ME AND MRS CARTER Clean Wallpaper With Light Touch ay ELEANOR 11055 Looking around the housE one finds plenty of work to be done to set things to rights of course there are some jobs that can be put all nicely until later in the year but the homemaker likes to get at the tidying up tasks as soon as possible Theres the wallpaper for in stance Even with the best of core its apt to get marks and soil especially if stickyfingered youngsters are around The pins tic iinish and water resistant wallpapers can be tackled easily its the watersensitive wallpnpcr that requires bit of doing and requires care and caution for good results To tackle the water resistant wallpaper dissolve synthetic non abrasive detergent in lukewarm water Immerse cloth or sponge in the solution and working from tho baseboard up go over the surface using long free strokes DONT RUB Be careful not to rub or scrub the paper Use lighttouch Wallpaper should be rinsed with clear water If there are just few soiled areas to mar the wall then go over these by rubbing with clean cloth that has been dipped in dry borax Then of course there are always the excellent commercial cleaners on the mar ket The nonwashable wallpaper is the one that requires care There are many commerical cleaners on the market and these should Shirley Harmer Marries In Mexico TORONTO CF Canadian television singer Shirley IIarmer said in telephone interview from Hollyvrocd that she was secretly married in civil care many to Al Bertram near Tia juana Mexico last August Her second marriage took place little more than month after her divorce fromsinger George Murray of Toronto be came final Miss Harmer and Mr Bertram met when she made her CBC television debut in 1953 She said the marriage was kept secret because she felt the public in Canada might thin was terrible jumping at age right alter my divorce Lots of people here do it but in Canada it might seem kind of sneaky she added Turkey Supper Planned The Silver Maple Womens In stitute met at the home of Mrs Richardson Jan 14 Roll call was answered by each giving small parcel to be given to the patients atGeorgian Manor Mrs Tyson Rowat gave pap er on the three Rs Revereaee Respect and Responsi lity Ag riculture and Canadian Indust ries wasinterestiag as it pertain ed to the founder of Womens In stitutes Mrs Adelaide Hoodlcss Plans were made to hold an other turkey supper Lipstick Industry Wins UJS Reprieve WASHINGTON AP The tlo00n000 year US lip nick industry won reprieve iaturday from government or dei forbidding the further use of some ofits most vital colors The order which industry has construed as vi ual kiss oi death had been scheduled to go into effect today It was suspended pending the outcome oi public hearing Feb 17 to determine whether govern ment tests were sufficiently com plate to justify the conclusion that the red orange and yellow color uzg materials are unsafe be used only according to instruc tions Here again ii the paper isnt marks to mar its pretty surface you can take over with semi stale bread as cleaner uEVErlsE onnEn Remove crusts from bread and surface oi the paper This time cleaned or treated areas bread becomes soiled clean section orpiece To spot clean wallpaper to re move lingermarks use art gum This does the trick REMOVING SPUIS Grease or soil spots generally use compounded of Fullers earth and carbon tetrachloride Apply this sparingly over the spots and af ter lt is completely dry lust brush off And that area just above ra diator tho becomes soiled so quickly requires going over from time to time with dry rubber sponge or kneaded rubber known as an art eraser Apply lightly Ir Auxiliary Meets lit Ivy with 15 present on Jan 14 Chapter one was read by Nan cy David from the Bible The collection was then taken by Jean Berry Maria Lang the secretary read her monthly re port The treasurers report was then read by Carol Cherrington Mrs Elwood Jennett read letter from Connie Rice which she had discussed Outfits for the young set knittedin cotton The match ing pullch havcshort sleev es ribbediaround the edges and are worked in loose pat tern stitch to produce hori pnntr are solid whitelnstrun very soiled and has but few rub it in large piecés over the the order is reversed and one works from the ceiling down to the baseboard using wide sweep ing overlapping the As yield to the use of thick pasta The Ivy Junior Auxiliary met Mrs Cherriagton then started Zontal stripes The skirt and ExChdngé Vows At St Andxéws Andrews Weiinn Church was the scene of cum December weeding when Simon daughter at Epsom on and the late Mn Show rie married John Carter son Mrs Dorothy Carter Barrie Rev James Ferguson ofï¬ciated Given in marriage by her lath er the bride chose Iwhltc sheath in55 withflilcdjnnlret and shoulderlength veil She carried an bouquet of red and white roses The matron of honor Mn Alex Horvath sister of the bride wore gown of red veilt SOCIAL The Barrio Examiner Botin Notes are intended to me in general lodnlllll city and district Wedding na nlvcnariea birthdays bridge partlelpcominlolrllo parties vtsitnrn Ind travellers In all Items of inlerert to tho wo men reader of this pale Your help In lupplylul lhll new will on greatly appscc fated Plano phonc PA 66531 and ink for the Women Page COUPLE HONORED Saturday evening party was held in honor of Mr andMrs Woodstock ohlorunto at the home of their soninelnw and daughter Mr and Mrs Long Rexdaie Mr Woodstock celebrated his retirement from the Eaton Company Toronto where he has been employed as an interior decorator and birth day congratulations were ex tended to Mrs Woodstock Guests from Barrie included Mr and Mrs Woodstocka son and daughterlnlaw Dr and Mrs Woodstock and sons inlaw and daughters Mr and Mrs John Holder and Mr and Mrs Foley and fortunes lilrand Mm Norman Giffen John Street leit yesterday for months holiday in Arizona and other southern points includ ing Los Aageles Colitornia Mrs Nina Wattle and Miss Gertrude Ovens Worsley Street attended the funeral of their sister Mrs Malcolm McDemiid Duntrnon Thursday Edgar Saturday evening The sergeants and their wives return ed to the RCAF sergeants mean for refreshments Mr and Mrs Robert Sbrler and son Robbie Parkdale Cres cent visited with Mr nndMrs William Patterson and family Huntsville at the weekend Mrs Glenn Melrose Avenue and Mrs Williamson Sttoud have recently returned by air from vacatinnat St Peters burg Florida They were guests at the Colonials during their holiday Miss Patricia Zimmerman and Everett Swan Gait spent the which they corn The JA asked to write speech on what the lA is what it means and what it does This will complete the Seniors with their third strip Next months project is small speech onltbeWA Meeting close ed with the JA hymn RHER AND SITERsmrs tions are for size If you wouldllka to obtain the knitting instructions simply send stamped seifeddressad envelope to tha Needlecraft Department of The Barrie Ex 0nt request ing Brother and er Suits lLeaflet No KPK8275 Simman Bar broombaIlparty was held at the Juniors do their first stripe wt Shouer nhmquctof whiteadrch Fir ii the brldcl llltfl Mr and Mn David Sanderson Ihc brideground mother received the guests wearing beige these with We oorsagc carom Lions com cted her ensemble For eddlng trip to Niagara Falls the bride wore brown wool jenny dress with beige no ceuoria and eraing of whitc motions AND PERSONAL wiekead with lormers bro thervinlnw and sister Mr and Mrs Don Near Penning Strch RETURNED more GEEMANY her Ilstdrlninw Mn Paton Mrs Patonbes recently returned from Soest Germany posted for two years Mrs Pat on was the tanner Monica Flynn daughter of Mr and Mrs Flynnu Mr and Mrs Loo McLaughlin Tomato also entertained for Motor and Mrs Paton at Sun day supperparty Guest from Barrie lncludedMra Patons sis ter Mrs Ridley and brother and sisterinlaw Mr and Mn TO Flynn and her pnrcnti Mr and Mn Flynn Dear Mary IInwnrth Briefly my problem is that my wife is making me miserable with her jealousy She has no reason to be Jealous We have been married very much concern When leave my wife me says brides are afflicted with nary In this so WHAT IS BASIS She has caused me trouble on the job with telephone calls and insinuating remarks to female employees In other respects she is sensible girl and younger than by about 10 years Just talking to her doesnt seem to help and am getting rather desperate Do you think some psychiatric therapy is indicated What is the psychological basis of jealousy some kind EF AKIN IO SEWEATRED Dear EF The Bible gives us clue to the meaning of Jealousy WA Méétslu Christ Church IVY The January meeting of Christ Church Womens Assoc iation was held at the home of Mrs Jennett Jan 21 Miss Dunnill read the Bible reading from Acts 9th chapter The Dorcas secretary reported on the halo and asked each mem ber to donate one new article of clothing towards it Mrs Wilmer Wilsonlaxplainad that the rack for the choir robes was complet Rev llllarper requested Chancel Guild and hoped several ladies would volunteer to do this work The secretary read leb ter from prayer partner Miss Ed wards also an appeal from The Scott Mission and The Womens Training College these were an swered by donations sent to each The Worlds Day of Prayer on March wnaalao mentioned Mrs James Mchrmctt gave talk on first chapter in our study book on Africa Mrs Wilmer Wilson conducted avalentinalcontest IA crackling crisp oath linhtand flak because thnyro laan rcccu exclusivnglp Mrs Flynn Queen Streetentnrtalned at an after noon ten last week in honor of where her husband had been less than year and love her travel for large industrial immediately hnaginea all sorts of rubbish flow can convince her she is hein silly took her with times just to show her how prosaic my road liic actually is She thinks am fas cinated by every woman meetI lhava discussed this with older men who say that most young leal Ia it an inferiority complex of Clack Casï¬riets Brings Spanish Fashiqnllair 3H rm annals nxmmcx 7mm FEBRUARY nut1 Dropveil India iAiter Ikefs Visit By RUKMINI new Canadian Prue Correspondent BOMBAY Barbara Elav enhower United State President Eisenhowers daughterinlaw he been responsible for revol ution currently sweeping Katwarl Snrnl sleepy Hindu village she visited during her Indian sojourn in Dewnber mini Rm one of Kalwarl Snrala tradition bound olden anyll lust cannot understand what has happuied Everything has gone topsy turvyThiusl were so quiet until that mem uhih tinrcikn lady came here The reason for Rams alarm In that nt 35 year old daughter inlaw Shantl has not worn her veil since the day Barbara Eisen hower visited the village with Mrs Durgn float Desnmukh chairman of the Indian govern ments central social welfare board and one of the countrys leading crusaders for social rc form Shantls load has been followed by at least half dozen other village women who all their lives hndobserved the ancientsystem of purdah They had to veil their faces before the mcniclk and could not even talk to their MARY newborns MAIL when it says Fear hath tor meat But perfectlch castctb out fear Jealousy is rooted in fear and thus refers to paralysis of love The jealous person is for the duration of bisaifllction incapa ble of loving Jealousy is felt as fear and expresses itself in terms of fear such as anxiety susA plcfon rage and hate directed at the rivals imagined and the per son distrusted Jealousy is an emotional sick nesswhich maybecoma chronic and aggravated due to selfla dulgentdeinands on others to make the adjustmentsand com pcnsations necessary tobaar with itnnd due to these persons lack of wisdom in falling into that fu tilemutlue rm THE npAME The wise next friend of sickly jealous person will pin the blame for discomfort where it he lopgs namely on the morbidly frightened soul He will not try perennially to prove that no Plumpmer Returns To 1960 Festival STBAIFORD CF Christo pher Plummer Canadian actor widely acclaimed for his brood way performances returns to the Stratford Shakespearean Fes tival this summer after analr sence of one season The Montreal director Michael Longhorn made the announce ment in disclosing further cast lugs for the two plays Actress Sydney Sturgess and her son Hayward Morse have been signed for King John Mr hangham said Ann Casson daughter of Sir Lewis Casson and Dame Sybil Thorndike of theBritrsh theatre will make her debut on the festi val stage It will he the first sea son that her husband actor Doug las Campbell hasnotlperfcrmed in the festivallle wlll direct Midsummer Nights Dream nocuuow for EASTER while But Accommodation sun Available PA 66474 BARRIE TRAVEL SERYICE 102 Dunlap at husbands in the preseam of lot hen CAME TEE LIEERAIIDN The liberation happened this way One of the village welfare workers who went along with Barbarade Dcshmukb asked Shanti and group of welcoming women why they did not discard their veils 5hr wu told they dared not displeese village elders like Muni Ram The villager pointing to Mrs Eisenhower said This lady comes from country where women have the courage to map their fingers at their menfolk Should we not derive inspiration frnTrlrII ber dougd cwnmmi8h€ on their veils Later they were assured that if the men resisted Mrs Indira Gandhi Prime Minister Nehrul daughter and at that tunnelin grass party chiel would have word with her in er And overnight high heeled be shoes have appeared in the ham let The shoe merchant in Rat wari Sara says Ever since the women saw Mrs Eisenhowers high heeled shoes they have been pestering me to arrangc for supply from Delhi PEGGY WIN PARIS Reuters Lanvin Cuttllo onllcetim ended the week of Park fashion Ihnwlw Friday with symbolic clock of cutinets Trends like the new tnpndo cape coat come mutant from CutiIlor untlvc Spain Brilliant Datumflashing embroideriu ro mantic Goyastyle evening gown wllhjloopcd and fringed rashes and the sophisticated press sil bcuelbc add up to one of Can tilloe flout endeavors 1W lace effects with lightly ï¬tted cs or overblown star in threw and four olccc en sembles with dress Jacket and ooccocn shaped tapado caper sbnwnin matching fabrics chard DevauX thazmilliner who formerly designed for Pierre YOUR HEALTH IMMUNITY Itrnngathing It would be very handy if we could jurtslt back and die the Filth Amandmentfor protection whenever disease germ ap proached us But of course such foolish actions wouldnt do any good at all single attack of pom diseas es usually provrdc the victim with immunity iron second at tack other illnesses can hit you again and again and again VACCINES DEVELOPED Fortunnuly medical science has developed vaccines that will wiles Nagging Jéa1ousy Makes Husband Miserable cause for pernicious alarm exists in the outer world Rather he will begin fairly soon to steadily confront the jealous patient with the fact that this is moral and psychological mal ady resident in the patients own soul Is jealousy symptomatic of an inferiority complex In twisted way suppose it ls However some very egolstic individuals can be jealous tyrants in their fa vored relationships Sa think it is probably more accurate to say that desperately jealous person is self hating self rejecting personwho because he is on such bad terms with himself un consciously takes for granted that any love hauls proffered is We faced too as hefeels himself to NEEDS TWO KINDS Specialist help is deilnitelyjm dicated for your wife You should know and so should she whether there is paranoid pattern to her jealousy If so she needs psy chiatric guidance in reversing that serious frendas can be done if the drift is caught in timesay before middle age Further she needs the support of Xreligious fellowship to intro duce and stabilize positive pat terns of peaceful trustful feeling and thinking For help along this line read Hannah Whittal Smiths Christinas Secret of Happy Life Revel ME PDSES PROBLEM Dear Mary flown Recently my little girl age takes off her pajamas and sleeps unelad When Iask her whysbe seems to have no recollection of doing it Thisworrics me especially on these cold nights have tried every wayt0 stop herbat noth ingr succeeds lwould appreciate Try pretty gener ouslycut that provides warmth and per stays on discard the pajamas permanently Mil Haveyou or has someone Inn inï¬ll just moved to new home Yohr weanli wm HutuVIII call with gift and friendly provide us good deal of protec tinn from some of our more lep icua diseases Most of the childrenl dissing carry irrununuty against se cond attack One bout with chick enpox mum measles and German mess es for example ordinarily insures the patient against any further trouble from thasarnn disease So does an attack of whooping cough HIGH DEGREE OF IMMUNITY Some of the more rérloua dit eascs smallpox scarlet fever diphtheriaand polioalso offer high degree of immunity from subsequent attacks With the Salk vaccine and oth er vaccines we can wafer Im munity not 100 per cent irnlt munity of course against cv en theorlglnal attack of polio smallpox diphtheria and whoop ing cough Since these disease are apt to presentltbo greatestdanger to children suggest that all chil dren be given the protection these vaccines afford by the time they are six months old Many doctors prefer to begin the inoculations at younger age We know now the value ofthe fourth or booster shot of the Salk vaccine Booster shots also are recommended to prevent diphtheria and the smallpox vac cinntioa should be repeated when your doctor deemsit advisable common DISEASES Other fairly common diseases such as the ordlnnry cold pneu monia and influenza which are especially prevalent right now mltsvireedom ofmovamant If it FLAT Cnrdm bu joined the luvln run He has created any and tiered tavern Babel hall in checked or flaked woollen lair rlca matched to the ensemble The overall lookls tall one and very yclrnbie DESIGNED POI TWO Cutillodmlgncd much of this collection with two women in mind Favorite client Barbara Hutton who purchased almost the entire collection last season but was not In town for the show ing and favorite model Viviana whom Castillo calls the divine onen perfect beauty on earth The Divine One wore the moat glamorous evening dressesslew der tubular models with all¢m broldered tunlcs over gauze un dcnklrtrfcr dresses contrived entirely of frilled tiers llkc frilly dressing table lampshades How Immune Are You To Certain Diseases By HERMAN BUNDESBN it onsl no lasting immunity to on thcr attacks If you are stricken with par ticular cold virus you may be fairly loimunc to another attack from the some virus for couple of months but you have no pm tectlcn against other types of cold virus quemoN AND ANSWER Mn Can you tell me of any medicine that will improve circulation Answer Improve circula tion vague term with no ac clnatcniedlcal meaning it may refer to improving heart action in which use certain drugs may be needed On the other hand it may mean improving the blood flow in certain area such or the leg or the brain Certain medicines may do this by dust ing the blood vessels Your doctor can best prescribe the median suitable for your condition WED 60 YEARS KITCHENER Qnt toriMr and ManHenry Weicken who had been childhood sweethearts received congratulations in Queen Elizabeth Primq Minister Dlefenbaker and many others on their dianiond jubilee Jpn 11 auromno warm $4 IIIAIIR 95 gt NET Pun mm Totil cast including rental installation killowntt hours and mntntenance Nonnan anomalies WELCOME WAGON we