ft As tar as the provinces are concerned there has been steady improvement tn tax deals with the federal govern meat in the last 10 years This graph shows the amounts oi tederal tax money granted to the provinces during 195060 Unconditional grants are main iy taxvsharing Payments Can fditlonalgrants cover shared TAX DEALS cost programs sutdi as thel TransCanada Highway web fare payments and health grants In the 194950 fiscal year the total of the two types oi grants took nine per cent oi the tedoral budget in the tis cal year ending next March 31 they account for nearly 15 per cent of tederal spending sharp rise in unconditional Tips On Care 01 LiVestock By KEITH CLAY North slmcoeAut Amy Now are low tips on sow care at weaning time Sometarmers wean pigs gradually others take the row away and never let her see the pigs again Regardless at the method 0A0 swine re searcher Garnet Norrish sug gesta you Take the sow away from her young Not the pigs away from the sow Pigs leit inthepeninwhichtheyara acustamed to staying are not likely to beware restless ortry to break out Alter the sow is taken away trom the litter it is wise to watch the snws udder closely to make aura milk secretion has stopped It she is obviously sul teringvtroin udder distension al low the young pigs to milk her Taft IMIgnovs grant in 19515 waskcarued by newtaxsharlng agree ment Md Ontarios entry into the taxrental plan Conditional payments tell oil in 195253 when Ottawa assumed lull re sponsibility tor pensions to those over 70 Inception 0t hos pital insurance caused sharp rise in conditional grants in 195059 01 Newsmap 1Barries First Dire¢tofy LIncluded only 41 Names By HILL Examiner statt Reporter Some years ago at regular meeting at the Hons Club at Bar rla Dr Neil Laurie introduced as the speaker Swltzer ot the Bell Telephone Company of Canada Besides demonstrating many interesting pieces equipment including replica of the origin al telephone of DrAlexander Sraham Bell Mr Switzer brought with him copy of the first Barrie telephone direaory published in December of 1885 The entire directory pondsled at 01 names and addresses No numbers were used You simply naked the operator for the party you wanted by giving name It was in 1301 that the first ex change was opened in Barrie In 1335 but distance llnawas astahlldied from Barrie to New rnarkel through Bradford In 1086 the line was completed to Wen Sound in 1837 to orillia and in 1883 to Penetang During OWyears that tol hwed there was rapid growth MY improvements in Film until in February 1942 the dial systemwas in stalled in Barrie Subscribers in Barrie were Advance Printing otflce Wes ley Prop Dunlop St Allan Ilnle Station and MW Rall way Bank of Tomato Owen 5L Bothwcll grocer and secehman Dunlap St Brown Queens Hotel Dunlop St Brown grocer and seedsman Dunlop St Samuel Caldwell grocery and teed Dun lop St Canadian Bank at Com merce Dunlop St lt poo paints and oils Dunlop St Court House three one each to sheriti treasurer and county $11 attorney council diam clerk police court and tire hall Cmmtpon and Rosa dry goods Dunlap St Cross and 00 Tannery 11 Cross residence Collier st Douglas ieweller residence Ciapperton Sh Dutton grocer Dan lop St Examiner Printing Ot tioe Dunlop Stu Gas Works lgunlopjt Hewson and Cres wlcke sters Dunlap St liolt general agent Dun lop Sb Johnson coal mer chant Elizabeth St Leno and Leonor barristers Owen 8L Lount Strathy and Lount barris LOCAL MD General OAS ANNUAL MEETING Slmooeï¬ounty Childrens Aid Society Will hold its annual meet ing Feb Breaking from the tradition of recent years the meeting will be held at Coiling wood Presbyterian Churdanli instead of Guthrie Community Hall The speaker will be John Weir QC president of Toronto Catholleclilldrens Aid Society FAMILY PARTY Barrie Rotary Club holds its net Christmas family party New Iatost 1MsSShurch was me 30 Mom with their wives and diildren Will enjoy turkey supl per and theJIsual seasonal fun THE cm LEADS TheCityofBarrieleadsln the warmer of families requir ing the services of Simone Coun ty Childrens Aid Society In November 56 families in the received 1687 prevention pm service The number of dilldren Involved was 143 Com lng second was Orillia with an amines receiving 865 preven tion days service involving 72 daildren There were no fam ilies receiving GAS prevention services at Wasaga Beach kastown Beausaleil island and the townships of Oro Matche dash and Sunnidale The society during November gave preven tIon service to total 01 244 families within the county at Slmcoe involving 641 children DROP 1N NUMBERS In November Simcoe County Childrens Aid Society had 348 children in care an increase at six ovu the month of October but drop of 59 on the number innate inNovember 1958 Last month 12 children were discharg ed irom the care of the society Five returned to their parents In six cases adoption was com pleted and one child readied majority SCgTCH NOT SOUTH eczsstarynnpag98 bylined RGS reference was made to West Gwillimbury councillor called Wllliam South The person to whom the writer referred was West Gwlllimbury councillor William Scotch LAUNCEVAPPEAI milmvialeagibransch of the Can on sponsoring drive for funds to aid Chester Peach who lost his new home through recent fire three one each to town ters Owen St Lount residence High St Samuel Lount residence Hayï¬eld St McCarthy Pepler and McCart thy barristers Dunlop St McConkey residence Clapper tnn Sb McKeggie and Co bankers Dunlap St Northern and NorthWestem Railway Sta tion Ottnn Bros stoves and tin waro DunlopStq Post Office in spectors office Owen St Ross residence Toronto St Registry Office Worsloy St Sewrey Foundry Bayflcld St Simcoa Brewery Simpson Arn ali and 00 Mary St Smith depily sheriff Oliver SL ltrathy residence Blake out once However this should only be done as last resort Reducing the amount feed and increasing the hulkiness oi the ration with 1525 per cent bran tor tow days before weaning willhesten all the dry ing process RINGWORM WARTS With respect to ringworm and warts Dr Neely of the Ontario Veterinary College states that there are no new cure for these skin diseases 11 suggests that the tollowing method be used Betnrc treating the lesion scrub it with stiff brush and mild soap and then apply tincture ot Iodine Ringwarm and warts may be prevented it the following steps are carefully tollowedz The first step is to isolate any in tected animals Clean and dia lniect grooming combs haltcrs ropes rubbing pasta and feed ers with one per cent chlorin ated lime solution gt Wart treatment depends on the number at infected animals It only tow warts are found they can be removed surgically with an elastic band When warts are common in the whole herd it is best to use pre pared vaccine DlES mmnms PETERBOROUGH CHMn James McMahon 52 of Detroit died here Monday of hiiurles suf fered Sunday in headon coili aion at two cars on Highway near Port Hope Huntsville Bypass on Hwy 11 Opens Up Winter Wonderland Anew to fliciaanoua winter wonderland around Huntsville will be easier and more conven ient from now on Over the BMW Bypass the winter sport enthusiast will skim along to his favorite pleasures free train the frustrating tmflin Jamshehadtoeudureinthe old days when he crawled at snails pace throruh congested The Huntsville Bypass on Highway 11 was otticially open ed last month by Hon George Wardrope and Robert Boy er MPP for Muskoka It is ï¬veenile stretch of superb road curving around the western out slnrts of Huntsville it was built at cofl of some $2700000 Notonly 010 this bypass elim inate tliealow pm gress through the town it also gives the motorist line View ot Huntsville itself until now den ied him looking across the lake the traveller realizes perhaps for the ï¬rst time that Hunts ville ls an attractive place nest ling on may slope in the heart at one 01 Ontarios most popular holiday areas both in winter and hi simmer 10 the town of Huntsviliethe bypass has alreath proven boon affording easy movement in the business section and moth flow of braï¬c Already Hunts ville merchants are looking for ward to the seasonal tourist peaks with easier minds says the Department of Highways Hro aesIoIiNrs INNISFIL Noras Inca HOUSE MAY BE CONDEMED 1n letter lrom Mrs Minnie Day at Cookstown tollowing the story regarding her diiticulties since purchasing the property we hear that she was told by Councillor William Scotch not South as mentioned that it her home were placed in the next lower category which would be it would then be untit tor ha bitation She claims that the Councillor for West Gwilllnburycautioned her thateven alter the node was changed she might tind the house had been put into the bracket However she also stat ed in this letter that she had been assured by County Roads Engineer Jones that she BEETON Mrs ll Pettlgrew is spending the holiday with her brother and alsterinlaw Mr and Mrs Maxwell ol Paris MrlLRaeisvisitingherson and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs David Rae of Toronto Mrs Bray visiting with relativa in Toronto Mrs Choate of Torontok visiting her brother Hear InelL Mr and Mrs Harry Campiin are Spending the Christmas bolls day with their son and daughteb inlaw Mr and Mia Laurie Sims of Brampton Earl Hammcll and Velda v19 itod with relatives in Toronto on Wednesday Mr and Mrs RWood 01 10 ronto are visiting with Mr and Mrs Keanu Mr and Mrs Boatin ot liark ria called on friends in town on Monday evening Mr and Mrs Eagerman spent Christmas with relatives in Toronto Miss Joan Baycratt vnurscln training at Toronto visited with her parents Mr and Mrs Bayeratt during the Christmas Watson spent law We during the past week with nia rivos in Chicago ll Mr and Mrs Wilhed Wright are spending the holiday with relatives in Toronto INVESTMENT CHlllS ermine on in so Dunlop St an em TB INVBBIMBNï¬mLDI Helm Price View Can swat due Oct llaa 10075 Can due Dede 1560 9515 can 37 dun May not Toronto Que HY Que 997 am 5015 on hollow as 10000 Nvi170a 133s an grill solve 514 Supt 7111000 ac lace Nov 80 15 some om Nov 11 It rauniï¬iilllsafla szoo 3° yes ugsgg 0011 BMW an 000 173 120 bwmsvbuï¬k use 70 10m ssaa panen EEE EEE OF BARRIE SIMCQE COUNTY Raocnoly we pinchased new issue of City of Barrie debentures which we consider to be an excellent investment It has been suggmtcd that wemake some at these debentures availabievho citizens at Barrie We literature have pleasure in altering subject boprlor sale City of Barrie 6Vz debentures Maturing December 15th L965 1910 10000 and accrued interest To yield 650 These debentures are in denominations 00 $1000 $6500 is payable December15011 annuoiily QUIET HOLIDAY Only two motor acddents and two diarges marred the holiday weekend in Orillia town police reported Monday anon av TecuulcoLon SHOWING ALL THIS WEEK 1Prices For This Adult 150 studentsï¬tlo Engagement Only Children 250 Tax Includetll yhl It is antinitiated that niece debenmur livery around the middle of January ewdh mes muntinglin 93 will be printed 81nd available 10 de Enclosed is an application form which we suggest you complete and return at your earliest convenience should you desire to acquire any of obese debentures Should iihere be any further information you require please feel free bo tele phone us collect at EU 58611 Toronto om Gairdner Companylimitejcl Toronto Ontario Please entermy subscription for APPLICATION FORM ToGairdner Company Limited 10 Egllnton Avenue East City alumnusennuiIiInanIInInnmnnurenninIIInriIunI 00 Barrie Ontario $37270 debentures maturing December 15th 19 could sell her place with the the Issuance that the grade would be changed in route the property and that this would an ply to any prnspective purchaser According to the cements at Councillor Scotch there was little hkeidrood of thc house being martenmed as class so long as it continued to be mind This CARGO la usd tor build ings left tall into an unkept state PHONE SYSTEM DAMAGED The ice storm played havoc with the lines of the Stroud Telephone System Heavy laden poles along Highway it tell to the ground in two places At the 11th line and the highway the lines tell across the crossing and it was noceaary to station man there to usist the traffic togetottthatithllnetothe highway until the constriction now could clear them away This pole line carries new cable whidi was being strung been Painswick to the cenhal of theatShoudThisInaybeused to assht in restoring service to the north end patrons who are now entirely cut otl South of Shoud ls pola are down and this completely dia rupts service in that direction The cable line to Barrie is still intact as are sonie ot the lines in the near vicinity of the ex diange at Strviid 0n the Big Bay Point road where both phone and hydro ser vice was disrupted electric rer vlce has been resumed but the phone service there is also af fected by the highway break The work to bedona to re store telephone services is ex tensive as the fallen lines have loosened the wires on both sides otthebreakandawindwould mix them up Service engineer Oscar Bowman was out most at Sunday nliait endeavoer the service intact The 337 lines did not go down until amqu noon Monday At the gate of the general unn ager Roy Wamica the lines al though not fallen were dangling down so that his gateway was almost blocked This makes it more dltflcult tor the Cuppany 008 PLAYERS THEMRE BOARD CONTBOVEBSY Defends Local Concrete Product By FRANK GREEN President Simone Block Co Ltd Inview of the discussion re garding concrete blocks which took place at recent meeting at the High Selmol 308111 it might be well it local manufacturer bepermittedtomakeatewcom meals on the subject The archltcu had specill ed an autoclaved block which is not made In Barrie in reply to mem bers questions re local products Mr Steele stated that the auto claved block is superior pro duct and preferred its use As block manufath would agree with this but only to point In the first place it does not necessarily follow that block made by conventional methods ls interior to an auto claved bbick it is quite pow sible to get poor block by auto claving brie explanation the prams ot autoclaving might be of interest This method 0t manufacture is modern as it is unable to unmnunlcato with various members the Board The costs of replacing the ser vice will be considerable At nomina tlon meeting held in the police village of Cooks tmvn for the nomination and election of the village trintees the 1059 Board was rcclmd by nedamation Ira Wilson Narm an Cook and Edward Amen were not opposed intheir nominations tor trustees or the coming year Among matters discussed was the watd system which hm been undiagofcn tbepsst coupleof years The Board in reply to questions In to the delay in get ting this into operation said ltd engineer was making thor ough survey at the various trout ages so that an accurate rate costs amid be applied The Board reported that 10 new street llghB were to be add ed to theJystcm also that as scts at over 510000 were the various accmints of loge including the power light 00 development which enables the producer to ship hlsblock almost immediately it is made The high pressure high temperature air lng reduces the possibillty 0t ptotlucurelato blI atheism reduce the cement content as he gets the full value of the cement immediately on completion at the curing cycle However the atreugth of the block is not likely to ever in crease beyond the 1000 PSl required by usual standards block made by low pressure low tanpuature curing methods will continue to increase in strength and it allowed to mason in the storageyard for about 00 to at days will have shrinkage tumor comperable to the autoclave block lhera are two other points worthy at note he autoclave Iyltein MAY be an advancement in the manufacturing at Slag block but personally consider that concrete block are better made by the older method used locally in motstaruhrlukage tae toe to beyond the rental at the manufacturer once the block dripped the job Unlcll the blocks are cov ared daring wet Ivethis Mange arch MAY oe ur in long unbroken walls laid while wet renan manntacturtng methods would finally point out that our company has supplied very substantial quantities of block tor government construction in Camp Borden without ANY jections In the case of one bulldlngautoelave blocks were speciï¬ed and we were able to se ours an Equiva Certiï¬ cate permittan the usa of our block This certiï¬cate is on tile in our ofï¬ce We are pleased that the Board has decided to use local products subject to the ardiitccte appro vlil and would assure the mem beradtheBoardthattheyneed have no concern that they are accepting an inferior product 000mm Sfli0ltfltl8 0006060050 lAlNA TooAY EVENING SHOWS 700 and 900 mm WEllNEBDAY tht pm EitDAVIDFARRAR mime speclat new YEARS MIDNIGHT snow The Best Evervlhing snow arears mm min $525000 om OFBARRIE ONTAlth To be dahedi 10th 1959 Prlnolpaiiand Annual Interest Twontbland Montreal y6lh Deleon tum ro matInc ionoim payable in 10min money at Canada Barrie These debentures will be in denominations of $t000 These debentures noncallable The cenuuoate of validation or the Ontario Miimtlulpal Boaid will be endorsed on each debenture an evidence of the legality of aheimue Thesadebentvures will be direct dongs 01012 or one city of Barrie at 10000 PURPOSEwlhe proceeds of obese debentures are to be applied as follows School Steel street Public Schoolaudnorium Imdustrlalï¬ite sidewalks 1965 1906 1967 1968 1969 1970 We as principals of or about Jan dry lot swim Qsanitary and Storm Sewers 1972 1973 1914 1915 1976 1977 1978 1919 $25000 $26000 $28000 $30000 $32000 $26000 s30400000 0300000 2450000 10000000 3450000 salmon or mamnrrms 1961 1905 soloI these elhénturea it usead whenlsaued and accepted by nanometer mohair vailidationby the Ontario clpnlvBoerd tor delivery on omen are biedt 0030110031 and prior sale