Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1971, p. 17

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District Six Hearing At Hillcrst Tonight cumulinzts recommend Lions for residential trict will be Ill topic at bllc healIns loam in Lilacs school at 730 oclock he recomnmdanoas will be made to the planning board and il ndopttd will be sent to the cinr council as recommended mendmmu to Lb official plan for the urea Tho prcsmlaLion will be made tonight by David Beasley acnn nultant with the Toronto Inn cl Marshall Enema him town pluhncrs Mr Baasley was rclalned by local developer Jack Stollnr In mist the city planning deparp man with the study when the city stall reportod they did not have the resourcns in mmplele studia needed for the report immndlalcly BOUNDARIES The area bounded by lilgblt way too and Edgehill Dr to the south Cundlcs lid Ind pro posed mm to the north Sunnidnlo Park to the cast and chdllo Dr to tho wast preliminary to making atbclr choice at location for new county complex Slmcoc County councillor made bus tour today during which buy in spogxed seven pmimgmtilu roperty cow be mnkliig recommendation and it will be up to tho Council as wholo to mnko the decis Ion Enid Reeve Earl Elliott of Flex chairman at tho properly mmiltec The county Councillors gath erod at their bull in Barrio this mornin lnr mu cull after which they 1c Ion their tour Worden Bruce Stgwnrt welcomed the membersnnd Inlned tho pur poseful he so on TOUR IN INNISFIL The inspection tour started nlt ng Highwdy so which borders Board Makes Oiler 0n Salado Psircel not sulflcicnt far the needs tho moo students at the Wool lm purchase olicr was $3300 acre Salado had asked 55 000 per acre Tho administration cckcd into the POSSlblllly of quirlnn adjacent land in llce 3h 2W1 hullI dig owner was on to re property wnntod to sell the total acre go rather than an lloore por cl goon Ily SYLVIA BARRETT Examlnur Stall Writer Spoils chants candles and cnsc were the topic last night Eostvlow secondary school on former Playboy bunny her and ulitimu witch Claire in lccturcd on Witchcraft stcrdny and Today rcssed in whitu Indian lhn Simeon county Board of Education bus submitted on of for of $920 for 154 acres of 13d adjacent to Bantluvaem4 nl high school in Aluston The land is owned by Snlndn FT uld bu Jar we sport eld nnd other activ ucs at tn schooLna present which covers about 10 acres me plan describes Lb mng development in the area being semirural tingle Iamdy and of abovearm guilty area is Largely undan oped End the plan indicate it could support concentration spectrum and townhouse type dcvclopmcnt to meet rental Mus lug demands prodictcd in the De sign for Development Toronto Centred Region forecast ratio of 6040 nl shblanh Ely mullipleinmily unit is suggested The moldfamily un itsnreanvincodrmamroad north of Letitia 5L and 01 Anne 5L and on pm rend looping west from Bdgohill Dr to link up with the Wopascd ex tcmim of Wu Rd Completing these roads LI de scribed as major task or the city and no time limit lanthis development is proposed PARK PROBLEM Controversy our the plan can tres largely around the amount ul land to be dedicated for park land Them am fairly Inge III eas Valley Innd unsuited to Venom and Innislil just outside ol Barrie and then Essa and Vcspra Four properth were in spcctod in Innlslil including one ncnr the Essa Innisill bordcr Othc wero II lilldhurst and the Barrie suburban oxen We would be happy to have them in Vosprn sold Reeve Curl Daron beta the tour calling attention to proposed silo in the Iorcstry station arch Repo Elliott reported on the dual jar sale til the present county site in Barrie lie said arrangumnls had been made to deposit the down payment cheque ram the provincial developmml but they If in mud Ior organized sports facilities There an about 35 lacs of nntnmi 0pm space in tho um and my has In objec tive 53 further acres to bo dedic gymdcheiope in the ma or 16 an to be stadium or that prea Ently in park uses Copiu oi the plan are nail able or normal rat the public Emaland in mum uth The nninz band will be 0pm to suggestions from anyone and any reconnnzndaiions from the public hearing will be dimmed before the pLu adap itxi by the board The planning board wul recon mend the nal documcnt In City council to be adopted In mcndmcnt lo the ofcial plan or that area For the purpose cl tbs ol flclal plan amendment studies thc dly has been divided into nine disis lls wll be the third report propand for the planning board fCountv Building Sites Inspected By Councillors government on Doc 31 Sale price nyccd upon was 513009 000 IN BARRIE SINCE in The county block bps been localcd at Iu present site in Bar rio since The Eula agree ment alum the county code the right to remain up to live years or until the new complex is ready Reeve anon sold the gainerIII Icciing was that tho chain of site should be in Control lo cation it is expound to be out side of Barrio but in the near by area Waller Hitch New President Of Kolmar Oi Canada Limited Waller Hitch of Barrie was electcd president or Kolmur at Canada Ltd or board dir ectors meeting yesterdny Mr Hitch will replace Henry Grohwho died in October Ho had been vico president at the firm slncu 1965 and ma elect ed executive vice president in September Mr Hitchls native of whlichlgnn nndxloinod Kal InMllwnuken In rm Ho gt who knnslnrrcd lo nunIo in 1951 nnd lives here now with his wife and three children Ho Is graduate of Ferris State College Michigan and member of the Barrio Country Club Kolmnr is privan lnbol manulnclurcr at cosmetics wind subsidiary of Kolmar Labor ntorlus Inc oi Port Jervis New York In addition to Barrie Kulmnr operates plants in Milwaukee Rivorsldu California lllcxico City Tho 154ncre area includes 22 had Sydney Austrulln There is crcs between the school mid Kulmnr Recsarch Centre in Vcisbadcn Gormnny and Mom cloak Mrs Elins told an nae of about 200 people that yono who is willing to put in tho ellort cnn become tell All it requires is II study tho Wicca religion and the or at concentration both unlly lmportunl Too many poo lo witchcsP want to be Mrs Elias vllhout bothering to learn llgion it doesnt work that owavor aim did rcclto three nls that would work for the rage person it ho tswilling anconirntc hard enough Ono spell to bring back the you love Another was to the one you love but still ilhlm back The last chant nIIscd to bring smull sums of oy vcrLII times during her one tulk Mrs Elias stressed witolicrnit is not cult it Icllmon And lllLlL it should IIIGH IIIIESTI be Lunlustd with SainnIsm Wicca lCl iun Claire Ella oi the rsunully have never mot 40 5mm Jonas pres cnticmm she sold spook tho duv As II mutter dont cvun im in Ihu duvll or in any typo 11 we believe we are pun hero on earth for our lure appeared and bleached hoI hair bllL nutcd luring worcd calmly that she In why she wore false oycl 01 IJPr woman first unIl II witch soland MI Elms Iul witches boliovo III ICllI EVERYONE 151 on but that on Oct Jl Everyone bcliovw had the power lo unnh alu with the dead She cl inls question sayinr Vlltn tho unu is Iii limo lupso between or sumu otllur evcm iltl rebirth could be as cnco is goine MW Mu It conlury rlIS Mrs Illius mnuiucd compos cd throughout the question 1LT llltlljlc nil in some Ivuy Mrs us you hold Whether it is knowing on tho lighter side Mrs Elias said witchcraft Is very linppy to In religion Witcth bollcvo in on lIy occur WALTER HITCH moves up ccos in runs East Griusicad England Germany and Japan Few Protesters Some Ambiguities ut The Witch Fared Well At Lecture dent Ill tho Barrio Society for lsycllicnl Research beloic 1t lectum on wilclicralt at East bonrd spirit laying lilo laughing and xoln ins In luprcclmuns ur spirits to partlcs They also join in We on all being urged tuv mall early lor Christmas but the most important mail at this time 01 your does not need stamp and there is no need to remind childm about LOCAL AND GENERAL DAmY ENTERED was stolen ilom Lake Iust night allowing brook and enter City Police conducted on investigation this morning and said that thieves gained entry through an stairs window and several other points Dusk were scorched and snvcrai door opcncdbut polico sold nothing was slolcn IIITS POLE go Morden of Bar rie escaped on thrlhl cl hi 11 0n Anno St struck uLilIty bole Damngo lo nlordens was estimated at $10m Damage to this pain was $300 V0 CAHS two cur collision Il lilo corner at him and Anne slrchs yutcrdny afternoon caused $250 damage to one at the vehicles driven by Raymond llarrlc 80 of Barrie There was no damage In the other driven by Hunk Vanbcck 44 of ER Barrie TWO HURT Alan Newman 25 Gary Wayne Hodgsn boll Nothln view wcro forcibly vehicle vuliiclc viow secondary school lust night lExamInor Pllvtu reading your astrological toro cust In the daily newspapers lod us though she were used to having your lortuno told or scepticism Even when uskcd it your she were truly child of nature Christmas festivities celebrating their Yule on Doc Just before tho lecture which was sponsored Society or Psychical Resoureh begun there were tow protes ters standing outside tho undi turlum living out pamphlets Ono ol the protesters Bernie Smith of Barrie youth work er said lip was mcmbcr of tho thinking Christians Any ono dealing with tho occult is worse than drug pusher ho said Iiccausoonco Satan bound ovun psychiatrist cant holp you It was strange evening or leaves rend attending barrio by tho scnnccs or playing with oulin But Mrs Elias does not ad pcuplo to play with oulija its not the harmless guIIIu it uppcurs to be it is controlled by ich will eventually con BEMIND HER mailing early chbll Richard son is making sure Snntn Clous has plenty of time to rrnd hcr requests Examiner Photo Barrio on inlumd sli 11y in two car accident chtcrday morning near the inlcrsccliun oi Codrington and Duckwurtll simu Damage to Newmans eliicll was cstimntcd at $1500 Damago to Hodgsons vehicle was $1000 READY SOON Tho compressors are Hirklng at Eastvicw Arena and the new surface is cooling down and should be ready for skaters by the middle of no week re minimum an JM council Moudny nsklnn that ho nfilclnl opening be held Jun at pm DctaiLI of tho actual ceremony will be worked out thn be late and time are do cidcd Upon PURCHASES SCHOOL lIIo Simeon County Board Education ills nipm approved recommendation that the board atpr an oifer of 515100 fur the former SS No school at Port Severn Purchaser is George Hayes Eleven bids were receiv ed Mr Hayes has presented deposit Ici Io per cent of the bid 10 LIBRARY BOARD Susim POIkind lcuchcr libs rarinn at Parkvicw and chcnt elementary schools in Midland has been named to the Midland Public Library Emmi The Sim coc County Board of Education last night approval recom mcndniion that bliss Perkins ro plnce John SodoII us the boards reprcscIItativeMr Sod on is rciirlng at the and of the month CBMC SPEAKER Som Denver Negro bus Incssmnn lromDcnvcr Colora do will he the guns speaker at this months dinncr meeting of the Chrislian Business Mcns Committbe oi Barrio The dinncr willtakc place at tho Contin cnun Inn at 630 pm Tuesday Dovcrnc lilullln at Nowmarke will be the soloist Donald Ford Appointed VOECLA Council Donald Ford chairman of con tinulng education at Georgian College has bcon named to the regional council of tho Ontario Educational Communication Au thority The authority is provincial crown corporation established in 1970 to deal with communica tions in all media There are 1an regional councils with to lal triutuo membership of 73 FINAL APPROVAL The Simcoo County Board of Education has received tlnnl n2 proval vi grant Inc the con astmcllon oi unyviow school in Midland SKETCH PLAN STAGE The Department of Education has npprovcd proposal for an addition and renovntions to Port Mchcoll public School Eic Sim cuo County Board of Education may now appoint an architect and proceedmilh sketch plans LIBRARY BOARD Smith tho Simeon Coun ty Board at Educations rc rc soIItatlvo on tho Barrio Pu lic Library Board has resigned cl fecitlvo at the 0nd of tho month replaceth has not yet been named proposal for moVanu Io Cenlxnl collegiate will be in Vrardcd to the 1d ucnum so that approval can be granted for sketch plans Sum County Bard of Edmauon last night accepted the Ixnposal prepared by Salter and when Barri nrdiilecu It Calls for ixmlrumonul music room Vocal music room theatre Iuu room resource centre gymnasium with change warm guidnnce centre nudiovmul room heallh unit mnrkctlng room office practice mam ve Iabcntnri one Sinner science room and 12 classrooms Cost of the mention is cs Limnted at Sl$3873 The board was not unanimous in its decision Brown 01 Orillia said hr proposed an of renovation was equzil In hall the can the new Twin Inks secondary school in Or L1 lie questioned me need and purpme of vocal music and mean an He said xllsic bad not given Enough lime to mass the aitzmauw and 5ka furtbcr slud Angus ll acting dlncixll of education and he apprmal of the pmpusal in no way com mlLs the board to spcnd lb money Graph from the department of education will cover 71 to per cm or die renovation cost In preliminary report to the and one Barrie Areal building camrnitlcc Salter and Allison suggested three nlicrnhllvcs iur renovations The first proposed that the or igmi mo sections of In school illm 1519 and 199 wings Ellie Exotic Examiner CITY JVSWS THURSDAY DEC 1971 Il FOrmer Oro Reeve Killed In Mishap farmer 0m township rchu Kenneth Gillespie 6i of Hach sionc was killal last night when the car he was driving drilled into the side or transport trail er truck which was passing Gil lespies car The mishap occurred on High way II ncor can of 00 rm ill 30 pm Gillespie Beamsviilc Police said that tho transport IIIas southbound in tho passing lane and was in the process 01 pissing tho Gillespie vehicle when the cor begun drilling toward the truck The car lodged in the under union of the truck and was Smoking 0n Buses Under Fire wilc Mario map ed serious injury in me collis ion as did the ngcr of the tram sport Iicnry viindcmimm of dragged down the roadway for some distance Damage to Gillesplcs cbicic was estimated at 51700 while the truck had Sldll damage member of Ibo Orilliu Su burban Road Commission Mr Gillespie Ins were of On for eight years and councillor for four llu operated farm ncur Knox Presbyterian church Warden Bruce Stewart paid tribqu to Mr Gillespie at the opening oi todays ion of county council at Barrie during which no reforer to his lung municipal service He was rmer chairman of the countys nance and gun cral government committal News uI his death came as deep shock to us all he said Slnokinz on school buses has there are our soparnlc regula cnnmunch Lire llnzn this Inc or can sinIcon County Board of Education From Prodicro luttcnhuni trustee said he has had oom pluints that studans are snIok in on their way in and lrum school Harris superintendent of oprrnllons suld smoking is now allowed There is notice push ed in all school buses think um nun prions deals with smuking he said Angus McKuy noting dircciur nl cducntinn said in was up the principals of the schools to discipline um students who break the no smoking rule The young slurs are responsiblc the plan cipal humor on school proper ty or buses he said III said bus drivers will lizl to only the principals Improvements To City Schools Twelve site im provcmunts and renovations and repairs to 13 buildings under the jurisidic lion oi the Sixncao County Board of Education have been drawn up to make use at the 0400 grant to the board under the Provincial Municipal Employ ment incentive Program In Barrie site improvements will be carried on at Slculc St school and Prince of Wales school At Hillcrcst school rL lighting of some classrooms will be done under the program Tho projects have been do signed to provide work for Iul lore and unemployman insurlt Incc recipients in the county They cannot be let to indupcn vdcnt contractors The board will lie paid by the province for the actual cost or the labor and tinge benefits at prevailan mics Tom Shullz busincss super lntcndcnl the boards ost imatc It Siajlll for labor and $7100 for mu urivls is ruurh Estimate and exceeds the allot tcd grant He said actual costs might be much lower ter Tho now towers are made 117 strengthened alIxnInum and are being used to supva mcnt older toners in caso cl lenoIalnl but that ill wab and rm maxim ad 103 new spams would be nodal for In llan rm Te centre 3an and music area Some allcrctm would Ilso be dupe In In 193i and 19a pings nonuvamms and unimuons in the car 1115 Inqu um an 000 square loci mu l9 and Inn wings anointing cov ering squarc feel Xcar musxruc uould cuvcr 17100 square iccl Tomi cos oi cun szrucnon Quid be Sim1r Srme SUGGESTION smoml allernalxc oIlLIi or ory major alter lll original Nu Sections 01 the school The exterior null would rc main Lhc amm but all the In lcriur all and floors would be removal and new floors in sulind at levels matchinz tho ocallunal Inn at Ihc South New spam and aluminum Iquld be the same as in alter nalnc inc Cost of ililw project as csimulcd It Shtli THE THIRD The thde proposal Much was noccptcd bv the board culled or the dumnlikion oi the original mo sections with lllc exception of the main boiler plant and rc pluccmcnt with nuv building Thu additions proposed in the first two schemes would become part of the new slruclutc Sonic alterations would he done in the 1951 and 195 sections in milking their mommenda lions the archiiccu llid scheme one is the most mu mical but Lilo existing will and iloors would impose com promises in layout and fnulxly sizes Scllcmc two originated from he concept that an alteration might prove more favorable than new construction from granu standpoint Lu my Minesing School Architects Named ltie Simeon County Board nl Education last night accepted mnuuns appointing the armies tuxul rm of Penllund andnnkcr im the IddlLinn to the lilulcsing school Weir Cripps and Partners ol Toronto worn appointed for tho addition In SL JastllhijCth in Pcnetnnguishcnc Thc board has received sketch plan approval for the two school from the Department of Educn lion For the Mincsing school the arca one Barrie and arch building committee ieit that sincu Sullcr and Alison were the an rhitccls or the Ollglnlsdlwl working on the renovations at Central culicglulc and three ole nIuntary school in tho county boy would be too busy in Ink on another school Pcntlund and linker have done work for the board in other schools For St Josephs um Tomlin lluscd rm was sclcctcd sincc it has done work on sclioolsin Midland including Hnyvlow school No decisions have yet been made about an addiliun to Gutlb llB elementary school The prin cipals OI II Best school Guthrie Elementary School and Shanty Buy school prcscnlcd slu dcnt location maps at the ins mucking nl tllc area one building commilicc but no ncLion has been takcn 71 PREPARED IN crisnor TROUBLE nourish an ing aluminium hydro towers in position by using hcllcoP damage or failure during storms especially in winter Examiner Photo In be 3y 11

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