Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1970, p. 4

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Wills Publisher mesa roe DnlarloWntelRaoumes mmdtyaoomultimgen menismeinnowaycm ersKenlpcnfcltBay wth Msfmaaincm 8322 of reheahnentplamforior mosahm esthxdedahlghas 50M0Fwanmdlrymglmgto thaniispresemtwu mmodlheomaobeer itisahmgesmn dmdisumda nlmlceeadlerforpnbc mgcnumberiownpupils 888394Robm mesa adioolsAv aicollepate StrdudandBorrielhistlesunlingdubs was198136216from wonby rryllookamlnonald Inewher Mcmven Onlyaboui50percem year $8131 nearly double were $39293 ofsnncoe llsI Judge Daniel of Barrios famous early by large majonzty ashlar died at Sarnia He maniac oi Masonic Solmg ve nut greening nalaneeor county nesshzcommmniy discus owing to much in meeng planned to slanting cooperative store posh ponedBellselevaiaratNewLowell dcnixoyed by re along with 8000 bush elswbeai line explosion believed Road north of lo cause mmvaleverybadwithpitdl incolm inuenza Manyplnces tyreport we OTHER EDITORS VIEWS mes and suicleni food to eat we cant seem to nd the few minuies aday in in on in cm OUR FLABBY AFFLUENTS Kingston WhigStandard Dr Woodhury modem pro st Dalbousie Uni contends that the aim arlt society mung itselfinto gout obesity andgpelhaps arlery disease Soclellyin generalis mfferlng from loomuchrich livmgafact eventhe criy statistics cant conceal While Woodbury warns against vigorous bouts or excluse by aged pollbellied men he em that regular exerdsa may help somecfthefoodweeatanduulshelp avoid obesiiy Unfortunalcly too many Oanadiansfatotoketbemaixteroi phymlmess seriouslyat least until Iydoctorpulshisfootdown Walking isone exercise available to everyone but in this day of cars most of us ovoidwalldng like the plague It is sad than couniry where we can find plenty of time to eat large lesson of Idediclne vanity Halifax ccrial middle ashes IT HAPPENED IN CANADA WWVm irmviu laser Wt mmwzu mu mm on crimn auneersrervweu AFIERALDNG PERIODaFIIME pummel WM solveo IMF Wimpz WYIMQMI vb WM IAsAmsmmrm Miar Mrsawiwrtl 51117125 MWlf JiIWA wallavmmme MEWFIJWMW Feel We cry542 as it WM 9030 gamma Elle Earth Examiner Kerry Lambio General Monger McPiumn Managing Editor mu 111 Elm PAEIC City Deserves Praise ETC Action 011 Formosa timated It 812000 annually in aviation tom$110003mwwagednrxe Bybendiaimeiheciiyhasgmed $6000000 in induslrialmessmcnt and 8900000rmoreinlaxesasmdlm50 newjobs ibedtyhxoontrololwhatgoesimo tilebacyfxumilseewageurmmentplm dle2mpormipoinomauberinmry dbousslon on posit1e polluilon of ihe bay Themayurmdmnelcdes he workscommitteeshouziilbectnuplr111011erub ed on moaned and thorwghnes in whimleydealiwilhlormosa Delay might have forced Formosa to look elsewhereblz compamy Oppormrdtyto provmaai era loans part forgivable to locate ammnsllwanbedtocometo Barrie Formosa has shown responsibility in the ciilzensofBarrle byilswlllingnessio do allpobletorcducethethread ofpol lution and by agreeing to pay to have the city treat its effluent It hhetypeof industry lhedty wants and should welcome with open arms DOWN MEMORY LANE YEARS AGO IN TOWN nanre Feb smallpox Fanm sale of Buckley es Board the Phelpswn netted $7000 one team ppmmnen of of horses bringm soon Primalsb twin rst annual bonspvel arranged up local schools present during week due in gdppe teaching staffs also Duny United Farmers of Ontario cam didaile won byelecthrn in Bolton Conme mm to mfmulydsevemveryslcknndwihh gt UFO uh num oyed only 3200 short of $800 objective Which to do some sort of exercise biiihe usl be la pncew pay or Ing 3036012 members of the hluem society MAN 0F INTEGRITY Independent Perth Australia is Communist ALLED 51 mm warms op EMPEROR 0F nil Nonlinear W950i ASA NATURAL BORN SHOWMAW A4 GOVERNORIIENIEF 0F RUPW lANDRoM IBZI Ills TounsoF NB MANY SMWEEED DING 90515 WERE FILLD Willi POMPANU SPLENDOII WORD WSIMPSON TODAY WOULD 85 60430 Ich IE WMA MAN of WW5 ENERGY AND ills ENTIRE ENTOIJRAGE REFLEEDI ENEILGI ALI uEFULLWELEclEDJJIVOIAGEUR4INI7IAN GUARDAEMWIE Anni PIPERAIL REONDEDlo m5 sens DRAMAJNMUERNAL ED EAZIIJNE $6 omeniuonlrsmmuou memes may WW FlWWJlMVXMM WM 500 Mule user as no uproar wlzlovaugnimv OTTAWA REPORT Many MPs Recent Power Concentration hi luau ummdumnzicmthcgu Ila 52 depLleed depleted County depuiaiion visiled The may an 173 xuwmgfpgmwxoxafu Toronio seekmg larger for Barrie mm degree unprece pm would mum hm pg llingwuod header Ernest denied in llvlns memory Fnr Lh three mo lIm mu ai Co mer Toronto mayor Phil Given pl emwmnium p0 Pr spoke for government By PATRICK NICHOLSON irust of ihu motives behind the the farmer an am when he mint 5313 huhesmmd 3333 or cleannsmyioleed mad thalihepowcr ollh Fluso bad In Onl Prime Ministers appointed neither made the elected poli Halan as useless as an uddel on Opposition MP re peaidly criticize the MM grow disenchantment with the pallclu and altitudes and direcLlona of Prime Minister Trudeau The mood or Illa Wcst is ex cnbh gnlkflcdgby themove from the House of Commons Ste supper phe1psw 29 illch their departmental offices mum mm mm sent in note in editor complalnmg that closing of school and everyone being home sick there was no news to send in Sitnahon complicated in rural areas lack of progress or power by arrival of more snowwlth strong wind Al Emulsions Forward Move frm meni chumll circles started by ve men who contributed good sum of money rwhclrnlt 1p an cabinet minister Judge nor has run Spanking for the growing disagreed bitterly with some proportion of Canadians who land taken by his pcrsnnully diauppo ted by the French origins he has formed In his The Single Canada League lo M115 challenge the very lcguliiy of specic area have Canadawide bliinguulism MP UP IN AllMS 100 As regards their personal polt mnny MPIl feel their own being under mined by various changes within the power structure on Parliament Hill lhey deplore the downgrading of the role of the individual MP through LETTERS TO DOCTORS INCOME Often an individual MP ariyorwas are of neither British nor own role alien group of unrest among the na ilvea But do not remember time when iruslrnlion mung him was so vocal nor who their reports from their consid iuenclcs were so laced wlih nnger Each member of Parliament is an accurate listening post for local sentiment Thur In region al groupLLhcy provldau reli able comensus of local ublic ls opinion By this yards continuing worry from centred largely on dis content within the metropolis of Montrealr continuing sullen creams feeling of abandonment and helplbszlidnln the lgmnlmtii npokendg dozens of people in MW wra spree In eren occu alohapro The age151 by 501ml AimTalia out fromloronlo into other On maul people psman busi Liberal government in refuse to appoln Mr Elliott Johnston Queens Counsel Iv takes us back to those good old days of lain by fire and water when mob hys wnsr up IN Alma leila was the key to mailers involving justice Mr Johnston is an astute and lalblcbclirnilial lawyer in mlade Be as can case recomm aon as an order an cfcrcnlill twice before South Australian landmine unmade mm judges have spoken highly of the man Allthe evidence is that he is man of integrity who has provedllis sbliiiy to represent dzens who face grave charges 111 Australian courts But he mmma Elle dunu Examiner is Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone W7 Second Class Mall Rezislraiion Number 0184 Reburn postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Stawwry Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by 55c weekly yearly Single copies me By mall Barrie $2360 yearly $1100 your $3500 year throw off $1100 year Advertising Offl cos 25 University Avenue 6w Calhoun st reported cliion significance During ille past week lvc housewives and rapidly XlSlnE disconient even free lancch who are so hung up with their own creative efforts ihnt they seldom allow themselves to get sidetracked on anything else for long and wilhnul exception they said hey were glad someone had at last sucked it to em in public aria communities but especial ness people Western We mention always lhc some lhree complaints and always in helame furl Illy Furl resentment again what ilculIuly eralnsmha new drive ffgeffgug and 31 M3 to spread the French language across provinces predominantly Englishspeaking second dia Evwow thought it was great to hear the Director of the United steel worken of America on CBC last week wlih Barbara Frum chal longe what many think archy in the Medical Associa tion He put the credibility of monopoly on the line and he did it with their own spokesman right there on the show Week day Journal measure and suppose lo he falr in everyone CBC gave the Made second try couple day ago on the some show but this time with to be lair Elli Mahoney absent But even so Barbara mum singlehand ed made those two dealers with hell arguments for the Msoclnllon look Ilobhlsls from lhe dark days of lplasczdalru at the turn of century it was the point Bill Mhhoney how the public pay for all the equipment and lacllltlcs the doctors use plus average income year that made the Mafia oak like pony larceny Thats what did it its the lire time Ive heard reaponslblercp rcsaulutlva ul man organiza tion pul the fuels clearly on lhc BIBLE THOUGHT But reek ye In Ihe kingdom of God urd all ihcle ihlngl Ihhll be lddcd unto you Mal Ihow 133 Money and America finds it easy to forget Illr Kingdom and righteousness Peace of mind 15 more important than ihlngs 311 4me And for carrier meal Ontario Motor mum made nboui Telom Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of arculpuonr The Canadian Press in em cluslvely entitled to the use for republication of all nows dispatches in this paper cred iied to it or The Associnlud Press or Reuters and nlso published the $30000 therein The Barrie Examiner chums Copyright in all original ad vertising and editorial mater iul created by its employees nnd reproduch In this news paper Copyright Registration Num ber zooms register el are allowed insufficient Lhnc to deliver speeches lhey resent ihe government referring hills to committee win the implied orders that ruch bills nun not be significantly changed in commilbee Govern ment supporters complain til their voices as manual lial office Soiherc is deep mulaise pn Parliament Hill THE EDITOR line that is to say wilhoullhelr words being tinged with lhe us ual nlceties accorded doctor because we are afraid to of fend and wiihout trying to grind an are for his own organ izalion PIONEER FORECASTER The first scientist to try his hand at forecasting weather is believed to be Chevalier De La maruck in 1799 TEMPORARY buildings erected for two well known businessmen of Dunlap Sheet In Barrio IntelJug 1875 fire Nolc stones piled up during cleaning They were located on north side between Owen and Cluppcrton Sin near 35 egg und lime spokwberolc enough wax mem mwhbmrmrr use PHOTO FLASHBACK nomm womb Bertrand Russell Was Great Teacher ii gr Er Eula lEEEE EB Mollhulhmlthtthalmudeul whatwcnrc luonnro unseen mt there is more than the lo Russell no had discussed the bane ofWalcuo with his ether the First Earl Rub sell who had been mentor of Parliament when Waterloo was fought and had been bornin 17m The rst Lord Russell was fantastic man endowed with tremendous memoryue CANAnAjs STORY French Policy Led To Loss Of Canada By BOB EOWMAN When Count Fronuslac reL turned to Quebec in 1683 to he Govcrnor uglCanadn Mathews mm one of me yin tn drive memgllah com North $2 America He launched mum hnd mum mm Walt am we he had an climbed on his lacedby use New mashL but in In horse to go on somomlsicn of lumlhmlu guts arming Ih ledlmrmau HOBBS CV IEIV Ill ongrun ey we or is prme mn ers ore Am ea It leres they object to the rmmmlzlnz speculate how the course of $3523210 32d vxmr role in formulating pollen world history and development destroyed The 1968 election wrought might have changed if great change by creating ma jorin government nfler four of the previous five elections had February 1692 Roblneau de yielded minority governments been with all UIell aiicndant exdte mm CW ment and sensc of urgency But fortified by this majority power the Prime Minister has cer tainly downgraded lhe responsi billly and dignin of Parliament through his creation of an all poweriul unelected presiden French plan had succeeded typical raid took place on of Acadia nficr recapturing Port Royal and he established his base at Naxouat across the St Jenn River from where Freder lclun now stands Strangely Villebbnr chief mili tary assistant was priest Flu thei Thury who sincerely be 82 that algaEnglish were the en es of He was greatly van earth uake respected by the Abenuki ln dluns and encouraged them to go on the Warpath as the short est road to heaven Father lhury accepted more than his share of the hardships Le led one group of 150 Ahenuka is from Nnxounf in January and they made thelr way 50th trav cling through the woods and ailm along frozen rivers until they reached the settlement of York RONALD Cl WKlTE Maine on the nlghl of February nay Company on smug ll was showing as they hid in the woods and they hunched at was deeroyed by re dawn There were five nellbullt houses in the community which slaughter began Five Points Stephens Gal lery was photo nphlc studio later operand sonlnilaw Frank Jackson Dr Watson had drug store them for sev eral our next to present lnmnynn before selling it to Kidd whose home was on normcrust cmncr Clapper mmheulhdoboutazcse thing In his precocious little nndson own one pflihc many set Bertrand Russell nlywashe the his century pos he was living llnk cnnlrbuied lo the broadness of his view his capacity to no he earth and humanity whole and not in Incnipplesz There were about 500 people in Illa selllament and more than half of them including wnrnen and children were killed or not the English losing North down and killed Balm rhym It was these raids that led the people of the New England states to organize and hit back By coincidence It wason Feb ruary 1759 the anniversary of the massacre ht York that Prime Minister Pill placed Gar oral Wolfq in command of the force that was to capture Que bee and drive the French from North America Omit FEB IonQuebec was veins haken by lowIron are was mined at TronRiviera 1716 Montreal merchant signed petition asking that trade be reopened with USA soChief Smith urged ih Justice at mush North American colonles formic feder 1351 ti sh government began investigation of Hudsons limbKings College Windsor 1563 Conservniive govern men of John Diefenhaker was were 11de 591 for defeated in the House of Com if necessary but Thury and his mops orb the second time this Indians were notseen until the had happened since Confeden ton and Collier Sis Laierrer idean were Dr Well and Dr mean more recent years llwas cc cuplcd by Carusoa fruit more hot and at present the Drapery Shop Photo from Fred Grunt lilcs in Barrie Public Library

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