NANCY IlALDllIN I2 grade cightcr at Codrington Street Public School of the mohllcs pupils assem bled ln thrir classrooms Wed ncsday OEClSl0n was open house and parents toured through the school surveying VA PARENTS WATCH as this young Codrington Street Pub lla School student hurls herself into the air Pupils under the direction of physical education supervisor David Keyho were being put through their paces Wednesday in front of visitors in the school Occasion was Open House Pupils divided in to teams moved around the gym doing front rolls hand stands headstands bunny tillitDliEll no ltitltEthltMS am since Grandmothers an pull harp unedon Mothn to live rallzt rm Eu and oar in children from yell an heir elfell 1Sateliensuiiiiliettive Use Mother woKMEXTERMNAE shows off one Groves tilcir childrens efforts tolking with teachers and looking over results of the past year With Nancy is her mother Mrs Baldwin Rodney Street Cod rington principal lilac Lennan Examiner Photos TWO CODRINGTON Street PS girls leave the launching pad ns sprightly PE instructor David Keyho just out of tho picture exhorts themtovgetln to orbit in front of their par ents Parents and visitors padtcd the school gym to watch the highlight oi Wednes doys Open Housethe calisth anlcs demonstrated by young boys and girls Students all over Barrio have been made fitncss conscious since the ar rival lost all of PE supervisor Mr Keyho During the var ious open houses across the city parents have had chance to see the results of his labor LOCAL AND GENERAL PLAN FATIIERS NIGHT Bradford Home and School Association will hold general meeting Wednesday at Erode jurer cartwheeiseverything in the book Shirrill mum TRUE VANIIIA uvwacl =gt flavour saver lFulIbodlad vanilla flavour is locked in this bottle of shirritf Extract Youll find true flavour in all SaladoShirrlllHorsoy productstromShirrittDessarts SundaeTopplngstaSaladaToa ixféï¬ihiégglillu lirirneagoy man Ellison nv ford Public School auditorium It will take the form of fath ers night at which the guest speaker will be Bradford Dis trict Iiigh School science teach er Bacsalmasi MUMPS TOPS While the lllllnllel of cases of communicable diseases re ported to the Simcoc County Health Unit remains high it is not unduly so says the Unit Its report for February shows mumps heading the list with 710 cases and ehcken pox sec ond with 115 Others are meas les 05 German measles 39 jaun dice 21 whooping cough l3 scar let fever meningitis CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN George Shepherd of Creemure is heading that communitys Red Cross drive for funds this year Objective is $675 AT CANADIAN CLUB Brig Stephen Longrigg will he guest speaker at the April meeting of the Canadian Club of Stayner Ills address at the Recreation Ccntrcwlll he on the subject Oil and the Arabs ROTARY PRESIDENT Tommy lomlinson has been nominated president of the Barrie Rotary Club 195061 There being no other numblea tion he will be automatically elected to this oificc at the official election at officers and directors to bc held by the club March 31 IRISHMEN MEET At morning service held at St Giles Anglican Church Bar to the memory of St Pat rick three clergymen who had received part of their education in Londonderry ireland and later came to the same Canad ian city met They are Rev John Riddel Rcv Skelly and Rev Bell WINS CONTRACT Andre Knight Ltd has won $160000 Vcontract for constrilclt tion of new Rtlyal Bank build ingin Orillia The job is ex pected to be completed by Sep tember and will replace the old building destroyed by fire some time ago declared eVeryF thing Medical bills and prescriptions are deductible items onincome tax The government shows tibia concern for the health or itsoltlzens Got prompt medication to avoid the cost and discomfort 0d prolonged illness PHARMACY 14 Dunlop St Excellence PA 85959 48 Collier St PA 6643 pertinent of Veterans Affnlra some enmples of the difficulties an outlined 131911 Military Dimid No Another illustration ll Alkeul Th departments listing river r5506 ASgt Athena Ernest do data mucky 22 April IDLE this would appear to be correct because the regimental num her phowl that he come from Military District No The director in marge of war records uh that the clerk ro conetruot the list from the town ship showing regimeth mim berl and full Girlltlln nlmu lhe regimqu number prefix definitely determine in der brand of the service the per son was only army officer did not have roglrnental plan both if you ban the MIMI and regimental number of my cu ualtlea among service men or women of World War II who am listed in Innlsfll please help the committee by supplying this in formation In this way you will help speed the work of mm these name on the addition to the cenotaph in the mum at Barrie where four municipalities share the starred whr memorial CHANGE BOARD HEM Mrs Kan Baxter Wll named to replace Mn Maurice ï¬eld an member of Lefroy Community Hall Board mar FIRE an Innisfll colde authorized membership of the township fire department in the Simone Coun ty Mutual Aid Fire group and the payment of $10 membership fee This mutual aid provides that when call for help is made by any municipality it will be responded to by thenear ost fire department not already occupied by fire of its own If necessary more distant truck may be moved up to provide overage while the other pieces of equipment are engaged in fire fighting This system has been used at several district fires ASK NAME TAKEN OFF motion was placed on record by Councillor Law and Coch rnne asking that the St John Ambulance at Woodstock remove the name of this township an its mailing list as donations are made to the local branch as well as to Toronto An additional motion ordered that grant of 315 be made to the Barrie branch and that they also be advised that the town ship will supply upto 50 or the purchase of first aid supplies to the township park unit whldr keeps mod potsed at thatpurlr during the summer The motion made no mention of appreciation for the services moron common Deputy Reeve Jon Codrrona wu appointed on delegate to at tend the Association of Otiarlo Rural Municipalities whlda root in convention at Toronto no 1519 PROPOSAL WICKED motlonrecorded in the min utu mm that th clerk be ad vised lo lnrtrua Mr Wilson township solicitor to write Mr Corrien nicotine hll at Iotamull whim has been in dispute between the South In nlofil Ditch Award Ind Mr Coo In for name time The motion continue that the solicitor in to advise Mr Corrien that the of fer made Dec 1359 will still stand Apparently Mr Corrine does not am with the suggested at tor of sottlunont made by the township NEW LAW PASSED Details do not appear in the man of the changed bylaw that was given three readings and ed at oounclle January but It la mentioned that Bylaw No 7B was substituted by Bylaw1W given three readings and entered in the bylaw book OFFICIALTIME motionjonjthc minute book orders thattho township adopt the same time during the sum mer months other municipal itlel in Ill district This motion by Deputy Reeve Cochran is no doubt made to give unusual daylight saving time some legal ity Formerly DST was adopted whenthe township oilth employ eon cam to work an hour earlier and left an hour earlier The schools Ilmpiy did the same However we doubt that if dance hall desired to remain open until 11 midnight stand ard time it could be proracuted by the police without bylaw oorecord to make DST offldaL Newfoundland Club Topic Itt tho March meeting of the Brenton Field Naturalists Club Barrie the speaker will be Dr Pimlott of the Department of Lands and ForeIfl Maple Dr Pimlotta subject will be Newfoundiand Its People Wildlife and Scenery The lecs ture will be illustrated with color slidec The meeting is opento the pub lic It writ be held in the Library Hall Monday March 21 at 915 pm reports club secretary utasin Hughes HUNTER FINE WINDSOR OFFA hunter who refused to turn hll gun over to conservation officer was fined $50 Thursday for wilfully ob structing Justice The fine was imposed on Douglas Peterson 47 Klngoville Another charge of ii legally carrying loaded gun in car we withdrawn Otter Both Drama lindlllusro for Centrals March Medley Friday March the public will have theopportunity of en toying program of drama nod mush the March Mcdiey being held in Barrie Central Col legiate auditorium Itd pm Music will be provided by the GleeClub which perforated so uhnlnhly at the recent Kiwanis Futlvalln fbronto the Drama Club will aunt two noun ployl The is Gilneu fantuy entitled The Men Princeu the second law The Devil end Daniel Wehoter wu Centnlo orally in the Georgian Bay Dram Forth VII in which Carolyn Filo eolved the award for the boot reporting amen This play at so received hoooflhla mention from the adjudicator runner in the beat visual presentation becaus of ill lpeclnl effects Baden Griffin in the role oftho proposal Devil also received opeclul men OBITUABY WILLIAM Ii BROWN Following short illness the death Mn limo oo currod lhumhy March at her home at on Maple Avenue Barrio The former Min Beatrice Myen also was born April 25 1m in Doncaater England daughter of the lat Luke Hint Myers and the former Miss Har riet Shelton She came to Canada in 1000 and lived In Winnipeg It was then her marriage to William Brown was solamnlud on Dec 31 1909 Shortly afterward thecouple moved to FortWll llnm where they resided until moving to Barrio in April of 1921 The funeral was held Saturday March from the Steekloy Fun eral Home Burricï¬where Canon Allan head of Trinity Angli can Church Barrie whtdl she attended conducted the aervlce Reluuvel friend and nellh boro were present from the city and also number of the fam ily connections and friends from Brampton Toronto and Port credit Interment was at Barrie Union Cemetery and pallbearers ware Fred Thompson Herman and Victor Westerveldt James limr George Brown and William Ex ell all grandsons of Mn Brown Surviving members of thefum lly include daughterDorls Mrs William Exell and family of Barrie Another daughter An no Westervoldt Craig died Nov 22 1955 Mr Brown predeceased his wife April 20 19 There is son Charles and family of Barrie and brother George of Doneaster and other relatives reside in different part of England normr1 Plumbing Heating PA 66007 Barrio tionfrom tho Adladlettdr who dumbe his performance delightful Ticketo are now on Illa and also be obtained from Any rtudult at 15c and we St Patrick was ï¬t Irish Says Rotary Speaker Imdonderry born Rev John alddd oi 5t Gliea Anglican Church Barrie exploded thl be llcf that St Patrick via an Irish ounlnatalktothclllrrleltot ary Club Thursday March 11 In an address filled with Irish wit the speaker tntorxnod the club that Patrick was notlvo of Rattan Britain who at the no of 10 war captured as ally in one of the periodical raids by tho lriah on the Eng lish count In aptlvity in Ire land he served shepherd Indlathetlmohohadtornedt late he developed the Chllntlan Pbrlnlinl he had at home Pat rick was third generation Christin EBCAPED Patrick engineered hla escape from Lreland and wandered around the Roman empire bo lorn eventullly arriving back in England But he did not lily long for he felt the call to go backvtn inland to develop Christian teaching On his return to that land he was consecrated der con and founded the first lrlah nlonastory In time these moo asterlu become seats of team ing and as the Irishemlgrated to other lands to the teachings of Christianity were spread Mrs mddel pointed out the rich heritage the Irishman took with him when he tell the land of saints and rcholara and his ability of appealing to the mind through word pictures Mans development ioded up with the Irish said the speaker They started TIMMY VISITS MTAWA OTTAWA CP Elevenyear old Phil Minty of Toronto Cam adaa Easter Seal Tlmrny was received at Government Home Thursday by GovernorGeneral and Mme Vanier The visit marked the opening of the 1560 Easter Seal campaign which continuea until April 17 museums msumcn gt home wnu Fom rm Homeowner Dwelling compolt DImfl Automobil casualty Mmeru You PHONE ILL SEEYOU AT your HOME PA 66085 Lira mommamo Manufacturer Life ANDERSON THE NEW STANDARD OF BASIC EXCELLENCEl LEADERSHIP THE TRUE BALANCE OF VALUES flirtedRu antinuclear VALUESllul Balancoprahmtenmnpf In dependability dumbihtyperformanoa workmenW economy is ammunition memorandum 1960 is car thatvgivu you impasse deer leu iluorORsljtro troowari eraser fan powwow mama up GIVES YOU Tell your immune hgiyccyodthebestofboth bigcarroornnnd into the development of Ramblers comfort email our economy and handling ease Tea drive Rounder 1960 anddiscover the balance of values thatmnke Rambler the most NEW STANDARD BASIC EXCELLENCE ham1i Amenleau nefnoéotlnn raoo ahead Compact Car on the road today aoumoaoxa move so duvdnvm room an Iiuoawoo naouassva ins