Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1961, p. 15

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ARTICLES for SALE RTICLES WANTED wuommu wanted aumroer conu Llano Itohlnxene Hardare tllgphono PA Mal 5FARMERS MARKET IJVItSTOCK GI lhrea montha old Tele phone Om lm alter pm mun EDIflux cow on Jun old rub Apply Mr He Quiz telephone Ore III runo nADDu MAIL ler aala American bred quiet and gentle hone PA MM or Author deta TArdwoxm quu ll month old Iron rerlatexed atoex alre Welullnl Pill lnr nie Tele phone mounter slum sows cnoss hub Blue spotted And Yorltanlre Ior ule ply to Mr George Johnston tuner Telephone mwn stayner MM conIuXDAu Or Ille regl tereo born 1960 OH nor can he need Apply to Cod ram shanty Bay Road or telephone Ore It Yonlufllll Wehnod Pill KeriOrdHoiltdn Heller with call to lusho In tow days Bnndle cow yean old duo In Week dole RI one AUTOMOTIVE WATSON Horonuuroltsnu momma MOTORS STAYNER CHEVROLET OLDSMOBI LE QUALITY CARS COURTEOUS SERVICE anleal condition Wlln rottenl radio lralnar lnlener and I958 Chevrole I958 Ganero is It model An excellent buy I955 Dodge clean throughout USED CARS ON DISPLAY FAIR DEALING NO GEMCKB PHONE mm AND 1960 Corvair 4door sedan xury an with automatic tranaantulon la in stirelm mech cm twr emerge and malt nttnnivn in In lllnuein Eaten I960 Simca sedan with radio ll Under economy cot Iaatetully nniahed lo Egogym mileage and lnvllaa your ellmlt I959 Austin cylinder sedan onmwner leu nliugo car wlth beauulul attractive lilht men exterior noun Mun has mutton Deluxe Coach Wllh cyhndu motor Automatic Innmmlon and radlo clean through out and handlomcly dnlahed ln gold and beige cabin trailer In In new bl InIior station wagon wun nulomltil tumourIon and pour uerflnl Good lppolnnco and SEE THESE AND MANY OTHER SPLENDID VALUES IN WEDNESDAY JULY l2 TENDERS TENDERS Tfiflm an In unlusvod by min wort noon horn crumbl ulu rennet nunn as No ma to Thornton Public School Number or pu In to DO thwarted7 or option to clone needy Aurlm ml at ecleex noon NORMAN coxwonnl secretary mORNToN ONTAmo co muralo Anusrots vrAnIo 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION THURSDAY EVENING JULY nth AT PM SHARP Aurtlon nle et HolstIn cowl hello man had Iprinltnl Dliry Iquipment mnnhinery truck Ind Dom household eureta Ior JACK RUNNALIS at Lot coneeralon ll lceum aetn Township mllea atnlght north of Berton Ontario Telnu tun NO ruean In Nunneu haa aold bla ram Jmlnt COUGIILIN Auctioner Ily are IGA brands so much lower in price SUMO FROZEN REG 0R PINK IEMIIIIHIIE 49 flmes simple explillluofl IGA purchases these pmducLs directly Irom leading manufacturers of National brands for over 700 GA stores coast to coast eliminates national advertising establishes its own quaiin control tolling cost are lowered as result Thm savings are yours and youll appmclnle the quality tool ALL PRICES Emcnvc JULY 27 28 3° WERESERVE THE RIGHT To LIMIT AUAttrlles ATOURSAULSWITW1LL AB BONELESS ROUND AND lNSPECI OUR STOCK LE Barrle or telephone whim stroud WORLD NEWS PAY YOU TO DROP IN FEED SEED GRAIN zoo nALu or Oat Straw tor ulc will tell rcalonnbly Telephone PA sun FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cue New Holland David Brown Benny Farm Faulpmcnt 176 BURTON AVE PA om HARVESTING EQUIPMENT commrs SWARIHERS GRAIN Horas GRAIN AUGERS BINDERS SHAKELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY STRJOUD PHONE 731721 Manufacturers oi Bllc Convoycn crumble Docks Ltpolnl hitch tractor carrlen BUY DIRECT AND SAVE GOODISON MACHINE Goodlaon machine zoos Stnw cutter Chnlf Blower lllnn EIcV ator Seed Mill clover Concavca on rubber Good condition hello good dry belt l70 327500 ROBERT PARR IL MALTON ONT DELAVAL SALES C1 SERVICE Get your line and putstor clean ed now Service on all miikcn HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 WOODEN arm or nle lo Wm rell runtnnbly Apply Btli Glbbins stroud mu stroud nlrmmre McCormick peering to real power driven In good men anlcal repair Apply George na vls Ivy or telepnone slut Ivy for urther lntormatlon WANTED McCormick Honc drawn Hg Tedder or parts For le asseyvflarria honedrawn Sculller fully eoulpped Apply Al Inlluglpnney lllldhurst phone PA or telephone AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU RAMBLER AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 65488 HAROLD JORY MOTORS mom STANDARD DEALERS Nepnlra to All Motor OML And NAL Towing sarvlco 7h BAYFIELD ST BAREIE PA 84165 1551 MONARCII 8125 Apply Feel st Barrie lass CHEVROLET helalr twddoor Wlu trade or good pickup truck Telephone sum stroud lsu PACKARD Sedan black ra dio and whicswalh 42000 miles Apply to to Maple Avenue Em 1056 441001 v8 Foul for sole one owner car in perfect running condition Custom radio 3500 or best otler Telephone PA 05592 1956 VOLKSWAGEN or me very clean body blue mcellent run nlng condltlon Low loiieagc Tele hone DE 05916 Anglia or further Iinemuttm MOTO TD 1555 PLYMOUTH Savoy Sodn one owner car 41000 miles new nlnt Al cendltlon throuhgouL £775 Murt be neon to be apprecia ted Telephone HE 050 Angua ONE OWNER 1m Chevrolet Dc lnxe ln good canoltlon good tires new battery will leu ren sona Mr Iloyd l7 Welling ton telephone PA 39283 1959 METEOR blue and white cylinder llnndatd gear 29000 miles Curl be seen at nanle Plaza this week only rims lllr OShea PA 51061 1955 METEOR cuslom radio Al condltlon $650 1053 Chevrolet top running order Road tires $150 1057 Ford $175 lull laton Ford Pickup $160 Sproule supcrtea Highway 27 one mlle south og Thornton Phone Ivy 111111 050 cc BSA Twlu Golden Flash Motorcycle IIaa brand new clutch platen aperlt plugs gas and Oil lln attery tlrcs tool license pl Needl adlustment to run In 5250 Nocl Andrhde at and phone IIIRM strouo AL CRIPPS Wuln lath TEL NO Wang Belch CARS WTD TO BUY WANTED ANTIQUE AUTOS WILL BUY 0R LEASE WHITE PARTICULARS Antique Auto Museum I905 Victoria Ave NiagOra Falls Ontario caotl roll your car Llenl pald on We trade up or down Al Iandale Motors 21 hm Road Bu rla PA Men TRUCKS st TRAILERS TlmzzTON m0 llcrcury Truck rebuut motor 315 tlrea all good peed tranamlallon hpeed raar axle lHooI platlorm ILlil grin 5305 Downtown Motor alel Across from Firestone stem Telephone PA H500 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE ORRENT CABIN TRAILER slccpa two storage or load and clothing Sale irlce $250 or rcnt 15 week May need at Codrlnglon St letoar mAvEL Tuner decor loot Rent by any or week com pioteiy equipped Avallahle July 18 Telephone HZ N956 Anflll alter pm July 21 IEAFOOI TRAILER Ior ulu with INoot portable sunroom There unlts are net up as cottage on No Lot at Innlsfli Perk Priced at H500 Apply to Box 60 Barrie Examiner TItAVxL TRAILERS to rent by the week or longer Ono 15foot sleeps rent 15 week end one IL loot alecps or rent week Illtch llgnt couplers overload springs nunlshed Youget them put on Telephone PA 85748 PERSONALS FONTUNB TELLING no you want your lortune told by carda Tele phone PA S0400 lor appolntnlent anytime WILBLNT SMITH ol Rn No Anten Mills will not be relporr alble or any debts incurred by my wlte without my wrltten con bated thla 25th any at July WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSHIG Enrol now In this government chartered school where ynu thoroughly traLned In all brancher or beauty culture omit ninffirihémfiénoot III COLLIER 5mm on PHONE PA one LOST FOUND FOUNDThreewheel Tricycle on Lnkenhnro Rood east end early ln Mu Owner mny hdvl nine by identitylng and paylng or adver tiaenleut Telephone PA 89708 LOSEEv mbhnlwlfi Boydeld st grey an or cohnnnx Tslttrtone hlu had up proximately 250 Loblawa green stumps Finder plea phone PA 6808 alter pm ward Io HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTlm mu the school term lady to look after two proschool girls and do light house work We lnlty North Coliolilte PA me EXPERIENCED Saleslady ra uued for port time work to Judson Department store 00 Dun lop strcet Wort WAxmssEs full and part time Excellent worhlng conditions Good wager Apply Normandy Reltnur ant Dunlap st for further infamntion EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper quired four hours daily illyl weekly Hours 811 noon Must be oble to use adding nlenhlne wth lined Apyly Firestone Starel In person 00 Dunlop st Welt FULLY EXPERIENCED Ilalr Styl ilt Top wages and cammlaulon Air conditioned Apply Mergar Hair Styling telephone Camp hor den or 051 rol turther Infor motion PART TIME Employment rm mor rled or llngl women to built In nhuwinl New Home aniiy Health Guide to mothcrs or small cnlld ren Telephone PA cools morm logo to la noun evenings 730 to p111 sTENUGItAplllm required for ad Vlrlcement opportunltlea LIAday week Hours Ana till 7111 Air cnndltloned office All cmployeo benetltr Apply to Industrial AO cwtlnc Corporation Limit Mr II Halos 11 Collier titreet Tel ephone PA OM MALE HELP nAItnnn WANTED Must be good halr cutter Telephone Camp not den lass xe SALEM BILL FULLmm Wmu Eueh leL No sol wmu amen SALIS LOT MAIN STREET EAST STAYNDlTEL NO in MALE HELP CLERK Lending chnedlan Food Camp any requires records clerk in processing plant located 50 miles north of Toronto Duties include keeping of pro duction and inventory records Good future prospects for right man Applicants should be zl 32 And preferably have Senior Matriculation or equivalent Pleasant working conditions iuil range of employee benefits Reply in writing stating age education and experience lo Box 72 Barrie Examiner MEN on WOMEN to tan thelr own Wlutlnl Eulinus Full or panum No exported heeenr ary Wrtio Gauthier loo Roch Street Montreal Ill Quebec JOultNxYMAN Electrlclan requtb ed tor tmmzdlate ateady emioy ment stata relerencea and nlary expected Apply to Box TJ arrla Examine mammal Hardware Mon wanted or new nardwaro atom in Barrie We ulre man who la capole be tralned to he come manager Apply to Box 60 Ellrid Damian MALE OB FEMALE LABORATORY Technklln ml or parbtlmc Apply Pntholplllt Roy al vtcterla Hos Ital San1e tor runner Inlormat on MEN AND WOMEN above so who are intcrerted In maklng above average cartlingo we have an opening that you will be hr terested In Car eslcnllal Tele twecn end pm EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL LOOK AFTER children in my own home Telephone PA 5154 101 turtber iniormatlon nuoumIalt Accountnit tlred onwrennon alter 10 yuu Ionic Lb Iocll Arm akin run or gumbo employment John High street Tell hone PA 66031 TEAClmltIE College graduate or slrea summer employment thiillx to do anything Chautleura Ile ence Banking experience and gm cery clerk Telephone PA H2 or lurther motmotion II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cinlmsagnlnst the Estates er WALTER JOHN PERCIVAL who died no or about 10th Feb mary 1959 and his wile MARY ANN PERCIVAL Iwhodted on or about tho 21st October 1960 must be In our hands by August slrt not alter whldch date Ehtate wlll be distrib DATED the 25th day or July lnl MES at N55 13 RICHMOND 5mm WET TORONTO Solicitors 12 TENDERS TOWNSHIP or VESPRA TENDER FOR PIT RUN GRAVEL Tender wlll be rccelved by the underngned clerk up to 11 oclock noon Monday July at 1061 to haul and apread 3000 cuhlc yum plt run gavel on the 0th Line on poalte Lot and Aim quote Erica per yard for loadlng on ownahlp truck Gravel aupplled by Township at the lnteraectlon or 0th Line and Highway 26 Work to be completed by August Certified cheque to Townrhlp of for $10000 to accompany latweat or any tender not necessarily accepted Rubber tlculars contact Ivan McLean lo Ferris Lane EARL RICHARDSON Clerk 17 Owen 5L Barrio SALE BY TENDER RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY CITY OF BARRIE Tenders will he received up until noon Saturday August 5th tool the purchase or the premise known as Munlclnal number so Eocles Street North havlng trontuge or lent more or less by depth or moreor less upon whlch there is erectcd concrete block room dwelling house lull hnument hot air and Oil mmnce Terms cash In the event or Any Barrie and District Real relate Agent Dirtluv In and submitting the uuccersrul tender tatIII commission iol ox cluuve llatlng wlu be pald to such Ment mgheet Or any Tender net nec easarll accepted Ten an my not be withdrawn aotlll 72 hours men the close or en For ruxther partlculm and or innfaction or the protrudes appll cat on my be made to the under alroed GORDON ATKINSON RR No nAIllIIlEv ONTARIO Survlvlng Executor or ill Estate of Mary Alice Atkinrnn PHONE PARKWAY soon phone Mr Whlte PA bevv pan mA ACTIVE AGAIN ENNISKILLEN Reuters Raldcrs believed to be mem bers of the outlawed irish Re Eubllcan Army blew up one ridge and damaged another nlesdny near this Northern Ire land town on tile Irish Republic border HIT AT CLU BUFFALO NY APtThe Nation1 Conierence of Police Associations charged Tuesday that the Americlm CIVIL Liber ties Union devotes fully 90 per cent of IL eflorts to the defence of Communists who run afoul of the law The policeorgnnlze tlon passed resolution con demning the Civil Liberties Union PREDICIS SPACE ADVANCE LONDON CPILaunching manned astronomical observ atory into orbit soon will be one of the next stages in Russias man in space program Dr Bobrov senior scientist of the Astronomical Council of the Soviet Academy oi Sciences told scientific meeting hore Tuesday BREAKS WITE PORTUGAL DAKAR AP Senegal has diplomatic mlntions with Portugal following recent clhsltes on its frontier with Portuguese Guinea The Portu guese accused the former French colony in West Africa of harboring Guinean nationalists NINE DIE IN FIRE MANILA AP Associate Justice Manuel MIan of the Philippine Court of Appeals died withhis wile and seven of their 13 children early today in niire that destroyed their $60 000 home here SUN FOR POWER JERUSALEM ReuterslIL raeli scientists have bllllt plant which converts Sun rays into electricity with three times the Efficiency of the more usual steammperated plant it is an nounced The new plant uses chloroberlzene vapor and has best accumulators to ensure continuous supply of energy BOMB NEWSMANS FLAT ALGIERS ReutersA plas tic charge explosion Tuesday badly damaged an apartment occupied by Alain Raymond the United Press international correspondent here Policeman Shoots Passenger In Car DETROIT CPIA passenger in car driven by an laxconvict was shot to death by subur ban Oak Park policeman MOI dny during wild auto chase Killed was Arthur Illmméll 23 of Detroit He was shot in the back of the head by patrol man Roland Hughes who chased car driven by Robert McFar lan 23 after it drove through red traffic light Another of the six shots fired by the patrolman injured Ste phen Moszyuski 21 also of De troit owner of the car Two other passengers who crouched in the back seat dur ing the chase were not injured McFarlan was paroled from prison last November after serv ing 18 months of oneAtofivc your sentence for burglary Patrolman Hughes said he fired at the car alter be was Unable to force it to stop He said the car was driven along residential streets and alleys at speeds up to 75 miles an hour Police said McFarlan tried to escape on foot when the car was finally stopped when it entered one way Water Pollution Closes Beaches PRESCOTT CF Mayor Pat Kingston called on the United States and Canadia gov ernments Tuesday to halt pollu tlon of the St Lawrence River He said the entire river was polluted io degreeand that dumping of raw sewage was practice on both American and Canadian Sides of the river Proscolts Kelly each has been closed to swimmers be cause of the pollution Several other butltirlgspots illthe King stonACoInwull section of the St Lawrence Seaway have also been closed because of polluted water way street the wrong OR RUMP ROAST STEHKS or IIIIIILEIS 69 TABLE RINDLESS stlcEII smE BACON 69 GA ORANGE ECONOMICAL NUTRITIOUS PORK LIVEII ill 02 PKG 0F PKG OF IGA COLOURED MILD CHEESE lb 33 TABLERITE WIENERS ALL FOR DEMPSTER ROLLS 41 ALL popULAR pnANDS CTN 0F TASTY SUMMER DESSERT N0 GRADE ANTALOUPES FREE EXTRA LARGE JUMBO 1TH THE PURCHASE OF ONE LB DAG EACH an llllltcolll 49 WHILE THEY LAST MONTMORENCY NO GRADE BASKET SAVE 53 $100 CASH CLIP OUT AND Us THE FOLLOWING COUPONS TIIIS covPoN WORTH OFF PURCHASE OF ANY ROAST of PORK VALE JULY 26 21 28 29 ONLY AT CHRISTIES IGAFOODLINER 13 ESSA RD THIS COUPON WORTH OFF PURCHASE OF ANY POUND COFFEE VALE JULY 26 27 28 29 ONLY ATV CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINER 13 ESSA RD Thls collroN wand 10 ms couroN ANY BTL CT SOFT DRINKS VALID JULY 25 27 23 29 ONLY AT cunlsrrmsj IGA moonmnlt ls ESSA This COUPON WORTH VALID whim 27 CHRISTIES IGA nonhuman orrlpllltcllAsn ANY ONE Doan LARGE EGGS 38 29 ONLY CHIIISTIES IGA TOMATO JUICE to 01 TINS 49 49 39 69 ml EACH 3500 IN punansES 02 JOE JUICE STRAWBERRY SAVE 10c IGA INSTANT COFFEE SAVE 10c OZ Jim OZ JAB BARBECUE SPECIAL one It OI Bottle IGA CATSUP ENTER THE FREE LUCKY DRAW FOR THE Electric BARBECUE ON DISPLAY IN CHRISTIES IGA DRAW WILL BE MADE SAT AUG 12th at pun THIS COUPON THIS COUPON WOREH ANY 14 OZ PKG POTATO CHIPS VALID JULY zit 27 28 29 ONLY AT CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINElt 13 ESSA RD 10 MARGARINE VALID JULY 26 27 28 29 ONLY AT CERISTIES IGA FOODLINER13 ESSA RD THIS COUPON OFF PURCHASE WORTH ANY FOUR LIGHT BULBS VALID IDLYzs 27 28 29010 AT CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINEN 13 ESSA RD THLS COUPON ANY LBS THIS COUPON WORTH OFF punénnsc YOUR FAVOURITE TooTHPASTE VALID JULY 727 28 29 ONLY AT iCHEISTIES IGlA pneumonia ESSA lml or nnncmén ICE CREAM VALID IuLyzo 27 23 20 NLV ATV IGAFOODLINNR TEESSARI THIS comith WORTH

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