Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1971, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES cremation 75m unsettled Advenuing T521 All our Decamacil 75671 Ioni Yur No 132 BIIRIlmcGlr llEHEiiBSE Thu Barrie Canadian Gnu totakcplacc 30 pm Sunday in Training are rehearsing for at Burton Avenue United their annual Vesper Service lurch mom can Kathy mwmmcwn emuer hart colt mm shotlabs 13 Carrie April Brown 13 Joanne Bogards at the Stolen VICE Avenue 0011 IE ihcr Photo Biltie Ontrte Canada Thursday Dcambor f9 1971 Tour Bill Survives Filrst Vote After Govt Uses Guillotine tinoiiblade again lilondny droplt plug it the day alter to kill Com mans debate by Friday Dec 17 Senators already angered at OTTAWA CF The 70 pnge government tax blilthc biggest piece of legislation In Canadian history survived its first Commons vote Wednesday alter 10 years of preparation The volo came when the tirst use or the 1969 guillotine rule stopped debate It 545 punthe and 0132 days at clauseby clause study and an earlier 11 days of Secondreading debate it took three hours and 26 minutes or MP to vote an 293 being rushed through their scru tiny oi the bill may have to sit almost until Christmas to pass the law in time or the Jan government target tor imple mentation The bill introduced June 18 is the culmination of decade of tax review which involved lengthy study report by clauses and amendments gt tblrdcea as um um is clownted to poise the guillo royal commissiun set up inux austereamorous white paper preceding the bl Open DoorPolicy illreatens gt Economic Independence Study TORONTO GP An 0n tario governmnnt study made public Wednesday warns that continuation hi on open door policy on foreign investment threatensCanzldas economic in dependence and cultural dis tinctiveness The report of an interdepart mental committee at goVornA meat economists proposcsj that Ontario pursue policy of modern Canadian nationalism rather on radical measures which may lead to an invest ment crisis In our opinion acontinued opcndoor policy involvcs inde ont threats on this countrys con tinued economic independence and its cultural distinctiveness Moderate economic nationalism holds tho promise of gradual reversal of present trends with out at the same time endanger ing economic stability Premier William Davis who released the report at news conference said it does not rep resent government policy The report is intended to be more at diagnosis than roe ommendalion at government policy Mr Davis said It is not blueprint or action mummiu WWW CAPSULE NEW ILK Freighter IIII In Missile Attack DQNDON AP Seven crew members were killed and six were Injured when thorltish lreightcr Harmatlan was hit in an air missile attack on Karachi West Pakistan the ships owners reported today Govt Discusses Broadcast Plan OIlAWA UP Titechcrni government is discussing with the provinces llle which would allow provincial Crown colpara trons to own and operate educational televislun stations at spokes man for State Secretary Gerard Pellcticr sold today Commercial Names Could Be Banned IDNDON Router Prince Philip president at the Interna tlonal Equestrian Federation warned Wednesday that horses cFrying commercial names could he banned rum next years Olympic Games in Munich west Germany Disease Detective Predicts Fin government dlsaase detective says unng Kong tlu prob ably will strike certain regions oi the United States In the next Sew months but countrywide epidemic Is unlikely The mg lonal outbreaks could street persons in as much as onelouth 0f the country said Dr Michael Gregg Helicopters Strilte In Cambodia SAIGON AP us helicopter gunsblps and South Vlet mmeso troops battered North Vietnamese iorccs In Cambodia lday end Saigon spokesman reported 73 North Vlelnnmcso lulled and 26 weapons captured The 115 command Said Amcr Mn helicopters ctv 400 missions in support of the South Vict nnmeso forces in eastern Cambodia Children Witness Fathers Killing BELFAST lCP Roman Catholic member of Northern Mimis pantimo dclcnce regiment was murdered In from of us ilvcchlldrcn Wednesday night in what police dcscnbcd as an execution by the irish Republican Army Ontario Govt Launches Suit TORONTO CF Tho onmd gtvemmcut has launched at sult pcuinst Orange Productions Ltd to rccqvor Swami Luis lt spent at rockfestival nearprangevulc more than 30 The suit is for expenses thcprovincc smd ltPiIld Wide extra police patrols near the site rm and mooyear public debate on But since September theigov cmmentchas introduced more thn 100 changes bruit hill somelar technical reasons oth crs as result oi request trom MP and public mupsgSo thc legislation has been In almost constant ux situation that lcnt weight to nppmltlon argu ments that the government OTTAWA CP The Senate oltcn dismissed in psilinoleu tary procedures as paper tiger is roaring Its displensIno at what it regards as an another insullernbln affront by the House at Commons Tho Senate 102 members ap pointcd by govemmeng is angry with tho 264m8mbcrelected Commons over the time it will got to discuss certain bill The bill Is huge hue revis ing tax structures or most Cu rlsdiam as result of studies launched in 1962 auditlnuiiy inlt looduccd into Parliament June 18 Report Charges Post Office OTIAWA CP The post oIA lice lschnrged with acting to break thq Letter Cnrriers Union of Canadain reportrprepnred by Carleton University 01101 mist Richard Vanderborg Tho itspage report commls sioncd by the union and re ieascd todaylsaystho post 01 lice has acted outside the terms of Its collcctivo agreement with the lettcrcarricrs The post office dopart ment has failed to trve up to Its obligations both in spirit and in the legal obligations it agreed to as set forth in the agree ment Such action says the report cannot be condoned For the government to break an agreement is large step to wards the destruction of the system of collective bargaining and industrial relaiions which has bccn painstakingly devel Iax Debate Time should not have used time limit to choke oi the debate the latcst amendments for example radically changed tax treatment of cooperative and credit unions in line with con plaints from opposition MP5 and few Liberals for several weeks Senate The quarrel The Senate alten has com plained that legislation large and email has been dumped on ltthe socallcd chamber of sober second thoughtht the last minute On this issue with constitu tlonhl overtones it may have to settle for delaying the bill by debate4W0 its planned Chrlst OTTAWA lCP The chill winds of November brought higher prices for Winter clo thing housing and hockey sticks Statistics Canada re ported today The consumer price inch rose to 1351 last month tram 1148 In October meaning that goods and services which cost $10 In 1561 sold in SllSI The previous peak tor the Index was 1350 in August Although clothing and housing asst were the main components In the November increase hous ing and transportation showed the greatest price increases over the mnnths ending with November Clothing costs showed the lowest increase over the 12 months Transportation costs declined In November while and prices remained the some All other male componan at the index rose The index based on lDtll prices equalling 100 was 1103 in November last year Higher pricu or now houses and house repairs and lncrcrcti property tarts were the main lactate in bringing me housing component index to lEJJi from 1386 in October illcrc wus only minimal increase in rents The clothing index inst to 1310 mm 1303 mainly as Ii re sult of price Increases asso cintml with the introduction at new winter liner Higher prices for mens overcoat and sporLs Thoy dont move but do they ever talk Inns recessrather than male mg any substantial changes Farm Policies WINNIPEG CF The injection oi $100 million into Canadas arm economy is needed Immediately to avert the social disaster which will result when predicted 35 per cent oi the countrys population live In iourlarge cities by the your 2000Prcmier Ed Schreyer said Wednesday The premier in speech to the National Farmers Union on nuulcnnvcntion was critical at national inrm policies that have lot manyyenm been funrnir and unequitablc Later following the banquet whichended the third day of the ourday meeting NFU Presi dent Roy Atkinson said Mr Schrayer was practical Polls tlclan whohad given an latch lcctnal expose at the tarm problem Mr Schreycr said the policies have resulted in rlsmg costs of ploduction while the returns to Illim producers have remained static or in some cases even dropped in cold economic terms this opcd in this country Criticized ils Unfair Ilnd Inequitable more and more pEaplo are rcal lzing that this cant go on lap ever the premier said Odds Favor Sleuart Blakeney Claims REGINA CPI if youre betting man ys Premier Allan Elakcncy than would say Dante Sleuart is good horse to buck Although the New Democratic Party leader wont give odds he gures Mr Slcuart the 55 yearold acting lender or the Saskatchewan Liberal party is almost certain winner in the party leadership race that be gins Friday in Saskatoon Mr Stcunrt pintsized and crusty political veteran is run ning against former welfare minister Cy MacDonald and George with legislature member detcatcd in the June 23 general election that saw the just doesnt make sense znld Liberals swcpt from power by the NDP Quelziaec Opposition Urges Repefctl Of Language Law QUEBEC ICP All threu opposition partch the Quebec untinnai assemth Vedncsday called lor rcpculi oi or changes In 1969 law guaranteeing Que bcc parents choice of English or French as the lunguago oi school instruction for their chil dren They took thettund in an edu cation committeediscussion ol liill ill the governments propos al to mduca thugs Roman Cuth olic and Prnlcstgntamnclknhtd En llsh school oar on on rcnl island to neutral uni ch hoards Ed no such Mlnlstcr Gtty SnintPlcrre said he was dolor mined to have the bill which passed second reading hiesday become law before Christmas JeanNoel hcmblay of tho Unitequehec party said tilatvbc lore Bill 28 is applied perhaps in 1975 the government should legislation making French working language in the province and giving it priori ty status He said that existing lcgisln tlon on the lunguagq ot school instrhction should be repealed That legislation known as Bill 63 wu5passcd two years ago by the Union Natlonalouovernment utter heated languagennd ed ucation dispute in the Montreal suburb of St Mallard The Union Nationalo changed its nnmc to UniteQuebec last October The Parti uebecois mean while held news conference Wednesday to annouuce it would Introduce an nmendmcntto Bill 28 removing the right at Mont real island patents to have the freedom to choose their chil drens language of instruction Under Its amendment chil dren already studying in Eng lish and dlildren whose mater nal language is English would be tree to attend Englishlan guage schools it their parents wishodhjiut future immigrant children would have to attend French schools slurs womens winter cloth coats sweaters suit and un dcrgurments and buys parka and slacks wcrc large Imam An increase in costs at sonal health care alisct sca lured reductions or pharmaceu ticals bringing the health Isnd personal care index in ms in November up mm 1435 Higher newspaper bscrip tion rates in some cities com bincd with price increases or ice skates hockey slicks and camera iiim brought the rccrcav lion and reading index to 1155 lrorn 1353 The tobacco and alcohol index rose in 1297 mm 1256 Examine RAISE PRICE INDEX The load index remnlncd steady at um It had fallen in September and October because at the all harvest reaching the marketplace Transport casts declined slightly to 11m lmm 13L1 rt llccting seasonal decline In in torcity train fares In percentage terms prices In general ruse Iourrtcnths of one per cent in November and 39 per cent over the 12 months nding with November The Economic Council of Call ada has sold price increases slloulri average no more than turn per cent your ll rcnsnna HOUSING CLOTHING blc price eLIhiilIy is to be at tained The lzrmonlh percentage Ir creases or components of till price inch were Futh l3 housing 47 clnthlnq 2c lrarlt pomtion ncslln per Sunni care 21 recreauun ml rcntlmz 13 tobacco and alcohol 26 The index is based on sur ey at more am cunsumur goods and crvlcts which bull large in the spending at urnIn families living on luv to moder nic income It shows the change in price since ILIGI tor tolltcllun of goods and services Indian Bombers Make Direct Hit On Orphanage DACCA East Pakistan CPI Indian bombers made di rect hit on Dare orphanage curly today and at least 150 children are believed to have been killed police said Four bombs from highflying Indian planes gcugcd huge cru tors in the main school buildingY and sleeping quartcls oi the Muslcm Mission orphanage which is about one mile south east of the airport Tilt orphanage has too chil drcnloo girls all at whom are sale and 100 boys aged seven la is low of whom are at present accounted for staif oi doctors and mis nionarlcs also lived on the premucs The founder of the orphanage lilohhmmcd Rnhmnn who 5aid he had bcorl an associate of In dinn Prime hunlster1ndtn Guilds grundiather in Cal President Commutes Sentence CAIRO API Former vice president Aiy Subry was son tented to death by hanging or plotting to overthrow President Anwar Sadat but Sadat has commuted tilt srntonee to lite in prison at hard labor the rev olutionary court today No former cabinet ministers implicated in the plat last May former interior minister Shar awl Gamma and presidential nt Eairs minister Sami Sharnf also were iound guilty and received the same commuted death scu tence Tho verdicts were reached alter trinLtI behind closed doors that lasted two months Three other cabinet ministers and our top ofcials or the gov ernment party were found guilty and received sentences ranging ram 15 years in prison to one your suspended separate military court that tried the former war minister LLGun Mohamed Fawzi sell Icnced him to 25 years in prison but the sentence was reduced to outta said the hman landed at 315 um heard sound and thought it was helicopter he said Then suddenly the explosion cameone two three our cllildrcn were screaming It was dark and we couldnt see them in the mud and under the wreckage The girls were sale because they were in building at the back But many boys are miss ing We cant have roll call bc cause our registers were lb strayed The bombs blasted orator more than 20 feet deep and more than lcct wide UNITED NATIONS AP Ralph Johnson Bundle 57 un dersecretary general of the United Nuttons and winner WA uaam mediating an end to thclsls Middle East ovcr Palestine dial today UN spokesman on Bounced Bunchc died at New York many months The grandson of an American slave Bundle rose to world prominence in 1945 when he hammered out armistice agree ments hctwccn lsroel and the Palestine war He later oversaw both the UN mililary and civilian operations In The Congo when the organ zation went into the Alrican na tion in 1960 He also played key role in 1956 negotiations that led to the stationing or the UN Emergency Force in Paies tilIa alter the Suez crisis Ralph BuncheDies In NY Hospital Hospital He had been Ill or Arab natiuns that ended the guru BUNCnE UNITED NATIONS AP African and Latin American delegates to the UN General As scmbiy Mhrked today an resolu tions callinc Ior Gunnar Jarrinz to resume llis efforts to negotiy me pcucc agreement between Israel and the Amhs preliminary African drult requested SecretaryGeneral lhnnt to put his special envoy 15 years lor the Middle East hack to Finding his own car wlis more dltlicult than usual Wod nesday tor student Doug M5 Ginnls of Simon Fraser Uni varsity Record early Dev camber snowfall measured on oiiidntll inches at Voncouyer International lkpvrt in 24 Delegates Work On Resolution To Resume Peace Negotiations vork with view to encourag ing indirect negotiations to bring about the conclusion cl peace treaty This draft accepted Egim interpretation that the 1567 St curity Council resolution outlin ing principles for Middle East settlement called or lsrneli withdrawal trolll all territory occupied in the June war not just some of it as israel com tends RECORD SNOWiliLL BURIES culls lnltrrmthan isms esteilinhicherarcaseoehes mu tremolo

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