Vt Uranium Unemplovnient Hurled At Govt In Debate OTTAWA PI Opposition members coupled uranium and unemployment sdzly to throw another roadblock in trout of approval at the governments supplementary estimates The speciï¬c item under debate was $15000000 spending estim ate tor the winter works program or the IN Ilscal year But Liberal and CCF members took lull advantage of an earlier govv eromeot otler to consider all phases of unemployment as they ran out the dock on the Iourth day at debate on winter works without decision ll Arnold Petera ICCF Tunis ramingï¬hrought in the Iuntion at Elliot Lake the uranium min ing centre lacing serious prob lem with termination and PONTIAGS GOT For the best In drama sea knA I4 akaorono STV stretohout ot US uranium pur chases WOULD WARN UB The government should tell the United States it will curtail de tence spending unless the Ameri cans help but Elliot Lake out at iLI diiticuities ML Peters said The uranium development in the Northern Ontario area was undertaken only to aatisty the United States requirements he said The US had mponslhll ity tor those to be thrown out at work by the American decision mv more uranium than contracted Ior under liveyear expiri in 1962 Ho said the plight oI Elliot Luke points up the need for national manpower board not the sort of board that operated dur E55 BILLRRCE STEERING Erma rtengineered steering Pontiocs comlo Formme Con mtlblr HR BB MORE RIDING COMFORTME ing the Second Worl War but one that would be able Isles the whole tield of labor and nvallahillty The government also should or tnblishn national planning board for development that ex aniine the patentinlitis at setting up secondary Indnskiu In such areas as Elliot Lake which now is wholly dependent on the urn nium mining operations NEED INDUCEMENIS tt seconan Industry was at Iered the same adventure and inducement minim com panies they would flock tonrenn like Elliot Lake which was rela tively close to the Saplt Ste Marie steel mills pile said the Elliothlre Issue should be taken out at the useshalibearingstoï¬ghtirictionmakes level ride GREAT TRANSMISSIONS Enjoy ellortlcss drivingwith incomparable lnrhoglide dependable Powerglido or standard stick shift RUGGEDFRDNTSUSPENSIUII Front wheels are inde pendently sprung big coil springs for MORE PER turning and parkins mm with widest choice of V8 power SAFER SMOOTHER BRIKES Pontiacs instantnoting TruContour brakes are alr cooled to keep temperature dopgnefliciencyvum NEW ECONOMY improved oarbure tion gives gngincs more usable power on less gas political arena and be coll idered on unemployment problem There had been suggestions that since it was In the Aigoma East constituency ol Opposition Leader Pearson the government wasnt too anxious to who Mr Peter didnt think thlt was the can but he wouldnt put it past governments which had acted that way hetore SURRENDEIG ro POLCE TORONTO CP Gordon Roda 28 souzht In connection with an allegBd 365000 advartir in Iraud surrendered to pollen Wednuday He Is charged along with George Cutteil and James Kirkwood Ross with trnud In con nection with alleged commercial nnnouncements they didntmako and with conspiracy to dotroud calnlhErlcksou Canada Limi te all usw wmsrsnoulsr mos GAZA upth Ahmed Slim United Ania We mil itary lovemar at the Gm Strip said Wednesday that Arab Paley tinians In the strip will begin training at their on request to carry arms coueus shotgun NmMIMhII murmuroust unto Ionmn 677w Hunt Large rubber body mounts soak up engine vibrationecliminote roadaoiae to give min Pontiacs 12W Canadas boasts no GREATER STABILITY conspflnggwsuspenslon has anglrsotshockabsor born to reduce away improvz ride FoR MANCEB ETTE tco VIEORBUS EDDNDMIUAI VI POWER Pontiaos new wounsciwx V85 new turnover unmet are more oflicicntoflerflanadaa top performing six now Wow stain with an Beater efliciency barren ntanou SafeT IraokDiflorenï¬gl PUWm wheel with most tractiongrips where others allp II alight urn cog THESE No COST EXTRAS SPACIOUS TRUNK Featherlight counterj balanced lid reveals ample space Iorollyour luggage STEP0N PARKING BRAKE More convenient than ever Safer basis to operate CRANK OPERATED VENTIPANES Easy fingertip adjustment pro vldesdraughttree in IIIIAL SUN SHAH Standard on all derlesdreveplssun glare Ptomotea safer driving Iveotilation lu$°flj enerai Motors Presents weaklychock local listings Ior tlmo amt channel MER iMoToRs LTD CPA clannmatlamsn tocmte Forrealoonveniennz gig DDMPARIMEIII FRDNTARMRESTS must for SAFE DOOR tom Rotarytype safety latches on all doors prevent accidental homing $72449 CANADAS amen Lad FBRKBUTT CHOPS srenn lESS timed no CEVBBY sons 011 REG WE KLEENEX TISSUES am no TOILET TISSUE MARGARINE Foh 35 IO 00 In l00 100 no 100 l=© LIBEYS DEEPBROWNED IN PLASTIC CONTAINERSBILLY BEE BEANS €KEAMED HONEY it $100 sLoo LAYER STYLE BmY CROCKEII BRISLINGCMB DES MILLIONNAIBEB MIXES save 11 SARDINES savn 163 3100 100 am annna nearmisnLm CHOQLATE QUIKnm I00 IO POTATOES amen WSWI as ONTARIO EOI HOUSE RHUBARB 213ia OIIIGK MEAL SP CIA BEEFMW BIRDS EYE VB 260 32 one llnmns min FRENCH FRIES gm moon SWIFT FRESH SEANKLESS PORK SHOULDERé 459 $100 DAYCOMBINATION 18 SWIFT PRENHUM SKINLESS BBEAKFASTJAUSAGE LB CELLO PACK SWIFT EREIVHUM MKS LB SEATAED PACK SWIFT EVEIISWEET BACON ALL 1539a 100 50 ESSA MA llJliTlIIIMS