Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1971, p. 15

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stall was given the Elite Emir Examiner WEDhmAY DEC 1m Bertram Awarded Les Beltram and Suns Ltd of hlidhurst halve hem awarded the contract for renovations to the Sunnidale Community Centre Their low bid was for $46891 Tenders for the project were opened at special Council meet in last nlgm As well as the oerall tender the fou firms bidding submitted price for carpeting certain area rather than laying tile on the not The Bertram bid for ths option was $1691 There is $4000 coatingmcy fee in the bid price and it was decided to tut the carpet in uniyitthcre sufcient surplus in this contingency fund to cover the cost POSSIBLE CONFLICT Aid Prank Hersey dimmed when the bids were opened that he had possible conflict of lnA tcrest and declined to vote on the project or take part in tin uncc committee discussion of it Ho explained that his daughter is married to one of the Frin cipals in the Bertram rm but said he was unaware that they were bidding lmtil the let tcrs were opened and Kennedy Contractors Ltd of Barrie submitted bid of $34173 with their prion for the Carp 3859 Ball Pinning Mill Co Ltd bid $5012 with $901 extra for carpet Hudel Maintas ance and Construction Ltd of Kitchener bid $55553 with $1200 cxtra for carpet The nance committee meet ing after the special council ses power to decide what to do with tho bids Centre Contract They approved the Berton bid and recommended that Comm apply for further mom to be added to the nmcnnt they are permitted to debenture for the Mk That would bring the total debentured of the park to 53000 WORK lbonork tobedone on the old pol clubhouse includes new roof The architect said the Inll part of the roof needs now plywood base and the whole roof will be llxulated and recov ered All windows will be double gland the block walls will be insulated new washrooms Mal led new floor undcran me now rotting out beating plant will be installed new electric service and miscellaneous other items will be repaired or replac ed in the winteriznbon program Architect Hm Nubltt said his fee 10 per cent 01 the final net cost is over and above the contract price Colde was advised that it it lift proect ut ens salli there should be no de lays caused by the usroioct being somewhat above get The original estimate was made flom preliminary draw ings and the architect explained that about 91000 in work was added to the prOiCct alter this preliminary estimate was made The contract bids were far the protect as outlined in final draw ing and include these extras The work should be completed by the no of March or early April 1W2 Finance Committee Deters Action 011 Lea request to lease tho old Del aney Boat Yard buildings dur ing Winter Carnival was not acted upon by city finance com mitten last night The committee noted that the buildings are slated for demol ition and they dont know when er thorn will be anything there to rent during Winter Carnival Robert Jezequel of Robertas Pinella made the request and said he wanted to rent the build ing for concession and warm up spot during the carnival The finance committee were divided on whemr tn rent to private party without putting the building up or blds but Aid Russ Stephens suggested that this type of initiative should be Collingwood St Has Bail Set At 010000 Ball was set at 510000 for Collingwood store owner charged as result of shooting Satur day in which police officer sufforcrl bullet wound in the leg and wounds to the lace and legs trom ying asphalt splin tors Thomas Brown 39 appear ed before Provincial Judge sing Request encouraged and he recommen dcd renting the building provid ed Mr Jezequel pays for liab itlty imurance on the property The request was also referred to the public worln committee to see what date has been set for demolition of the structures The work is being done under winter work program Some alderman expresSed con cern that the buildings were be ing demolished but were told that under the terms of the road agreement used to authorize plnchase of the land they must demolish forthwith erk Eon Straw snldtho public warn depa en is con sidering moving one of the build lugs to its new Public Services Complex ore Owner Kennedy in Coliingwood mosduy He is charged with criminal neg ligence common assault and pointing rearm Constable Howard Gill who was investigating domestic complaint at the Brown store when shut underwent surgery Saturday and lsmparted in sat isfactory condition in hospital Christmas Party For Animals The Barrie Branch of the On fario Humane Society is planning an unusual Christmas party this Sunday at its animal shelter 91 Patterson Rd The public is invited and par ents are urged to take their chil dren because Santa is expected to arrive pulled by one of his By NANCY BELL Examiner Staff Writer with the ago of Aquarius Witches are beginning to shed their cloaks of secrecy and bring their beliefs into the open Recently group met in Min ncapolis to draw down the moon ceremony involving the powers of concentration The ceremony was televised As the witches sat staring at the moon they believed czuc down ordntualtyinlusm and forming cloak around them At that point each witch could ask the moon goddess for two favors provided he did not hurtlximself or anyone else lllgh prieslxss fur the ceremony was Mrs Claire Elias Tonight Mrs Elias the high prlcstcss of Astarte will speak at illustviuw secondary school uudllonum Hel lecture begins ata pm Her visit to Barrie is lluiflg sponsored by tho Barrie Society for Psychical Research There will be an admission charge Mrs Elias said at the end of the Minneapolis ceremony whlcll had taken piano on the binckcst mght of the year the wuchps raised itheir arms and melted the moon The clouds Ported and tho she said moon appeared SINCE CHILDHOOD lhc litghplicslcss has been uctlvc ln wttcburott since chiid descendant of Romany frypslcs she was brought up in the tradition since both her lzljandmothcr and mother were Witches Mrs Eliusa two ion tcrs are Witches and her eight allay old fourlegged friends with treaL for all There will also be special out door rides for the children weather permitting courtesy of William Malcomson of Barrio The public is invited to bring gills of dog or cat food for the animals housed at the shelter ilhis Witch Wills granddaughter will hava an op portunity to become one also when other girls sang nurs ery rhymes played chants monotone melodies used in own she said Although she joined playmates in playing house She said she drew magic circle as her home know was dif ferent she said Her friends accepted her but she did not proclaim the fact she was Y5 wltch on those days it wasnt safe she 5510f witchcraft is religion Mrs Elias told The Examlncr have always found it person ally confotting religion Its very natural religion that war ships nature and the elements Mrs Elias said The powers that witchcraft gives me en ables me to deal with lifes pru blems POSITIVE THINKING She said her power lies in pos itive thinking something that all people possess and could use feel that havu tho power to change things to my Vlli Tilth power is within everyone she said in me its Just pollshcd and noncng She said one simple example is willing herself parking spaco in busy downtown street She said that three or four blocks before her destination she starts to will space Slle visualich it concentrates on it and sees her self pulling into the space When you get thereyoull be pulling into it she sold She said it is not camelli 011 think there is too much to it to call it coincidence she said Thats the explana Results ol research by clust room teachers and education ol specialists were heard in two day session of the Out EDUCATIONAI RESEARCHERS ario Dlucatinnal Research Council in Tamntu ussinl paper FRO LEFT Phyl lis ilonkmun prisilicnt of the council Victor Knox vice principal of Central collegiate Kathleen Davis teacher at King Edward school and Ross Roe of Chatham tSpuulul Ex anunor Photo Real Estate Tax Not Enough Transfer Of Funds Required Municipal governmean are be ing inked to deal with greatly expanding citilcn demands but must do so with nn inexible mvenue based on property tux es Mayor cs Cooke told tile Lions Club at their civic night Tuesday The decisions of the federal and provincial governments buvo the greatest impact where you and live They must be dealt with by the municipalities which are the most restricted and least linen ally able to deal with them The mayor said in the past municipal councils dcult only with isues directly related to property ownership Today council faces ducis ions lm sure any previous mu yors even in my memory would hardly realize We would be Cull ing with SateDriving Week Toll Tops 1970s is Ill CANADIAN 123255 rm mm Canldfm also In SafeDriving Week this year than in 1970 Two deaths in Alberta Tucs day the onlytraftic Lltulitia reported in Canada in the last day of SafeDriving chk in creased the total fatalities in the 1971 week to 67 compared with 63 in last years week Quebec has had the highest number of traffic deaths with 17 while Prince Edward Island was fatality free Ontario had seven less than last year at 16 while corrected totals put British Columbia in third spot with 12 unchanged from 1970 Following is daytoday record this year with last years sevenday totals Dec TNIld PEl NS NB Que Ont Man Susk Alto 30 Total dawoeuncee wwNooaco ewaoanIOO henoocaee osumnaasba snunuasno 1912 MRS CLARE ELIAS high priestess tiorl of people who dont want to believe in it THE TIMES HELP She said that at present witches can tell about their be liefs lm glad for tile ago of Aquarius thn We truly can have freedom of religion she said She believes in supreme being but not necessarilv tur Chri inn GodBuddl1l or the Rumun gull on Mrs Elias lends COVcn group of witches llm Dc truit area in any coven there may be from three to 13 witches Since all rituals are carried on ill circle niuo feel in lilulnotcr nt tcndallce is restricted Tl lllgla He said urban services are now being demanded in areas that are not called urban and that the real estate tax base cant he expected to in this need It lacks the flcxi ty of other tax sources it idocsnt flcct the wealth of the home owner or his ability to pay It is regressive tax that will play smaller and smaller role in the nancing of the city in the future AS result of this Mayor Cooke said the province and fed eral government must transfer funds to the municipalities which are in position to understand and deal with the problems He quoted federal housing min ister Robert Andras as saying We need on urban voice to be heard at the table Whue fed eral provincial aifnirs are discusscd and said he hoped this attitude Would gain ncccp tancc The mayor said these changes in funding city operations are vital because we cant continue to raise taxes from the real cs tllte base We must begin to use the yardstick Ior decision mok ing that are used in large cor partitions To achieve this aim he said municipal leaders ham been getlt tin involved in pruvincialm nictpal conference and assm aliens and he hopes they be able to come to grips with this problem in the near future THIS CITY LIQUOR VOTE IS FOR TWO On Feb there wlll he liquor vote with dll renc WT as as The two husband and wife live in house they rfnt from Formula Brewery They will be asked to decide on ques tions to ot the Liquor Li cence Act which if approved Don Dwinnell PEOPLE ONLY would permit Formosa to build II retail beer lit at their nphlkm Innvutc fs necessaryb cause the area when annex ed Irvnl lnnisl lwp Inst year was dry Formosa quite optimistical ly is going ahead with con struction of the ntnll outlet Is President Vespra Snowdrilters Club Don Dlvinncll rum Barrie was elected president or the new 20member Vespra Snowdrllters last night Vice president is Burly Stun field Midllurst and secretary treusurcr is Jerry Dunlap RR Midhurst The club was formed to help Shes Student Trisbnnne gtTrisb Elizabeth Payne daughter of Mr and Mrs Larry Payne 15 Daphne has has been named student mayorofthoweel for Dec 13 to Dec 20 priestess is assisted by high priest male member of the eovon During the secret rites inn cense and candles are burned while some groups work in the nude Mrs Eliass Coven wears loose robes that do not restrict movement but are warm and comfortable NOT LINKED All cqvcos are autonomous Mrs Elms said 1f ballroom covetsit soctu yqu by accident There are ro connected systems and no blerurchics Thq publles attitude to witclia crurt land witches has changed over the yeals But every now and then Mrs Elias said she runs into narrolv minded people who may quote from the Bible and refuse to accept her way of life Yetwitches do not have to ltlxlfge their beliefs as thoy once ANY REASON Witch hunts were directed by very chked book called Mul icus Maliflcarum The Hammer uf Witches Mrs Elias said Thlsbook which was endors cd by the Christian religion gave full instructions on how to find and recognize witches and then how to torture them Almost any reason was used 15 person had hulrlip or purple blrtllmurk he was con sidcrvd witch Once it person was accused tllero was no dc fence allowed because if you defended Witch you swore oc cuscd ot heresy by the church silt stud She suidsllo iccls shejs al must always in the position of interested snowmobile owners and their families gut together for trailing and other group no tivitius The club will also stress safety in the operation of snow mobiles and rescue operations For information about the club Interested persons may call Mr Stanfield at 7264176 MayorOlWeek The Grade student at Cund Ics Heights school is safety patrolier She is interested in knitting and sewing and enjoys bowling and skating Parking Spaces defending iler religion Perhaps we have been at fault in not lot ting people know who we are what we arc and what our be liefs are she But we have been ill phy cal danger She said that since Viccu the religion of Witchcraft does not have written theology it makes her position even more difficult The creed of witchcraft is pcrlt feet love perfect trust We are rs she said am it pin at other people wlt galley bur creed Vl live UNHEARD 0F Mrs Elias said boo ing published on the subjec witch craft should open up greater knowledge at the subj ct The very fact Im in Barrie speak ing at lecture would have been an unheardof thing 20 years She 5119 is not mission ary for witchcraft rSile ar other witches are not lookiu bx converts but will accept toga who want to be witches tonights lecture Mls Elias will talk about the history of witches their beliefs modern day witches and will demon strate simple spells and chants people can try will try to lift the veil of secrecy and clear up some mis conceptions about witchcraft she sui Mrs Elias re emphasized the pomt that her powers are not unique Everyone possesses the same powers they have only to use them she said Mrs Elia former Playboy bunny mother owns ski shop in Detroit MAYOR COOKE its not enough Flrlancetvmmltlee iust night recommended approval 0an r9 quest from tile Red Cross to raise the ratB for homemaker services to $18 from $1450 per day run city pays part of the cusLs for citizens who are deem ul unable to meet the expense themselves TORONTO STREET bylaw will be prepared to uutilortzo the opening of Toron to St North Council was asked to prepare the bylaw since the street has never officially been opened and this has bmring on land sale in the area Clerk Ben Straughun said the street has been in use for years and as such is considered upen no and tilts bylaw is simply formality RABIES SHOTS Finance committee has recom mended support for an Etch Coke request to the provincial government for permissivo leg islation to require rabies sllots before licensing dog The legs islutiqn wuuld permit the city to require the vaccinations before licensing and would be used in the case of rabies epidemic clerk Een Straughan said Tile request for legislabun also ask ed that cities be allowed to lie caso cuts which cannot now be controlled NIARINA PROPOSAL proposal to build marine servicesrestaurant complex near the present city marina was de fened by the city development committee last night Tile com mitte noted that the citywill be studying plans for the area and would consider the proposal at that time HIT TREE Damage to vehicle driven by Steven Edwards Was slim ated at $300 alter it slid Off the road and struck tree The mis hnp occurred on Sidmod 20 21 ed police lftr vcstcrday POLE by Richard Sk Midland caus utility pole last night An it skidded off the road onllighway 27 near the CPR tracks at Midhurst Dams ago to Skulcs vehielotvus Cs timutcd at $150 MAN ARRESTED Merlin Whitlock 02 of inrrle was arrested last night City Police in connection Wi break in and theft Vbitlock will be held in custody until his appmmnce in Provincial Court next nlcsduy Five tele vision sets were stolen during brcuk in at Barrie TV Sales and Service several weeks ago TWO CARS two car collision yesterday near the intersection of Jacobs Tenace and Innisfil St caused $2100 damage to one ur the vein tales The driver of the damaged vehicle was Russell Chow at Barrie The other cur was driven by Douglas Matthews of Angus ruulm recommendations lwo mad corncues mane refermee to the sidewalk sznzn tinn on Bayfieid 5L north of Highway loo last night but than did not seem to be any lmmedv late action munctl could take no pubLic works committee got into the subtlequ the sif uauon noting that in the past sidewalks have beta local im provement but in legislaufe dlanges being mposed by the province sidewalks take the same status as streeLo and tho dty may be forced to install them at the expeue of the gen ml public The problem on Bayfield SL is complicated by the narrow road allowance and cnmmerciai signs along the path sidewalks would normally take The city developmct commit tee also looked into the prob tern and has suggested pol icy of requesting in foot strip becodedtnthe anyonethee side of the mad 15 candltlm for mung or commute of adjustment decisions in future laey invoked um policy in ruminating the realm pared of land next to the seat and store on Bayeld The developer wants to use the lot for donut outizt and lb commluec agreed to the pro poscd C2 zoning on the condition that the and and donut prop ponies be considered me Wu one exit and entrance and that in feet from the front of both properties b0 deeded to the cuv for road allowance The goal is to have an abbot road allowance in the area so that sidewalks can be instAIlEd For the coming winter the corn mittees suggested keeping tag roadway ploughed as wide as possible to provldo walkway in the area To Seek Approval In Principle For Public Services Complex Public Work committee will ask council for approval in prin ciple of the Public Services Corn iox being planned for Ferndalo last nights meeting the committee recommended adoplt Lion of the city administrators rcptrt that suggests culling lol architects and engineers to sub mit conceptual plans for meeting in January Mayor L5 Cooke suggested the approval in principle reso lution saying that council has implied mu approval but no for mat resolution giving this author ity has been made only been dis cussing teas ty think its time to say were going ahead This doesnt mean commitment to spend money but does mczln we wont have people asking Study Of City in four or five months whether were right to go ahead The mayor said the Puhll Utilities Commission has cndars ed the proposal and he asked that the council inll the Park and Recreation Commiss ion to the meetings at which concept will be discussed The purchnsc of the land has been advertls ed soil test hav been done on the site and sewer designs are in the Wnrks the committee was told The comle will provide of fire storage and garage space for the public works department PUC parks and motion and any other civic body that needs this type of servicing It was suggcsted at last nlgbrc committee meetinn that nat ural gas firm be queried on its interest in ofce space on the site Bus System May Be Distributed In Week consultants study of the city bus system may be in coun cils bonds within vleek Roy Alien city engineer said at last nights public works com mitten meeting that the study would definitely be available for the next committee session The study has been prepared by neadVoorhets and Assoc intes consulting engineers from Toronto They have revist the cxistinz situation routns lcbad um and an Maniuni fro or this Then report guest to the tech nical Co ardinating committee at the city transportation study next Monday and should bi is tributed ttHCnuneil shortly tr that Al the tccbnicnl meeting next Monday there is expected to be discussion of private versus pub lic olvnuship of transit sys tem and figures have been pre pared as comparison on which council can make decision llc works conunittce last night deferred action on reuursttnr bus service in the Cundles Rd are until after the transit study is adapted gt It felt that changes in bus routes and steps can adversely affect bus usage and decided to wait for the NW mrLhmra neon extending service For similar reasons bus stop locutlou chunng an Napier St were refused but Kentway Transportation CO was given permission to move stops at Cun dlcs and Bnyficid and in front of Suyvctle to allow for traffic conditions These stops will be moved matter of 100 rm at must Bayiield Mall Cinemas Unlikely Scunti Investmean Ltd was advised by the city development committee Tuesday it cannot in crease its 1830 square feet of space at Buylleld Mall The to ttee noted that there is already an excess of commercial space in the city and said there trod been argu mans OVQKUIC original agree ment to permit moan square Will Reply About Complaint The city clerk was instructed Tuesday to imply to William Giller who ad written com plaining tha city building in spectors should have prevented improper construction techniqu as that resulted in substand urd roof being put on town house complex Mr Gillol owns The committee asked that Mr feet Theyre assigned their space and thats it said Aid Perri The developer said it would install two cinemas and other non commercial estu blisllmmm if approval is given The alderman agreed that this developer had sufcient space to include these operations but had chosen others in their steud Gilior be reminded that city inspectors try to ensure that National Building Code specific aliens are enforced and cbecl building sites for safety and health reasons Having inspectors check every phase of every construction pro ject would mean cost the city could not afford the committee advised Chief Tschirhart In Hospital Ed Tschirlinrt Barrics Chief of Police was admitted to St Michaels Hospital in Toronto Tuesday to undergo series of tests in st or on csnm ll hgt iepurt Mrs Sliliirfsaldthat the liter husbzndmn ullicf had been in considerable pain for some time pinched nerve suspected of causing scverepains in the enter right leg IMrs Tsehixharf labs visit we tad Released Othersl Bail $250 Three men who are charged with assaulting and robbing man over the weekend appeared in Provincial Court Tuesday and were released on bail pending lnnl Dec 14 Roger Devonport 13 of AiilS ton and James Jennett ill of Bceton werereleased on their own rucognizhrlcc Wayne Ville ncuve llud bull set at $250 Sevrance Bid To Be Studied The application by Innis dc vcloper Hamilton to dl lde his lake front property south of Con ll into three separate lots is being investigated by tho planning and development com mitth of lrlnisfil Council Mr Hamiltons application was originally approved by the Committee of Adlustmclrt but appealed by tllepcounc nd other lakefront owners on the Tho melt were charged in con ncctiun with the assault and rob bury of Robin Edward Reid of Toronto Mr Reid said that he was plckcd up in Beeton Satuls day night driven around for sometime and then was dump ed off in the middle of nowhere after some men took 20 and some of his clothes basis that the ruperiy does nnL front on agtpu lie road Mr Hamilton willing togivo his 21m foot on tion or the road to tile tuwasln But six otbor residents woul live to give ac cess to the municipality in order to make the road public decision is expected to be reached at the next enuncg meeting Dec 15

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