Vt ISAIhEI my glum 01 mm kmn WEDml DEC 1m 11 Wired as Harms um cu Iudda aux um r15 address in mud myfair marital Ippcszed Inga nxw press numb cu and Wu cps hex mm omn nuzs trugismzes Mord Hr has the ID4 llama saw hem aY Esme uvznroot auraJ API spedcalfy mad vii2 ub En uued by bul 535 pcpu gt second baby 2mm smallsa gains um by re am us m2 at Rel m5 alumnus died ms waiting in an investmau Rw Sudbury 0115 day Gm Brown 15 pm mm 15 11 pun nusrant birth tn Llree girls and tin boys bu 55 in my Flumst CPI nu 8mm khan our days uxn One of the bcvsI Emma rumor im mum 535255 at in Umvu Yemen Arab Republic is did the lulluwing and uiei PARIS lqumI The ILi chi mum sIh of New nmuvcx an to 833 amenu we wanna may nd mm adjHde Mm said It urn ms known how in 3y be I39 BROCK ST 7284 diplomatic rdatiou with the respinary comma Frame Yvuu mm became mym mm gm run any out year on Authorized Mandaam United mm the oulcul Inc the rst North American In be Act poms Journal at Cazadna FltLDa will new agmcy repelml Tuadayl CANADIAN GIABGED elected pmldgut me Fords Imam 05L an Lloyd be published by John Aims SW The Aguxy also saltl It was LDNDON t9 mwanl gPrcss In Pam mat Kerry and his wile Emma and David mason duslumll Pam and Agzumriu learned the us until am Markus dumbai as Temp day In nun soo Sash mm damn have camlldatu In Carmina liter munon an In Yemzn nunn armadaJul been rallan In mumbm L1 one at In me mad peg at new medical but RDYI Amuse Policy LealIIgzlssegy 414MCIIEESE turn lenders my Ottawas lorrn policy In uuvued because it ms to world sgncuI tux nilpuses reducing the II II number mg mm PER CUSTOMER WITH $500 PURCHASE Egdnw the Food and Aaricultum Or gnrllzauon of the United Nathan has opposedl Dr Bocrma FAD dlrec tor amoral has called or ltd juslmlznu thatwould reduce the hormlul cited or national poll cics mod concerted clinrt hy agricultural producing countries 10 work toward global solult on Euncimun Winnipeg Uuitod Grain Growers presi dent says globul approach seems to be the only way can get some answers to tho univelual conuutlrum of low In comu or tho majority or farm Mr Runclman dened the federal program in 1970 whlch paid men to take land out of when production us lulu mous and said the announce ment of the small arm dovelop ment program Monday was un other step In the wrong direc Klonl Roy Atklnsan president of tho militant Notional Former Union also was crIticul ofthu new federal program designed to allow older armors to get out arming and younger man to expand their small opera lions APPLIES TO WORLD SOLVE All Of YOUR EllT PROBLEMS WITH FAMOUS JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKE OVER 23 FRUITS NUIS CHECK THESE VALUES ll up um man in yum mm nu PERC OI DRIP GRIND VAC PAC Coffee COLIggIIIZAN Ilium$123 IEACHES Alvis rAch lul NALVES rAch uulr COCKTAIL Austral Canned Fruit mm 29 msrAm Hershey Chocolate Zu=vin79 umer Ilct CNKKEN Naomi VIGEVAII um MUSHROOM Clark Soups milowns 69 KRAFT SALAD nmslNG nhlgrlq JZllozlnr68 ROBIN 100D Instant Outs 696 MALGN on manual 50x wml oln chm Panty Hose bociavair$269 Iscxuzlotn cums OIlI Smoothy Cheese amis69 cunt Isox to 39 IRES CHICKEN PARIS LEG QUARTERS BREAST QUARTERS MIXED QUARTERS CHICKEN HALVES WHOLE CUT UP GROUND CHRICK u75 BEEF LIVER 59 HOCKSIIIGD lOerENAATJA YEAR 00L828 Ia PIECE 343 RING Keoggs on Flakes mug37 Dr Bocrrnn hos said the mo on boundacs an applies III nu IALLNIDS CHANHON vac pa er Do Food Iboziin 23C duco the barium acts m1 5LB RING 5499 mm ANN GE ggs Rice Krisples 130 CREAl surtulnur AND sucw MAM uAr Rum lem of International ustment In agriculture transcends ua 099 Special 15 azpkg pf 11 Ian the world as whole III Ich programs In IIIII YEAR Ich town mm VlAl Aug 11cm town mA Go noun alleles and concerted lPPmugh to agricultural and in sums mun mu ucxm nunINSDsENn IN um um um muuwty Runclm mugmum moms FRUIT CAKE mm is BORK BEEF FINDS one ol too much produndomBut hhroei hzungdiibihyc mm MI mI cHcxm Noam Communlty have heavily suhsi MB PIECE 2LB PIECE LLB SLAB IX Ann BULK PREMIUM II 75 $i45 s275 iiiiatifxi M4 nous SWIFT $3 gizsdsohctainiiintmtz Applesauce 2wnozvins43r SAUSAGE WIENERS Fleegin the Common Mltlr it gsabizu rcegigfomng pmcmonI MR A55 26 la lOWER THAN YEAR AGO set lar their grain prices which WHITE PIN Qumiltow GREEN PAPER SUPERB BLEND OF 100 BRAZILIAN COFFEE make your mouth water Mr Cl Wlth prices like these sllmtl lilting godugln Culselxhero the war min vou be ill advised it she went ahead Ground To Ordur and rind to solve world surplus 343 BAG 3199 rublems with unilateral pro rm to reduce the number of Islmars in sicouutry Mr Runclmzm snl other coll rlcs must shore the rosponslbul unlllmaththc present time are is ope that the reduction ol the num ANN PAGE her of farmers in world ngrloul turn will go fast enough to bring the market anywhere near uqul librium During the last five years as velopod provlded about lwoltlhlrd of increased grain production with the result being rlslngnslocksu ardslugp prices on on or 18 more than bleak in terms of price returns for Canadian pro CARNAIIOIN uoum cur rAch quAlIrv noun ducals IFANADA II GRADE JANE PARKER lEMON MERINGUE PIE vol SIlE UR SAVE lr ONTARIO GROWN gt Stewgrt lhlessntn or Saska French Fries 224B pkgs 89 LLB Blueberry Piev luils24ozuz mil 59 sl in $369593 330ismp5 mall IAN pAuKrIl our sAVI Am dicted world slmtage of milk Aunt Jemima Waffles 90 pkg 39 CELLO BAG Spanish Bur Cake l9ozltukos$1 in 11771 buttbut samo year he cause of pom prices Ottawa ins ml NE 01 IAN DARKER APPLE RAlsm sAvs lot cNADA Owl IONO GREEN SHEER HONDA 7E5 CRISP Iflifhlfmmy mm Farm Huse Pies pisg CIIcuInbers Mum 2ior39 Endive Escaroleua=h29t cee cake mk39 BRAND rlozEN JANE pAan sucm tour sAvr ml MEXICAN ulGl llll IMPOIIED SWEET MRGE Slll Buttered smeltv 12osz935I Eggplant 29 Green Peppers zhrzg Roi in Bread 416ozloavas$1o AAP IIRAND rRozsu JANE PARKER llulasAvs 23 LARGEST SELECTION IN THE AREA gt omARIO IUTTIINUT avm READV IN Ion IRAV cANAoA rAch GRADE ONIARIO All PURPOSE Sole Flllets leozpks69c Twm Rolls 3nks=o12$100 ROOM mm mm Squash 16ltnzlray 29 Apples alumna Slbullobag 419 We mm GROUPINGS Hamburg Pattles 2vbbex$l49 onflAngm Jelly Donuts pkgal649 ICED mom Give Them Llsterlne 20ILoszIs119 gt gt iEMINlN llvolsN osooonANr 599 to 99935 AP Pristeen 3Vzozaersln$169 mwwmww com CERTIFICATES c2133 nncu2b 593 Even ng Appointments Arranged SOMErHING coop IN Long Spaghetti 216w pkgs49 STORE FORIEVERYONE 5mm ivoz mom rm 13 ON VOUR GIFT LISTI Lysol Spray 14cm animal tin $1 L29 nouns 3253i4i22i i275c Nunavutuwmmi FURNWURE In dunnmlnllloul AI ml 5wi nilumth my Illa Nntluns Lending AAR Food Shro In Cards Home Furushers no Dunlap Pb Home Our Locum Duori no tram Toronto st AllIIKICES SHOWN IN nus AD ouAuANlEto EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY DECEMBER IIf I971