Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Dec 1959, p. 15

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For Sale CLARKS TRADEIN NEW AND USED FURNITURE STORE CLEARANCE ANNEX YEAREND SALE Brand New Space Saver $4450 lRock Maple Imperial Loyalist Dining Room Suite $17500 Chesterfield Chain $1250 $499 ALL FLOOR COVER REMNANTS GOLD 5m SANDRAN IN OUR ANNEX STORE HAVING DEALT WITH THE MAYOR MQTELWE HAVE CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF USED BEDDING Ribbon Slat Springs Steel Beds Spring Filled Mattresses Continental Beds 1Whlta oil Annex Range Usedlllectric Refrigerator Above In Excellent Running Order lGurney Burner Electric Rang zPlece Gray Davenport lBalitty Heavy Duty Runner Electric Range lSpace Saver gt lYouth Bed complete with spring mattress 14Coat and Wood Cooking Range 18Piece Chesterfield Suite ZjPiece Davenport Suite velour suite lSimplieity Washer with Pump only monflis old $5000 $3450 $4950 $6500 $7500 $2450 $2450 $2950 $3450 $5950 $6500 2Piece chesterficld newly recovered in brown nylon $12900 Clarks Home Furnishings 38 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PA 82843 PA 66433 LL II Finoncinl IIAMortgdge Loans CADALLAC MORTGAGE C0 LOAle AVAILABLE COMMER CIAL MORTGAGES IST AND 2ND aDUOET SOLD on ARRANGED CONTACT MR suns II YAltROW Manager ll DUNLOP ST PA 68526 llAMMwPtt l3 Fruits and Vegetables APPLES THE APPLE BARN Mldntasb mountDd Tolmnn sweat Wolfe Rlvcr crank ry NORTHERN sPIrS Pippin JERMAN PETCH HIGHWAY ll SOUTH PA 32129 After Ii pm only ufMW lr 16 Personal HYPNOTISM It ynli situat from insomnia ten of continuum excesnva tmnktnl eatlng or drinking emotions or nervous disorders undesirable nnlr ita or lack or peace of mind there can be overcome Pres consulta our DAY 0R EVENING PHONE PA 643501 Io70tr LEAvINa Barrie or Florida on or about Janlnry Room for two passengers Phone PA E9293 was com waves or EemePormAn an MIL done LII your Own home by experienced licenced hltrdress FARMS Hours PROPERTY lIMII15 16 Room and Board ISARooms for Rent FURNISHED Room or rent Cen tral Gentleman preferred Phone PA dam MIA1052 I9 Legals MORTGAGE SALE Under Ind by virtue DI the DOV er contnincd in certain mortgage which will his produced at the tlme of tale there will he offercdvfor rule on Saturday the 9th day at January mo nt the hour of ten oclock ln the formalin at tnu Sheriffs cum in the Court House Barrie the following property namely Au and singular that certain cel or tract of land and uremia riinate glut and luringI In the or Illrdxlr in annlhlp or Medante IA the County of Sim can and beltr Ihe East at out throughout or vulnzeLot Number on the west side of gene tanzuuhrne Street and the south side of Mill strutr as shown on Registered Plan No 2am said Lot being tomrrly known as Lot 18 On the nrmlru there it said to no twortnrcy hrlth athrcwhlch glut purchaser may inspect loi litm Terms TERI per cent of LIX pur fhlsc money he did down If Ch SITE EIIAIIEE within 01 It will to the satiaiacuou the venildr For further IHICLIIIKS and ditlnns of dllflapflFFlYSD Wflsodmlh Murphy Gwen Street tlcttors for the Martanet Dated at Barrio December 29th FOR THE OFFICE OF No FOR OFFICE FOR VESPRA ITOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOMINATIUN 0F CANDIDATES ONE TRUSTEE FDR VESPRA SCHOOL AREA THE YEARS 1960 AND mgr WILL DE HELD AT TOWNSHIP HALL MIDHURST MONDAY JAN LOEalerruzar MLLBEOVIEO LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barristers sohclton Notaries Puallc convoynun ole Money to taul OlflcoIl Owen st Earlto Brunch efflwgfilm out Rows QC Saulml QC CONDER £7 SUGG BARRISTERS SOLICITORS It NOTARIES PUBLIC CONDER HA SUGG SLA mini Dunlop st tut PA 477 LIVINGSTON C7 MYERS rrlrlcn and Solicitors Cumer StBerfu PA PA 66001 JOHN OTlON BA rrlator Solicitor Notary Dunlap st Elli BARRIE PHONE PA roan SMITH C7 McLEAN Hebcr ainlul QC Arthur luchun Bruce Owen Brrrlrten Sanction etc so Owen st Phnna IgtA wot OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE WILSON OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC Phone PA molt Wilson aldr Ba Edwin ivllron BSA no Mattrlc Murdocl no Doctors of Osteopathy ere tint trauma uhnicluna ACCOUNTANTS ROSE FIARRISON Chartered Accountants Samuel Rose CA Samuel Harrison CA Arnold Rosa CA so Collier st Phone PA Mail HARRIS NEEDHAM C7 WRIGHT Certified Punltc Accountant Toronto and Barrie Barrie OfficeWilson Bide Fred Grant Scum PHONE PA 83397 Resident Partner Neednam CPA ARTHUR EPOWELL Chartered Accountant union st East Barrio PHONE PA asm HEPHEJuIHIT AN WSWI CAN REAEgM rnurrssmiul illustrativ MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Tuchu of Hand storinr Team will ore and tar eumlnltlenl at th Oyll eunurvatury at Music Toronto All det lac AHCI Modern mother studio landlord st PA 54713 ANGUS ROSS 82A permred Music Terran inrlruo uon Piano Theory coarnlnr in Palcoach Latin other school sub Ito Dunn st Part earri cam rim DAVIE Or CANADA 0n Iour In Us Studln nfipenl MARI 23 IMO RAYMOND DANIELS TEACHER or MUSIC PIANO THEORY Studio PA 991 st Andrews Church Earri OPTOM ETRY ROBERT SMITH RO Optometrist 94 is Dunlgunst raftPauu $2583 NOEL STEPHENSON RO Phoge PA Mm FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR SERVICE AT MODERATE COST CONVENIENT ms 10 Wonlu St Danla FORESTRY PETER HARVIE REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL FORETER Specializing tn Pam woodlou RR NO BARRIE PA erases VETERINARY DR FLEMING DRL FISHER Veterinarians and Surgeons Sophiast East aurriu PA 84545 Service gt Dial PA 24I4 For Want Ad BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified ad vertisments are lnserted at the rate of 4c per wold per inser tion for one and two times do pergword fortliree four or five times and Me per word for or more insertions 10 addl tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM CDSI FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS title IF PAID WITHIN lo DAYS on are IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices and Cards of Thanks $15itjfor up to 25 couple of days at Murray Car Cuming Events 5c per wutd Miss Bolton and pupils gave fine Christmas concert In the school last Monday night with Mrs Fred Richardson and Mrs Clarence Carson Is pianists Murray Carson was dullman and Santa Claus was In attend ance with treat for all the children fmm the school board Everyone enjoyed most pleas ant evening Miss Doris Bolton has gone to her home near Lindsay for Ihe vacation Mr and Mrs Horn spent Mars and had Christmas Day there Mrs Htlderley and son and Mrs Hawkins and daughter of Sudbury visited at Chester Rich ardsons Mr and Mrs Kenls spent Christmas in Toronto George Johnson visited In Georgetown for few days Langman Allenwod spent Christmas Day wlth Mr and Myra Clarence Carson and fam Miss Janet Lucas Toronto and Mr and Mrs Ouine and Billy TBI BABRIE EXAMINER TKUBBIJAY DEC SHRED15 ch plac the of Pa member from chocolates Tho ctztuwere with Mr and Mrs Ltitls and MrshF Richardson Chris lhafem ls extended to Mrs the sudden death ge which arm In Alliston hospital on night the bowling Christmas party at Weddells ere lovely lunch was served by Mr and Mrs the evening at numbers were and one dell Duri ed in lucky score ily of Mr and Mrs Irving Carson met at the home Carson on Sunday after social hour exchange of gifts rid buffet lunch was en =toyed 35 aduILs and children winning the chocolates were Elva Suther lnnd Doreen Maison Ethel Steers Edith Young Doug Roy nolds Edgar Kueeshaw Law rence Wiggins Blossom Switzcr Jim Wetharup Jean Smythe Wilmut Matron and Mae Bray BOWLING RESULTS Ladles Singles Glenda Pax ton 239 Doreen Maison 228 206 Jean Orr 216 Blossqm Switzer 203 216 Marg Short ridge 230 Ludies Triples Glenda Pax ton 569 Vera Kneerhaw 506 Doreen Maison 542 Blossom Swilzer 561 Mens Singles Doug ey nolds 26 Bryan Jackson 302 John Grimshy 267 hlens Triples Bryan Jackson 669 John Grlmsby 647 Team standing Demons Larks 22 NuttyNuts 22 Hot Rods 21 Energets 20 BobLas 20 Beginners 16 Obllbways ls Ugly Swans ls Destroyers 14 Aces Ii Cannon Balls 11 il By ANNE ADAMS Dolls WARDROBE HURRY lI make this prctty wardrobe for her little girl doll Easysew includes cont head hand party dress barbe cue nutfit blouse slacks pen the duster nightie Printed Pattern 4533 For dolls 14 16 18 20 22 inches tall State sixe Printed directions on each pat tern part Easier accurate Send FORTY CENTS 40 cents in coins stumps cannot be acc cpted for this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send Order to ANN EADAMS cure of Pattern Dept The Bar rie Examiner 60 Front St Toronto Ontario TELEVISION CK THURSDAY DEE Ill 1130 Test Pattern Salvation Army Papcyc and Pals News Weather Farm Report Movie Shield For Murder Open House rllrn Flnyhousr Womens Show popryu and Pals See For yourreu Thts Lfvtniz World Roy Rog Three Stonses Farm Market R2110 News Weather Sports Gunsmnke Durhour Command De To ant Lamvan Close up luln Iroul ttuckhawk Country Junction San Fiandann Beat cacrv News Governor Gellerall Message virlety Show Toronto Variety Show wluulprg FRIDAY MN 103w TestPattcrn Sacred Heart Pdpeyeand Pats Purndu Review Tournament OI Rose Parade Noonduy Import sandsId loll Op nous Party acooaes Rast Genet is Sewage$80 wood sUNNIDliLE cns Zion YFS and Jubilee have joined to form one socie which meets at Zion Church Jubilee Church Stayner on ternnte Wednesday evenings The election of officers was neld recently and resulted as follows president Willard Sage vicepresident Alden Brown secretary JoycsGlffen trees urer Jim Craig Missions convener John Nell Worship convener Shirley Iifclt Nabb followship convener Ada McNiven They held Christmas supper and party at Stnyner Wednes day Dec 16 with an exchange of gifts SUNDAY SCHOOL The annual Sunday Stdlool en tertainment was held in the hall Dec 23 with Rev Parsons as chairman short program of recitatious and musical num bers followed by games provide ed the entertainment The memory course and lit tendance certificates were pre sented by Rev Mr Parsons and Superintendent Ed Buie Certificates for the various memory courses were presented to Ann Buie Shirley Buie Kath ryn Wood Linda Cutham Karen attendance to Freddie Cutham three year Kathryn Wood and Linda Culham Jeanette Mc Murray Atkinson five years Gauley Shirley Buie and Ray mond Bule all seven years and Ann Buie lz years loldal old St Nicholas arrived and distributed the gifts Relreshmcnts were served and social hour enjoyed by all NEWS Dec 16 was the date of the Chns lmes meeting of tho Vir mens lnstiulte at the limit of Mrs Arnott Carrothers with is in attendance Mrs lii hic Gauley couvener conducted an interesting program Gifts were exchanged bounteous lunch was served by the younger members Christmas visitors with and Mrs Everett Loughced were and family Mr and Mrs Car mlln Hare and family all of hlcaford and Mr and Mrs Bert Maw and family of Edonvalc Mr and Mrs Earl Lem on were Christmas visitors with their daughter and her family Mr and Mrs lnck Goddard of Hamilton CHRISTMAS VISITORS Christirlas visitors with Mr nd Mrs Rule and Elean were Mrund Mrs Jack Mc Gnuluy and family of Coiling wood Mr and lilrs Ralph Agar nd son of Glen Huron Mr and Mrs Albert Fisher and family Thomas McGauley Elwoodhlc Gaulcy and Mr and Mrs Rus sell lchauIey of stayner Christmas visitors with nd Mrs Itlel Sage included Mr nd ltlrs Mel Barnes and fam of Stayner Mr and Mr lack Shepherd and family of Everett and Mrs Laura Vigg Ins of Beaten Mrs John Buie spent Christ mas with her son Ed Bule Mrs Rule and Ann Mr and Mrs Mac McGauley Brian and Jeanette were Christ mas visitors with Mrs McGaul Mr and Mrs Herdld McKnight eys slstrr Mr and Mrs Web Perry and family at Stayner Christmas flsitors with ltlr and Mn Wes Hutchinson were members of their family Mr and Mrs Keith Hutchinson and family of Creemora Mr and Mrs Wilbert Ritchie and family of Creemore and Mr and Mrs Bruce Cole and family of Elm vale Mr and Mrs Earl Buic Rey mond and Shirley spent Christ inas with the farmers sister and her family Mr and Mrs Jack Sharpe Linda and Brenda of Stayucr Mr and Mrs Edgar Cerruth crs sptnt Christmas with lheir sun and his family Mr and Mrs Arnott Carruthcrs IIIIfllId Mrs John Fisher and family of Toronto visited on Christmas Day with Mr and Mrs Walter Fisher Mr and Mrs Archie Ollham and fnmilyhad Christmas dinner with Mrs Culhnms father Geo rge Pride of Stayner For Christmas supper with Mr and Mrs Herb Culilam were the family Mr and Mrs Illnn Le hcck and Sharon of Sixth Lin Notiawasagn and Mr and Mrs Archie Lulnam Fred Linda and Susan Mr and Mrs lilol Bates Bill and June and Mr and Mrs Ro bcrt Bates and Susan Christmas with the farmers dnu ghlcr and her family Mr Mrs Dauglad Gilfcn and family of Edcnvnlc Mr and Mrs Leonard Volnor of Bolton visited during Christ mas weekend with the lolters parents Mr and Mrs John Wood Lloyd Harvey is patient in General and Marine Hospital Cattlugwood However he was permitted to come homo to spend hope he will soon he in Improved health Misses Ann Ritchie and Susan Hutchinsdn both of Creemore spent some holidays with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Wes Hutchinson CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER South dealer Neither side vulnerable NORTH Axaas 1092 Lions AJ man 472 volts ooao tlcals SOUTH AAQJlos vAKst K2 4103 The bidding South West North an Pass a9 Pass Opening leadeight of hearts Most of the time when you WEST Add 87 outs alquz take finesse it is against some ing queen or jack the defend rs hold FInesscs against tens nines are comparatively rare and against lesser cardsare al most nonexistent But here is case wherei de lurer takes finesse against De Morgan Donna Patterson Greta Peter Nell Patterson Bob Morgan Murray Atkinson and Raymond Buie Seals were given for perfect VRCHIINNEL3 Garter Dovid Good Ufe lhuatia Mission at MidCentury Cnuntry Calendar Junior liugarluu Cltlzens Porurn web oi Lin zath Century Lassie missing fiveand while it re quires very close attention by de ciarer to recognize the Iinessing position that ultimately arises it is none the less West led the oi South could see there was heart and club loser He could not afford both or he vouldgu down in the slum The heart lead appeared to he topofilothihg probably sin gleton or daubleton covered the eight with the nine and won the jack with the ace So South Then it drawing tw rounds of trumps and to give himself the maximum chance to make the hand he cashed the king and ace of diamonds De clurer ho ed the QJ of dia monds mig possibly drop or be ruffed out on the third round but when neither honor appear cd Southnbandoncd diamonds and gave his cntim attention to the heart suit He led the heart ten from dum nly East could not afford to duck and ere with the queen Dcclnrel won with the ace catching Wests seven By this time South had the left while East had the 53 Dummy wasncxt entered with trump and the deuce of hearts was led When East produced the three declarcr finessed the four And then on the good six South was able to discard club from dummy and wound up making seven The hand demonstrates that there is no limit to the depth of finesse But you do have to keep your eye closely peeled to the business at hand to realize that after two rounds of suit are led the sixspot Is the mesa ter card and that the four call us sumc rank high enough to at fain Iinessing status Saturday cholce of plays TELEVISION RENTAL SERVICE Ill 83606 News Magariua ram Forum Lawrence Welk Bob Cummings Father KtmwsBtst Jenn Fairfax lion Ed Sullivan alto GJVL Presents limo Genrgc 60th man Saber ol mndon llon CBCTV News mo art acorns and Weather lids ltnvfe The Nightmare MONDAY JAN 1130 Test Pattern 1145 Manto Marl 1200 Popeye and rail run News Weather Farm chnrt 100 Movie lrcuunls Troll on House Pert¥ Womens Show Popeye Les Look sumo AIIvAround Us Youth on spypu shah as tagger Quick Draw hchnw Laurel and llardy rarmnsurtat Reports Naws Weathcr CllltltlElt MISS In IIHyour Carrier Has not arrived by pm please phone 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home VALLEY Christmas with his family Sport DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS Wenther and Sport iaoTrovldeaLéIaiy shaw 3° 30 Gm Danny Thomas Show gt kadflwn Rtverhoat THERE IsNO CHARGE FOR rats srRVIcr er Phone PA uaesz leI mo FROM 1200 RM To 110 PM AND TAKE NOTICE PHAT ELECTIONS IF ANY WILL DE HELD ON MONDAYJAN 111960 FROM sao am To 630 pm AT THE FOLLOWINGJLA DIVISION Na IGEOE THOMPSDNS HOUSE DALSTON GEO THOMPSON DRO DIVISION N0 iTOWNSIIIP HALL MIDHURST SMITH DRO DIVISION NO iPERRY EQUIPMENT CUNDLB NDRTH KEN MILLER DR0 DIVISION NO5GRENFEL HALL CLIFFORD ID1D DRo DIVISION NO BDAR HALL FERNDALE MRS CLARENCE ROBINSON DRO EARL RICHARDSON Township Clerk n1o4 words over 25 words it per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used 3t pér word extra ERRORS DRCORRECTIONS Advertisers an reminded that an nhona insertion orders unaccept ed us annvenlsnce to you the ad vertlser Therefore in Clusffled Advertislnz Dept re uest nll advertisers to klndJy rec eck their advertisement lurmediatlly after that lnruruon In Order that any to rare or omlssllins me be rupurteo before an that same mryl7a to tha Olluwlnl do inter der We wishtd out arms Examiner manual one Inclm may prin insert on on any Movialirho Builiightnr New 16A Womans Cornet LEARN HAIRDKESSING Enrol now In um government chanted schoni when on are thorouluy trainee In till ranches beauty culture Pot Inlannnunn write nmeu HAIRDiuESINO school It COLLIEP STREET on warm PA use XA llurdwru Country IIoedowia Four lust Men 10 Flying Doctor mm Miko Hammer As Gillette Flight Jim CDIOInJIL can TV News The Weatherman Today In Sports Community New Mould radia courageous sArUiLDAY JAN 340 Test Pattern 355 News Briefs 400 Wrrtern antc 500 lCarlllou Myrtery 530 Mickey Haul 600 Millionaire Weatherman Today In Sports Community New Public Defender 1100 18 Room and Board I8AjRoorhs for Rent lltIOIrr lumishad Wltm bedroom soard o1ptlonal Allandulc rhoua PA as do IaAItMl running but and night very central slow or munt Phone asters aauii laA IMl l3RIGHT Iurnistmtl housekeeping mom Slave and toirlgerator Alan ncdroom Li tit housekecrlm If desired Par its PA aesa ISAIBM In MIDIIURST DECEMBER 15 less ZI Auction Sales AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JAN rrn stock Implements Hay and ain for Gordon Wyantlot to Co Nottawuaara Township Iurt west of Hlnna Motors Town of Stlyncr Terms canh No mam the prapérty has been sold Sale at 1100 purl Jerry Coulhlln narrowly escaped sday NARROW ESCAPE OWEN SOUND ItCPtv Mrs Burt tchesoll and her slit chil dren all under the age of eight when flash fire destroyed their homeI near Marysville Lake 15 miles west of here Mr Altcheson advertisement cndthen only to in QXIGIII 0T demon OI Id Ihll involvra the mundnt Errora which do not lessen on value at tho ud vertisement aru not eligible for corrections ny mitt oms Rates and type styles for send dlsplay clnrsldeds may be obtained through The Examlner advertising depar out All WANT An copy ahouldhe In our office by pm the day was working in the bush at Le tinted before publication 0n Satur day by noon Tennessee Emlle Dennis TheEMenIcm Mr Ada and Eva Ann Sout em See aunt NHL Hockey inn Whyt show Johnny an to um cnc News Sports Sun Juilatte auNnAv JAN llts Test rattem 11 Faith For Tod Popcyednl

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