Best Ski Season In Several Years Narmada97aan aumhmglcmmmfrggtnm Mirror Injury FOIloWs One person was Maxed in midenu reported to city polico over the weekend Damage in three mishaps totalled $1 500 ycannid Alliston am man Douglas Rodgers was charged with careless driving and tailing to c1runailtii at the no gcg anth cumming Burton Avenue early Sinday Increase Health Unit When CO System Arrives The GO train system pro pcsedlor 1570 is expected to bring more work tor unpioyoes oi the minty health unit be cause of the number of work as moving north from Toronto Last year an increase of ii 000 in the county population brought an additional per cent work load for the county inspectors because of addition septic tanks building lots and subdivisio Much of the development was in the south ern part oi the county where many Toronto commuters have aireiitby taken up residence With increasing numbers at tnmitios unit nurses have been kept busy with basic services such as inlnnt visits immuniza tion vision and hearing testing and counselling for teaming emotional and family problems Services in public health in cluding problems in pollution sanitation tood spoilage and poor conditions in eating cstab iishments are also increasing EMERGENCY NUMBERS Fin Dept 7738131 Ambulance 7258l03 Hospital 7289 City Police 1W OPP 726M Mishap morning passenger in his car David Emma sucred ace nits Rodgers was emerged niter being stopped by provin cial police at Allister Driver of the other car in volved was William MacDonald ot Newton Street Damage to tailed $500 Damage was estimated at $1000 when car driven by Pasquur Axiali Well Crucont atrialk the renrcnd of parked car on Grove Street East Saiurdiw omit The party ed car is owned by Barrio DrivenCar no Asiuri told po lice he was attempting to go arotmd the parked car when another car approached from the opposite direction He brak ed but his car skidded on the snowcovered road into the parked car An accident Saturday alien noon on Candles Road East re sulted in damage totalling $1 000 to the ears involved Police said Waldemar Kornyir was backing out of his driveway when his car was struck by car driven by Bruce Cikilti cross oi illeimso Avenue Calm cross had apparently lost con tml of his vehicle when he tried to brake and skidded into the Kornyk ear pm Reverend Arthur Storey is probably one the most out spokcn clergymcn you are likely to meet it you attend Grace United Church you are probany used to his soft man ner and hard line policy toward the church both as it existed years ago and as it exists to day Some at his ideas sound schockinglevea to non relig ious people but he says they are closely allied with those of Sumo things the youthful special lavcr among the young Some things the youthful looking minister advocates are voluntary taxation of church property the voluntary liquid DISTRICT WEATHER Bleak Week Is The Outlook Deepirecze tomperatim will continue in the Barrie men to day Tuesday Low bought 15 High tomorrow to sides will be clem with cloudy intervals and chances of mow uruies Winds will be liar Synopsis Limo change is in dicated for today and Tuesday as rigid arctic air continues its grip on Ontario London North Bay Sudbury Saait Ste Marie Lake Huron Niagara Georgian Bay Ai gomn Cold with few clouds and one or two snowurrics today and Tuesday Light winds Ottawa Montreal Mainil clear and Very cold today and Tuesday Light winds Forecast Temperature Low tonight High Tuesday Windsiwr 15 St Thomas 15 tendon 15 Kitchener 10 15 Infectious Hepatitis OnlThe Rise In County infectious hepatitisiis on the increase in Simcoo County Aithough the disease is not in epidemic porportions the ooun ty health unit says it is on the increase here as well as in tho province and country Ono case at polio was rcporl ed in the county during 1969 ht first since l9 inuenza however is not th out of control in the CONW Tho unit report that province mido surveillance is bving done by health departments lho best way to beat the but through roper diet ado qunto rest anti olennincss SW8 lhc units monthly report During December 7i cases at measles were reported to the county health unit lfhere woror 59 people infected with mumps 17 with chicken pox it with in Eectious hepatitis tour with scarlet favor and German mea ales and one with viral oneeph alyomyelitts MANY VISITS Public health unit made Lou visits during Decem ber 01 these 253 were to school children 196 to ialants and to preschoolers and 137 to adults and the aged Visits to those with mental health roblt ioms amounted to 113 whi 98 new mothers were visited visits to cases involving tub arculosis came to tie prenatal to 32 and the balance at the visits were made to cases in volving communicable diseases handicaps social welfare or hos pital visiting During December 15 children were given the calm vaccine in the county health units im muniratien program bringing the total yeaMnd number to 441 The total at live measle ins oculatlons given last year came to 459 withw given in Dccomber The number of quad ruple antigen inoculations given was to bringing the total to Llal while 18 smallpox shots WITHDRAW FROM POLITICS qudLineEolicysloChus=eh Rev Arthur Storeys Forte lien or church assets not direct ly concerned with the church aid to underdeveloped countries without converting the heath en and the eventual demise of the church as we know it to day These points are all in line with Mr Storcys idea of with drawing the money and politl cal leanings of the church in order for it to play better role in modern society The church cannot alter ei tcctivc criticism in its present position because it depends on the taxpayer to underwrite its existence and is part of the power structure in society The church is not only involved in Hamilton 15 St Catharlncs 15 Toronto 15 Peterborough 10 Kingston 15 Owcn Sound Trenton Kiliuloe Muskeka North Bay Sudbllll Earlton Saul Sta Ma Kapusknsing politics and education but is in every sense big business structure be said The United Church has mil lions of dollars invested in big businesses but not until it gives up these controls will it be nbio to withdraw ram its oiciai capacity and became integrated with the community At that time more will be heard Irom churches and more of what is said will be valid because it will have ceased to be part of the power structure be said Commenting on recent re port for the United Church at Canada that said United churches in mctmpoiitan Toron to would be extinct in to years Mr Storey said Thats prob ably true but tho word extinet is misnomer That brick building on the corner that we Stonewall Jackson Variety Show Parade of Country Stars at Barrie Central collegiate aud itorium Feb ii is the kickoll or Barrie Winter Carnival Starting at 300 pm tea tures Columbia recording star stonewall Jackson and the Min utemen Spartan artist Jimmy Sims Billy Chortle of RCA Dianne Leigh of The Carl Smith Show and Alfie meng er of the local show Western Jamboree Tickets can be purchased at r5 am awn EMTAY JANUARY 15 mo ICE SURFACE POLL call church will probably dis appear but the people who hold the ideals will still be working for the community its probab ly good tiring these churches will disappear because for many congregations the build gting any use or services is their chic handicap because their lives outside that building are divorced irom what hap peas in the building Mr Storey said the church has little relevancy or young people and that it tends to alienate itself from the com munity There is ruvolutien within the church taking place though he said He ex pressed hope that the church would move to the front in the struggle for peace and become loader in this field After all whats the Christian religion alt bout it not iot peace and the associated principles or the Kr ljgion he said you taxed churches some would have to close but it wouldnt be disaster its not healthy for any organization to be supported by the public be said when the church withdraws lrom the political sphere then it can otter criticism in good faith and bu heeded be sold think this should be the role of church The church is silent on too many issues it must start pay ing its own way it cant be honest any other way be said Were going to see more the 400 Grill Jacksons Grill and Keenans music store worker typo priests in the future hesaid at Shornoysthoy dark ng believing =n The lens that cngs colour rapidly for normal use indoors and night time See and believe Varigrny Phoioohrnmic lenses today ONEpsir oi prescription lenses that done the work of TWO were given to bring the number to aoa Among the adults iotetanus polio shots were given and four polio shots during December Test the amazing VARIGRAY sunsensitive lenses on automatically in sunlight to relieve sunstrnin clear OPTIOIANS 29 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Council Present By nuns BASKET mm new members cl council favor loo atlas of second it Sudan ad intent to the pruent by sight margn but most are open to suggestions or other mu Controverssy over the loca tinn of the ix Surface was set all List week by Aid Jadr Morrison who shied he preferred site adjacent tn Enstview secondary soth lie is councils member of sec and ice surface committee re commde by the city deveb opmcnt committee Council will meet tonight to consider recom tncndatien to set up the com mittee Ward Aid Perri cali ed or rciercndum on the second ice suriace He said he didnt think the city could ord the cost at second sur lace estimated between $300 000 in 5500000 the citizens of 0m can have rciercndurn an new arena he said why not the city of Barrie Aid Perri grid he iavnred in cating second ice suriace on the nuLltliL of the city You have to consider the tuturc he said sccond ice Slitace ads jnccnl to the present arena site would only add to problems at downtown trnic congestion and parking Aid Perri said ADJACENT Ald Ross Archer Said at the moment he lovers in second ice suriace in an area adjacent to the present arena Ho sugges ted the surface be but name lel to or in an shape on the arena properw At this current time Aid Archer said there is only one niQrt week when Lhcrc is parking problem when the Senior hockey team We could probably make punit ing arrangements We have an Experienced stall there be said By build ing the second ice suriuon adlt latent to the arena we would only have to add one or two men The ice making machine could handle both surtaccs an other saving But would be quite pleased to listen to other locations Aid David liicCiymont said he would wait until the second ice surface committh made sport beloru he decided It is bit premature yet he said It really hasnt been bednro council think an Iudge Is 111 Trial Postponed The bug has caused dangerous driving trial to be ad journed two days in county court Judge Clare was unable to open court this morn ing because of illness Charged with dangerous driv ing in connection with fatal accident Jan lost year is David James Lockhmt 30 of Toronto bus driver Killed when he was run over by bus on Highway 400 was Nathan Appleton 56 Wil lowdnic The mishap occurred during raging snowstori which caused several sections of Highway 400 south oi Barrie to be closed Lockhnrt was committed or Favcrs Location commiitce scald study the tea sibiiiry oi second ice audit and kt council decide on it me mandaticA Aid Eyen said be pre lcned second ice SLria be sldcthearesabuthcwugn ing to wait until report was made before be made up mind WAITING lm awaiting miter res ponsc and outcome 01 the corn mitice now being set up to see if they come up with Lillie ent loatuun he said tar as Im concerned rigm new In eating the ice surface beside the present arena mnka lot sense Im still open minded thouw want to so the com mittee comes out with another location that makes sense Aid Nelson Garrett is uncom mitted on the iocaLinn of In othcr suriace dont want ti commit mysclt now he said Ill Wait will committee is niciniiy appointed and bring ban report Council should be neutral at this time on the location Aid Hersey said he wanted inlurmntion on several possibilities bciorc he denite ly made up his mind have denite ideas on the location he said but lrn still open minded want in know ii Georgian College builds in sports complex would they ni low citizms lD use it Would they let citizens use it on ren tal basis also want to nd out about the availability of suitable land or an arena in Ward want to Kind out nbout these things bciore express any pcrtcrcncc Aid Dorian Parker has stat ed earlier she wants the sec and ice Suilace located ndiab cut to the present arena or economic reasons licr second choice for location is some where in the south end at the city but she said she would vote or the surlacc located next to the arena School Churches Hit By Thieves Diio churches and school were the targets for thieves over the weekend We police cars converged nn Steel Street school early Sunr dxy mtw in arm had bean set all Thur found the school had bed entered and projector and two rm play crs were missing Sunday morning break in at two churches were reported typewriter valued at $300 was stolen from Westminster Pres byterian Church Entry had been made by breaking rear window The kitchen at Grace United Church was entered and ran sacked but check revealed nothing was stolen Keep Hmnzn safrfomvmnirt Sciuveii tnfe kiiisfasf thats Germani DEADLV HAYSHVOY TOPETS Americas nswsst most Imui ieidc ans bail kills in hours N22041 trial by judge and jury April 21 alter preliminary henringi nt Barrio provincial court Deadly to rats an Not tons to pet isrm mining ZMIIingixs $11 TilY OUR DAlLY LUNCHEON BUFFET MON TD FRI Skill Essa Road Barrie Downloading oywmar inshion and prosorioiian contra bailout NIGHT INTERNATIONAL Entertainman this week JIM mice AND liliiiii we wsxo wire manssumac