Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1959, p. 7

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BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC 23 $9 LEFROYihc Womans Mis sionary Society of the United Church held in December meet ihg in the iunday School room Thursday evening wiUi the president Mrs Noble in the chair The meeting opened with into tlon and Christians hymn firs Mervyn Noble read the qcrlpture and Mrs Farrier Secretory read the minutes of the previous meeting and called the roll The treasurer Mrs Stewart gave the financial ieport and nominating commits cc reported Readings were given by Mrs Mrs Noble The next meeting will be ar ranged later with installation of officers The meeting closed with the benediction The Womans Association pecting was held with the ident Mrs Young pre ding ers Flemming read the rtion of scripture arranged Mrs Kelly read the les ion thoughts Mrs Frank Com secrelary read the minutes the previous meeting Miss Donnelly treasuror gave her re Qort on the finances and this villain Stephens Grose and lllrslli Leiroy WIVIS WA Meet or December was followed by discussion on various items icstimatc of well drilling as the social affairs of the church have tbeen seriously handicapped for water through the shortage from wells for the past two years Plans were made for closet to preseer tho gowns recently pur chased for the choir short program followed the business period Mrs Stephens gave reading How Like llu mans Hens Were Mrs Mc Donald gavc Scotch semen on Jonah in the Wholes Stom achdnamhcr oi carols were sung with Mrs Stewart at the piano Following the closing the WA members served dainty lunch highlight of the closing was when Mrs McDonald was asked to come Mrs Stewart Donnein and Mrs Corner presented to her beautiful table lamp in appre iatlon of her leadership of the choir Mrs McDonald has giv en freely of her time and talent to the chair in the service of praise She was taken by sur prise but graciously thanked themcmbers of WMS IVA and choir for the gift saying she had enjoyed the opportunity of Mrs Stephens reported on the to the platform and Friday means holiday for gtmost butlor firstyear stud ent nurse Joyce Walker it means day on the childrens word at Royal Victoria Hos pital But if work she must what could be nicer than bring ing some comfort and fun to these little ones who will spend Christmas away from home singing and helpingpin the choir Christmas dinner in the RVH Institute Members EEnjoy Christmas Luncheon STROUD The Yuletide meet ing of Stroud Womens Institute tbok on festive social air 1haa 34 ladies sat down to noon luncheon Dec 17 in tha club rooms ofSt James United Church The tables were in gay Christmas dress and added much to the conviviality of the delight ful meal Happy Birthday was sung to the president Mrs Gordon at An exchange of gifts added to the buoyant spirit of the day The ladies convened at two gcloek for their regular meet Rev Mr Bell was the speaker and chose ashis topic Miscon ceptions Toivords Christianity He spoke of objections towards religion being taught in the schools that there are those dtho feel Christmas is pagan celebration andshould not have part in Christian celebrations eiplcs of Christianity may be dropping out of society in our day He concluded by pointing out the way to adequately observe Christmas first to sac then be aware then to take steps to come near God then to worship Him from the heart in spirit and intruth Roll call for the day was an swered by Christmas verso or wish Mrs Wright discussed the motto The hands that help are holler than the lips that pray She concluded by say ing Some people have trained their cites to sea andtheir hearts to care They have joined to gether the hands that help and the lips tholpray draw for Canadian cook book donated by Campbell Hughes was won by Mrs Brady MIS Fred Mulhnlland who has attended many favors to the WI and that the ideals nnd prim was the recipient of gift St Iamés United Evening WA Holds Christmas Devotional STRDUDSt James United Church Evening WA held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs Elwood Webb Pains wick The devotional was led by Mrs Clarence Ferguson Mrs Booth and Miss Mae Ferguson The theme was Joy to the World 3A story The Boy in the Tower was read Twenty mem bers answered the roll call by Christmas poem It was asked that members of the Baby Band kindly hand in their mite boxes as soon as possible to Mrs Peacock or Mrs Robertson Thesociety is going to con tinue the baby sitting service during the winter months Would the mothers of small chil dren avail themselves of this service The report of the nominating committee isaa7followst presi dent Mrs Mervin Boothtlst vicepresident Mrs Clarence Ferguson 2nd vicepresident Mrs Robertson secretary Mrs Ross fiubberty treasurer Mrs Bruce Wino press secrelt tary Miss Mae Ferguson pan sonage committee Mrs Bruce Pinkney auditors Mrs Hughes Mrs Elwood gtWebb adveflising and posters Mrs Parker Pencock Mrs Black pianis Mrs Elmer Pratt Mrs Hughes lunch committee Mrs Small Mrs Ayers Mrs Cooper Mrs Campbell welfare committee Mrs Biddell Mrs Shannon Mrs Greely bazaar committee Mrs Elmer Pratt Mrs Gra ham Mrs Shel Bowman Mrs Boer Tea hostesses were Mrs Wan less Mrs Wice Mrs Campbell Mrs Small WmeflRflmmflufllflKfillKflflhflfi Season 54 DUNDOI ST Mrs Nelson and Mrs Mul holland were appointed to look after work and literature for the Retarded Childrens hind The Wl members are sewing banquet Dec 30 to the Rotary Club of Barrie The meeting voted cash do nation to tbelibrary board and ratified suggestion to have an In Memoriam shelf of books in the library with Mrs Wanless at the piano Mrs Brady led the gath ering in enthusiastic singing of Christmas carols Mrs Boyd displayed many de corative treatments for the Christmas season of mantels table covers placanmrds etc She received an appreciative nlnp for her splendid ideas The next meeting Jan 21 will take the form of social even mg DOTTIE TAKES UP SKATING NOW MALDEN Mass APiRe lmentber Dottie the dancing mother whose backyard danc ingin bikiniwas such neighborhood sensation summer Well shes takenvup skating now and is plan ing back yard rink exhibition for her New Years Eve guests Dottie Mrs Dottie Ferra gamo 33 mother of threewill do her skating aotJn black leo tards and heavy sports sweater 1fthe rink isnt frozen over Dottie says shell perform for her guests anyway with new dance she calls the astronaut roll Dotties bikini dancing de lighted the neighborhood males but their wiveswell that was something else again Its all right with her husband Ml chael Enemies MOORE SHOES ammo laminatingInflumuuuuumdumuuu LE5 nIINLOP vv AT litany sures35440 dining room and trip homcto Stayner Friday evening will help make it festiva day One of the patients who just may get home for the holiday SHELL SAND BY CHRISTMAS DAY nineyour old Billy Corbett shares comic book with his Nurse Walker Billy is tha son of Captain and Mrs Corbett Camp Borden Again To Hear Queens Message TORONTO CPI an tra diton in Canadian homes Christ mas morning as in lands throughout the Commonwealth the Quecarchristmas greeting to her peoples will be heard in Canada on radio at 10 oclock EST on Dec 75 The Queens voice recorded previsouly will be heard from Sandringham in Norfolk conclud ing the 2lth annual round be world Conunonwealth Christmas broadcast of the BrituhBroad casting Corporation which this year originates with the Austral lan Broadcasting Commission at Sydney The Canada wide Christmas Almanac program with contribu tions from constto coast occu pies the afternoon radio from to pm CANADIAN SCENE The Canadian Christmas radio roundup includes from Quebec folk musio by Frenoh Canadian fiddlers and sin ger Jacques Labrecque and visit to the Benedictine monks of St Benoit du lac This is followed by carols sung by choir at Lunenburg NS and an interview with the lighthouse keeper st Bond Por tage Island NS Storles of Com ception Bay fishermen and or chestra music are Newfound lands contribution The program swings to Alberta for western musictand report on Prairie highways atChtist mas Back again to the Marl times there is music from Fred £rictnn and visit with Prince Edward Island farm family Interviews with nuclear scien tists at the Chalk River atomic energy establishm at are in cluded in the Ontario portion British Columbia prolfidcs an Inlt dian choral service in native dia lect from Lytion singing by the BC and songs from Prince George up White Christmas program from Yellowknife in the North message willalso be rebroadcast at 1015 pm Canadian television will carry the Queens radio message while picture of Elizabeth is shown on the screen COWPER FILMS CAMERAS surmis Christmas Day TVfeatures in Smile then leaveyour FILMS hereq ySTUDlO Msncunv DEALER Benedictine monks at Mission Radio Christmas evening picks west Territories The Queens L490 mp 1193 but at saw so clude morning program of Christmas celebrations in other andsft carol masque with ac tors portraying pioneer celebra tions of the Nativity from Hali fax the nativity play by child rail of Rnckcliffa Park school in Ottawa and the joy of Christmas in verse from actors at Toronto During the evening Canadian television will Mother Goose the old pantomime which will be given new look by comedians Wayne and Schuster HIGHLIGHTS Thin bolus reason brings near and far to your homes giving mulch far hilt toelebnuana This column will Itieinpt to keep you in touch with the nodal uddb Jeltnklng place in the city over the Christian Iml New Yea holiday Any look new may be lubmlttedby phoning the Womenl theirk PA 5453 Mr and Mrs Gibson Sunnldale Road were in Toledo Ohio last Saturday to attend tho wedding ceremony which united in marriage Miss Susan Lynn Pctt Patterson Toledo and DeVllb youngest son of Mr and Mrs Howard Devilblsti also oi Toledo MrvGibson is presi dent of DeVilhiss Canada Ltd Jack Graham second year student at the Ontario College of Art in Toronto has arrived home to spend Christmas with his par ents Jack is the only son of Mr and Mrs Clifford Graham Park sido Drive Mrs Smith Toronto Street will spend the Christmas bolldays with her son Ward and fondly in Kitchener Luke Gravelle has arrived in Barrie to spend Chrishnas with his brotlicrlnlow and sister Mr and Mrsstevo Jonescu Dunlap Street Luke is physch edu cation student at McGill Univer aityvnnd play football with the McGill Redmen Mr and Mrs tendon Eugenia Street Will have as Christmas guests their sonin lnwand daughter Mr and Mrs Len Rondenu Kirkland Lake and Mrs Brennans sister Miss Irene Carley Toronto Harradlne patient at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Tor onto wishes to be remembered in all his friends at the Legion and the membera of the Barber shop Quartette At this festive time Mr Hanadine will take part in the wheel chair patienta Christmas program Maior and Mrs John August and daughter Gayle Kingston are visiting with Mrs Augusts parents Mr and Mrs Johnston Peel Street for the festive season PRIOR TO RBIIREMENY dinner party was held at da Boats mm FABRIC COATS ONE OF KIND DRESSES HOUSECOATS SKIRTS SWEATERS ENGERIE Homer GUEST vanm AT LOWEST rosmfl In PRICES USE OUR LAYAWAY SMALL innrosur HOLDS your GIFT Every Pnrchnla hand Im PHILIPS Clappcrton St ammunition Message From We like PHILIPS and allovernoon Lillllli L225 arrlo Yeti Pharmacist GREETINGS AT HOIIIDAY TIME Christmas becausethisMerry holl daygives useaeh year the welcome opportunity you to prder approval YOURS IA NKYOU FOE YOUR FEM DEEP We certainlyare fortunate iobave folks like choose our pharmacy as iheooo you YOIJRILOYALTY rs ontoonion TEST We want you toknow that we sincerely aplt preciatcjyou and will always do overyilung we possibly can to merityour continued YOUR HEALTH IS TO We promiscto contiiiue to so operate our pharmapythat you will always be able to count on our best efforts We will serve you as onéwhoéatem to valued friend to send greetings to ourfrlends Esmth amvijvonam By Eileen um Motel arms Friday night to honor Eric Pope on his retire ment as manager of the Barrie Brand of the MetropolitanLiie Insurance Company at the end of the year Emil Jensen was also honored for 20 years service with the company Royce Martin and Norman Page were congratulated on their recent promotions to field training instructors Out of town guests were Mr and Mrs Ronald Grant Lake view Mr and Mrs eo go Squarehriggs and Mrs Tom lili ey of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Jack Graham Oshawa Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs John Brennan Eug enia Street are Mrs Brennans parents Mr and Mrs Burke Tram Nova Scotia WED 65 YEARS Mr and Mrs Paddlson Victoria Street were at home to relatives and fewclose friends Saturday afternoon and evening on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary Mr and MrsPaddison have been resi dents of Barrie for 742 yearah coming here from Lisle Ont They were married at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs WillinmMills Lisl9 by Rev Owens of Crecmore Mrs fidglsonis the former Nancy Mr and Mrs Paddison have four children Mra Muriel Peter man Mrs Lucinda McKenzie and Mrs Frank tTaylor all of Barrie and son Norman Wind nor There are four grandchil dldren and seven greatgrandchll en Aswcll its flowers and malty gifts the couple received tele gram fromQueen Elizabeth and Minister Dlefenbaker and lctta from Barrio City Council Mrs Palomino and Mrs Mo Kenzle assisted their parents in racemes Mrs Jean Ilrry Little Lake was winner of bride doll at the Barrie Branch of the Canadian Lady Foresters draw Mrs Nutt Newton Street drew the winning ticket The Court Ifousa association held its annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs by meat High Stret Monday aven lng Sixtyfive staff member John Mcmdden MeFAopEN cor st OF THE HOLIDAYS and Hearts enjoyed buffet supper and an evening of dam ing Santa Claus arrived forethe gift exchange Guests for the oclt casino were Acting Warden Ar thur Evans Bradford and Bill Banting Ivy Miss Audrey Halfyard and Mrs Levi Halfyard Wellington Street West will spend the Christians holiday with Mr Halfyards btother and sister1m lawMr and Mrs William Mil ler Orono Mr and Mrs John Wood Nan for Street will motor to Ottawa tomorrow for the festive season They will visit with their par ents Mr and lilrs Harry flop per and Mr and Mrs Clifford Wood Mrs Wayland Bradford Street will leave Barrie Christ mas night for twoweek hol iday with her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs floor it Outline and family Sobum er Prom Schumakcl Mrs Way land plans trip to Regina Sas katchewan to visit with her bro therinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs William Fox Wlnners of the annual 141th True Blue No 337 were as fol lows handmade quilt Mrs Ellis Mldhurst table cloth Tommy Villenorcre mans wal let Mary Beleskoy and pillow easel McCortoon PICK NUNS STORY NEW YORK AP The Na tlonal Boardof Review cf Mo tlon Picturs announced Tuesday The Nuns Story in its choice as the best picture of 1959 The board an independent nonprofit organizatlon founded in 1909 se lected the films director Fred Zinaeniann or best director the year cunlsmas FLOWERS can reuntevs nome ORDER TODAY PA 35975 We Telegraph Flower APPLIANCE Vincent and Penetang

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