HELP WANTED mu Hm INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK As opponunlty null or Control devlnmrnt Tan you man tn our Inventory salaried position sod many opwnunltfea for soveeremeol to the rim omen Know lee or oIo print olptnl Apr to DE VILeIss CANADA LTD BARRIE ONTARIO JOURNIIMAN mcclrlclsn reooln ed for Immediate study cmpI meat sm reterencos and In uperlos Apply to has Barn sniinr MAN WANTED to work with uri Tullunl produul year round salary plul bonus Any age to 60 Tel hone PA 646M for further uslsls nun Conflrurtlon New pro Inc In nrlusn Columbia Winter work Too pay Construction News Inc and addressed envel Box 13 strains 11mg xrmumcw Tooroe Primers for tnblcm honest Ion Must have at least two yes ex criesIce Apply Morris aperit name or lelepnona PA sxraNanN Opportunity Isles and rervIcc Ilust be out tourv tenor she have car harried man pretence Ior polntmenl phone Mr IIIIIer PA 5551a rurs day or Wednesday between an only BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates Telephone MALE 01 FEMALE slau on mlata as years or our Unusual opportunity In Isles and services Car essrnllsl Phone FA seal between lIIuo on chouoy mnmlnl EMPLOYMENT WANTED slorllzn WILL look after child week Call It IIIDonald street or further datalla DECORANI will Work lvcnlnll and vehokmda SLIM pekr Ilia An at or typo was challfleur erlvlns Itc cm at Owen St GINTLBMAN as married de sires parirllme position from to II pm Can do most any UPI of work It ensuueurs licence and latter of reference hm PA mm or PA solos my EXAMINER wanr Ans Phone scale SERVICE By Month or Year PA 82414 DIAPER SERVICE SANITARY DISPOSAL BARKIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE nvlce weekly pickup at delivery II FRANCIS ST IIiBABl PA 65551 Lens toss pack or cigarette EXCAVATING FILL GHAVEL lP Srlll SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED ncsvsuns and Grading wner neuvm Crosse atone aIr Yard Backho or Mn DENNIS MORAN Anne Strut PA Ill07 PAINTING AND PAPEEHANGING EDWARD SIIIITII AND SON Painting and Paper flinging spray Palnuna Service Since mo an BARBIE IA Mm SANITARY DISPOSAL wanran DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrie PA 7751 Long distancl Zenith $2300 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD DRILLIA License No cecal SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED In ANGUS AREA Gail ROBERTSON ANGUS ONT TELEPHONE IE passe CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisements are inscrted at the rate of do per word per insertion for one and two times do per for three four or five es and War per word for or more insertions tional fllarge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERIISEMENT IS 96c FOR 20 WORDS WITHIN l0 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION 1211110115 on CORRECTIONS aevcrluers are reminded that all phone tnscrtlen orders are accept ed as convenience to on the advertiser Thererore the lassllsed Advertising Department requires sII redvcrusers to kindly rccheck their advertlsement Imnseolatoly sner an insertion in order that any error or omissions may he reported betele anz In that same may be rectiï¬ed lol the tanowtoe days Insernon order We wlsh to point out that The Barrie Examiner is rerponslole for only one Incorrectly printed Insertion on any soverusement and then only to the extent or portion of so that Involves the mlsprim Errors which do not Ieusnuso value the advertise meal are not eligible or bone ttona by make seeds Coming Events St per word minimum charge $50 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words so per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used do per word extra BLIND me hernias Internsnon roostdine advertiser uslne Blind Letter eox Numbers rus Replica ll held strictly conï¬d ential It lies to Letter Iloxal will be hell only In deys srter that my publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pnI day we ceding publication With the ex ception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by1200 noon preceding day note and type styles for display cIsslaoer may or talued£hrough The shrew vernals department am Now wouldme Womens Institutes now worldwide organization were founded in 180 at Stoney Creek Ont by Mrs Adelaide Hood less Blrfll 10 addil order DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled taroI enl out under the above not FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PArkway 35017 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRlE LiCENE WI UPHOLSTER UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND ODraperies osllp covers IBroadloom OCommercial furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE 513 MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING AND RUG C0 64 EAYFIELD ST FA H512 an anal our of townsen collect complete range or rehrlcs shown in your home CLEANING For fihé furniture and rug cleaning coll MAYFAIR OF BARRIE FREE ESTIMATES PA 61ch PA aossl Its wonderful the wayl Classified Ads get re suits Phone PA 82414 Bonus Player Wins For Vees By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jake Gibbs who signed with New YorkYtlnkees for re ported $100000 bonus is begin ning to pay dividends on the in vesment Gibbs beleld double off the right centre field wall in the 12th inning to drive in Jack Reed with the winning run as Richmond edged Toronto 24 in Mondays only International League game Richmond scored run in the fourth on single sacrifice and twobase throwing error by Maple Leaf starer Orlando Pena Toronto tied it in the seventh on Tim Thompsonstwobagger on Tim Thompsons twobagger all infield out and Steve Dem ters single Gay Blaylock 47 was be winning pitcher in relief Buss Roman 82 was the loser flagrantly MAW new NF¢Rh WPMYINGJMNM DRINK MID MES TIE VAILEYS NEXT noon WAS I771 BELIEVE IT on Nor BliSEB RECORDS ran CANADIAN Nsuoosl Lam Unchanged from Sunday Mondays Result Allstar Game Nationalrlcaguc Amtrlcan League Called after timings rain Naya Cameo No games scheduled Wednesdays Games Phila at Cincinnati Pittsburgh at St Louis Milwaukee at Chicago San Fran at Los Ang American League Unchanged from Sunday Mondays Result Ailcstar Game Natlonal League American League Called after innings rain Todaya Games No games scheduled Wednesdays Games City New York Chicago at Cleve Los Angeles at Boston Minn at Baltimore Vashn at Detroit International League Pct GBL 65 619 56 47 544 54 47 585 5453 soo Is 50 51 495 13 50 53 455 14 Richmond 4756 45017 Syracuse 4170 3602 Mondays Result Toronto Richmond Only game scheduled Todays Camel Charleston at Toronto Jersey Ci at Buffalo Richmon at Rochester Columbus at Syracuse Wednesdays Gem Charleston at Toronto Nl Jersey City at Buffalo Richmond at Rochester Columbus at Syracuse Columbul Buffalo Charleston Rochester Jersey City Toronto Mexican Nelters Oust Canadians QUEBEC CPITh9 Mexican Davis Cup team was to leave for Morocco today for the sec ond round of the North Amer ican zone cup elimination matches after winning close victory in tie against Canada Mexico beat the Canadians three matches to two in best otfive series with veteranMn rio Llamas providing the clincher Monday when he beet young Francois Godbout of Wa terloo Que in singch match on so 6l Llamass wln sent his coun try into an unbeatable 31 series lead Canada came back to win the last match Bob Bcdard beating Rafael Osuna 57 03 61 62 for his secondsingies win of the round Mexicos round against Mo rocco starts in Casablanca Sa turday and the winner advances against the United States The Civil Servants Tennis Club on whose clay courts the MexicoCanada Lie was played offered to be host to the United StatesMexico round if Mexico ousts Morocco DRAW GOOD CRDWDS The lliexicoCanada matches spread over three days drew more than 5000 paid fans Mexico entered Mondays play holding 21 series lead on the strength of victory by Auto nio Palalox and Osuna over He dard and Godbout in thrilling doubles match Sunday The countries split two opening sin gles maflchesSaturday Bedard 29 who has not lost tennis match to Canadian in seven years probably was the individual star of the series The Lennoxville Que school teacher was outstanding in boat ing Osuna That Bedardunever ceases to amaze me said Lorne Main Canadas non playing captain and the last Canadian to beat him in match back in 1954 He was doing things out there against Osunu that Ive never sen him do before His volleye ing was crisp his service good and so were his backhand shot and ground strokes Main said it was bit heart breaking to lose the tie after coming so close Ripley score If the major leagues go EVelvn Waugh Asks To Forget Old Quarrels By DOUG MARSHALL Candioften Staff Writer LONDON CmFor the last 20 years the life of Wode house has been clouded by wartime charge of collaboration with the Gerinlnl Now as the creator of the in imitable Jeeves approaches his 80th birthday an attempt has been made to clear the air and forget old quarrels The appeal to let bygone be bygone comes from an author of equal statureeatirist Evelyn Waugh In radio broadcast later published in theSunday Times he exonerates Wode house from the collaboration charges and pays glowing trib ute to his colleagues creative ability The basis of the charge is series of ï¬veradip broadcasts Wodehouse made from Berlin in 1941 Earlier he had been taken prisoner at his villa in Le Tou quet France REACTION WAS MIXED The broadcasts heard by only few in England were followed by denunciation originating from the British ministry of In formation Among other things the attack accused Wodehouse of having fallen on his knees and worshipped Hitler British reaction to the charges was mixed For socialists who tended toidentify the forces of evil with the old upper classes Wodehouse was prime torgct Many snlde comments were made about the authors impos ing first namesPolhnm Gren ville Some journalists launched witch hunt through the aristocratic fantasyland of Wodehousea imagination and claimed to have found amid SCISSORED SPORT PICK CANADIAN TEAM TORONTO CP three mon team has been chosen to represent Canada against Aus tralia New Zeaiand and the United States at an Interna tional Pony Club rally in Mel bourne Australia in September They are Mortal Dunlap ot Tor onto captain Ricky Maynard of Haney BC and Peter Jatfroy of Tomato Theirages range from 15 to 20 TIGERS SELL PITCIIER DETROIT APDctroit Ti gera Monday sold rlghthandcr Bill Fischer to Kansas Cltiy Ath letics on waivers and announced the recall otoullieldecGeorgL Aiusik from Denver Fischer 30 appeared in 25 games this sea son winning three and losing two with 517 earnedrun aver age Aiusik 26 who hed out so long in the spring he failed to make the team has been hit ting 301 at Denver WRITERS SEEKCKANGE BOSTON APlThe Baseball Writers Association of America voted Monday to recommend that relief pitchers saves be made part of thcofticial box along pitcher who comes in to protect lead of two runs or less and has to pitch to the man representing the tying orswin Ding run would be credited with save although the victory might go to some other pitcher WINS FIRST TOUINEY MINNEAPOLIS AP Judy Kimball 01 Sioux City iowa scored the first victory of her short professional golf career Monday when she won the American Womens Open cham Swimmers Seek the potty eerie and terrifying maiden nuan the embryo ot the Fascist mentality However most of Britains leading writers protected against the attack and continued to support Wodehouse through out the war TEACUP TEMPE In 195 the full textsof the Berlin broadcasts were printed for the first time Publication lays Waugh showed that they were innocuous observa tions about his captors calcu lated to engender neither re spect nor hate in the words of Bertram pride of the Woosters Wodehouse was not disgruntled nor was be exactly grunllcd either Most of Wildehouseo defend en dismiss the broadcasts as an unfortunate ermrin judg ment magnified out of propor tion during an era in which our rulers like our enemies were dedicated to fomentlng hate Waugh praises the sacred flame of the humorists imagi nation and the brilliance of his style which seems to flow eflt fortlessly but in fact involves great deal of hard work Most to be admired he says Is the timeless quality of the stories which have already delighted three generations He denies that Wodehouse writes about on historical golden age before the world wars corrupted man His essen tially innocent characters prance and profile about on Eden like England lhat will never be outdated because it HCVCI W35 0th one opposing voice has so far been raised against Waughs appealthat of Vll llam Connor better known as the Daily Mirrors columnist plonship in head to head match with Betsy Bowl of Spartenburg SC Miss Kimball 23 shot odcunderpar 74 for 72holo score of 295 slaving oft Miss Rawlsa strong finish to 297 two strokes behind She won$t24735 WOULD HOLD PLAYOFF KNOXVILE Tenn AP Eastern Hockey Leang officials met Monday to consider among other thingsthe possibility of joining the international League for postseason nationalcham pionship series IItL represnotalives officially cndorsed the idea Sunday Most Eastern League clubs are said to be in favor of the playoff but theyre not sure schedules can be amended in time to start next year Besides ï¬le schedule and play ott major items on the am agenda are possible expansion Jacksonville still is seeking spot in theleaguo and player salaries oNrAIto ENTRY LEADS NORTH SYDNEY NS CPI Howard Richards of Oakville scored firstand thirdiplace finish Monday to take the lead in the Nova Scotia snipe cham pionships With 3044 points he was followed by Dr Kennedy of the nearby Dobson Yacht Club who had 2677 Nova Scolt the boats dominated the top po sitions as 25 snipes started weeklong meet to decide the provincial Maritime and Dom inion championships Camndra Conor was the mouthpiece through which Inc government denounced Wode house 10 years ago My denunciation warharstl and bitter he writes new Seen in the perspective of time would not use the some words But the years have not di mlnllled the fact Hill terrible blunder was made Connor says Wodehouse made his broadcasts at time when defeat for Britain was near very near The Englishmans presentation of the German soldier as harmless polite chap coming over the garden wall was exactly the impres sion Hitler wanted to create in hesitating United States Connor says he has since met Wodehouse in New York where the author now lll get on famous thing now is to ury the whole story forgive and where neces sary be forgiven Connor quotes recent letter from Wodehouse saying he was embarrassed and would do what he could to stop the matter being brought up again And what the hell Wodehouse says In lhe lctler Ita 21 years ago Friends Ignore Cries For Help PORT PERRY CP Police said last night the dying cries of 13yearold boy who appar ently hanged himself acciden tally Sunday whilc playing Tar zan may have been lgnoréd by three youngsters playing base bull Gary Jackson was found nine hours later hanging from rope in barn owned by his uncle Police Chief Robert Cameron ruled outtho possibility of foul play or suicide Gary was the son at Kenneth Jackson rest aurant owner in this community 10 miles north of Oshawa Three of ery friends Walter Sanderson Wayne Pow ell and Jack Chapin said they thought they heard weak voice calling for help while they were playing baseball Chief Cameron said Wear Loose Clothing Here are some tips for com fortable long distance driving wear loose fitting clothes for more relaxed ride leave shoelaccs tied loo ely or wear moccasintype ah to allow free circulation of blood and thus do away with unnecesv sary fatigue Have your passengers remove their footgear but as driving experts agree driver should al ways keep shocs on Take pillow or two for the children to nap on For longer trips take along some simple games to keep them amused Have them play games along the way such as counting gas stations on eith er side of the road or out state car licenses farmcnim als etc Every two hours or so make comfort stop or stretch legs and avoid cramps Allow extra traveling time on each days drive for stopping at points oi and the like BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 191 She got too much rum in thelrulil cake again WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF SIGN CULTURAL ACCORD PARIS AP France and Guinea have signed cultural acmrd that may rcopcn that former French colony In West Africa to French and Western cultural influence Relations be tween France and Guinea have been strained GETS SIX MONTHS CAPETOWN ReuterslStig Adolfsson 43 Swedish photo lithographer was sentenced to six months in prison Monday after pleading guilty to commit ting immorai acts with three colored women WILL RESTORE CHURCH CALAIS AP The war damagcd church of Noirc Dame de Calais where President Charlcs de Gaulle was married in 1921 is to be restored Built during the medieval English occupation of Calais it is re putcd to be the only Tudor gothic building on the European continent CARS COME FIRST VIENNA AP Czecho slovak newspaper reports that 100000 Czech citizens applied for automobiles last year while 100000 womcn received permis sion to have abortions The in tercst in car or other luxuries has priority over interest in happy family commented the paper Smena or Brntlalavla WILL SEND EXPERTS BUDAPEST AP Commu nlst Hungary will exchange am bassadors with Ghana and send technical experts to the young African nation Agreement was reached during three day state visit by President Kwamc Nkrumuh of Ghana which ended Monday llIOSLEMS KEEP SLAVES MANILA Reuters Police have launched drive to rescue Christians forced to work in flourishing slavery racket in the largely Moslem southern is lluirculs 75c Saturdays $100 Barbers CLIFFS BARBER SHOP Zara nose Acrnsl from ausocsle new land of Mindanao The Philip pines newa service said today Police Col Valentin Velasco was quoted as saying that even minors were being forced to work on the forms of wealthy Filipino bloslems REBEL GET llamas JAKARTA AP The Indo nesia government Monday de clared an amnesty for about 40000 rebels in Fermesta and North Cclebcs who surrendered earlier this year statement indicated simllnr amncsty had been given to about 30000 rebcls wbo surrendered re cently in Sumatra DANCER DIES SANTA MONICA Calif AP Singcr dancer Sally Davis 33 featured in Jimmy Durantes nightclub act for seven years died of cancer Monday AI OPENS BUREAU KUALA LUMPUE APlThe Associated Press today opened bureau for the collection and distribution of news in this Ma layan capital it will be headed by McIntyre native of Singapore who joined AP in 1947 Science Now Shrinks Piles Without Pain or Discomfort Finds Substatio That Reliese Pain And licking As It Silth unwrth Toronto Ont SpectraFor the ï¬rst time science has found new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain and itching Thousanda ave been relieved with this than naive substance right inthe vacy of their own home mthout any discomfort or Inconvenieuoe In case after case while gently relieving psln actual reduction shrinkage took place Most amazin of ellresults were an thoroug that autism made statement like Piles have ceased to be problemlï¬ Theseuetia anew beahng sub stance BioD ediseoveryofu famous scientiï¬c institute Now this new healing aubstanm Ia oï¬eredinsugposttorporointment form called reparation Ask for it at all drug storesmoney back man tee Canadian Records MONTREAL CP The Cana dian swimming cbampionshlps slip into high gear today as some 200 swimmers begin concentrated assault on the Ca nadien swimming record book And it the sparkling perform ance turned in Monday by sandy Gilchrist of Ocean Falls BC is any indication of things to come the championship meet should provide plenty of thrills The 15year liold crew cut splashed through the 1650yard freestyle event In 18247 to set Canadian shortcourse record for the distance Hewas well ahead of the previous record or 19023 held by Bill Slater of Vancouver Mary Stewart of Vancouvre today will swim the 200 yard freestylefirst of four events in which she is entered The slight liyearold miss recently set world record for the ltoyard butterfly event Wednesday FAVORED IN DIVING Another 11 var miss Irene McDonald is expected to breelc through the womens threemetre diving event Ernie Meissner 24 of Kitche ner and Tom Dinsley 20 of Vancouver will battle it out for top honors in the mens three metre diving competition In their only meeting this year Maisoner member of the Cana dian diving team to the last Olympic Games in Rome doe feated Dinaley Preliminaries in the diving be gin In the morning with the first levels dives Both media and womens fields will be paredto eight competitorsfor the final three dives Heats in the swimming events are slated for the afternoon and the finals at night 1957 FORD Block and WM Door No 222 all Good Condition Green Door No 911 No 656 IIIIIIIY 1955 Studebaker 1953 PONTIAC Good Condition alook Coach 797 389 179 1955 Done Good Family Cur Sedan No 408 1953 boos WHOLESALE Ill CE We are overstocked with older model cars Touclear these cars we are offering them to you at wholesale prices 449 1953 Vanguard cray poor No Is nascentsmoo KRll rrs Ans