an job previous salary mar LOUIS National Kin smegma IGNACB Relative Of Rebel Louis Is Camp Borden Sergeant By MILANKORCOK Examiner staff Reporter In the years after Confed eration the name of Louis Riel struck panicln the hearts of many Canadians This was the time of the Metis upris ing in the west the time when the settlers tried to prevent further encroachment by the land hungry Hudson Bay Com pany Riel was Metia who led his people in active combat against the company and later against the Canadian Anny Vsent out to quell the trouble Over 8000 men at coast of $5 million were deployed to put an and to Louis Riel andthis they did He was cap tured tried md hung in 1335 Thus ended the brief fiery span of history surrounding she Riel Rebellion But the legend 35 the name didnt die out fhoughlds family tried ev erythingto eclipse the deeds of the famous Louis the atory ra mained Today one of the moat so tivc adherents of she Riel legend is one of his own iam ll Brcat nephew Sergeant Ignace Riel of Camp Borden Ignace who is aludent of great Uncle Louls adventures bears strong resemblance to the western Bobln Hood fiery quick tempered insn Ignace claims car ried black eye all the time was kid because of his kinship to this rebel think Louis was right He was peaceable man trying to protect his own people says Ignace but he also concedes that others have rights to their own opinions In 1944 Ignace showed that he held no grudge by joining the Royal Winnipeg Rifles known as die Little Black Devlla the very unit which defeated his great uncle in 1885 and led to his execution But there is one mnjor in cident in Louia life of which even this self styled student of the West doesnt speak llhat is Rielarelationship with the Roman Cnholic It is evident from history that there was rift betwcua the two but when Ignace la faced with questions as to the fPoople generally like work ing and the fime to prepare is while you are young was the statement made by Mann personnel manager at Baxter Laboratories nddmssingvan aplt preciative audience comprising students parents and teacher at the Banting Memorial High School Home and School As societiona meeting in Allislon last week Teachers can help young people prepare for their life work but parents havethe ma jar resopnsiblllty and should set good example themselves teach their children to accept usponsibllity how to dress and conduct themselves properly emphasized Mr Mann who was introduced to the meeting by Principal Owens What employers seek in job applicants was explained un der the following headings What is he likeI personal ap pearance personality and back ground What has he done jobs he has held length of time What does he know academic standing age he graduated school references What does he want to do particular interests What can you lock for in the future as an employee and his asset to the firm The vérious aptitude tests were explained and Mr Mann also pointed out the importance of the applicant knowing something about the firm where he is seek ing employment such as business procedure financial ratinghas well as his own qualifications mscussuJN Nosworthywao has had ex perience in this field in civil aervlce led the enthusiastic dis cussion period which followed and the school choir under the direction of Mrs Ida McKelvey with Mrs Rose as accompanist contributed three selections Anthony introduced Lee Lafferty who spoke briefly on subject of vital interest to him zprganized Community Recrui ton Vicepresident Mrs Douglas Porter of Bolton was in charge oi the Meetingnand conducted the opening exercises and the brief business Bessitm Mrs OutlineBudget Feh 25 Frost mon on Premier Frcat announced Monday his 0n tarlo ovcrnmentaplana to intro duce is budget for the 1960an fiscal year Feb lis dircloied the tint moving amotlon enabbng the lsglaiaturc to sit tonight Night Vrltting would allow fuller debate oftholhrma speechbcfore the ie lslature occupied Cilesv Parenls Responsibility Mchchlan announced the March meeting for Monday ev eninti Marcheli when Banting Memorial and the Alliston Publt lic School Home and School Aa sociations will be hosts to the Barrie and District Home and School Council Speaker will be MrSimpson president of the Canaidan Federation of Home and School and ladies choir directed by Mrs Dobson of Bar rie will provide music Inkster extended the vote of thanks to allwho had contri buted to the program and so clal time followed adjournment Boy With Matches Thoughl Fire Cause SUDBURY CF alriin Di lost their home here Monday in fire believed started by fiveyearold boy while playing with book of matches The boy Maurice Paquette was rescued by his father from under bed He is believed to have hidden there after being scared by tho smoke and flames The father burned hiahands dur ing the rescue Mr and Mrs Reno Paquelte and their family escaped with only the clothes they were wear mg FRENCH COURSE Beginning Feb Barrie em pioyees of Canadian General Electric will be able to take course in effective speech pres entation under Ken Harveyin French OPEN NEW SCHOOL school for retarded children was opened Monday morning in Orllliain basement room oi the town YMCA 1by the Orillia branch of the Association for Retarded Children Seven pupils are enrolled and applications are still being accepted Teacher to Mrs Pickering DIRECIORS MEET Directors of Barrie Agricultur al Society will maeLThursdIy night in the board room of the Ontario department of Agricul ture offices APPROVE Liancn yarn At its February meallng Bec ton council approved the request of Edward Boynton Beetonla Hotel to applyin the Ontario sLiquor Control Board for permit len to hold vote for lounge licence anddining lounge licence for his hotel PLAN womb Elmvale District HighSchool la plannhgits wtnter Fantaay formatthis Friday Feb 19 CHARGE DRIVER 25yearvold Camp Borden th the budget be sold motorist was charged with LOCAL AND GENERAL cause of this rift he ccascs talking made Pmmlse to my father he says and he to his ot the numerous grondchll dren of Alexander brother only three men know the aecrcts of the rounding such large porn of Louis liic Alec to Louis and Luke 33 and none oi them will talk of the subject oven to each other This incident or series of in cidents will ever remain mystery even though they might illuminate the entire story of how Louis powerful brilliant andconstantly aware was captured and banged while only 41 years old Perhaps when Ignace retires from the Army be too will mellow and let the country know the deep secrets the family has held tenacioualy for nlmostu century The Riel family homestead is still located in Winnipeg from bhe old house in which Louis started writing his peace treaties The youngest succeeds the oldest Lloyd Bell 34 Orillia has been appointed Simcoe drunk driving and careless driv ing Monday following an acci dent on Bass Street Dr Neil Laurie 55 40 Letitia Street Barrie saidhe was headed east on Ross Street when he was in sideswipe collision with Darcy McIntyre 25 66 Cartoon Cres cent Camp Borden Damage was $125 to Dr Lauries car ACCEPT LIMIT Barrie District Collegiate Board last night accepted request from Mayor Willard Kinzlc on behalf of the city that the boards budget for 1960 should not exceed lts last years budget by more than elghlvpcr CEBL NOMINATE MPP Simcco County MPP George Johnston longtime member of Barrio District Collegiate Board was last night nominated for the Lamp of Learning award The of hiarlifctime of service to edu cation in the province The award will be made in the near Eutuse buta date has yetio be fire PALERALARM Barrie Fire Department was called toAllandaila Lum ber Yard last night but the call was false alarm Some one had seen brazler inside the building burning and had thoughtilhe place was on fire The brazier was belng used to beattbaflooc Louis and is just few blocks away board nominated him as result Kin Weekris Observed Here Mayor Willard LKinzic oi Barrie has proclaimed this as Kin Week conjunction with eck Feb It to 213 and in recognition of the public service of thc Kinsmen Club of Barrie The Association of Kinsmen Clubs was founded in lilo City of Hamilton Ontario in 1920 since that time it has grown to over 366 clubs with membership in excess of 12000 Over 100000 young men have passed through the ranks of Killsan during their forty years oi exisiance The Kinsmen Club was found ed to promote and direct icllcw ahlp among young men of good character within Canada and it is dedicated to serve The Conn munltys Greatest Nccds It is Cianlpdoa only National Service In order to ensure that young men receIVc thc cxpcricnce oi holding executivc offices no ex ecutive office at Club District or National levels mny be held aft er reaching the age oi forty The Kinsmen Club of Barrio was formed April 10 1945 From the original ZS charter members the club has enlarged to the present strength of to0vcr 100 Kinsmen how pnsscd through the clubs ranks slocc It was formed Many promlncnt iigurcs Yin atlonnl and international affairs inva bccn aided by affiliation with their Kinsmen Clubs The Right Honorable John Dciien baker was member of the Prince Albert Club and in Dec emhcr of 1959 was granted life membership in thnuclub snrwrcc wonx The Kinsmen Igllb of Borrla hasbeen activcy engaged in service work in this community since it was formed Some of the services undertaken are Restoration of Dymcnts Pond into community park in cooperation with the local Con servation Club Christmas hampers every year to needy families Furnishing of school safety patrol uipmcht to public nchools thin the city Presentation of resuscitat nr to the Barrie Fire Dept Financial assistance to oth er orgnnlzations such as the COUNTY counr CLERK an 34 County Court Clerk to succeed Hon Drury who at over so was the oldest ever to hold the position He takes over the positinnVMarch Mr Bell is native of Drillla and has been active in politics since he was tesnager Hearrivcs in Barrie soon Packet and Times staff Photo by James Pauk Mai Edwards stan Ste ben The BoyaICanndian of Signals has been scl ected for an appointment with the General Staff Branch at lt Army Headquarters in Ot tawa He took over his new duties Feb 16 For the past two years Major Stehan has been Commanding Officer No socialion ior Retarded Children Welfare to underprivileged cbildrenand needy families in this area Last year the Kinsmen Club of Barrie spent $2156 on service work in the community KINEHES The Kinetic Club of Barrie the ladies auxiliary to the Kins men will be observing their tenth anniversary this year Of great assistance to the Kinsmen in all their projects the Kinettes presented cheque for $350 in fast to be used for playground equipment in Kinsmean vution Park This money was raised through Ifioette sponsored proiccts 0a the occasion of the iortieth anniversary of their Association the Kinsmen Club of Harris is thanking all its supporters for tbél cooperation and help in the Do You Have Pair To Spare Canadlan Lions clubs have ben getting results In their com paign to collect good used eye glasses oi the standard kinds not bifocals and PortArthur re ported the shipping of 5280 cas cs filled with used eye glasses with Bombay as their dcstina tion In that country they are badly needed by those without mearu to purchase them Local Lions have not neglected this project and have collected quite number Any member wilitake care of used spectacles IIn good condition and turn them In addition there are collec tion boxes in downtown banks and also at the theatres OBITllllBY BESSIE HELEN HUGHES The death oi Mrs Harvey Hughes came unexpectedly Fri day Feb at the Royal Victor Hospital Barrie She had been in Barrie on the previous day shopping and suffered the at tack just 12 hours death The funeral on Monday Feb was from the Jcnnett Funeral Home Barrie with the service there conducted by Rev Wan less of Stroud The attendance was large with friends and neighbors from Stroud where before her most of her life was spent and also many from distance in cluding Hon Mr Justice Horace Johnson of Edmonton and his brother Alex Johnson of Port Arthur also others from Toron to Oshawa Trenton Orillia and Thornbury Beautiful flowers brought their message of sympathy and regret from iarnlly and friends and from the WA of St James Church The StrnudTclephona Company The Ryerson Press Toronto and also the Editorial Division of that press Interment was in St James Cemetery Stroud and the actan pallbearers were two nephews arcld Clark of Trenton and Keith Constable Stroud Lloyd Cumming and William New also Strand and JohnJohnsan of Mlneaing and William Stewart Toronto The former Bessie Helen John son was born Aug 31 188d in Medonle Township near Jarrett daughter of the late Hector John son nnd the former Jane Camp bell She had lived for 15 years in that village six years in Oril his and for 52 years in Slroud and district Shehad been taacher and graduate of the old Barrie Modal Schoolbut most of her life was spent as aJiousewiie an act ive member of snow United Church about the Womans Mia siunary Society holding office in both for many years this year as Secretsrymf the WA and Treasurer nfvthe WMS She was also life member and past president of strand Wo mens Institute In addition she had been Librarian of the Strand Library opcrated by the We mens Institute 0f the Hughes family aurviv ing relatives are the bereaved husband Harvey Hughes of strand one daughter Kathleen Hughes Bennett Mrs Roy Ben nett of 74Naah Drive Dow iew son Campbell Hughes 67 Truman Road Willowdale also two brothers Alex of Port Arthur and Horace oi Edmon ton and three sistera Mra Clark Jennie Toronto Georgina in lgary and Mrs Allen least of Oril iia and Mrs Miller 1111 BARBIE Bum TUESDAY FEB 16 I960 flab INNISFIL NOTES BAHAMASFrom what infor mation we could glean from the weather reports and the Canada Calling program at am it might boronctuded that winter has been hovering around fairly constantly in the old homeland of course nothing aa bad as the Halifax storm but from what was aald Sunday we concluded that thcrc had been quite storm In the Great Lakes area over the weekend We notici patc being back In Nassau in day or so as we are now out beyond the reach of papers phones and other contacts with the outside except by mall blvost service page each way week ROUGE TRIP Coming up from Nassau Sat urday wa took freight and pass enger boat which was not the regular mull boat We had fair ly good accommodation for the ilvehour trip and bad the north winds not taken band in it all would have been pleasant However the shibownera had undertaken to rampart on old ton and ball truck up to some farme on the end of his haul and this was brought on board after the deck had been loaded with drums of gasoline Planks were placed for the wheels and colored man dr vs the truck on to thehout lie the wind tossed the craft between the dock and its moorings That alone was precarious under taking When lt was on board they undertook to fasten it down by ropes from the axles to the deck twisting it as tightly as possible with tourniqueta 0rd iriigily it should have ridden scl UNUSUAL WINDS However it was not ordinary out beyond the shelter of the is lands When thc ahlp reached the open sea the northwest wind straight from home was waiting for us It ireshened as we proceeded and the battle was on The struggle was to losathatJruck off the deck to the deep The passengers can suffered or the boat dipped and rolled The ropes eventually loosened The passengers abouts dozen hecama waozle We watched the truck as it dipped and tossed from side to side fearing that it might come sideways and through the cabin whereaome of us hovered out of the wet spray Just as it looked as though the truck was bound to go off we reached the shelter of an island and the crew set to re roping down the vehicle whose total value back home would not be more than hundred dollars It had been condemned to the city of Nassau and was going back to farmer on nnlsinnd to finish up as farm vehicle The tires looked the mostvalu able part However the crew won They arrived here at Spanish Wells with their cargo intact and we among the pass engers were as glad to get our feet nnthe dock or the crew was to tie up SPANISH WELLS We have asked how the name originated and no ona has an answer It may be written in history but we have not found it town of about not people most ly white this is race for the Bahamas where the average is much higher for the colored than the whites These people are mostlyblonde and there aeema to be about three women You neednt take loss through burglary Adequate insurance pro tects you from financial loss when valuables are stolen Bee usaoori no obligatlpn of any kind Joseph Whelun General Insurance 53 EUGENIA ST PA 57927 vi Representative EXCELSIOB LIFE INS WBuiier Makes Good Food qute Better onu ecaaaa vaonuuua Signal Squadron at Clamp Borden Photo National Defence Ml KIIIIIG IOAID rtrusum mm rum iuoourm Iy 108 for each man Including the chil dren coming up They have tenroomed school of the prim ary type and that is the limit of education unless they decide to go to Nassau to the secondary school It is an old town and of the homes are built of frame with some of the newer and bet ter ones of cement block con struction The better homes are painted white or coral or blue and as one approaches from the water the town has look of beauty with the background of the blue Caribbean and the run shining which it has not done too much thiswerJtendi Accommodation here is limit ed as they apparently do not anticipate too many tourists The hotel managed to squeeze us in but they had rented two of their floors to some evangeh ists who had been doing special services at the Brethren Church Others who came to stay bad to take second choice and this in cluded meals as the evangelists had taken over the flats with kitchens We managed to get some light lunch type of food at what was called restaurant but which was typical hot dog stand by back home standards Under these conditions we decid ed that as the north breeze still predominated we wouldtry for flight back to Nassau on the Bahamas Airways leaving from an island called Eleutbera about mile across from this one One gets there by the costly service provided by boat taxi and boat provided by the same man He will land you at the airstrip by prenrrangcment The boat trip was less than $3 to come up but to get back by air the cost is four times that plus your boat and taxi fare and another taxi fare at Nassau air port It ccstsmcney tobe piker and avoid the boat trip back However we want to see Eleuthers and this will be our opportunity We will be back in Nassau In half an hour after takeoff PRIMITIVE LIVING Ihc fishermen and farmers who live here are mostly the out crop of couple or more fam ilies and the oln men tell you whereilbe homes of their sons and grandsons and their great grandsons are and they are in big numbers They have been earning good incomes at their 5m ing and the good farmer aro making good money also The fresh milk of the nation is all produced on the big is iand of Elcuthers but that is only small part of the milk used We purchesed Ameri cost so cents and found on aminlng tut was acombinatiml oi trcsh and processed milk though it tasted like we per centwhole milk The cans of evaporated milk such as we buy at homein fact we had one on our table from Brockville Ontariosell for theh equivalent of about 25 cents Living is high on the Islan and the farther one gets from the centre the higher it gets Gasoline which reacheshcre in to gallon drums sells at about 70 cents gallon though boats can arrange for tax reduction There are only about ten miles of roads on this island withthe exception of dirt road not to farm owned by Canadian Mr Campbell He is undertak ing some experimental farming and the growing of special crops of flowers and fruit with the aid of peat moss which is shipped here from Germany This cargo made up sums of the freight on our boat coming here He is also building fishermens camp along his share as ha is close to marlin fishing He is another of the Chadians who are sailing down their gains here in theBahamus so that the taxes will not affect too much of their income If one wanted place to live which might escape the after math oi an atomic war we would suggest that this could be it For enough away to not be wortha bomb especially directed over it and likely to miss the contamina tlon that will spread havoc That is only gucssand we can only hope it may never be tcsted There Is no need for heating in homes or for hot watcr as the sun will attend to that win ter or summer line thrown into the sea will get one meal anytime The fruit of the bread inrit tree or the yam root will make meal to accompany the fish Bananas cccoanut and citrus inrlta grow plentifuIIy Figs are available from the col ored folk on the other islands and boats are back and forth with supplies if one has the price to pay The old washbonrd was well tr evidenca this Monday morning and women seem to take the lead in many ways here per haps because the husbands are away great deal either fish ing taming or on the boats The big families look well fed and clothed It would be place In get away from the world the sound at the streets and the dangers of the automobile However we will soon be back where our car is parked at Fort Lauder dalc nuimw l++v++l+l+l +H+i+l+l+l+llll+l+lYlll all POM or may EASY coasn You cant beat VALUE likethis HILLMAN 44000R SEDAN With fullc ar features for the econOmy price BETTERIn every if Hlllman Dill Sedan cholera liuvlno Gylllmll of WI mountd lhllt1975 Economyup in 85 miles gallcrfl Roomfamily sized adobe Hooters ride ocm iortably Trunkbig full aizedl Performances top speed of 80 PickupFa touch of your toe and off you go Cruisingtravels easily at todays expressway speeds Parkingjust the right size for city drivingi Be sure to look over and Mve these other great Hiilmana See this fabulous carvalueatyourdealersnowl anagram fang our mun all bothcleaner dutncfurn Emmi Wmnlmmmuoi55 All Pflccl pan of gun East Coast Whllawuli HILLMAN ITTIN ILLV loau Hlllmm comman enun cl alaarlno column or final mounted ahltt $2295 unnnal extra ITI BUTTER lullT Booties Products Hillman Humber Sunbeam VIAU Morons It Ewan street Basile whammy 6star