHnsslm blnmo to indie to mokb tree pnvln mull tho last century it was trained VARIED PEARLS or WISDOM Bolloville intelligencer From the 1d115 the HWY Iolllih ioisclaiimuindriliitiighlil lift l3llIIII1IXI Tiling lo averslmpilry coup rial by may human to retrieve ex glue The zraviiutlonol pull of tho game gt Many and varied are flho pearls of wrs will he NOW 311 kllds across WHEY honoymogn glncc Jeri 5m km m1 Romond knowledge to be gleaned from Pub 5cm mumemenls Ch Te my my cs started opening windnws la the avail IIASIE goodlelfctlioggnsinlihls pilu Stiiuieg by rrurvmzd 352 television on To Tell the Tm he flcct some of the ills of us society as tlon that is of material Ilgnlil East has now beg come hnlwcen mm PM wmch Us the mm can on indicate that gum lc versus prlv well as our own cause In the publ lug serious opposlilau at home pm we Americans should have also raise the North American smokers are more likely Other mm was dam runs Va 40 will 10 1W the immunity net to pass hur continent half or foot when the develop cnncor or the bladder New York clinic called Hangover Heav mm mg Wm muchi wan overhead than nonsmokers and doctor claimed his Su could LEMOgBEWETIRogggngUFF WW 30 Tho criticism has developed igiugghzuvi Segue miffiignikceimly solo For cigar smoking showed Im such flx hangover in 45 minultcs and noted 061 mm of ovorhcnd In private Insurance an ncrcnslmy mm Frank Church Domucm mm an um cream that some patients book in advance as on Pubk Wmms recent days no administration mm mm who mm or 250000 pm 0ch mum Fonda mum mans favorite ways to cool off hot Figures one gets differ Tho mkme cmmwuy Thcn there was the news item about the fibula foreign mnmn at least 40 tandoori misou or ligatiglemmoon 11310 all eXBlmJh model Who is making devotees was Edward Russell com than no per cent of premIUMblumo in tho usculuunu war WXmx gabllcnn colleague Wil tm mm on Sunday will be 5qu fromi mm WW1 1059 ed 331 WW mandcr of the British Navy in the Med Va Wm Wm The Nixon posluon as stated llnm xbo of Ohio said flatly be evil spirits bride who inux 979 and the Wledsmcs She iterrrancan in 1504 He 0hr by up president is one or nb he cannot occcpt tile admfnls Some nulhrolwoslfs to cut the wedding cako ban has imported belly consl nmeni mm mm or magnmwnt 518 mixX anal35 9d 70 011 solute neutrality flnlIfmB position Both Church ligagzgxmcvmg 3159 self miiy wind up childless vhe arlljd iii are sel mi like the mob in fountain with these in ied AS diminiiiico industry Imam Pkg de and Sum have in mm physically true it luv bud giggllfmgolm 1331 133131 0va en es non rst mun on pm South Aslnntour my no 1o ps 1d 25090iem5 Mummers WU951Lun4 armsrlesJuIudlu undmfSuiituxe ECMIEIJI Kennel1L gaiyafaiiiiiuck our flng Wm hm 13 PM 0n 514 gt hmde 10 barrels of water 20 gallons thlb nulnl lntcr to suspend nearly iwmll nndEdwin Muskie out run ut vul for In bmen plain the phenomenon of tho grubby un of lime juice 1300 pounds of sugar and it slits public Insurancoyiih lion in goncrul economic old are nets for tho Democmtlc presi Goody advice Dont fool keml 100k that 1511110 essence of patched large cask of wine 0n muggy days 91 hWhmb being widely vlowed as man dentlnl nomination have also around with old golf balls lr and aging jeans and now made to look wedvscttle for goodsize glass full 71 um um MIN 510 mm Pmd my MAKE CImEfsallk min which has been unused against the us stand molm Golf balls wth llouid It in we 11 your slncc trouble begun in Eliot Some or the strongest crltl cams contain compound make one pound of cheese Pakistan nine months ago cum hug come mm 105th Ellie Barrie Examiner The criticism lo coming Km widely respected IMngmwmzmmwmmnw largely from quarters which crnl newspaper columnist who tff 22 ivliitliliiifiu$iy atilntzsnanwtms IT HAPPENED IN CANADA afternoon One his OS ardent Wnunn mm to ho mm rys singled out India ier particular that way by the manufacturers they of simple lemonade with ice cubes clink are gorgeous How do you counter ng and rlvulcts running down the sides 1r Towpth nus oln foreign affairs with auspl bllndncss and political unrenl Second Chum can ism Roglsirntlon Number can WWW Md Crmcs culcnd ml Nix Ca llotuln postage guaranteed wailde unarmed he WSW Ive mm In JV Daily Sundays und Pcflfm H193 0V0 1th Ham 50 MostTALKEpo gt 5mm and fntntvrvs cruckcd tho wall son vlct Union with whum tho lndi MVTWV 5H excepted Vin Chm WI mull comma mu lawman as Subscription mics dully by Mo me m0 axlnnd tuuluid agreement currlcr mlc weekly $3110 yonr hm WWW downed Few America Wm ulLrAs sAwaou WEREUaspINA Iy Slnglu copch 10c By mull 1VIhhiy bdrm US suggesting that the U5 ZWDIH gm mam LAqGENuMggpoc ny no BOWMAN mn llarrlo 83120 yonrly Slmcoo It Unoln merit ahuulrl become more in Ilwlsusm5MD7 CAMDlmgmmg ill will hiiwlllilf ruminations will Fc twat ml min iiutn Still ll all muralAlum MSW ounuu car envnuu in 1745 We wm verbal sunk in nnMlnntlc utorm mill Acudinn French Ema lug antiCommunlsm and 323 thutythomUS sheila kcop WREIIAMED wonwwmu itmm mmg ampsmuseums MLEJJFORHALI WIIHIS 10000 liroauhn oukl udl nnI IIVIIIEIH Nuin chigln liimm and he 10 Many of he Aclldlumi who Mmr mw IL 52430 WIrly dupmd mums waned by disunco Th id wcro dcpnriod mm name Nutlonul Advertlrlng Oiflcca hls ammonia But they feel the ndminlstra of ulllygnllllu Pun liaislnhgnzmii 51 Acndll Ilium9 10 the southern 05 cspouiull inun St West lolunic Th Immumuon Wm tlonlI stance has been anything was decided to cxpol them Ilc how hm XMHGL Illlxinnu and their lcscrnd 3M 171 Mil Cuthcurt SL 50m 15 been but neutral to fact They fear Many or them wan to Louir Munircnl pounded mulnly by preps mm nucmlon or PMENGERHMBOARD $3ng wgyfanlrem burg In Cape Brown and 10 Edi1Indmfws Member oitho Cunudiun Press spokesman in an upward nt mgr Rpm nopuloul of tho VERAiWEEKHAIERQIE be made nrlvwrllgugnlvlvnlpci alnd Audlt Bureau of Circula tempt tar riot rililuhmtmllrccuglmcs 3mm democracies Wm be ggmwggfgggl Tho Brltlah for insurance OTHER DEC 11 EvrlNrn vns nulls no on uu lnuvnnblo mun 01 mm wemmtrylng to drum puma gillsgulgmblggqulgggc 117551211 turtirrlce in Cnn vaecgmflcdllug mvlgprcsldcnmr his mm vs course gndagwge Ilnn on rum illuopcnl fix WERE aim viiiluy us dcscillicd in um $291173 mgrggmnbfggm magnum chum publicutlon of bit now dlupntch 1mg alum departments press wrilsxuammm splice lust Snillrdny Th nuxvillo wni Incorporated CHWliSWMHMI mm PM EmwulWW was herhbmkmg 51m Cfmgl gnaw VIN Mhnmmn nd us Mm The Associated lrcsli or Router by nuylng lndiu bears molar mMgzgupgggugy an Acudlnm we mundad mgbl WM Md or them In nwnumhlp or Humming ogdllurnltho local news publish lifvilrzflrlialhllilyh for tho lwdru with ayumaILViMIf up and sent away in thv mm um Human chf Lnko Eric Dr WM WWywmwmc llmlr sun mum mountainous it ifiil Wham 33 llii Mormon ml 24 CB ns II oWll llll II CHICXII fg iiivii 45rd in willJit$22iem ihglffldhiiiifli rim or ii titsll mmwm an am cares In one an MM EgnuIafnnbagan In Sop turned to Conrqu were given Tunnel ln Rockies produced In thlr newspaper in lulu force against the pow mu llo has homer llo wlll inr Aewsmwmmrmmma umber andwas nanrly corn 10910 gains galon tho Mudru Infggrllumfnx fpmclt In Cpgggit Registration Num Xian tprrlgry to nhrlilgllghgorl uive youh tuduy oilhem ammummwo De 1755 en Ivaa li vcr iIr new WOWSFFSWH rs ll is ago uteri man am ro one Whom Sim not nu ma gt plctcd by ll Wwwaxwm WWW ham ma mm mm Wm 1600 Acodlnns sailed from An fnco of New Brunswick pensions