Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 1 Dec 2004, A05

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday December 1, 2004 - A5 Town witnesses stand tall in defence of condo rejection (C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e A l) had claimed in frustration the cross examination could take three days at the pace it was going, asked Temporale if they would havf to end by agreeing to disagree. Even then, Temporale responded. "Yes, and no." Townsend Renaud justi fied the lengthy cross exami nation because she said Temporale had given his opinion on various options, but hadn't critiqued the Daniels proposal -- a 14storey, 85-unit terraced building on the portion of the Sharkey's site that sits outside of the flood plain on the shore of the Sixteen Mile Creek at 111 Forsythe St. So, the lawyer walked the urban design expert through the planning process, asking for an opinion and indicated clear frustration that Temporale insisted on what she called "not seeing" the 17 and 12-storey high rises adjacent to the Sharkey's site. Much of the Town's case focuses on redevelopment of the Sharkey's site in a form in sync with the rest of the downtown area -- predomi nantly two to four storeys in height. Daniels' case has indicat ed the site lies outside of the downtown core east of the creek and outside o f the Central Business District (CBD) which encompasses both east and west of the creek to Kerr Street. Nor is it designated as such. Daniels' case also looks to the two adjacent high rises, as well as others including the Granary which stands 12 storeys on its creekside on the creek's east bank, the nearby six-storey Kensington retirement build ing and other high rises on Navy Street and on the east end of the downtown core. Townsend Renaud repeal- . Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver S h ark ey 's Dockside Cafe as it cu rrently sits on the west bank of the Sixteen Mile C reek n ear tw o high rises. edly suggested to Temporale that they viewed what's adja cent to the site, through a dif ferent "lens." "I think the six storeys is the maximum height. If you go to eight you lose all chance o f retaining human scale," testified Temporale, adding, the "impact on the street is a very high wall." Temporale, who authored Infill Development guide lines for the Town and the Downtown O akville Streetscape plan in the 1980s -- much of which is now in place, including street light ing, plantings, and the Town Square -- said he didn't con sider critiquing anything above the six storeys because he felt that was the accept able height limit. Townsend Renaud asked Temporale if he viewed his plan for a dozen townhouses as intensification and heard that it does move the site to medium density. When Townsend Renaud suggested the Sharkey's site with adjacent high rises was "unique", Temporale said. "It's a different condition." Temporale said he didn't dismiss the high rises. He acknowledged their pres ence. but drew his opinion by drawing on what has been successful and attracted peo ple to the downtown. "You don't draw from what has been a negative insertion to the community," testified Temporale. Calling high rises built circa 1960 "m istakes," Temporale asked "Why would you set it as a Standard for development?" "They're there, but it's the consistency of the other form that's drawn people," testi fied Temporale, who said if people want to see high rises on the water they could go to Toronto. "We're not Burlington or downtown Toronto," he said. Countering claims · the Sharkey's site is not down town Oakville, a condomini um development would like ly be advertised as being downtown Oakville. "No m atter what I do here, you're not going to see it (the 17-storey high rise)?" asked Townsend Renaud. "I wouldn't build another tall building just to hide a poor elevation," said Temporale. The lawyer claimed that while Temporale acknowl edged their existence, he did n't make any comment on how the adjacent high rises affect the Sharkey's site. "The adjacent apartments are not relevant?" asked Townsend Renaud. "I recognize them. I know them, I saw them, I docu mented them. I didn't feel they were contributing positively to the community and did not represent the pattern of development in the area," tes tified Temporale. "We have a different view of what's adjacent to the subject site. I think w e'll just have to agree to disagree,' said Townsend Renaud. Hearing officer Susan Rogers asked Temporale to reverse the situation. She wanted to know what his advice would be if he was looking at a propos al between two townhouse develop ments and the downtown was predomi nantly high rises. Would he look up and down Lakeshore Road to see what would be suitable and advise high rise or if he'd look at the site itself, asked Rogers. Temporale said he'd seek a building format that would be a transition. Following Temporale on the witness stand for the Town was planner Bob Macaulay who was hired to conduct an independent review of the Town's plan ning position. Macaulay testified he supported redevelopment of the site to something more compatible and concurred with the Town position for six storeys based on his planning analysis. "The way in which that concept (redevelopment) is expressed in Daniels' proposal is what troubles me. in particular the built form and massing that's been proposed," testified Macaulay. The planner told Rogers there's a need to "balance" planning considera tions and land uses present in the down town -- and for the need for intensifi cation to be "tempered" with the char acter o f the area. On the issue of whether the site is downtown, Macaulay said, "There's no doubt the site clearly falls within a broader precinct" calling it "the historic central place" of the town. Macaulay testified the adjacent high rises are "anomalous and anachronous" while the remainder of development in the area is "low profile." While high rises may have been built in the 1960s, the Town expressed a vision for low and medium rise in the 1970s, which was reconfirmed in the 1980s and remains in place today. Macaulay said redevelopment should be consistent with that vision as expressed in its Official Plan and testi fied that doesn't preclude intensifica tion. "It's a matter of degrees, in my opin ion," he stated. h[ M r lu r e » distinctive ^ .»!_ t j/ladies fashions (K L fS IT O M a Q $ $2S.CC $i O ffm / I&jular PricedMerchandise over$50,00 m m m Fri.r Dec. 3rd and Sat. 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