ran seam madman rauaeoAv iAIilse me GARDEN NOTES BARRIE 50311001510 5m implement 7A Help Wanted Maia It you or dimiismld with your pnuni uiu iob and mi you an to iaiuty to hold down better Job with motorsruin locum use advancement we would like you to tampon Inr two pouttlanl presently open tn the Barrie area GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYS WAREHOUSE EPLETTS ELEciIiii By JEAN GAB uveretzlniby IIl Preferred to toeeod reunitedstrolls ludmalo qualities one arm pro co Itl sale optiiude tut given together with personal ioiervinv in well to have some other varieties isi Present organisation members avenge high Lnronu 30 Hill If we lat 11le With dielt evergreens In foundation plant in mum am 11 complete trlialnl in will Mu mp is Dignliied work on rumor beau 11 Mum my eomelimee the freeze and thaw process kill for more plants than the conetlnt lee ind show we have bad Pyramid cedars and upright Junipers have really ttehtériM 5111 Wu Victoria Hospital is tree to be by 11 °rP°W in admired in winter or in summer any way suggest youanchor them with twine or better still Notion has coma of Dales Aa some wide strips from nylon null Orchid Festival Jan 24 and sticking out circular which again Jen alWe sponsored have some elasticity Attach well tour last year but roads and around the shrub and then to storms have been too hard for book or ball or staple in the tours as yet this year However building Thle will give some plans are afoot and the announ protection when the March winds cement of Stratfordl plays have come arrived This year King John Midsummer Nights Beam and Romeo and Juliet are the plays More than likely Romeo and Juliet will be the play our Horticultural will see but they might lee two as this has been ï¬ne tour we are euro of full We urge everyone to read for seed catalogues and study them They hold wealth of informa tion and oome spring you dont have time to read We hope you are All rememb ering the birds This year We been favored with ruffled grouse and rose breasted nut hatch besides the usual visitors at our feeders Juncos and tree sparrows have also been more numerous than usual All Horticulturnlilla in the district are invited to the special meeting in Trinity Parish Hall Feb to meet Gomm successor to John Clark cldentaily Mr Clark has been quite ill at his home 167 Glebe home Blvd Toronto SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CHURCHILL Mr and Mrs John Canning nee Helen Fitzsimmlnsloi Gan der Newfoundland haVe an nounced the arrival of twin girls Miss Kay Sloan of Toronto spent the weekend at her home The GA of St Peters met Friday evening at the home of their leader After sumptqu pot luck supper the meeting commenced with the vicepresid ent Judy Moilnt in the chair caralyn Beatty Jean Spence and Gloria Hindle took part in the worship period Roll call was answered by 11 girls My chosen vocation and the reason for my choice An invitation was extended by Marilyn Lawson to hold the next meeting at her home day was chosen for the class to go bowling Notice oi Leaders Conference was read it is to bé held Sat urday Nov 30 in Toronto Practical articles for the Churchmanship Badge were dis played Section of As Large As Lit under the heading Having What It Takes followed with and they wont smart to bits in storm like axiom aims little leaf linden are and in Barrie the Catalpea well and are lovely tree old catalpa that stands by ambulance uitrance at the Royal iI you can mm our requirements rod would lut puronu tutuvim lddrul fullpartlcular in on Barrie Examiner Ar361E For Sale 18 Room and Board TIL SIGN Ill Pit um His Wed GKNrlPAIAN Handr wanted to aaANa new Eureka Vacuum Cleaner rt olrnln rice llione efï¬gy Llurer sadismegg PA soon or PA 52115 Knoniinert Davenport and Chair 53°EJEPF£° GM 60 ditlon Phat PA Eng 54m 1W we 3535 arugula gmMlga KEELEESFJiï¬t than with Run and Vllhlfl 13 St nut 51 so mpanlordlstaanier is i9 Legals NOTICE TO CREDITORS oorliEIts All persnlll nrtlnr claims llnlt the arm MARGARET iu nrmrconum late at the Vill are or Coahstnivn in tho County of Simone Widow who died on or about the all day of March AD is are rcqulred to file proof of some with the undersigned solicitor for the Erecuion by Ina 6th day at reoruuy isso after which on tho uItu will in dis IHDLIIM Dated at some Onirrio this izitl day hurry 1950 srswnlir ESTENMcTUnK IiIILLii Dank Duh solicitors for the Exeeulnn Ioil17z YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you know that good prospects might be trying to get in touch with you during those periods when your phone service is discontinued In or Encyclopedia and Family Health bonhl months old in per foot condition Coll also Alklnu one Phone PA 5am Hus our rum Queens rcponeucd from Finance Cnhlpflty Len have some or whats owing Phone PA 61 or PA E1725 HlZl PAIR or 750m Tubelers Winter reu Snow rtres excellent cori 1itlon Phon PA um lIM nulth BYllUl marlinc Leno buckerta nd apnlkitski ISngdvllllikl aI arm In co th LeFontainc eztrzs LANG slza Wabds nun Frecxer new condition Aim automatic oil hutr nurly now Eoth very roll ronrolo Daytime only Phone PA eases ami oaarnlc CAMERA as mm Clini era Gun Cnhinct Guns and Ammu nition Tire Chains Barrel Pump at later Tlmizs PA osui 32 TYPBWIUTERS Adding Machinc stennrctle chlatlng ililchlnu sold rented repaired one you runlites ellv terms our Tyr wriiur no 66595 aisor1hsii WALNUT Chlifoiiicrt Wardrobe with drawers so high wide is deep in excllimit condition rnlsticd drop loll tnhlc 24x15 wLn lcai nixss also full size ipool lino Phone PA 56365 or only at Frederick st szns Wanted to Buy CEDAR POSTS Anchors incl Posts cot WRITE MIGHTON lr our 124 Durham Ontario PHONE ALLAN PARK 1322 9153lDTflh WANTED Dry Hardwood Contact the Saricsnt Co PA 32451 92224 DOG sum Varitcd lllztlt welrht Phone PA 153 52 Sanford st 52325 llle oPlxci bask wanted liiust be full size with tyypnwriicr draw dr and In good condliion Phone PA Mooz ozmt 10 Farm Supplies lOA Livestock for Sale 12 Pics MONTHS OLD Phone 1er slrdud roe2 SELLING ENTIRE Herd ot Grade Jersey Cattle Fresh surrey cow Jersey due now somll Heifers bred to freshen ncxt lull Year ling Heifers Heller months old Apply Gordon lrvin Illusion hone Benton 2m loll2 la the care oi the proetrate varieties the heavy weight of snow is very apt to canes the branches to split at the main trunk Flowering Ibrube which didnt get their branches tied to gether can still be saved much damage by tying tiiam together so they dont get bent over with ice and snow The damage to trees every where ls noticeable Whenever possible torn limbs should becut off close to the trunk and the wound painted with Bruce The mayor of Barrie at the inaugural meeting of the Parks Board asked that the tree plant lag programme be increased if possible Last year Barrie Parks Board planted zoo trees The citizens themselves can best supplement this programme by replacing their damaged stock and if they havent tree on their front lawn plan to plant one this Spring Since Maples have been Elsie Montelth Mldliilut with Part Mistress Ber Mrs Gol die Davie Midhurst received the Grand Lodge honor for being the Grand Lodge Aseoclatejlrst Lecturer Midhurat Lodge serv ed lunch Everybody reports good time Next meeting will be held in Celiingwood April 12 at it pm Mr and Mrsl Anderson and Sharon of Toronto spent the weekend with Charles Bowdery Dangia spent few days with his daughters in Toronto NEW LOWELL The sympathy oi the commun ity goes out to the McGillivnry family in the passing at loving wife and mother Mrs William McGillivary who died suddenly Monday evening Also sympathy goes out to Mr and Mrs Harry Lamers in the 95 passing of their infant daughter Mr and Mrs Robe rts and boys also friend spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs William MC Giiilvary Dull oi Burlington spent the weekend with his par Its the same with your adver tising People are buying every day Dont let that business pass you by because your advertising is discontinued ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED SECTION EVERY DAY liulomiilc liYEiiS 22222273 $169 WASHERS it 11949 iiifliiitillf WiiSliEliS SAVE 9000 20947 WRINGER TYPE SAVE 3000 REG i9900 ii WORLD NEWS RUSSIAN POST OFFICE LONDON lReutcrsWark has begun in Moscow on Europes biggest post officea 12storey building with flat real or heli copters and automatic loading and unloading facilities for mail trainsTass news agency said today ALB SERVICE OISRUPTED ll Financial REG 22950 LIMITED MONEY LOANS To city and Purln Folks ey or anything and unywhorc Phone or write new TABLE PS INVESTMENTS LTD Avanue Road Suite 310 WA 22442 ilzs mo Ontario RTGAGES lst and 2nd bought and arranged Commercial residential mnncys loaned on vating mortgages Car PA 68504 liIzsti iaxeoo tire and whc nrd Phone PA 755 TLargc brawn short haired 5rd dos iiewnrd Phone on HYPNOTISM ou stirrer Irdrn insomnia lack ol confldcnce nxcesive smoking siting or drinking emotional or nervous disorders undcsltnhlo nab in or lack or once or mind these an be over me Free consulta nus DAY OR EVENING PHONE PA $3541 lszilu wow VALLEY horse drnnw old fashioned sleigh rides groups par ties and couples Day and event call PA 87649 Hw uaavnm BARRIE Feb for Soil utchewnn would have room for Passengers For further tritnrrnn uon euii siris Strnud 15214 in your eticIed lieuifs rdresscr ay or even no appo merit Phone PA assoc is HORBE DRAWN SlELgh Rides dlY or evening by nnpnintment Purser Prlcodt phone IJrZZ Strand 152l23 18 Room and Board i8ARooms for Rent ED Room Gentleman pre Killing PA 33245 iaAzazt puiLNIaHED bedroom tor rent central call PA Moos alter pm laAzozs pugNrBtIED aedraorn on ltoss st Suitable for nurse or young busi girl PA Miss lhA1224 sIIEn Light Hourclrccpln Adults only Phone PX Mm loll2325 Iioori central on our ilifldnrdgc It needed Phone PA 114191 anal ruruirnod housekeeping room heavy duty stove nnd use rig andrflendix um AronAIro room and board PA aiosz laAIMI narriu Mort loll23257 LONDON ReuterslLow cloud and drizzle today disrupted serv ice at London airport Trans World Airlines let from New York overflew London and went on to Frankfurt West Germany Other flights were delayed at Prestwick Scotland or Kurn airport on the south coast EXUN PRESIDENT DIES RIO DE JANEIRO AptDr Oswaldo Aranha 65 former for eign minister of Brazil and United Nations General Assam lily president in 1948 died Wed nesday night following heart attack Aranha as foreign minis ter led Brazil into the Allied ranks gainst the Axis during the war and was leading exponent of PanAmerican solidarity dur ing his long public career CROWD GREETS RUSSIAN BOMBAY ReuterslA large crowd houtin indians and Russians are brothers greeted Soviet President Klirnenti Voro shilov when he arrived by plane Wednesday from New Delhi The crowd also shouted long live Voroshilov as the Soviet presL dent on an official visit to India emerged from the plane ents Mr and Mrs Don Duff Howard Hynes Barrie Mr and Mrs Hynos Brentwood Mr and Mrs Lorne Armstrong and daughters speat Sunday with Mr and Mrs Charles Cambour lTE Mr and Mrs Roberts and family of Toronto spent Sunday wim Rev and Mrs John Lind sey There were 12 tables at the euchre Monday night Ladies first prize Went to Mrs Ed Spik ers second to Mrs Trott mens first prize to Howard Duggan and second to Douglas Macham UTOPIli Mr Andrews and George of Guthrie spent last Tuesday at Borden Jennetts Miss June Brunskll who is teacher at Hamilton was home for the weekend also Miss Mary Ellis Reg 0F Toronto spent the weekend at her home here Mrs Frank Chappel Chappel Barbara Varcoe Linda of Barrie were Sunday vis itors at Borden Jennatts lively discussion period The leader then took charge of the theory part of Nursing Badge Mr and Mrs Warden Dean and Richard Dean of Cooksvilie RR were guesLs of Sloan Sunday MIDHURST STN Mldhurst United Church held its annual meeting in the school room Tuesday evening All the different branches gave good years report Ladiesserved lunch Legion weekly Euchre was held Thursday evening at Eelorestry lunch room Prizes went to la dies Mrs Miller Mrs Davies Mrs Lachapellep gents Sandy McKee William Maw Leo Dor an Mrs Cora Thompson had is successful sale last Saturday Jan 13 True Blue District Lodge Col lingwood Barrie Midhurst and Orillia held its meeting Wad liesduy evening in Midliurst Township Hall Mrs Shepcott Ear Enroll IiOIVlE TOWNBy Saney DI DNT HAVE The WA of St Georges Church met at the home of Mrs Bert Raches Tuesday evening Jan 12 with nine members present Bible reading was taken by Mrs Jack Ellis from the 33rd Psalm Mrs Gilbert McMaster read missionary story business discussion followed after which dainty lunch was served by the hostess Mrs Frank Elpliick invited the ladies to her home for the February meeting of Coliingwood presented Mrs pip Nor lndia Hopes Soon To Export Engines BOMBAY CF India which has been importing locomotives from Canada and pther countries hopes to begin exporting some The state owned Chlttaraiijan looomotlva worlis ettSanthal in West Bengal state now produces one locomotiveevery it hours In the lastrltl years it has pro duced 950stanmlocomctlvasshd according to present pinna the first electric locomotive will roll out ilf theworkl inNovambor this you REG 329 it iVIilIiEL $29 21 TV cause sAVE node ModelCCiGG Reg409 MODEL 30 riloiiiii IiiiiiiiiEs 24zerIiiiioiiiiiiic iiIiIitEs 41°ESTMMBD RANGES 12 cu iT ElliliiEliliTtlliS also $26999 ingot Er liiillliiiEliliTllliy 55AVE 8200 88 REG zsiolxso