Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 28 Aug 2002, B04

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B4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday August 28, 2002 Advice for parents of FALL REGISTRATION If your child is of at least average intellectual abilities and you are looking for an extremely supportive and personal environment, then consider Chisholm Academy High School. Limited space is available for September 2002. VIDEO GAME ADDICTS Private High School Y our son is 9 to 17 years old, good at math (maybe without trying) & is a `dedicated' video gamer. He might even fancy himself as a future game developer! We've taught game programming to hundreds & hundreds of kids & teens with these exact traits. 12 S tu d en ts p e r c la s s We convert video game addicts into computer programmers. Consider joining our 9th season of fall game development computer programming classes! Our fall video game Computer Programming classes in Visual Basic, Java or C++ channel his love of video games into a rare & valuable programming educa tion. From pacman to half-life mods to rendering engines, these are the most unique programming classes available anywhere in Canada. How about a maximum class size of only 4 students! Our fall evening, or weekend classes take place in Oakville, Maple or Toronto. To sch ed u le a FREE N O O B L IG A T IO N TRIAL CLASS CALL E llio tt Bay M .S c. (M ath) co -fo u n d er o f Real P rogram m in g 4 K ids at Power-tools for learning: A surprising top pick... Submitted by brain-trainers Academic Tutoring ADVERTORIAL 4 1 6 -4 6 6 - 9 5 9 9 Chisholm Academy High School 1484 Cornwall Road, Oakville Tel: 905.844.3240 www.chisholmcentre.com B R IN G O N T H E A D V E N T U R E ! Scouts Canada Registration Schedule Scouting Groups in Oakville have Beavers 5-7 years, Cubs 8-10 years, and Scouts 11-14 years. Some also have Venturers 14-17 years and Rovers 18-26 years. Volunteer SCOUTS CANADA opportunities are available and training is provided. A Group Name 1st Bronte Area Served and Registration Location West of 12 Mile Creek to Burloak Drive Call Council Office listed below 1st Glen Abbey QEW to Upper Middle, 16 Mile Creek to 3rd Line Please call - 905-847-5957 2nd Glen Abbey Glen Abbey west of 3rd Line. Please call - 905-847-5596 2nd Oakville South of QEW between 16 Mile Creek & Chartwell Rd. 7-9 pm. Sept. 11, at St. John's United Church 8th Oakville Upper Middle to Dundas, 16 Mile Creek to 3rd Line Call Council Office listed below 9th Oakville Between Bronte Rd. and Third Line 7 pm. Sept. 9 at Hopedale Presbyterian Church 11th Oakville N. of QEW between Trafalgar Rd. and 9th Line 6-9 pm at Iroquois Ridge Rec. Centre, Sept. 18 12th Oakville West of 3rd Line and North of Rebecca St. 7 pm., Sept. 9, at Hopedale Presbyterian Church 19th Oakville River Oaks/Oak Park. 7 pm., Sept. 23 at River Oaks School 20th Oakville L.D.S. Chapel, north Oakville. Call Council Office listed below 1st Trafalgar QEW to Upper Middle Rd. between Trafalgar Rd. & 6th Line, Aug. 25, Oakville Place. Call Council Office listed below 3rd Trafalgar South of Upper Middle Rd. and West of 6th Line 7 pm, Sept. 11, at Sunningdale School 4th Trafalgar E. Oakville, Wedgewood Rd. to Winston Churchill Blvd., & Clearview 7 pm Sept. 11 & 12 at Maple Grove United Church 7th Trafalgar Kerr St. to 4th Line/Speers Rd. south of Appleby College area. 7-9 pm. Sept. 11, at St. Paul's United Church 9th Trafalgar South of Speers Rd., between 3rd and 4th Lines 7 pm Sept. 9, at Hopedale Presbyterian Church H e lp in g o u r y o u t h to b e c o m e b e tte r c itiz e n s ! brain-trainers A C A D E M IC T U T O R IN G FO R IN FORM ATION & R EG ISTR A TIO N Call: 905 607 4795 MATHEMATICS READING W RITING EXAM PREPARATION CERTIFIED TEACHERS INDIVIDUALIZED PROGRAMS C o m m u n ic a t io n w it h c l a s s r o o m t e a c h e r O n g o in g a s s e s s m e n t s If you require further clarification, please call the local Scouts Canada office at 9 0 5 -8 2 8 -7 7 8 1 - e x t. 21 WHEN: TIME: WHERE: Sept. 10th, 16th, 23rd, 30th 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 1444 Dundas Cr., Mississauga, L5C1B9 Ifs That Time Of Year... Fall Registration... Don't Be Left Out "Find one simple thing parents and students can use - starting the first week of school - one thing that can drive a child's school career". I stared at the assignment and winced. One thing? Wave a wand? Pleeez! But little did I know. I asked public school teacher, science camp director and veteran "brain-trainers" tutor, David Markus to take on this question. His answer may surprise you. "Top pick? Hmm...Has to be one thing?... OK. There is something." "Really? 1 asked, eyebrows rising. "What is this thing?" "It's the Student Daily Planner," came David's confident reply. "It's sim ple, but potentially sophisticated. Lots of adults have something similar by their phones or in their briefcases. I use a one-sheet version each day with my younger classes. But the full version is truly a multi-purpose power-tool. It can be used for time management or as a journal for reflection. It is full of great study tips". It turns out not all schools use the Daily Planner at every grade but it is widely available in the public school system. Using the Planner gives parents a daily window on their child's progress. But as Mr. Markus points out, it is much more. It is an organization tool, and a moti vation tool. The Planner focuses stu dents' on academic goals while giving them a means to juggle their extra-curricular and family pursuits. Starting with the very first grade it can become a life-long self management tool. The Planner is a team player even as it is a ticket to independence, shaping skills for the demands of work or university. Learning the secrets of the Planner and using them everyday is clearly the key. For more information and registra tion contact David Markus and his staff at "brain-trainers" Academic Tutoring. Call 905 607 4795 or visit our open house (for more details see our ad on this page). W TM 82S28 Lo o k a ll w a y s b e fo re y o u c ro s s th e stre e t. f v - / " T V 'v E G IS T R A T IO N D A T E S August 28-29 August 30 September 3,4,5 September 6 1 September 7,8 Ages 3 - 5 Your child will be introduced to basic gymnastic skills a id Combinations. Circuits will include the vault, bars, beam, ? ylwr, parallel bars, trampoline, tumble track and pit. 9:30am - 7:30pm 9:00am - 4:00pm 9:30am - 7:30pm 9:00am - 4:00pm Five ways to balance school and a busy life You've got a big project due at work, no shortage of responsibilities at home and now, you've got classes of your own to contend with. You ask yourself, how do people do this? Here are five tips, courtesy of DePaul University. 1. Pace yourself. You can't do it all at once, so don't even try. Dedicate blocks of time throughout the week to study ing. Mark these times in your calendar so they become a habit and less likely to cause stress around exam time. 2. Create a study area. Having a per manent place to study is important for both psychological and practical rea sons. When you are in your study area, you can devote your full attention to schoolwork. Make sure your family understands this. 3. Maintain balance and harmony. Make sure you schedule some time for you to relax and renew. Exercise, medi tate, whatever it takes to stay focused and healthy. 4. Celebrate your achievements. Reward yourself when you finish a chapter, turn in a paper, or complete an exam. Include your spouse or kids in the celebration. 5. Establish support systems. Being a student is challenging, make sure you're not attempting to tackle this new role without support. $ Ci f e w K . ' G IR LS & BOYS R ECREA TIO N Ages 6+ The skills are based on the nationally used CANGYM program. There are fourteen levels for the both the boys and girls. We use creative and challenging circuits relating to the various apparatus. PA R E N T & T O T PR O G R A M S Ages 18 months-2 years A fu n filled environment complete with music, circuits and games. Unique circuits will be used to explore dominant movement patterns used in gymnastics, each child receives a poster to monitor its progress. T R A M P O L IN E & T U M B L IN G Ages7+ and popular with young athletes. There is a ten-card skill system with a very specific focus on the trampoline and use o f he tumble track. OUR GENERAL PHILOSOPHY W e strive to ensure that each and every child in our program is made to feel special. We offer growth in the areas of strength, flexibility, peer interaction, development of self-confidence and overall well-being in conjunction with skill acquisition. We offer organized gymnastics instruction with state-of-the-art equipment in a fun-filled, controlled environment. OUR MISSION STATEMENT v A message from the Canada Safety Council. To Promote, Support and Foster a Love fo r the Sport o f Gymnastics. 7-' " . O akvilleG ym nasticsC lu b 461 North Service Road West www.oakvillegym.com WWW.Safety-COUnCiI.pfg N -- (90S ) 84 7-7747 HIP H O P · A C R O · LYRICAL · J A Z Z · TAP NEW FOR THIS SEASON Morning Classes Ages 2 1 /2 - 4 L ocated in the Glen A bbey West section o f Oakville, Willowglen Montessori School is a non-denom inational co-edncational school f o r children fro m 2 -1 /2 years o ld through Grade 3. The f u ll Montessori curriculum is augm ented by the addition o f music, computers a n d French language instruction. F ield trips, spring concert, book clubs a n d charity fundraising are am ong the activities which contribute to the positive, nurturing atmosphere o f this com m unity school. pr emi e r e D A N C E r»c Dance Training a t its Best! C la s s e s B e g in S e p t . 1 6 th Call us or com e in to register now, as space is limited. Tues. & Thurs. 4pm-7pm, Every Saturday 10am-lpm Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 5pm-8pm Saturday, Sept. 7 & 14, 10am-lpm P re m ie re D a n ce Inc. 2 0 8 W yecroft R oad, O akville, O n ta rio L6K 3S3 T e l: 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 1 2 2 1 o r fa x 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 8 7 5 7 August Registration ( ·MACTE Certified Teachers | ·Small Class Sizes · Individualized Instruction · New Large Playground W iu o w g U · CCMA Member · Catered Lunch Program · Pre-School to Grade 3 · French, Music, Computer W lln w a l^ n vviliiowgien 2690 WestoakTrails Blvd0 a k v illeL 6 M3T 3 > (North o f Upper Middle Rd.; West ofT hird Line) W M ontessori ^ S ch ool (905)338-7207 www .willow glenschool.com

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