mmmnnmxmu Cookstown Plans 16 leonspiels momhxtszam Six mixadcurlinzcampctltkn teen curling mm Me MnndnyDecmwixidaisbiu beta IBIan Itch Cookswwn observed Boxing Du rinklortlulnuwn mmzmemm mnmminstgul Irophybmspidwxllbohcld on Saturday Jun whilu tb Suoltid club mixed Dauphin DC Ii the Cookstwn rink on Saturday Jul l5 Thu Cookie cmbwmbid humid for lady curler on Wzdnesdny Jun 19 We in lt County mailed cud gamu on planned tor each $39600Por Iobs lie EcoIon mlxnd mum wiil be had on 51W inn Simeon County has been 11 23 with provLuau or to Iotmd $9600 under the provinc nuns tor each entry Tho inl municipal employman incen Cookan club will hold live program the county cnun mixed bansplll on SIturdny cillor were named at thril Jan 19 swim in Barrie yesurdny The annual Lion trophy Bon uxnlrmnn of limes Reeve spiel will be held at this Coch uoyd Pridhnln Simnldnlo pre tuwn rink on Samrdny F911 15 xentod row from his arm while In open mixed competi mitiec remmmmding that the lion has been arrangd or county property mad and no Saturday Fob 19 llin Con la services corrimiiiccs along town ladics club will hold with llic museum board and bouspiel on Sniurdny Fab any other Inuxested be altered Another much looked inrwnrtl the opportunity to share in the in amt tho annual amen P11733111 bmplel which to be hold on Along with Reeve Primm Slmhirdaywmlgg 2153 new or the timer mimic ruminfrzwrn Er mm llott or Fins Reeve Lionel Dion tltion has been nrrunzcd or all Panama Reeve Oehm Saturday March 1k Stayner Rccvu Harvey Elli Tim Cookslown Royal Canad French oi EImvulc and Worden will be Lizc Liming evcntll Bruce Stewart new of Brod scheduled im Salurdny Mmii md 25 VSpra Council Stays Unchanged mom Slain Vespra me memberr will candidate Poinseiiias Decorate your home with the warmlook of RedVelourod Polnsettias Scotch Pine Main branches side branches Green or BlueSpruce LiteIke 36 In Gold Silver and colour combinations tho curmnt in polls aim In result at polling Councillor Bulc who lives In in the municipal rolling Earlier maClul8hL Helgjledd the in the wcck polling or second tinin in ruc wilb vol2 Council REiWe can Danni Wdhm girlTho at Greniel wns second returned mm ith sat Willie Councillorlnun start his Imnd km he lerrorludnurrzwu inlrly elm n1 dietcmxncll liter three year Wm dapm cannula Reeve Dorian and Deputy Rcev my Rene Alan Johnston Johnston were congratulated otlinesing will again be Ves by county council cullenguas prns cum county representative It um session in Barrio yester or Illenew one year Mm duy on their rcciectian Reeve He won decisively over Nomi Harvey Ellison and Deputy Reeve Shocmnker by 535 ii05 132 Halold Boyd who won rundown Councillors wlli be tho sumo merit In the polls in Midland 20 Light Midget Sel Liiile boinis of light add glow io any size tree Create original holiday decorations In assorted colours Table Pieces CandieHolder Santa Choir Boy and others brighten yourXmas table Noel Hanging Planter Light Set Tlny lights shins to sparkin your omamanta in assorted colours th Georg Bulc Russell Him also were congrululntcd byWnr JUSTIN lql nndVcllnEi Lambert again den Bruce Stewart TIME FOR CHRISTMAS mic GillY 35nghlsat DISTRICTBRIEFS VILLAGE nnrury nnnvc Mrs Gladys ilarchnnt as has VICTORIA HARBOUR sum toss Old asluoricd customg will Flrst deputy move Tm dive vil be discussed by members In at Victoria Harbour nmcs raglan was elected by acclumzi SILAGE CONFERENCE tim It was nunnunced inllowlng ALLISTON IStalil Altwn me do or Inuential day conference on slingc wrii ha deadline at oclock Inst rim held at the Skylinaozll Tax Mr Eplett Is brother at Dun onto by the mail og Epiett village clerk Victoria Cm Imprnvemen 30 Harbour qualied deputy Cooperation with the Ontario depurimen at agriculture and 3V9 510WNa Illa University of Guelphstart 1000 eligible V01 011 mu Wednesday Dec 15 may list Floodlight Kit Outdoor displays take on new dimensions with eilectlvo lighting 15 Light Indoor Set Decorate mantelploco bullet top an Xmas tree with opaqueGloworimnsporantllghm In assorted colours COMPLETE MANUFACTURER5 FOR TOY SALE ALERED CAGE ILL PENETANGUISHENE Itniil former member Slmcoe county council for 20 years AI ired Cage is in Penetnngulshenc General Hospital message of best wishes from membersMnt gt nun II was sent to all EACH HOMEMADE GIFTS Opaque Glow lights or transparent accent outdoorsottingswilh an assortment of colours GARLANDs Wrap your iron in shiny silver or gold garlands full 30 Also In Bluo Green RadGold and GreenGold YRAA EBENEZER Stall An ex gt hamernn is its Is mm planned at meeting or Ebon Ezer Womens Institute to hold Im Thursday Dec with be 68 Dunlop St Bmle Coming your way soon chance to do exciting things Ashance to go places See your mililory career counsellor Come ln and see your Recruiting Team at Canadian Forces Baso Bordon Building T93 December I97I 400 600 pm The Federal Building Barrie Ontario Docnmbor I97I Noon To 700 pm gtOr ll yorr preler io serve In your own communilycpplylchanodos Reserve Force at your local Reserve UnIl lodcy Give it some thought The Canadian Armed Forces While Snu Spray MANY or THESE ITEMS AvAILABuE AT woman PLAZA siuIiE Big Bargain FDII Iclcles Addshlmmer loyoueras tree 700 strands only TWOSIZE EXTENSION callus Wgallsli NEW STORE HOURS OPEN EVERY WEEKAY TlL 3mm SATURDAY NIL 600 PM For the short of It Indoor cord In Ivory or Brown For the long OI it 15 Indoor cord In Ivory or Smith PIIIIl Its so IlleII that you can almost smell Inslorest100 tlps and branches form tree thats really beautiful Green only Pkg 12 iraahails Red Blue Green Gold LIKE IT USE YOUR WOOLWORTH CHARGE ACCOUNT rnn