the is for gt add This Putting thotllsh in oven No cxclddo Ins much air as mo 1m chorus lino dance are LEI1 10 RIGHT leyv Andrews Laura Coaster Suo Sands Cum ll Charisma at sucrose Public School are Wendy Isy my mm virtuoso orgnn recital to capacity hours was musical treat Tuesday night nt mnity United Church in Collingwood Fclko Asma the olebrsted Dutch organist played before more than 600 people many from Barrie and the surrounding areo who followed his effortless lam musiclnnship intenihn Mr Asmarwho onitia way iiExperis Advice On Freezing4Food should prepared disth llko casseroles bn thawed for heating Generally it is safer heat these dishes without bowing even though they will Ataka longer to reheat llomo ec onomisls Mocdonald Institute University of Guelph su gest thst when procooking casseroles for freezing slightly undercool 1thcm so when reheating there is less tendency to overcooit top or itides 1f the casserole dish cnnlt not withstand sudden temperalt turo changes ftom freezer to oven do notpreheot ovon hetero Freezer wrapping may be re movodcnsliy from frozen most by immersing meat in hot water for few minutes Food export Macdonnld Institute llnivarslty of Guelph saythat any surface color changes caused by this lnothoddo not fectltho quality Ordinary hutc er paper or waxed paper should not be used for wrapping frozen food when thsy are to be stored for more than thch days These materials are not sufficiently moisture IDOLBIlti can cause froozer um and lowering of food qunl Jty The best freezer packaging vmntorlals sny homo econom Cists Macdonaid lnstitutcUni versiiy of Guelph are polyethys icnc plastic or waxch containers or ccllophano bogs freezer per or aluminum foil Thcso containers should be scaled wcll possible Musmmv SPEAKING nio Hodgcsnnd Joan Gundry Ihere are about on women in the dance line made up from the Unvierslty Womans Club Loal Commients In iCharisma 70 sawmmarmsmv Fromm PLACES flay Mac Mnrteiius and We oilBarrie Inlet um rur rs and interested individuals whats So Funny About Skip Wbai Has Barrie Den iilr lilnyor Where Do You K352 Georgian Bay and La Plume do Ihant are just few of the musical skits which will appear in Ctxnrlsma 70 at Barrie Dis trict Contra Collcginlo Institute on Feb 26 nnd21 Tile revue Barrics nnsscr to the nationally sslstant dired or and Fran Wilson char ii ll W5 so is so tirint revue Examiner Pho fromths west coast to Paris France for recording sessions at the world famous organ of Nolro Dame Cathedral brought out all of the capabilities of the Keatea organ in Trinity united church Undoubtedly it must have been difcult to play the demanding program that ho had choscn in the small church which hasrpoor musical acous tics There were no magnificent reverberations such as are pre sent in the large and ancient cathedrals oiEurope and it is on these orgnns that Mr Asmn is constantly performing Con cequently the high fingered staccato technique suited to the high vaulted ceilings of cathed rals sounded too clipped This gave an unorthodox style to the greai Toccata and Fugue by Bach which opened tho prtr am However the two Cesar Franck compositions that follow ed Fantaislu in major and Pasthraic and some beautiful pasnissimo clloct By the limo Felke Asmn was into the second part of tho programbu had tho acoustical situation well in hand The marvellous Variationson Theme by Bach arranged vhy van Westcring was up exciting WatchFor CloekWntehen gigllciiirsulef srmcois my EXAMINER wrth Ans rnonnnozm plslltlgl Spring Thaw is being pro lduced by the University Woo mens club of Barrio The Show takes the form of satirical review with local re ferencu and employs the com blncd talent nf members of the WC the Littles Ilill Players the King Edward Choir find in dividual acting and singing en thusiasts The whole show was written by cltilcna who are attempting to prcvnthat Barrie can put on just us good Show as Can adas Spring Thaw Ihcproduccr is Nancy Smith of the WC and the dircctoris 330d Maxwell at Toronto Assist ant director is Wendy Hicks who has written some of the material and is also appearing in the re we Celebrated OrganiSt In Demanding Program interesting combination of sounds and styles The orgnn song danced cniolcd and thoroughly intrigued tho rapt nudienc lilr Asma displayed his incrllibie technical abilities and his thorough musicianship best of all in this lengthy and musically satisfying composition It was worth the trip to Colllngwood just to hear this one organ solo lilr Asrna has the ability to take the organ out oliLs usual dull category as solo instru ment and show its beauty and variety oi sounds to an average audience He makes the instru ment live Not for moment was there dull passage Per haps ibis because his intense love of thelnstlllment is nppar antho transIQISAthS to his and ience Thuy become captivated too and from then on he leads his friends through the Various intricacies oforgnn composi tions Feike Asma won many friends mesday night in Cal llngwood call Andrey union or Shin Wuhan at WAN cum We group ursnduxxDJ5uuol Wvlllensmalntas first We Can loft Barrie yurdaneersataVsleniinnCot fwnlhree week Caribbean illlimdancspartymtothis cruise party the regular oody night 3W3 nounAY instruction is cancelled lu this Joliknsamdunknmnef Rm ll St returned end slter mamas holiday in LENQcmmaw Bum we attbc Barrio guerLs at the Sand Aces Hotel gt Mman mmtrydubwnhladlcsat tending Cosmer was Mrs mug airewimernufhllmores AWmuc were has Arthur lave Mrs year square dancers will be held NE ve 51 Josevb Moore mm 5L mm litre Dick gown and tr on my mm ms unionscor inninzatl30odockPrognm MW mmm callingwillbosbnredby lama Brown Dancers from Alumni Base Borden and Orillin will pin the Haylofta Happy Squar ea foraa evening of fun All square dancer are welcome to attend on Wednesday evening the Tbefnliowingiaalistofsub cesflxl candidate in 51min tions held by the Royal Conser vatory of Music of lbruhto in Barrie The names are strong ed in order of merit GRADE PIANO Honors Mollie Ill Palmateer Helen Brydges GRADE VIII PIANO Fir mass Honors Omit Honors Susan Peacock Poss Alison McKenzie Janis Gree Sondra Goush Sus an Heinen Muriel Surn sners equal Mary Wright Faye Ill Grant Janice Guth rie Sandra Thompson equal GitADE VII PIANO Honors Peter Ritchie GRADE VI PIANO Honors Susan Forbes Mary whey Doris Cooper Mich Forbes Lynn Id Handy Dianne Joy Judy McNie Bren dh Schudlen equal Pads Linda Maw Erik Swedberg Norma Bagg moi Scbandlen Harold Earle GRADE PIANO Honors Laurie Rotmnn Poss Linda Brown GRADE IV PIANO First Class Honors Kathy Anderson Martha Klein equal The music is being handled by Elizabeth Fanur Marilyn Camp bell and Ralph Knapp lhe chor eography is by Fran Wilson and wardrobe mistress is Esther 0t ton both belong to the WC And there are many other people involved with make up lighting props and so on Rehearsals fully underway are held at Iiiiicrest Public School ncketamro now on sale for the show but for more in formation telephone MS or no $711 Charisrnn as defined by tho dictionary means gift Hydro Media Report Curd Civil Servanls Fewer Cavities For Fluoride Babies Honors James Lensk mauum Cr Metros Rhonde louver Brenda Pat first bath of fluorldn babies torson equal dnnkcrs ol nwna steamtee mm since birthhave fewer tooth Pass John Evans cavitiel than nnyjrnviolu kin GRADE PIANOA dorgnrtengmup in history 1b Honors John chalxners ronros director of dental sorw Brendn Caldwell ices said Monday Pass Roger Feniuk Dr James McGaughey sold in Dmi Kim GNE an interview that six of every so or when MUSICEXAMINATIONRE Aiica SHOPPERS GUIDE Local Food Costs Rate AUDREY wLLSON Having inst returned from winter mulch in Florida get ting dawn ta mundane thing like weekly um shopping is real task Theres one consolation though A5 homemaker was thin eitdiniocdptuintheunited States in cumulson to what Barrie markers Her was sur prised to nd mm foods high er inprice especially mats dairy foods breads and baked goods Purchasing beef roast must be major item in the budget for our neighbors in the sunny south as costs for chuck or short rib cuts ranged from 99 to $139 per lbs in compari son to Sic in for short ribs this week in Barrie Butter was so lb compared with SIC lb here eggs 85c dos whereas you can purchase dosen of extra large em for 521 this weekend Fl GRADE 11 PIANO Honors Patricia Boiechow sky Leslie Walker Donald Barnes Pass Anna hchlnian GRADE PIANO Honors Catherine Moore Susan Fowler Jenny Eup art GRADE VIII BASSOON Honors Peter Cook GRADE VIII WET First Clam Honors Janice Temple llary Wass GRADE VI CLARINET Honors Wendy Iaking Kathleen Livingston Pun Eiznbcth Mason Marilyn Smith Elaine Ill Archer Linda lit Kenst equal Linda Caldwell GBAD cm Honor Sandra Bracaien te Catherine ECaldwcll Puss Heather Sangulns Catherine Gllpin GRADE IV CORNET Pass Paul Kerr GRADE VI EUPEONIUM Pass Rosamond Jacobs GRADE IV EUPHONIUM Pass Wayne Bellamy GRADE VIII FLUTE First Class Honors Cheryl Wondger Honors Judith Delaney Patricia Ill Surjeunt Puss Joan Ftecman Joanna McCuukcy GRADE IV FLUTE Pas biargo Hamilton emfm um Honors James Robinson KirstinHunter Brenda Bro leiL Pass Anne Booth GRADE V111 OBOE Pass Robert Mitchell GRADE VI SAXOPHONE ax Examiner milk Surpris ingbfresbvpubhsnmln Mm the some prices as thcsotrsasportedbzre Sovhllnyonseardl tbs atl rcrtisedspedaistonrttnhyour fooddollarswcreaiittie gym pathy for theAmaicanbsme maker wbdse dolim We lighting the grace menu many local amibes will dine on turkey or chicken this Sunday Turkey is 31 or 55 lb for leg or breast cuts One store is featuring chicken at 35cmwithnllmltot3per customer tartan chicken If you want to splurge you can choose at me its for to lb bird Rock Cor nhh hens are 79c eaciL There Claims Detergent Pollutes The Water NEW YORK AP Arthur Godfrw said Wednesday he will do no more radio and television commercials for Adan an cow me laundry prosoak 12115 the manufacturer allows him to say on the air that it pollute water spokesman for the ColgateL Palmolive Co makers of Axion refused to comment on God lkeys position Godirey said he would contim no to do the commercials if Col gnu permitted him to say Aldon is pollutant and that the man uracmrer is trying to make it pollutionfree He said thntuhen he agreed to make the commercial Cul gate told him Axion was neither water pollutant nor is deter gent Now find that its not only as detergent but has more pholp bales than any of the other de tergnnts Pass Ronald McLean Steven Bracaicntc GRADE IV SAXOPHONE Honors David Iilchw Pass Heather Little Shan on Powell equal GRADE VIII TROMBONE Pass John thuikin John Prince GRADE V1 TRDMBONE Honors Douglas Knox Pass James lush GKADE VI TRUMPET Honors Sandra Cairn Georg Booth WWW Pass Steven Gibb GRADE IX SINGNG therel pork liver It lbs tr 79 ana rib beef rum an 89 IL uncles blade 73c cross cutrouLgmmrthcnmacu boneless lb was Shrm My CHE It hand look for pancake or me mi Lib packages or 69C and table Syria to accompany the howsk QC for 31 oz bottle Salad xing include lettuce or 29 cabbage 23c cherry tomatoes from Medco pint boxes SI Fresh strawberries are 19c pint red grapes lb 39 fresh pineapple 59c oranges 59 per dozen or snaller sire fruit It din 90C For economical eating you cant beat Ontario Mcmmsb apples quart baskets 85c or slbfor43enythemintite following recipu So good but what LI it TN first recipe Apple Mystery Des senisnotapienotacskenot pudding but delicious des I5 combining the virtues of all re APPLE iIYSiERY DESSERT cup sined cake our cup firva packed light brvwn sugar 1V tsps halnng powder is tsp salt dash of mace dash of cinnamon ass 19 Bus vanilla 1V cups chopped tart apples cup chopped walnuts Mix and silt first ingredlmta Stir in unbeaten eggs and van iiin Fold in apples and walnuts Nrn into wellgreased Much pie pan Bake at 350 degrees for to 30 minutes or until brown and crusty Garnish with whipped cream sprinkled with cinnamon or top with small scoops of van ilin ico crcam APPLE PLAN 12 cup butter is rim brown sugar cups peeled sliced apples baked pie shall Mach water it lemon juice Maraschino cherries cup whipping ream whipped Melt butter in try plus Stir in sugar over low heat until melt ed Add apple slice one layer deep Simmer gently turning on cnsionalLv until apples are ten der about 10 minutes Remove apples taking care not to break Lbcm Drain and cool Add water mixture is smooth Arrange plainoverlappingrincsinpe First Class HOW Christina shall and spoon syrup over to Jail GRADE VI SINGING glaze Lhcm Chili before serving Dccornte with small pieces oi First Class Honors Heather mnraschino cherries and whip Mchch pod cream servings children in the uoride baby group were without cavities that needed fixing compared to less than four in 10 in 1953 tests When uoride was first added to the citys water supply in September 19m Dr Mc Gnughsy said the rate of kin dergnrten children who had never had cavity was 16 in 100 Last year it had risen to in 100 Children who did have cnvi ties had an sverngo of only teeth needing nttcntlon com pared with 254 among 1858 kin dergarten children Mon to Wed FINDLAYS PHARMACY moa AND now The common toad is said to have been found at an altitude 101262th in Tibet and at depth of lllsfect in mine het hauls nes Jr Iranrams sin Dunlap West 7266502 located in Donntovvn Woolworth Pharmacist +25 All carpets in stock common llenvy nylonsheg 12 colors to choose from QUuderpad included Insinllntlon Included DRAPERIESC sALts on MApEJoMsasune PLUS showroom and Beauty Consultant Fl Ms SAL 25 guardian per sq yd 67 Co ior 1251311 licensed its family affair gt Saturday am to pm AsA mains 309s Compare 77 NOW Oz Size Compare 158 NOW suooru slim HAIR SPRAY RogulnrarhnrdtoholdComparnl29NOW 99c Moms Mourswssn l4 Size compare 149 NOW rm six Lonou With Hair Cpnd noun our sins pros MEN nars ONLY FINDLAYS russ 5n owsl 49c ORTHOXICAL COUGII SYRUP $119 991 $195 Soaps Comp no Nestled Cologne Comp Doodornnt Comp 8017 our per tract 00 Now 509 Now 800