Ccinucks Hard4Pressed To Beat St Louis 21 By IAN Mauls Whidi Wu more than could bouldlormmollhnuadzl nmpifggm nana vdcad In the report Bluenzqmsdaynm3mMnghymLmeGnldenm mm of halo of one man Km and Hwy mm nzmboymnerekSandmmol ammdglzggmmmmmmi listed lmmm wimnpokumznlnrzrnndiim pmwwb mm mmmwwmwown Hmhymydm thurlddommxombE muhymmmm mmumawzwm and um it no on Iiiimlllflevnx lmle mm null and game whlch glue 1121 make Iltlx Lbc Elwin winici In tender lnn McLeod was me hey me Ian chm gure mum nld he offered LI McLeod iyenmld rookie 31de upezntar $1 nul lamilizu In Vancouver ans lor llnn veyear anonad to break klmmiu in the Wanm Max311 HEM mere oceylenguowhenlluiciiyw bounhnrusmnsin faced 4D tlon wnn neg was membi at the circuit the Blur in respectablii conten CFL Announces AllStar Picks Mon cm Dan CentreBoll SWllI llnnlnog no of w1nnipc Blue nomln GunrdnJaelr Ablelxlidsclgn H5 earlier named Canadaa snskatclmwnn ranv outstanding looihnll plnycl pm Calgary um today was nnmd allCam Tum ngnnk Whini llcll come on adzl quarterback on Ilia lm team picked by the Football Re wan alu place each on the de Uln delenslve torimi Voting was earned out prior FlankerBob Lannie Wllml Trotting Assolioli Nahieiri Iurmm this weekend when the Black Hawk play ills Maplu Leafs Hulls agnnt in Union knuck shot and kept Har Tluht endMel Prot To pm of Canada mum on lilo alieniv team an Split endJim Tharm mol nauncud by FRC president neg no Proulx Lha Bombcm Dellm c1 fllgmmlllitcd plnclmzcdlggmmmr if liken m3 312mm Paw mam Endsdim Cor gall Tannin 11mm gmenu nod Cm Knlnznn Calgary memo monies were aim out dlo linebacker Wayne The Grey CupWham Cal Harris Callznl my Smmpedcn and the team ouulde linebackersMark they but Toronto Argonauts Kasmiu Montiail Gerry Campbell Ottawa CanIclcnco loam placed player oemlvzly and dcfcn srfup ma wreck compared um Inrm ellor 19X en bu Countler Tops VANITIES Duane Amos PICKED owns 48 QuarterbnckDm lnnu Toronto Arznunuuls VlUl lwo Durul whne mm mum wiug bunLean Mc $nfcnl$crqaggEdna 18 I4 Quay Toronto Jim EvenaDn realm single mmcum BC Georgi Reed Smkamhe Calgary tlcd Winnipeg With me 03 allenaivn player and lour Ft mm mm 24 35 on defence All the Winnipc star mm on allende Backstaincy Henley llnm 13 um mun mnumr DZC an Knudsen Eves Bahamas Open ney Welnbzrz said Illa hear MW1 FREEPDRT lGPApl lop so norminner on any Mm and Bum George Knudwn laurin pm PGA lour WMVMmImow lrom Toronto will be among Knuilson is in me group several Velrrm eyeing this muse ranked sour in will ma sumo he would hma spam to In about Hull was mvailahl or com meat Sandman however who has amassed disenchnnunm wilt Illa lengthy NHL scheduln and tallied earl eamonirhcn set tallied urller in the season of mm mm was ready din cusa the WllAi eums to lure him In the Miami franchlse follow mm Mlnmi calltd me and made me an lnlercsllnlz alter said Sanderson ml Monday phone call He declined to give denite gure but said the Killer was IM more lllunt 3130000 an twoyear con rzlc has collared min mum mm in an cllon to avoid having to play qualifying millids lo regular immumenu Knudsen and up the list has Carntd 340432 thu year Other ctcrans looking loro spot on the cxcmpi list on nch L012 Jim Jnmicsan Bob Smith Jim Colbert Georgi Johnson Torry Dill IArry Ziegler XL XL Sikcs and Bert Gmuu Jack Nicklaus Let Truva nod Arnold Palmer resolvul llao liglll lor mu leading moneyAwlxr nlng anal and all mm are lile ping the last event on um FIFO lh sousnll weeks $120000 nahnmn Islands Open gull tournament with somewhat more nun passing in leresl will most the big nnrncs posing up the lournnmenl in town will be mused on llm ght or in spill on 1372 cxumn lion Ihl made up ol this years Badminton Team Names Women WINNIJEG CF iron women lmln Vancouver and three mm Toronto have been named lo lllu Cmnilllm ludmiu lun loam In compete in iha AgjfgpinmNgan chr Cup compcuuun THE Uonnl Fooxbnu benzuoa annuiil can In Vnimd MUFFLER arm culllsso seniors will ha 5W Tm 25 SHOP held here hegmnlng Feb um PM Amwm Plain gm lenguo announced mesdny Two mm $111114 the clallcngu round in Tokyo utllcr NFL mccnngn tor 1m in June mm PHONE 7253 HATS OFF TO Assoclnkd Cnnlillnn Trav ellcrs Ban Br ipper ol SlitIIcred Workshop Fund Mentally Retarded also have been schedulndthe annual meeting or the owners in Honolulu beginning March 20 and the spring hcsslun DI the an null meeting chedulcd or New York City beginning May Named In compete In LII sIn glen vumpililiun were Jana Yilungbcm and Juill Rnlllck ol Vancouver and Nancy lchlnly ul Tornnlo me current Cann dlun champion TBEVINO NMVED GOLFEB OF YEAR null luur ans cul lmmu lus opelugmm olmul mom lng um 1m llulmr AP lholn publisher of Gilli atlllr during Icccrlllull ill New Yorks Rainbow lloom Tue day lnncr 5151000 on the Geller Lu lmulu all eyes as lln llluks all his Pl er or Lhc Year award Wucll was awarded in him by me GIVE CHRISTMAS GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM CARDINAL CASH AND CARRY THE GIFT THAT IS SURE TO PEASEI cmm Em Wm berths gmnl in lliisrllwio DL LEW HMFYQS manlmmlaqll Eln rlicolnlonpmrorontwmlrmlk An Llynn gurine Rough drusld 61mm ride mad pm mm an OvalVan me Weslem Football Dulivory and uid 91 Spacial Buy 69 Gal slrilo SfTnIsETiFl llllsullcnili Super Wave Horse Of 1971 SINKS 95 arl Bird WTORONTIO cmf SLIDE graceyan wp Elks YOZITEW mlalgnm now 69 mm 69 ave Wlnnct recur no 3131293 In Iii luuryenldtalciing manlng ngloghogmvc upon all mm nam ar pac l1 22115 171 in the annual ITlvmycalold roller Garmll poll or race renounce Lhe qufy glwml bgilrgna 6111 Gary Mm cum cam 98 TOILEIS Cdnildinn Trolling Assoclaban Griscn wa nris ham Rubber Backed STYROFOAM nlc hveyearold pacer nilccvyezlmld Holler Slnrs owned by Dr Goorgn Boyce Song owned lly lira Elgm NsuiLAToN of London om and named Armstrong and Charms Arm and driven by Jack chns strong Brampton 11L x4 native of Lumsdeli Sank Axed Halter Fresh Yankee 5an $393 topped me ml p31o med Emil bll SmIm mammal PREHNISHED SIM $52 by $33 on retired to on MAHOGANY 29 mm on1 ol Lachutc Quc litter winning his lzul race In 21 PANELLING won his lonrih consecutive nom 1mm uild year Int New York Big Shaw luaticn Humor nominal or only unlined With the highest magenta htunorgig agilisganglzla Armstrong rmslrong WM ll ulna orinn rcord ofmlily Eggcglrill 0131ch 31 aazoalor aallfmlle ilnck Id DECOIOII Rugs Shapiro of Kllonlrenl and John to lug earllet coininprnllilll mark W00 ovoramieclclr am US we Slalfomam Willy Spam ALUMIlleSAIoSng 00 DRY ALI With AL RAINE Eldorado Walnut Summer Cedar awn slam ixaxl$znnhant Esperanto GOId AZ walnu 355 ineei Pre 335911xn Monterrey Oak Chothom Oak Any cumin gt beng 333liilrwiiitlilaigligli evea quire SK wax but this isnt true GM kl slings wax 5le CIP WHITE 2th eluler red blue wax belore handing the kl to cus CEILING TILE met Waxed skis are easier In ski with and the wax rutecls tlle Rec 00 511cm Em base To choose ille prapcl wax follow the man aclurers in if3llrwr3$$flegillll$ POPLAR UNDER LAY ve co can ans ewa reilyfortcmperaiures justbelow qudaralihil lKe freezing paint 79 as well yellowvyaraln for moist wet snow autumn ghee CIP in 12 Plnln Wlilla Rad Bird SPRM BROME MAPLE CEILING TILE ELETslepmo Enrlami llt more RIC DRILLS No SHEET 195 The beat meilwd all waxing lot the average skier iii ironing Depcnd1n on the time at year the appropriqu wax 13 ironed gt into Illa llgaseand scraped slightly beiqre Skun 153 CIP imamownwmllollgnwllz 522 11 Waxbegmsllo make the ironlsmohol WALL CEILING No1 SHEET STRAPPING 22 15a All Your SillnnEinlvemnl ru 69 TUBE Collie To Thlnca lines DUNS BARRIE SPORTS lTD COLLIER 517 LANGE MICKLE INTERSIDWI TYROL SOLOMON NEVADA MARKED DYNA MIC DYNASIAB HEAD DESIGNOL YAMAHA NANCY GREENE BOGNER COBHNA 20th AND MANY MIXER IREI1 AND SPORTS PRO LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIE Sol my pm Man In Ved mm ll mu lllura to Frl nan 1211 BARRIE ONTARIO