ANNOUNCEMENTS matm5in zmdmmmy IWImkmm gmmu ihw In vex Vcmlpacumumuml SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES an REEIQ OUR Smut will SARI MDIBLTERDAY Dir 11713 LVTIQCIE 10 HELP WANTED REPRINTS Rumox gm EMPLOYMENT WANTEDII Na ms 3051 gt cu lbw pugs my my 1292 gym IVE143 27 an MW ram jiffy AT mam urgingini niftyng JOBS or INTEREST To Film use mi 10 HELPAWANTED MEN and thy 111 Dal Izc Inors Cmlact nIII Jarkum cnliut at THOS SHEA LTD ll WELLINGTON ST WEST SIARIGIA Barrie anonta York County Umkay and Ontario nut Ethic minis TIRE RUBBER THE FIRESTONE co or CANADA LTD 33 mm We would In talk to nssumc Icspambaiy and the Harrie unlop St Join REAL ESTATE 311 on diVh and Ant loosnu loving at mxsuqu or my In gt5lt7E lmbmmmdbwvww run cunts um Irv bCLLL 3125 024 rum nu Deenas In Km bx mimwuumummVKylamuhrwgtmrmmi mienMen mm we i=gdxsr=uImxrtlua nw7mumlsulbaummnmm mad wdhl Que mg IIZJF Fn EL ML mnw in on udlcmstrkechmeot Wgef$mmmnl man and nm mm min stall to tlti with salts IrmidId Munhcrs 88 Dunlop St are now lives in retail sulcs management In lir OIIiCI and credit manach 510 llni Applicant with IMMEDIATE OPENINGS nancr of passenger tire sales crvicc manager and scrvicc sales and controls ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS college or high nchool gradual whit Imr Irv tun yvttr prin mun Ma uppcnrnllcr and be pnmlunliy lIIr mnni Inivanmncni xccllrnt sIIIIIry Ilu lillitlllc Inqu nmmm Lib Imm rciitemrni Iirunmin Tclupllnnt 726mm or RinyuInImInt 5mm dim Wm LII mo cm wlaInuI DIRECT PHONE ilnrfdfacmsfhilaill Ai Cuckoocwk =va Israeli ultIcIais said TucsA JOBS OF INTEREST To CiIINA d3 how no mm Mm Open magnum5pm MEN 5R5 urIun alum IIImumc 728 24 gm END scrv clorbixIItImgL3FranU Wm 55 ruLL TIM nni nuivtime driven an ammo dvzrhzumani ng mhm mJtcI the numbers ul cckly wlmlrd mm nun mum up oNrAnIo cw be rcmwc D7 Jrrtvals it be mnrc than 1500 Mr Gib Antciitto Your Cashway Manager mm oni In an cl Bayreuth Simian orn Imca nunzi or or iUIiLiL wonns wan5 to Tut mnva can put Duulton Jilldillt mm Smear ma aw3n Scmn Borne Drill and our area Mm 541 Elipll PM We mm ct SueImmnysotg usmny Bums 10 WW SE 43 5w mm mm Mgcggfgmwgmig33 an men mgflxmydfyc=vwfg mgmigwm $371 LUENEBURG mm rye From Our location Junction Hwy II North IML liflil2iMIilmtpi lllngww JANUARY Mourcmn lluynl lblutturdshlrc GI um mm grgygglgq 3mm gym do an nun LumIng or Hammad to 1mm Devon pottery ItIdgcwIIy ctc 7agmnagongrgazncelyagy Wm Comm bank No WV lg way 93 Btue mmunm new mad censymcunn ctu Sexllwabcr melvacllsyrtgliucwmlh Iiim IIIc hlcstlny and naked 628 mImmmyifmzemuW and mmlwm my Weaning UNUSUAL Vl hgm uni it azueaner IE mfg tar as Vgnt German Imr ox on or mu rewme nI nutmnumlclm the llclItirllncnl or llcultli Chycfe llgsliltmlgvima Iwgm mummy dcr can an the must cr Ext Shopplng not Friday unm Wm 3113 gmm cICW nil zrt on perm liuncy mgrIm mm Elli itldll 332 PHONE 7280l00 rdiIrih lift mmm llinlfclfmgm may Valhllnnny sihlyr Ilyl billcr lelvit gsiboiygaigglivl 3533 side the flussctl In the West NW Nl ems IxrvIIry IIII as out we umnnn riv rt 1LG kcr Allinfilmtmlll2tllli$7 niflilf $332lloiiilll nuailly nannwm Wm jllj Mat and Smrllicnliuns loom NW Ilul 11th Floor lvrrlunen Block Au nImIIII IIIeruun quurs nrl ERIENICED cry or aim pmnnmml uudmum Town oi cnIIIiicslIults lnIs dillilLI nreDiId Ii3 ryznvenlonrlcleuiiie LIIILIW1AIfnuliifi DIIIIIIIIlclcithnnc No Iu3I21o WWI Wm LI ilintall Ill in Mlldemr NIIIV IV or IIIIIy iIn VICWCII at lIi Ilnrrlc rk II innit Iin lUryills loll ouserilalcr If may want prev nu puma mu um nu II an on mine an llillldcrs lArlmntc IldrIIc OII Ilral InanvIIun In order Inn any error 6LT JE6 mm klluckullllll IIumi mlnumr mum anyRnmmqm hm JO INT IIIII IIcnmIInIy IlUlEIIlllt Syrup Im count no up lllati or uni may Vullllod I01 Ilia luilnwlnu ng puhIl IIIICLIIICII MIIIIII he Ilillnilctl ter mp lulnul Eu iliiioninllil uorrilo uxnminyormll 77 the Mechanical and llculrcnl WI nlWEVIIFRMI lrmim mum Euiilnivlullnllilmlilllll 3Lydiiidma agiuilfnpmon $70Illillil niII Iluml mm tl 41on xnvnlveal um tinarm IIIi lcrlurmiuwu IlllittI umI mn will mlm rlclnnm humimu lggbaymgkgg Ingudmhnag Ilnlouimrm 7mm wAITRn mrprurm rlnv win an Wm worvimx mm timvmnndl Ilan mm min memo nn HA5 mm Am nmmr Imw Ia Ail Imm trauma mem mm It unwe my In mu mmmm anl my MMMIMI In 000M IiiI rt nwm lrwiou Kuhn nlll HIVll ITO Advertise nIImns Mrltn MLi ml Illl InSIIrIInrr Irulzrmn liltll wnmen rwm Ian Wm foMtiinm Amity In urnnl In Dim 1r URI mm minim mmmm Mn new In II we Ill tum has IIIIumnlumn In Ir The Season Inn Tl Ions OFINTEREST TO MEN AND WOMEN MIIDICAII IIIXJIINUIIUIIISiS mumIth Inrlinnliilllolb numlrlill In IIIIVIIIn IniMnIMh Kind VIIIIKIIIILILBH mmmunn IIILIIIIIM um mun MNIIHII Ln mmvy Ill WuiiIImlIuI Iltlllm ANUDVIMIINI with Inn Mlillilu In my IIIIrrviuilv Ilnmllj HrT inIVIva Mi DA IIIIIIM Inn Iennn will iInvo ilvnnnnv 1IWIUIIIIV mu In to sum II nmnIn mi 1111 marks mm our our 015 157 part OI 13 attire team $12515ch mar marina and trim sca interviewing for future marketing exami clmmcd brass brick lamp Px ct brass co Lumps Pat at wall Inmns er rcspunSiblc or credit exten ADVINTAUIS OIFEIIIZI InnnuyHI indvlwIIIILIiuc Iylnllll Ilumi will In rIqnircil IIn weelliml It ilclioail ll sInImn MONIGV to lllClllIllll nlmvr IImInII lliilll Icitud lulltltrrln NInilllllnl llillnlltl IIIIIIuId Iusuuln IIIIIIy Inch clIrIuIn iIIr IIIrllIcr IIIlurInnllvn IllLlltlI Illrllmtllrlly IILct IIIGIIIIY MINIIIII DIL Fritluy lilyth Decomhor ID mu Inf cocmcntizi tear 533 an carved 6232 REALTOR rie Bar ed sILlt cxpcrlcnw prc Ion nglcoblvc klc Fran III Ii HE IIIIIIIU IIIyIIIIIn III II Innr III JIItIIrlo will in re utIIrrwlw lor nIIlIlKEM mm min Inntlor pICIltlu cull lilr IIIwklIm IILHIIIIIIIIIHI nI Im In Wuritn Toronto IIIIIIrio iolr plume NII iIGfIllm lowmt III Itillllr IInt it iliiiiuId Al AUCTION ALES Kilt ON SALE II 730 illli IIIII UOUKSIUWN SALES MN mile ltltiI nt Uooltklown mm homing nupmimi IIIIJII My innitwuy liii Our nnnnnl 2Pff x211nirtnnm mtlr Suillnil toyu lMIlJIMl wurk II II Muir twin IIIIpiiInIcun rntlius luIniIn Ilmv IIIIIIIIIII rum etc Illin wmm Intuit piean um lielvwnli ml at ll Im In uoK WANIHD IIIIIIIIII wnvkinu llIIANK VIIIIIII vnnllinm Aniulv In Imuwt tn moot tioie Ivm Inn ill himlun nII Io HELP WANTED PAPER Ow upptimumt Iitltw uui nIIInI ll Name AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY in still live In iiictiruzs ur on one ll llll siILILlsJislcti below ELMVALE you the in autumn the nIIirLnIrtiIluIil are Telrpllnno nil kinds IeIInII Illlill Irnprlutui llIlllllll IJll Ibas or lNTEREST To MEN AND OUTES in llIIJ liAltlIlli LLxtil 131 syrup jug irridcscunt Imbcrinzt airy lamp Selection II cured Icmcd gable Ininiulurc Illllri barn rIn mad CLDCK5 butt blue Spodc china win gold mm IiivIIluI prints IilIII IIILiI painted Items iront the III Lnunt Imn lly Imnw in llnrrlt rulilml or picnso iii out EXAMINER BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM BIG SAVINGS 15 Clerc1 run Gear 135 DEATHS ELISA oval Sum mam HenriL on Tm D= 312 cl carvedl Ritz r2 dzlgmz Gevrzmnt secret mesa suipc rcszweod diner uct Ions en IFS III auxinIn ml and panlvd glass in of has platm table Marv mm trgnc quilted satin Hm licht waning Strainv men cm trrel Barre Service in in 7011 satIn InI has rux bow 139 Cobalt blue pic md 14 rm Cruel ith clock Twilde In CI lIIrIiItuIc IIIIIIIIItur Inny other IIciilh tun nllliluilllii la AIM lllrlndnl III IIIIII MIII mm IIIr IIIII III ILIlUt Iuv Inn chjf PREVIEW will In min mirIIIIonInagynghrwrtfmmnym Illtltnitllllt IIm returned In mull Fwym 13531 mm nle onnrilyilw Igslyyilsoyihkxsr 1l VI wr fl all LIIIIIlltIIIII WIIIIIII tlIlIiy tinyn oi mnm um um Auuidcnt Within the IIwIILI wantII Latli lnllllll IIblVIIIIDnI MI IiIIii IIIIIIIIIneInInt IIIII the MW mun mm tlutucrrwill in tllliiNIliIli lIn words lllttlillliltl IIr IIIuIIuIty luau AllClINll3lh IIIZMIIIIKS ltndicn unit it Illlklt IIIII III tiiily Innuni lint over mu ltumn II 14000 Iirlrcliun ilIIII III tlIlIIllI Ilculiilur WIIII iIiik III Iir MIIIIII by lllllllIill LIIIIulI IIIIIIttI IIII llllllll IIICIIIIIUN IIJIINIIE HIiVIlIIN AllcllIIIIILI Simeon Cniilily IArIIIIIs ililtl iiwnn Allinlult insIIln lllil wInIiI llli SELL MORE when run pintI vuur Articln Ilor Sui nil in The Uurrln in minor Itroii llIIIsII iminlu in mindt vttne Vliiil Item ilrutlti IIIIIIIc AccussurlLs IIIIIl iilllllllllilil SDcleILIIliIIns Cnililllluii tiliulslury IIIIYIII Ilo Coinr little 1i easier ior IIIL Import Iimnmilwr IIIL Arliulri Iiirniinn 155 Caml caki mm Own bar Pt Ilanous In Cutmm I9 undone snux until 5mm Im Is In in ma 2mm Rutw lamp vqu mm mmm comm cur5 5mm new be monoInd In momv ml pm ermill our skuti Lynda SCI rm saIumu murmur IL Inlzrmml own CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING canons AND CORRECTIONS Iirrecllnnn namn ILASAIHED ADVEIIYIBINO run Ullzuunl nnloi nomv II Mid Mum mi Io cminelinlion wmn rnlilluclnrv mum nIIinIneLi iewav Ilinn TI wuvdt TELL MORE inuiimInm in ilnt llnnt iiilmt ill ilIlI in mnipivlo your lIriIIiIIIIm slumping 5m in on 7cm nu Dam Innau mum in In lieu lionml Cums DTJI ratcwa tau and must can name nuouoe 52 gen our 12va mm In Vmgmiuxvif Sim 22 Walnut nI Lanna at Hmv mt lmlc my dear Itmr lull Ms Vac331 4m and ll Icl Ml Eat PM Is II at pmd bark cLM ck 913 gyKIung Just sumI nurse In Women to 2w lnlnml Jlma suave In lied on men commn1 mo vuwuu 5mm air Rnal Maw Hunitli Borne mmbcr Imt Euiln my 56m ytx Belong manner at and EIIzn our Fannie Mn Ran Mum we at Charles we came mint eruy wan menL TEL mm and saw mm Iwy mtgd Guilty renames an mm uvwmmwm ha maul no Feml In mmIEni In Tum Funht mic mm Glam lam ma Jimmy COATING EVENTS BAKE SALE SATURDAY DEC ll 330 in Soon BABRIE ARENA muuusmxon HOCKEY LADIES AUXluAlIY WORLD BRIEFS PLAN MEETING WASHINGTON Presidan Nixon Is to center with the premier ltaly as part at his plan to consult rallied leaders before he VISILS China and the Savict Union hex DcLllLi were lcll open In Ich OI IIII ylmliun prmidential election IIhursday Whirl could lead to clmngas in the Italian govtTn FLOW INCREASES AVIV number at Jewish immigrants arriving here Item the Savicl nice IIQ mu mJ 12R12or 116x16 Einest Doublcout While Fire RetardantTreated Surface And Bcvelsl 98 CARTON In ton oi Canton 0r Mon LESS THAN 12 It Dill Rout lit mcciin mentor The CARTONS $524 CARTON lesslhen 10 Pchquaro Fonlll fOR YOU JohnsManvitle First Quality CEILING TILES Iw num noom Tlil Examiner rulerIs 1m flulil LIulallv Win or mind my won 14 WORD MINIMUM IIII don on nr Iwe IMMIIDNI Ac our Mellied ol LounIInII count it AUCTION SPECIAL GIFTS AND TOY SALE SUNDAY December 12 pm icniorirlncn ClOKSlO AUIIIION IIAIIN iiwy till wriil or iiwy 21 liiuny mnny ulii ttmnn Itii tun MONDAY DEC 13 PM iiIlII In our inst lIonrIxi AIIrilmI Stile IIIIilI iilll iicnso Vtiltll tnr IIIivoIiluonwnln IDI itil snio in lhnnks or yuiir putronulio Very llAllY IllIISlMAS iIitl UOI BLESS from nil In It liNililllltitillis lillellli USLIUIIN Ailrllliiittil IIILLIKK Jil lliulir lltill LIC NOTICES PUBLIC lltlcutivc Dcrcnillcr will on Lo 25 Concession it Alter December ltltii Ili south oi Baxter The In or dumping prtsunt tune The cooper icilctl loll ui till ESSA TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS requested to use lite silo Itll NOTICE 197i tin dump site IOLIlILII will be pcnnunontly closed residents who use this site on Lot 13 Concession Ii will remain the smile tor the residents Is respectfully sols ESSA TOWNSHIP COUNCIL lODJ1Ii Somc putpl Dutililc Dis Illutl iy It Ilut rst II iIHUUIIi vliisl ISI IIISIsI that cum itxpcnsircItmlainu Iiiililq ll dues Ilium itiinu pensive pricv rxilmsl CANADHT WIIism innEr DOUBLE InsIIIIIII The SIiIootIinIisky Ttlici plumb 11 Sr Illlil Dutllili Dislill is isl tIILIIKIrumusi wbusi whisky llicy run in ist that it cmnusinnutwpcu YUItlklkill latitIlu Vllicll illllukS Bul Iilml III is it snmutli Pkll gt IIIUBLE blSLLED The RoblstmlISIW