Labor Officials Mctke Soft Pitch olIAWA The Can dlumeu will mental diet Labor Connus inn pains Wmuday not to mull salt pitch hum Inner Minister Bryce Medium to string it not unwantied ruppnrt tor pro pmd changes in federal Iabar 11 Fresh Lbexr annual delib mtmns CLC executives tmm new the country awarded this Commune committee room tn meet tilt Hackney Ind labor department utllcintsr Dunzkl MneDunnId president at the lJvmillionmember labor body urged the minister no to give in In crude We to which you have been lubjeeted by the corporate community for elimination olthe section at the bill dutling with technuluzi eat changes As intently dulled the ace lion would give unions limited over the advme died at tech nniogkxl mum in LIdr In rtrxtry mummy L7H LEI lib leaders that chum to be made in the hill betur it Yelan duped In the nut ssxion nl Parliament will manure out the principle union mut be milled aver intimation While lenenl up mval at the bilL Sir Mat Donald attacked the twigtitans the hill would phce an picketinz in industrial disputur only members and amen at unloa Invulvrd In dispute wuuld be permitted tn pickzl jerk sit and maxillary pickets If other location would be mhIth MrllleDonAld said the tint when would caustimte In In lerterence with the civil liber ties that worker enlay with right to strike in the Eat at uther chinum CanadianMade Sabre lets Used In IndiaPakistan War OTTAWA CF number at Canadtawnadn Satire chr are taperting wltlr the Pakistan Air Force tn the Indialeun war zuvernmeat wines raid Wednesdly They are part at 223mm order built under licence tor the Germun Lultwntln by madnlr at Montreal in 1951 Ninety or the lighten were lubsequently Old by West Ger runny td Iran with Canldhn approval Such npprovul was necessary under contract provlslon govern lulu to third eaunttIes Howuvcr an uproar emuer when it was dlseovcred that the F415 thru had been irnny erred lrom Iran to Pakistan That wu In 1566 yen utter the but IndoPakLitnn conict The transaction appenredto contradict the Cmudtnr govern ment potlcy torhlddin ante nt We know that below you an Imp yet next best thin In fact many item Is enjoy for years to Take look at this RCA 22 Color TV MARK IIC CCC Pleasln soletta Rog Prlcn 5643 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 30 259 INNISFIL real togetherness machine of the 70s Its the ggtrthg entire family will etogethor 12 COLOR TV 227vsq In functional destgn cabinet of choice hardwood solids in walnut finish for unobtrusive room beauty Features the Mlllk IIC Chassis with PBS Phos hor Dot Screen wlth Porma Chrome 5556590 Cnnldiln mm In Inn at ten slun BENT FOE REPAIRS Ihesxplnnutan glvtn by the Iranian gavernment was that the jets had keen sent to Paki stan lur repairs Canadas external Illitlrs de pnrtment asked tn confirm that were returned to tun laid Wednesdny that apparently the Sabres jcertnln number are still In Pnkistan However the present hostilities 8K1 PRIVATE Sid and Country Chlh Ll hulldlnl new ml Ilelr Huntsville Inltll lion 500 Yeler 5100 Chalet nu ma Apply Now ECHO RIDGE zt nurut nu Torunto um mm mu or I15 ec gglloll ay he intimacy Is the oven preferred by in 22 con 19 316 THE PLEASANT PLACE TO IDEAL It wu not known how mmy were In operatlon in DD MACDONALD pruident at the Canndinn La hor Congress talks to Labor Itllnlsler Bryce llnnknsey llcttl about the CLC brief given Mr wincm MOAIREAL CPI Senator Keith Davey said hit it the ltd government doe nut do anaemia was uncut group takeovers at news papen there Will be In Ludo prudentlyowned papers tell in mm The mum at the nuwdia handed lpezill Senate commit In on the mass media lnid thlt acquisition by two Wednuday rm Hum Quinn mmAr DIE Davey Criticizes Lack Of Action students at Dlwson College en his Impression at the CanalW taken L42 reports mcummen media year alter the Senate um setintst Icre the be committee men2d its report The report recommended the cmatina at pm ownership review board ta cumin pro poaed its and decide Whether they ninth be prevented in better today than ever bctnre emu at community interest He tnld the studan that we need preventive solution be nre the fact not utter sale we ww WIN hr ii wvoywsvror arm mama 65 per mama times were ccatmtled he until in re it asvthc Tum chase oi the Tum subscripticn luLs ur sum Semmr Davey an There had been motley impruvemest ti II medza 3212 the repnn but Sp nernlly the papers mat have onea The llalttax rhrcntleHctatd criticized in the report Cr what was be said TOTAL CA LE llnckasey Wednesday In tnwa The brie pcrtnln to Bill C3131 an act nmcndinz the Canada Labor Code Photo 34 Mary Name one gift your entire family would rather nd On Christmas Morning than lt Color TV set In niost Instances we have set ossihle task Few families can aliqrd to entoy tar away places top on tertnlnment personalities tacles the thoutru be It Broadwa lowing it all In color In and comfort your ownllvmg room Huroniu Cleaneer Free rickup nnd neuter ansen DIlveIn anlllinu 7266531 youps mow thnt the trend In ctum control at newspaper re because current enmbtnu laws June tags total talllc it mains strung havent lurknd anyway and ratios Lnllilln arms hEmt nnnzv senator was speaking to when bu report was released were calLIIKllcd at 57000 5r Id Breww fromth liea worlcl famous comps Minn HEIWIINIII rmerew 16 mm MM 781 Elimian Millvi Come on over to Calgary Export Its brewed from the worlds finest maltAlbertas Conquest barley mallripened lo golden perfection under the western prairie sun Heres beer the way beer should tastebursting with flavour alive with deepdown satisfaction from the very flrsl glass Earned mansized thirst Reach for Calgary Export Come on over to Calgary Export Its big bold and beautifull COME VISIT US IN CALGARY Whnn In Cnlguvy corms nnd sea uur Hulsumnns Hall at ano on the qmundn at our brewery which was natanllshod In 1892 Enjoy our collncllan oi hlsterlc guns and westurn Cnnndlnnn untlna back over 300 yuuru Looking onward lo mantlnp you cnlwawumin andMIlttn Com Limitq 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