20 re PLASTIC BREAKFAST SET 688 24 BARBECUE with wheels Reg 1295 995 SPECIAL 12 Green GARDEN HOSE 12 Year Guarantee Rog 595 395 SPECIAL BEAVER CHARCOAL 179 HARRY ARMSTRONG HARDWARE 9840 DUNLOP ST FREE DELIVERY PA 244l Coleman CAMP STOVE Reg 1995 SPECIAL 1489 Large Galvanized GARBAGE CANS Reg 595 495 SPECIAL BADMINTON SETS rackets Net and Ball Reg 350 98 SPECIAL 40 and 60 Watt BULBS 88° 3X5 muss mm 149 50 ELECTRIC KETTLES GARDEN HOSE REE 995 Year Guarantee SPECIAL 699 SPECIAL 69 Folding WHITE PAINT CANVAS CHAIRS Enamel and SerniGloss Alummum Frames Few Gallons Len Reg 650 SPECIAL per gallon ADJUSTABLE METAL IRONING BOARDS with Fozun Pad and Cover SPECIAL 995 Alladln PICNIC JUGS Reg 495 359 SPECIAL SPECIAL 499 Beatty STEP LADDER 595 bags for SPECIAL RON APPLIANCES IN ONE IIIIIMIII II COLDSPOT IlliIHIIIIIIIHmI 121 CU IIEEIIIIIEIIIIInIIe TIIEEZEII Fully automatic defrost no butions to push no ice to scrape no pans to empty True zerozone freezer keeps 52 lbs of food safe for months not weeks Plenty of shelf space bright anodized remov able steel shelves plus 165 imp qt capacity cris per KENMORE 307 ELECTRIC RANGE WITH GRIDDLE Automatic clock controlled oven set ii forget it Famlly size oven peek switch lets you see whats cooking IHuge cubic ft storage drawer SIIVIPsonsSIEARS yslMPSoNJSI R8 LTtt 129 DTJNLOP sr Here come the coon oLnrnan Witha Wonderful Seleotion of OLD FASHIONED FREE BALLOONS FOR THE KIDDIES Get Your Coupon and Fill It In For FREE DRAWS On TRANSISTOR RADIOS Theres Bargains Galore ihrougho ui iheiSfore the many Old Fashioned Sale Prices you willf Sale Days Old Fashioned Bargains from Our BasemenrDra Sieel Beam DEAPERY TRACK Complete with brackeLs runners end stops Cut any length gt10 16 feet Old Fashloned Sale rune cusquN SQUARES Hundreds of patterns and designs Approx size 24 24 11 colours DRAPERY REMNANTS big selection plains and patterns to yard lengths Reg value to 495 Old Fashioned Sale Price Old Fashioned Sale PIICE Running Foo Complete orzsé Big Thirsty nArII rowEIs Size app an 44 in color in plains and stripe design Some with fringed ends and lurex thread Reg 98¢ Old Fashioned Sale Price BEACH TOWELS Big generous an 60 size stripes or plains First ualilyand subs Regular 133 Regular 298 value old Fashioned Sale Price Old Fashioned Sale Price A99c 61 99 LILNCIIEON CLorns Size app 51 x5 Im ported from Holland Color ful check design In Wine Green Blue or Gold eaeh each each BEACH or CAR BLANKETS Novelty design beach or car blankets Big 56 78 size in Red Green or Blue Reg 349 Value on Fashioned Sale Price SI 99 each LINEN TEA TOWEIS Colorful stripes and Check design App size 20 27 Old Fashioned Sale Price $290 FACE CLOTHS Assorted plains stripes eheeks in big value Vgrollps for $160 for 99 for 99¢ Sniin Bound COTTON PRINTS AND BED BLANKETS Extra Heavy ï¬nal BROADCLOTHS BATH TOWELS 25 Yard Mill ends in assorted color prian and plains Regular value to we yard Old Fashioned Sale Price 1519 DUNLOP 51 Double bed size 72 84 Velvasoft quality good selec ï¬rm of plain colors will satin binding Subs of our Reg gt493 range on Fashioned sale Price $398 Each Size app 24 46 Plain shades of Yellow Pink Peach and Aqua Reg 198 value omrasIIIoiuua sale Price 98 Each Here are only few of indduring these big pery Department SATEEN DRAPERY LINING Good quality sateen drap ery lining App 48 wide White eggshell or natural Substandard of our Reg L00 lining Old Fashioned Sale PrlED 59 Yard COTTAGE CUSHIONS Dozens of patterns and de signs Squares and oblong with fringed edges Reg We Old Fashioned sale Prlco V619 VISCOSE FLOOR RUGS App size 5Choice of plain shades or tweed Latex back to prevent slipping an from Viscose carpeting Old Fashioned Sale Price $499 Each HAND TOWELS Striped and checked Terry Hand Towels App Size Reg 490 Value Old Fashioned Sale Price 29 for 100 GSef BARBIE DOWNTOWN BARRIE