Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 28 Aug 2002, B05

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday August 28, 2002 - D 5 $ $ F U N D R A IS IN G $ $ R IM 's & R P IM 's & H C A 's > JrN COM E JOIN OUR T E A M ! Full-time & Part-time Northridge Long Term Care Centre 496 P O S TR ID G E D RIVE, O A K VILLE Earn money, without selling, for your non-profit organization by delivering telephone directories in B u rlin g to n H a m ilto n Start Date: September 20, 2002 Start Date: November 1, 2002 Y 7 We are expanding at Royal Windsor & Ford Dr., Oakville F/T & P/T, uniforms provided, paid training Dental and Medical Plan available. Savings Program, com petitive wages, incentive programs, yearly reviews. Apply in person to: Royal Windsor Ford, Online: timhortons.com Fax: 905-338-1966 retail opportunities 2001 Audio Video- Imme diate openings, part/ fu ll time Salespeople for Bur lington location. High com missions, bonuses, benefit package. If you are outgo ing and looking for a new career, call/ fax John: 905637-5705__________________ LO C A L Beauty Supply Retail Store is now hiring Full and Part tim e Sales Staff and Hair Stylists. Fax resume to: 905-337-1106 THE Added Touch retail store and tearoom requires immediate mature P/T staff. Suitable for those who can work fle xib le hours-days, evenings & weekends. $8/ hr. Fax resum es: Susan 905-338-1486. JOE'S gone crazy! Crabby Joe's, Oakville, now hiring all positions, F.O.H./ B.O.H. Call 905-257-9888; Fax 905-257-1615______________ SLYE FOX Public House. W e're looking for kitchen manager and serving staff for our enthusiastic teaml Show us you have the per s o n a lity/ experience and w e 'll provide competi.tive wages/ winning atmosph ere. Come see John at Eastw ay Plaza (New/ Walkers), fax: 905-639-3029 9 {ew zvatts, neiv w a ys , come home to C e n tra l` P arf^Lodges! Fax or em ail y our resum e to: 905-257-9883 Em ail: juliew o ng@ cp lcan ada.com The largest independent branded retailer in Ontario, with Corporate Offices located in Burlington is searching for an experienced BEHAVIO UR Institute, now hiring F acilitators, Oakville/ Burlington areas, to work 1-on-1 w/children w/autism . Should have: B.A. or B.SC. (or enrolled) in psychology; E.C.E./ CYW diploma; experience work ing w/children; Fax resume: 905-570-0778 or e-mail to: birecruit@cogeco.ca Train ning Sept. 10th in Toronto 1 ^ 1 1 * 1 drivers For more information please call: 511 retail opportunities C a n w e st D ire c to ry D is trib u to rs ( 905 ) 458-0623 o r 1- 877 - 265-1674 ( t o l l f r e e ) M o n d a y - F r i d a y 9 :00 am t o 4 :00 pm Distributor of Industrial Vacuum Pumps and Blowers~ Requires R E C R E A T IO N A L L E A D ERS Energetic and creative individuals needed for Glenburnie School's Before and A fte r School Program me. Hours:7:00a.m. to 9:00a.m., a n d /o r 2 :0 0 /3 :0 0 p .m . to 6:00p.m ., weekdays. For w a rd resum e w ith re fe r ences to: 2035 Upper Mid dle Rd., E., O a kville L6J 4Z2, Fax:(905)338-2654, or Em ail; hresources@ glenbumieschool.com Morrison House R ETA IL M ANAGER We require a responsible, hands-on individual with proven retail management experience for our downtown Oakville store location. Responsibilities include: product ordering, N merchandising and heading up a service oriented sales team. Please fax resume to: 416-259-9303 JAGUAR SPORTS BAR requires COOKS RPIU'S (Attractive Rates) Immediate openings at upscale LTC Facilities in Oakville, Burlington and Peel Region. F/T or P/T. Weekly pay. Fax resume to Endeavour Personnel Ltd 905-272-4276 CH IR OPRACTIC office seeking highly enthusiastic, full-tim e health assistant. Able to do 3 tasks at once. Will train. Must be mature, career-oriented w/good tel ephone, cle rica l skills. If you're looking for more than a job, call 905-2576792 between 2pm-7pm by September 3rd. BUSY m ulti doctor O ak ville family practice requires devoted re ce p tio n ist to work minimum 3 days/wk. Must be flexible enough to work 5 days/wk as needed during vacatio n/ illne ss. Experience preferred/ not necessary. Extra work pos sible. Fax cover letter & re sume: 905-845-8133. PART-TIME RN. Friendly, fast paced group of family Doctors requires an RN, 812tirs weekly plus RN va cation coverage and flu clinics. Family practice ex perience is preferred. Please fax your resume and RN c e rtifica tio n to Catherine at 905-845-8379 P ART-TIM E M edical O f fice Assistant- Mon-Fri 1pm5pm. If you enjoy people, we are well organized and enjoy fast paced enviro n ment, mail your resume to O akville Beaver P.O. Box 6387, 467 Speers Rd, Oak ville, ON. L6K 3S4 Experi ence an asset, will train. BUSY B u rlington office seeks Full-Time Dental As sistant. Must have experi ence & pleasant attitude. Please fax resume to: 905333-1603 or call Mary Ann at 905-681-2700 M EDICAL S e cretary- 25 hr/week in family practice. Telephone, computer skills essential. Send resume to Dr. M. Robinson, 960 Cum berland Ave., B u rlington, L7N 3J6, fax 905-639-3448 O PTOMETRIC A ssista nt/ Receptionist, friendly and reliable, required for Oak ville . O ptical experience preferred. Fax resum e to 905-842-1738._____________ DENTAL R eceptionist re quired fulltim e for Burling ton general practice. Com puter skills preferred. Fax resume to 905-319-3598, ASAP HAMPTON Terrace Care Centre, Burlington, requires RN's, RPNs and HCAs. Fax resumes: 905-631-1824 OAKVILLE Part time Den tal R e ceptionist required M onday and W ednesday evenings. Fax resume to: (905)847-0988 Bronte Road & QEW Call Deanna: ACCOUNTING MANAGER The selected individual will be responsible tor man aging the Accounting Department and the monthly ·preparation of financial statements. Reporting to the Chief Financial Officer, the successful candidate will have a CGA with a minimum of eight years' accounting and management experience. Interested parties possessing these qualifications, as well as outstanding communication skills and the proven ability to lead and develop staff, may forward their resumes, in confidence, to: Box 1924, c/o The Post, 2321 Fairview St., Burlington, ON L7R 2E3 905-847-8118 EXPERIENCED Kitchen Staff required immediately, full/ part-time. Apply in per son with resume and refer ences to The Black Bull, 1124 Guelph Line, Burling ton AB BEY G rill Hiring F u ll tim e kitchen staff. Top wages paid fo r exp e ri enced staff. Apply in per son: 270 North Service Rd. O akville. Tel: 905 -3 3 8 _____________ 5800. DUBH LIN N 'S G ate Irish Pub (Oakville) now hiring; servers, line cooks, clean e r/d is h w a s h e rs . C all (905)617-7123___________ FU LL-TIM E counter help required immediately. Ap ply in person: Thistle Fish & Chips, 3455 Fairview St., Burlington. WAIT Staff for busy down town O akville restaurant. Experience an asset. Flex, hours. 905-580-9028, leave message. ETCETERA, E t c - Fine dining in Bronte, hiring ex perienced full & part-tim e Cooks & Bussers. Call Ed die 905-827-4121__________ W AIT Staff, full/ part-time, Minimum 3 years fine din ing experience required. Fax resum e: 905-8251805. Twisted Fork, Bronte Junior Mechanic Valid drivers license, job requires packing& lifting, fork lift experience, mechanical abilities. Drop off or fax resume to: 4161 Sladeview Crescent Unit 5, Mississauga, Fax: 905-828-3674 515 skilled & technical help skilled & technical help DRIVER FULLTIME. With G Car Lie. Clean record. Able to drive stan. & auto trans. Exp. 1 ton van to Toronto. Able to lift 50 lbs. John Bloom 2-5pm Halton Auto Electric 905-845-2118 Electronics Repair Specialist B u rlin g to n b a s e d in d u s tria l d is trib u to r s e ek s a p a rt-tim e e le c tric a l/ electro n ics repair person with m echanical aptitude to staff our repair department. This is a parttim e position, 4-5 half days per w eek and would suit someone semi-retired. ATTRIDGE TRANSPORTATION INC. requires Telemarketers needed for AM & PM shifts Call for interview 905-681-8102 Licensee for Sears HomeCentral ©Licensed for use in Canada by Sears Canada Inc. Q UALITY c onscientious com pany seeks depend able person for assem bly work with good mechanical ability and experience with hand tools. Wage depends on experience. (Milton). Reply by fax only: 905-875-4729 Experience School Bus Dispatcher in the Mississauga area. Please fax your resume to 905-631-0984 m a it a m y It < > t n t js Mattamy Homes Canada's Largest Builder ; Please fax resume to: 905-333-3860 or call 1-888-749-1515 E 33 Receptionist office-clerical Entry Level Admin. Assistant required for fast paced Marketing dept. Attention to detail and organization al skills a MUST, along with proficiency in Windows based programs. Duties range from filing to dealing with important legal documents. Looking for a team player with a great attitude. Forward resumes to fax: 905-829-4836 ATTEN DAN T wanted for 38 year old q ua driple gic man in Burlington. Start $ 12/hr. up to $16/hr. 6 days/w eek. a.m. hours. Meal preparation, personal care, light housekeeping. Call 905-319-7652. HELP wanted at horse farm for cleaning stalls, M onday-Friday, 8am12:30pm. Call 905-466-4421 AVON- Start earning money for Christmas. Work full or part-time. Great opportunity. Call 905-331-6205. TUnHeltoHA. AFTERNOON / EVENING Sodexho is the w orld's la rg est provider of food and facility m a n ag e m e n t co n tra cting. As w e continue to experience expo nential growth we are in need of the follow ing positions: Excellent telephone m anner, professional ap pearance, accounting experience (high volum e A /P ), couriers, incom ing/outgoing mail, working with confidential information, assisting with projects as needed. ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT Privately owned flooring importer and supplier is seeking an experienced Assistant Accountant. The selected individual will be responsible for reporting, accounting, filing government remittances, bank rec onciliations, preparing orders, scheduling jobs and data entry. The successful candidate w ill have a CGA in pro gress, a minimum of two years' accounting experience and a strong working knowledge of accounting soft ware packages, including Business Visions. Interested parties possessing these qualifications forward their resume, in confidence: Box 1925, c/o The Post, 2321 Fairview St., Burlington, ON L7R 2E3 SUPERVISOR · FULLTIME A busy and fun college atmosphere! Light Assembly/ General Labourer required immediately. Administrative Assistant Supporting both the D irector of T raining/ HR and the Recruiting M anager, ability to m ulti-task is a must. Flexible. High e n e r gy, professional dem eanor, knowledge of da ta b a s e s , ex ce llen t telep h o n e and o r g a n iz a tio n a l sk ills re q u ire d . B ilin g u a l (French) an asset. Please fax your resume to: D. MacMillan, Recruiting Manager, 905-632-7224 or e-mail: recruiting@sodexhoca.com P A R TS ORDER RECEIVER FULLTIME for Auto parts distributor. Exp. receiving small parts & keeping them in order. Must have G lie. Able to lift 50 lbs. John Bloom 2-5pm Halton Auto Electric 905-845-2118 KENNEL help needed. W eek-ends/ week-days, must have own transporta tion. Must be able to handle large group of dogs inde pendently. Please call 905257-5927 ___________ TIM Hortons- M ature per son needed for night shift, good wages also full & parttime day shift needed. Call 905-689-6351______________ HELP wanted for busy ca feteria & vending business. Full-time & part-time posi tions available. O akville/ M ilton area. C all Brian, 905-825-6123, ext. 7222 A TTEN D AN T/ Car w ash er required fo r Volvo of Oakville. Must have clean drivers license. Send/ fax resume to the attention of Service Manager 905-825___ 8802. PART-TIM E help for Mr. Sub shop in Sheridan Col lege cafeteria. Please call 905-639-2960 for interview. Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 2pm-10pm& Sat., 7am-3pm. Experience not necessary. We offer. Competitive wage, Benefits & Uniform Apply in person or call Luke or MaryLou M-F, 9-5: $9.00 / hour Day/afternoon shifts available. Oakville/ Milton Please call Glenn 416-417-5744 RECEPTIONIST required for North Oakville aesthetic salon. Computer skills es s ential. Flex h o u rs ..... Tues.- Fri., 9am-3pm, occa sional Sat. Call 905-827-9300 ^ teaching opportunities "Chartwells Compass Group Canada" Sheridan College, 1430 Trafalgar Rd N., Oakville. Tel: 905-844-8532 MUSIC T eacher required Burlington/ Oakville. ORFF "M usic M akers", estab lished 35 years. Perm, part-tim e, beginning Sep tem ber, 6-10 hrs/w eek. Advanced m usic back ground/ teaching exp e ri ence essential. Children 39 years. Fun spontaneity. Resumes to: 887 Nora Dr., Burlington, L7T3E6, Fax: 905-634-3291_________ CHILDCARE centre seeking fulltim e E.C.E. for our toddler room. Competi tive salary, team player, loving, patient, excellen t com munication skills. Fax resume: 905-469-9577 or call 905-469-2944__________ AS SISTA NT required in split s h ift- before & after school program (Oakville.) Must drive. Also, Supply Staff for 2 centres required. Raquel 905-825-3433, ext 3. VO C A TIO N A L Teachers Required to Provide: Train ing Workshops · Computer Training to adults with dis abilities. Burlington Edu cational Centre, Fax: 905338-2385__________________ DEDICATED person needed to teach autistic preschoo ler at home and school, no exp. necessary, will train right person. 905319-2700 Music Instructors equired immediately: Guitar, Piano, Brass, Woodwinds, etc. Drop off resume to: Hi-Note Music Centre 131 Kerr St. Oakville 905-845-3751 SUPERINTENDENT cou ple required for clean, quiet highrise in Burlington. Must have cleaning and m ain tenance skills. Free apart ment + salary. Fax resume: 905-632-5486 or 416-925-0081 Client Coordinator/Ad Agency O A K V ILL E . We have an immediate opening for a client coordinator. You must be an excellent commu nicator, be well organized, deadline oriented and able to work independently, as well as in a team. Strong project management t and problem solving are essential. Must be computer proficient in Wind ows (Word/ Excel). Reception duties are required. Would suit someone with 3-5 years experience in an agency, marketing or sales environment. Fax resume and salary expectations to: 1-905-855-9444, or E-Mail to brianm@karstan.com RECEPTIONIST required for busy O akville Printer. Must have good communi cation skills, detail oriented and able to multi-task. Well versed in W indows and Business Vision an asset. Great atmosphere & good benefits package. Steve McCartney Fax#: 905-3391317, em ail: stevem c® idealgraphicsinc.com RE CEPTIO N IST/ A dm in istra tive Ass't. Software Developer (M ississauga based) is looking for in di viduals w/excellent written/ verbal com m unication skills. At least 2 administra tive experience. MUST be proficient on all M icrosoft Office applications. Please e-m ail: Adm injob@ help star.com R E C E P T IO N IS T /V e te ri nary Assistant required im mediately for busy Oakville anim al hosp ita l. F ulltim e e x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d . Please send resume to P. O Box #6388 the Oakville B e a ve r 467 S p e e rs Rd Oakville L6K 3S4 ACCOUNTS Payable, full cycle, Q uickbooks ideal, Burlington, $32K. Contact Kirsten, Fax: 905-270-9327 (M ississauga); e-m ail: mail @jenereaux.com OFFICE Assistant for Oak ville technology firm. Ac counting experience & com puter skills are re quired. Please fax resume to 905-815-1907 > 1 1 W o rld J O IN T H E W I N N I N G T E A M BELL WORLD and Total Staffing have joined forces to effectively change the way Canada hires. BELL WORLD is currently seeking highly moti vated professional individuals in their Oakville and Mississauga locations for Sales Associates. Our associates are among the highest paid in the tele communications industry. We offer above average remuneration, benefits, bonuses, incentives, paid training & technical sup port. If you are not just looking for a job, but a career, we invite you to take the first step by fax ing your resume to: i i i n m n n f t I Springridge Farm M. seasonal part-time and full-time job opportunities: Has · · · · S C H O O L TO U R G U ID ES SPECIAL EVENTS STAFF BIRTHDAY PARTY HOSTS BAKERY/RETAIL SALES 905-878-4150, or come ne to the farm to M Q Please fax your resume and times o f availability to com plete an application. W e; Ve are open daily 9 -5 . 7256 Bell School Line, ?, M ilto n , O n ta rio TOTAL STAFFING Fax 905-387-1579 fcxxxxx I 1 I 1 1 I V © lE C T R O M A R T2 0 0 0 1 We are looking for key people to fill the following positions BUSY Lumberyard requires immediately: General Lab ourer to handle sorting and stacking of lumber. Prior knowledge of lumber grading an asset. M otivated self starters w ill have an opp ortunity for advancem ent. Apply in person: 755 Griffith Ct. Burlington. Mon-Fri, 8am5pm______________________ f i I salon & spa help FINANCE & INSURANCE M D MA AU NA APC U tn Leading Ford dealership is currently seek ing applicants for the above position. Responsibilities will include, but are not limited to: > Knowledge of purchase and lease of vehicles;; »· Knowledge of financial and leasing processes >- Knowledge of financial institutions and ability to collect all necessary information and required documents for approval; > Attending Ford seminars; » Ability to sell after-market products; » Accounting knowledge; > Excellent customer service ability; » Knowledge of computers; > Ability to multi-task. Our dealership is ISO 9001-2000 Registered and Blue Oval Certified. We offer benefits, vehicle and com petitive remuneration package. Submit your resume to the attention of: David Sanci, Dealer Principal Oak-land Ford Lincoln Sales Limited 570 Trafalgar Road Oakville, ON L6J 3J2 E-mail: dsanci@oaklandfordlincoln.ca Fax: 905-844-2658 W ANTEDExperienced night cle aner for w a re house, B urlington, M-F Midnight-8am. Must be framiliar w/floor scruber. Call 905-564-1574 Ext.301 F/T & P/T Beverage Cart, Bistro & Banquet Servers. R attleS nake Point Golf Club, a year-round facility. 5407 Hwy. 25, Milton. Tel. 905-878-6222. Please fax resume to 905-693-1900 AB SO LU TE LY free info on line. W ork from home. $25-$75/hr. Part/ full-tim e. C all 1-888-246-9624 or www. 123takecontrol .com B A K E R / A ssista nt Bread Baker, F ull-tim e. Secure position. Some experience. S erious only. B urlington. Fax resume: 905-336-3059 LEADING B urlington Home Im provem ent Com pany is looking for full & part-time experienced Sid ing Installers. Must have required tools and own transportation. Please call 905-637-0018 between 9-5 Monday-Friday. JOIN the Molly Maid Team Full-time, Mon-Fri 8:30am4:30pm, DL an asset, ben efits, transportation, training provided 905-681-7484 GENERAL help and stud ents required for food serv ices. Hours and wages to be discussed. Fax resume to 905-845-9828 att:Terri PART-Tim e M aintenance/ Jan ito ria l work w ithin our 116-room hotel ideal for H.S./ College student. In cludes weekends. Please send resum e to: G eorge Grondin, Maintenance Su pervisor, Burlington Travelodge, 950 W alkers Line, B u rlington, O ntario L7N 2G2. Fax 905-639-6900 OAKVILLE company seeks fu ll-tim e person to weld bandsaw blades. No exper ience necessary. We will train. If you enjoy working in a small company environ ment, challenge of meeting production targets call us. Must be fluent in English. French an asset. (905)8478839______________________ COUNTER Help, full & part-time positions for Drycleaners in Appleby Mall. Call 905 -3 3 3 -1 8 1 2 ; Fax: 905-677-1115._____________ T E LEM AR KETE R, exper ienced, $12/hr + incentive bonus to $25.+/ hour. No selling involved. Burlington. Call 905-331-5688 CURVES fo r W om en fitness centre in Oakville is accepting applications for a 2 -8 :3 0 p .m . em p lo y e e (s ). Experience or education in health and fitness preferred. Must be self-motivated and enjoy working with people. Fax resum e to 9 0 5 -8 2 7 0829 __ S W IM M IN G -IN S T R U C TO R S /L I F E G U ARD Dolphins Swim Club O ak ville is now hiring P/T & F/T. Must be outgoing/energetic and work well with children. Current NLS/CPR. Excell ent rate of pay (905)339.3000_____________ ______ NEED Extra Cash$$$? Try T e le m a rk e tin g . W ill train D ays/E venings. S tudents welcome. Start $9./hr. Flexi ble hours (905)849-8335 or (905)849-8525(0akville) INSIDE SALES · COUNTER WAREHOUSE Only those with previous electrical distribution experience need apply for the Inside Sales or Counter Service positions. Forward resume by fax: 905-465-1665 or e-mail to franco@electromart.net SENKA Spa & Beauty Clinic requires im m ediate ly, an Esthetician with electrlo y s is experience, parttim e or fu ll-tim e , with or without clientele. Call 905332-6262________ ________ F U LL-TIM E S ty lis t/ As sistant wanted for Oakville salon. Please drop your re sume off at: "Woman" , 128 Reynolds Street, O akville or Fax 905-282-9954_______ FU LL-TIM E esthetician & reception ist required for Oakville Spa. receptionist requires com puter know l edge. Fax resume to 905338-0014 FULL-TIME SALESPERSON required Fully Licenced Registered Nurse to work 5 afternoons (20 hours) per week, Monday to Friday in a busy family practice clinic. Please reply with current resume to: Box #2123 c/o The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd, Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 HO M EM AKERS/ Home Cleaners required for Bur lington area. W ould suit early retirees Senior for Seniors. 905-572-6162 Sales experience would be an asset. Good wages and working conditions Apply in person with resume A-1 Cleaning. Reasonable rates. Excellent references. Burlington/ W est O akville area. Phone 9 0 5 -6 3 7 6974._____________________ BURLING TO N m anufac ture r requires a cleaning person tw ice per week. Must be bondable, experi enced with tile floor care, and provide references. Fax to 905-333-4313_______ PROFESSIONAL - clean ing la d ie s a v a ila b le . 10 y e a rs e x p e rie n ce . R e a sonable prices. Disinfect house before you move in w ith e n v iro n m e n ta lly frie n d ly products. S uper vised, trained. References a v a ila b le , B onded. C all Isabella (905)541-6484 W A LK IN G ON A C LO U D S H O ES Mapleview Centre, Burlington A C ountry Mile FU R N ITU R E, HOM E ACCENTS S G IFTS A C ountry M ile is now seeking m ature part tim e sales associates. L ooking for energetic, highly m o tiv a te d in d iv id u a ls p re fe ra b ly w ith retail/custom er service experience. Shifts w ill vary and include: w eekends, evenings and days. Please submit resume in person or by fax: SQ . . I I sales help & agents PERKS PERKS PERKS Looking for a change? Bar A Grillhouce WANTS YOU for our Burlington and Waterdown locations! Earn up to $14.00/hr in a fun, fast paced environment. F/T, P/T positions E-mail: tf-burl@attcanada.ca (attn: Clark) or drop by before 11 am or after 2pm at 4155 Fairview St., Burlington. W INCHESTER Arm s-- requires P art-tim e Line Cooks. Apply with resume, 450 Appleby Line (at New), B u rlington, or fax attn: Michelle 905-634-2778 ABBEY Arms Pub requires experienced Cooks to join our friendly team. D eliver resume: 481 North Service Rd. (at Fourth Line), Oak ville . Fax 905-633-8503, Tel. 905-825-1109 MECHANICS REQUIRED Any mechanical back ground an asset. Mechanic's license not required. 44-hr week. Excellent wage & bene fit pkg. Resumes to: Halton Lift Truck Inc 1054 S. Service Rd. E. Oakville, ON L6J 2X7 Fax: 905-849-3515 905-878-3770. Join Ontario's largest Telus Dealer team & the fa s tes t grow ing industry today. W e require B2B sales reps & Full-Tim e Retail staff. Salary, benefits & perks galore. JOBS JOBS JOBS AVAILABLE IN OUR COLLEGE ATMOSPHERE AT TIM HORTON, PIZZA PIZZA, HARVEY'S MAIN CAFETERIA. GREAT HOURS - MON. TO FRI., DAYS & EVGS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. WILL TRAIN. Start $8.50/hr. + Benefits + Uniform Please drop resume at our Telus Store 3480 Fairview St., Burlington email richard@primeline.ca ADDITIONS, renovations, decks. Call Ancore Contra cting 905-275-6021 for es timates. eng hotel restaurant EEC ] hotel restaurant ComFact ComFact Corporation is an Oakville based provider of engineers and skilled work crews to projects around the world. New projects have created the following openings: A dm in istrative A ssistant (P a rt-tim e Flex) We need a bright, well spoken individual to provide administrative support including filing, typing, travel arrangements and switchboard relief. Must have ex perience with MS Word and Excel. Accounting Clerk (F/T) To perform accounting duties. Must have AccPac Plus and Excel experience, proven ability to meet deadlines with a high level of attention to detail. ComFact offers competitive salaries, comprehensive benefits & a fun and supportive working environment. Fax your resume to: 905-339-3407 No phone calls please. A L L painting- jobs. Free estimates. I provide reliable service and best price. Best offer, you can trust. Call 905-466-5850 Flexible hours - PERFECT FOR THOSE RE-ENTERING THE WORKFORCE! Apply in person or call Luke or MaryLou Mon. to Fri., 9am-5pm at "Chartwells Compass Group Canada" Sheridan College,1430 Trafalgar Rd N., Oakville. Tel: 905-844-8532 Now Hiring Part-time DOWNSVIEW PLUMBING LTD. Plumbers & apprentic es required, hourly or peace work, Truck provided, union rates. Full-Time position Call Frank or Tony Managers & In-Store Crew ALL POSITIONS! Little Caesar's will train enthusiastic, ambitious indi viduals. Please fax your resume to: 905-847-2600 or pick up an application at: 1395 Abbeywood Drive, Oakville, e-mail: annamanz@sprint.ca MOVING/ Packing. Do mestic/ International. Free w ardrobe for all moving jobs. Urgent jobs welcome. 905-829-1282, 1-866-6661313 gardening landscaping LOT PERSON/DETAILER Required FULL-TIME. Duties to include cleaning and detailing new and used vehicles and general lot main tenance. Drivers license required. Neat, punctual, self-motivated people please. Deliver resume in per son to: Oakville Nissan 1450 Speers Rd. Oakville 416-675-6215 525 office-clerical Looking for a fast paced, fun, friendly environment then we want you to be part of our team G REENH ILL- Deck, fenc es, drive-ways repaired & power washed. Total land scape services. 9059206420, 905-561-7255 Accounting Asst. NISSAN HEALTH AND SAFETY SALES EXECUTIVE SafetyCare Inc. is an international company which produces and distributes its own range of Safety Training Videotapes and Manuals. Working out of our B urlington office, we provide companies throughout Canada with quality aids to help train their staff in.health and safety. We are looking to add one more sales person to our successful team. The position involves selling our products to existing customers as well as develoing new business. All the sales activity is done over the phone. The person we are lo o k in g fo r does no t need s p e c ific q u a lific a tio n s , but rather sh o u ld be able to demonstrate a stable history with a personal or business background that indicates persistence and determination. We offer a basic salary, plus commissions and health benefits, with potential first year earnings of $30,000- $40,000. If this position interests you, please call: Ed Aasman at SAFETYCARE INC. (905)631-6070 Proficient in MS Word and Excel. AccPac Simply Accounting an asset. F/T & P/T Permanent Positions also hiring FASHION drawing reg iste r now! Sheridan C ol lege -CRN7337 W ednes day evening Sept 11th, 12 weeks. 905-842-8800 T H E OAKVILLE B E A V E R Is currently looking for part-time drivers to work after 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday If interested please contact Alex Calhoun (905)845-9742 ext. 271 Must provide a Police Check & have a valid drivers license Office Asst. Good writing skills and proficiency in MS Office essential. Resumes in MS Word format, by Fri. Aug. 30th to: hr@dala-inc.com ACCOUNTS Receivable/ Bookkeeper. Part-tim e m ornings 5 days/wk. ap prox. 10am-1pm in small com puterized office. Exp. handling all aspects of ac counts receivable. Simply Accounting helpful. John Bloom 2-5pm. Halton Auto Electric 905-845-2118. OFFICE A ssista nt for business consultant; work at your home; must be ex perienced w ith M icrosoft Office/ have own computer equip.; hours flexible; re num eration based upon experience; call H olly at 905-338-3143; all messag es will be returned. Supervisors (Fast Food Exp. required) We offer: O Flexible schedules Regular performance reviews Above average wages Paid breaks a Paid training Free uniforms Benefit Program available Staff incentive programs PLANNING an event? Having trouble finding the tim e to get everything or ganized? We can help w/ over 10 years experience in the event planning field from everything to large corporate events, small parties and weddings. For your free consultation call. 416-801-6494 LOST & FOUND THE OAKVILLE BEAVER LOADERS NEEDED · Lifting involved · Safety sh o es a m ust! W ednesday, Friday & Saturday 6 :0 0 a m -12:00 OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT A pply in person to: 5051 H arvester R d.,B urlington Located at the corner of Appleby Line & Harvester Rd., ph # 9 0 5 - 6 8 1 - 1 8 4 1 Found Something? Place your · "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl. & Flamb. 905- 632-4440 Oakville 905- 845-3824 Fax: 905-632-8165 Contact Frank or Lori (905 ) 844-0577 TUnhbttoHA

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