So very attractive with its beautifully styled exterior large picture windows and overhanging roof this is home that com mands respect As you walk through the vestibule which in cludes coat closet you enter huge living room featuring wonderful fireplace included in the Lshnpcd livingdining ores ai IsoxIIa are builtin china cabinets and buftct Now going into the large well planned kitchen and down short hall to the silnble library with closet and storage space and with adloining lavatory you will see that this design is pian nod for easy accessibility to all rooms large famlly will like Iheconvenience of four bedrooms upstairs plus the cedar closet and second bath Standard Builders blueprints costing $975 tract are obtainable uvwe iao gave in Canada for this Design No 77 raq TbsBuiidlng Editor Tho Barrie Examlncr Barrie Ontario lEnelosed please find Sl Barrio Eimunsr Address IN WAKE 0F Ks ov West WillpCampaign Plans entitled 71 HOW COST HOMES FOR CAN ADIANS Please main remittance payable to The ma for which send me Book of SPEECH all government aid through di Builders win Get Less Govt Support TORONTO CF Canadlnn builders must expect less direct government su port in the NRA mortgage flel this year than last year Stewart Bates presl dent of Centrai Mortgage and Housing Corporation said Thurs day night Mr Bates told the National Home Builders Association how ever that this doesnt mean that Continues Up TORONTO CF The stock market today continued its up ward trend mild heavy morning trading The 11 am vollune totalled 00d000 shares beavlzr than the turnover of 607000 shares at the same tinie Thursday Ford Motor scored the but in dustrial gain adding at 04 Moore Corp was it Va and Steel Company of Canada and Aluminium each gained is Algoma gt Consolidated Paper each last Mines were active interna tional Nickel was ahead as Fal conbridge lost ti Senior ura olnms were unchanged to lower Gunner dropped V4 while Algom and Consolidated Dcnlson were unchanged The market regained some at TORONTO CP Hog prices which closed at $2375 per hun dredweight last Friday were re ported as cents higher this week at the Ontario pubiie stockyards Slaughter steers and heifers traded uneven at prices about steady and cow prices were 31 wer Bull prices were firm Venl call prices were uneven vlhile lamb prices were 75 cents per hundredweight higher Cattle receipts totalled some 700 head more than last Week and slightly more than the same week in 1950 Receipts from Western Canada showed an In crease of 330 head over last weeks 171 and western stock calves numbered 175 compared with 20 head last week There were live shipments to Eastern Canadian slaughterers and no exports to the United States slaughter cattle Choice steer 2024 with odd tops to 2450 good 2223 medium 1921 common 1519 good handywelght heifers rcct loans will stop To Pry secrecy Bars ny JOHN mcmowan WASHINGTON AP The Western powers expect to mount new campaign this spring to break down Russian secrecy bar riers as an essential step toward an arms control agreement The importance of an interna tional inspection system which would rate throughout the So viwuhlï¬gd keep check on its rmed for was heavily om phasized anew Thursday in statement here on Russias pro lected military manpower cut The Soviet Union and the West erh powers will resume disarma ment negotiations at March 15 meeting as members isoviet Ships lie of l0power committee equally divided between Reds and the Western Allies chief element of allied policy is sure to be requirement for vast system of international in snoctors operating behind the Iron Curtain as well as within the borders of the free world This demand has been the cilia obstacle to reaching disarma ment agreement with Russia But the West has insisted that any ncroomcnt not safeguarded by PWrough going control opera tion would be worse than useless ssue was brought into the lspo lg afresh Thursday by Premier Khrushchevs announce ady In Paciï¬c To Sheet PlanetType Rockets By VINCENT FIRST isï¬iitoscouJ illicutsrs Russian ps are eieve rea in central Pacific the series of tests new30vlet make flights Russl with powerful rocket designed to to the planets international whipping last week to keep clear ofa large area near the Mar shall Islands where the penultix mate stages of the rockets are expected to fall during the month long testing period starting today The new rockets are designed to undertake flights toplnnets of the solar system such on Mars and Venus and to launch heavy Sputnlks for the start of The opening of theitestin er ilod follows Thursdays nnnguiice meal by Premier Khrushchev Lixssia has fantastic weapon in the hatching stage CONNECTION UNKNOWN But it is not known Whither the Pacific tests have any connection with the fantastic weapon Russian scientists sad earlier that there was no 11 cation of testing nuclear rocket at present Hungarian scientists said the new rocketsare believed capable of carrying five ton heavy Sputnik and the Pacific tests racket laboratory on the moon hometown wnicui its armed forces by 1200000 He said Russia will ment that he intends to cut Soviet armed forces by 1200000 men without waiting for disarma ment pact West op an newspalt pers generally see the proposed Sovietcut in its armed forces as ammunition for Khrushchev at the East West summit talks in May Some editorial writers say Khrushchev has on again seized the initiative in the cold war Others write that the Rus sian reductions were painted in the right direction toward easing international tension but hollow gesture militar in view of Rus sias rocket str ogth But there is ageneral feeling that the Soviet cuts in military manpower reflect to some degree lessening ofEastWest tension In London The Times says Without strong conviction that the threat of war is lessened Khrushchev could hardly decree further reductionof 1200000 men But it notes that despite the cut Russia will still have for bigger army than any of the western powers in Ottawa Opposition Leader Pearson said the announcement that Russlavwili reduce its mill tury manpower may not help the cause of disarmament if men are replaced by more powerful weap ons if one missile and 100 men will do the work of 1000 man with other arms to discharge 900 men from the forces may not helpl the can of disarmament very much Mrt Pearson said in statement with odd tops at 2750 2M2 and few choice at 11250 good heavles 1921 medium ban dyweights 1720 common ltll choice steer fed yearling 24710 choice fed yearlings 2445 good down to 23 good cows 14 1450 with odd tops at 15 med ium 1014 common 1218 cancer and cutters 041 good heavy bol ogna bulls mostly la wllhsales to 1550 common and medium li ht bulls 1447 83 In Good lightweight stockcrs mostly 2223 with odd sales to 2360 good stock calves 25 common and medium stock ers 1521 Calm Good vealerr 335 with choice to 2750 medium 2732 common 2246 has are 1522 Hogs Grade 2491 heavy sows 1850 light 1550 stage 11 on is dressed weight basis Royal Bank Plans 43 New Branches MONTREAL GP Sedgewlck general manager of the Royal Bank of Canada told the annual meeting of sharehold ers Thursday the banks Cansgt dian expansion program in the current fiscal year has 48 new branches in preparation or in negotiation in addition eight new overseas branches were scheduled to open this year Mr Sedgawlck said the bank added 29 new Canadian branches in the year endedNov 30 1950 for total of 969 and the current mngram will bring the total to more than 1000 mvssTMENT cums Crawford and co Ltd 39 Dunlap St PA $2437 CORPORATE NEWS Aluminium Ltd On December 10th Alumin ium Ltd raised its aluminum in got price on all markets except the United States by 84 cent to 23 cents apouod and days later its price in the ï¬US was advanced to 20 cents pound Price adlustments were also announced for alloys other primary products and semifab ricated products Reflecting gradually improving tone of bus iness in Canada the United Kingdom and European mark ets the company early in Dec ember announced that its Cana dian lngnt production was being increased for the third time sin ce September through reactiva tion of idle potiines Latest in crease is designed to bring pro duction up toyï¬ilï¬ï¬tlo tons annual ly or 77 per cent of rated capa city nf 770000 tons year Stet Co of Canada Ltd Directors of Stelco have de cided to incorporate the yearend extra of 30 cents into regular quarterly dividends and have set the new quarterly rate at 60 cents or $140 per year Ayear duction without waiting for the western powers to join in disarmament prog end extra 01 30 cents the same aafor the preceding six years and the first quarterly divident at the new 00 cents rate both payable Feb shareholdersof recur are an llcableto1050 and total bursemenl fortlio cameo snai an in lost min Thursdayde the heaviest Radio in Ill months index changes Industrial up 31 at 51411 golds up 8950 metals up at 17441 and western oils down 10 at 10101 The final volums was 3210000 shares compared With 2192000 Wednesday Algoma Steel led industrial winnerawithafli polntgatnat 30 followed by Moore Corp which went ahead at 4216 Dominion Foundries and Steel gained at 50 while Bank of Nova Scotls and steel Com pany of Canada each gained at 68 and 5m Abide was ahead it at 10 Foundation Co was down is at 1109 Prices 45c Per CW1 Higher lit Ontario Public Stockyards Sheep and lambs Good bandy weight lambs 22502270 med turn and heavy lambs 1718 com mon 1115 feeders 1545 sheep 310 according to quality fr iI HEMAl mt ELECTRIC South of Barrie on Mn DROP OTTAWA icPiThc Bank of abruptly $3 ti 5mm 07 per cent from 539 last week with the sale of 3115oooooo in 01day gov NET assumes By THE CANADIAN PRESS Consolidated Paper Corp Ltd year coded Dee slrlï¬s 13 This is World Refuges Year mass $256 share 1960 $12 If 11m to Jone 1960 514584 3145 mm DEle SHEARDS Winter Work Program Durluthawhitermonthsisthehestttmetogct inside the home and Denis Sheard is Just the place to go At Denis Sheard all the mahorial is available to do 10b Denis Shem witldothecompletejohhlmseliocwiilsu ematcrialstoyoult you are DollYourself man You may finance your lob or materials RECREATION ROOMS VNowisthetimeofycartohave mat recreation room put in the busttreat or the old one done over in the most modern and uprtodata styles Deals Sheen will glad do this Job for youYou may have this put ooa financa plan with Denis the small Jobs done Klrculucunoanos waatumoroaoooylaathanleckotmpbourdwaee lnthokitdieanblslsthetlniaofyeartohave those extra Cupboards installed Denis Shosrd will do the complete job or nipon you with the neon nry materials EXPERT ADVICE Planning to bands home or tonpant or re model your present home not us help you get the besttlrcsulte at lowest cos tmiuv Pillle IiDlItl mum on not oo iinl tun HARDWARE and lOOLS We stock complete line of building mater lals for the dadoyou sol man And all ma teriais flint are bought from us may be finano WE Wlll FINANCI YOUR NEW HOME ism LINDE Distributor for this Elston Welding SeriIiceiSupplyCom perienced staff unclerthe manag new firm of welding supply special service at competitive prices Welding and Cutting Equibrhe This progressive firm Will LINDE productsincludin TOP QNAIJTY FAIR PRICES Painswlck Pm Collm Sinus Illile Slllillllll LTD fwnnms Silver usurni BUMPANYA P0 Box 605 Burton Avenue Highway No Ill Phone PA 84473 Barrie Ontario as the new rea replacingour previous distributor pony is operated by fully ex ernent of Mr Cy Elston This iStsis équlpped to give prompt to all users of Industrial Gases hi and Shopliesf provide mpleteliné of dapendable such Wellknowin brand names as