fSummertiIne ctnd the Livin is EasY In Your Own Home Check the Want Ad TEE BARRIEEXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY no lull REAL ESTATE ANNOU NCEMENTS BIRTHS ionsAt lac Illlan Victoria Haspirai some on sundry iuiy I961 to air and Mn wilttam Jones 61 susbsac Avenue ban rtc daughter tearolyn Lecl UNDERIIllvlaAI the Royal VIP tori ltospitsl barrie on Tuto dn luly is last to ur and at Bnan Underaul ll Bowman Avenue Barns 50h IHHIU KILLED lull iuPortiAttr one In dunno or your lefl would he till plenum IDA omen WI ruar ro show out choice Name your child as quickly as possibi lnd use he Individuli mm ID Earl examiner birth Aaoouooc mrnl last can our Classiï¬ed oo panmeni We use RICH including to name and we win publish birth Notice ia the our cdluon tor only siso Telephone PA Hut tar this classirtcd service IN RIEIIOBIAIII allmITIIsAu loving memory oi dear pile and mother vir gini Edna who passed away laly i960 Wc ottcn think at pyloric day When we were all together The tamlly chain is broken now but memories live iorcvcr DLr rcmcmbcrcd by dull to Donna inclla Cools no Put tMn Nehnrl Pembroke and hash COMING EVENTS Rotary Club Barrie Annual Chicken Barbecue ST VINCENIS PARK CIVIC HOLIDAY AUG l96l SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT UTOPIA COMMUNITY PARK CIVIC IIOLIDAY MONDAY lOGI Commencing at l2 Noon LADIILS AND ltllNs TEAlils nDOTiIs LUCKY DRAW ADMISSION 50c LETS no ITS EASY TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD Use one at these three conveni ent ways PHONE PA 824 and say want to place class all Ad MAIL it In The Barrie Exam iner Barrie Ont BRING it to The Home Ex aminer office BayIicld Street CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed udveb tisernents are inserted at the rate at to per word per insertion for one and two times per word tor three four or five times and 2m per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge ii not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CIARGILL PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS 0R CORRECTIONS Advartisars are reminded that nu phono insertion orders are ncccpt ed as canvenlcnco to you the advertiser Thcralolo tho classllied Advortiathg Department rcqutres aii advertisers to kindly recheck their ndvertiscmcnt Immediately alter ï¬rst insertion in order that any errors or omissions that be reported belora am in order that same may he rectiï¬ed tor the loilowing dnys insertion ordrr We wish to point out that The Barilo Examiner is responsible Ior only one incorrovtly Irmed insertion on any adccrtlscmont and then only to to extent or portion or ad that involves tot misprint Errors which do not lessen the value at the adlertisb mant are not eligible or corms tions by make goods Rates and type styles Ior semi display classillcds may be on tainod through The Examiner aIIr vertising dopartmcnt Conung Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words 5c per word extrtl In Memoriam No tines $15n Iii verse used so per word extra liLan LmEII tEPLIEs Information regarding advertisers using blind Lettcr dos Numbers ior Replies ts naid trtctiy Linflla cnliai Itcpiies to batter Lioxcs will be held only day alter last day at nilhllchnun Classified advertisements and notices or these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication with the exv ceptiurl of Classiï¬ed Display advertisements which must be In by 120 noon preceding day REAL ESTATE Pnordbn FOR CARSON 45ADUNLOP ST Next door to tho imperial Theatr PA 6648 timber or barns and District Real Estate Board MOVING Dont hunt in matter your INSURANCE on need extra covers at any SEE STEVENSON PA osam ilJ Dunlop 51 NORMAN Shelswell REAL ETAIE IIIIOKER Dunlop Street East PA 8996 or PA 68742 EvENlNGs CALL loo Lonelin PA com Everctt shclswcll Oro 19w Howard Norris PA Hts isrk villson PA um Norman shoiswcll PA um ROSE REAL ESTATE uRuKER 7n TIFFIN STREET nARIiIz FARM 00 ACRES loo scrc isrm locaicd in cm Township Large barn and drlvc shed room brick tousnpmodcm kitchen all roots ingood repair Pttil price only $0Efl0 with stooo down payment and tho halanco on one mortgage SHANTY BAY ROAD brick bungalow sir rooms lull basement recroaiion roam lomd air on heating opcn nooplscc garage tally landscaped lot with paved drlvcwuy Terms storey brick home located very ccntral in the Car area bed rooms and bath upstairs Large living room and iamlly sixc kit chcn downstairs Full basement all heating new root This home is in excellent condition both in side and out Fully landscaped lat with planter at ironl or house Pull price only sinsilo ALLANDALE I3 ROOMS BATHS Incoma home The upstairs rcnts at 0105 monthly leaving room apartment tor the owner down stairs Forctcd air all heating Largegarage In This prop erty is lncatod very control to stores and bus line Iull price $11909 EAST END ROOMS $12900 lull price Ior this outstand and ti ing room brick bungalow only years old separate dining room tuli iamily sizo kitchen exhaust top bedrooms lull bascmcnt hitcly landscaped lot 50 I65 located close to schools and shop Plnx 55 MIA mortgage carrier tor $77 per month including taxes CENTRAL COLLIER ST iastladuaro ioat brick home only about months old This is large wall built brick bungalow located close to downtown ieaa turing largo bedrooms shape living room and dininiz room spacious work kitchon plus large dining area in kitchen stone ï¬replaces one in the living room and one in the recreation ronm zcar buIIIln garage paved drIvoway Terms Largo down pay mcnt required CALI DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the barrio and District Real Estate Board CONTEMPORARY HOME ONE ONLY New NHA contemporary dwelling with carport is rooms large Iivv log room largo kitchen dining area master bedroom ceramic tiled bathroom with colorcd lir turcs and vanity Lois or can boards storms and screens largo sodded lot good location corner itclrosonuckworlh Phone owner bullder II ALLEN PA 34251 ALLANDALE Annc St custom built brick bungalow 55390 down payment slit per month includes Interest principniand taxes For turthcc inlormatlon PHONE PA 83428 cENTltALLY Lacntod iivo room idsul brick house is Honry street Laundry Incilities oil heated Goad grounds Low down payment Apply Donald Cameron RR barrio telephone PA 59356 sTRoun New two bedroom bun galow Large living room kitch cn and three piece bath Lots oi cupboard space Largo landscap cd lot Make an offer Telephona siroud 34ml Longwood Lodge rCleaii well located body and slot IGood Food Hospitality ENJst 0E BARRIE ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR CODL sPA pleasant sllrroundings cIoUs DINING IIOHM AllIlD BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS ONLY FEW HOMENIS mqu EIIOM ALLANDALE FOR Broiled steaks with mushrooms Southern fried chicken in basket HungariunGoulash European ctisinc Cateringto fami ies and groups large orLsmull Meols canine served citoll times WE HOPETOSEE YDU iN THE NEAR PUTUIIE mnPHONE SIROUD aznza For Reservations or JustlDr pIrt ROGERS PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL REALTORSv ONE DUN STREET EAST First In Barrio Borne SalesForemost tn Quaiiu at Serving PA 85568 EVENINGS CALL ribs in noonPA If ROGERSIPA use mum bARRLE at DISTRICT REAL STATE DOARD TRUNK LINES NWPA mu CONNflsbPA 8163 CLIFF Smith CampbellPA I738 rerrua Garveyva 57951 Members or tho Barrie Real Eriato board PRATT LTD Cst HIGH ALITY HOMES See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA waits on PA 56283 CORBY BROWN REALIUR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA sow PA Min iosa nagPA um IUCIS REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA Hazlitt lilAbEI llAlisIIALLPA 450 so Dunlap St COREYPA was OWEN JONmPA 57911 HAROLD FORSTER Realtor 98 Bayfield St BUYERS WE HAVE HOMES WE WANT or the Sale YourProperty ely On Our ales Staff Make The ssetiol Sole ight Now REQUIRED NOW Bungalow in Painswick or Surrounding District Two or Three Bedroom Homenn 90 Hwy Home in Angus ior Airlorce Family Must Have Bedrooms LotsIn And Around City of Barrie Acreages Within 15 Miles of City Small Home Near Copacu For Small Family BarrieHomes with Low Down Payment Call Any of Forster lilclnbcr or barrio and District Real Estate board EMORY MILLERVPA c0475 KARL itIAllSHALLPA imil HAROLD FORSTERrPA 84465 HENDERSON REALTOR In COLLIER sTREEi PHONE PA 82678 42 OAKLEY PARK Just otr si VIncent Street lovely shaped three bedroom brick bungalow attached garage beautilully kept Owner translcr rcd For all details call min Scandrett COOK AND STEEL AREA $165u0 Lovely throa bedroom ranch hrielr bungalow attached garage Large living and dinIniI room family size modem kitohon Eco inr yourscu ahrI carapar Owner trunsIerIcd 67 terms un er NHA Exclusive EvENINun out RITA SCANDREIT PA atnas PERCY FORD PA New Mombor ol banlo IIIO District and Ontario Real Estate boards NICELY TREE LOT 55 135 Close to schools Apply 145 Pool street SEVEN ROOM brick Hons WIIh barn on onshore of land Nat urai gas lurnacc thrca piece bath built in cupboards Next to the school on 12th lino oi sunnidalc Road open all winter lelcpitonn 55le stayaor sYEAROLD Erick bungalow Din ing room living room kitchen and two bedrooms Forced air all heating Dry basement Garage Paved driveway 33000 down Telephono PA 37487 PROPERTY P01 SALE OR RENT JUST FOR YOU This charming Ilnush tor rent or sale Situated in shanty bay tow yards trom the water Fire place in tha living room on ur nacc Three bedrooms Largo tenced in yard Available sap Icmber is Present tenants moving to Western Canada Telephone cm 447 or hire De Loin PA 93103 PROPERTY WANTED IIsz 51000 down payment tor centrally located home in Bar rlc valued up to $80m Princi Pais only Apply to box 70 Barrie Examiner BUS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunity RENTALS otlica or store space 500 square leer on ground floor Excellcut location shop Immediate possession ouid make oxcelient Inrnituro reï¬nish ing and upholstery shop Usnd Car Lot or rent Onion and Ilglhltl included Exceptionally good EEO INFORMATION ONTIIE Above OPPORTUNITIES CONTACT HAROLD HILL 55 DUNLOP ST WEST TELEPHONE PA 82427 SNOCAP DRIVEIN LTD PROTECTED TERRITORIES FRANCHISE now nvailablt In Dn tario and Quebec tor yuhxound PA 166453 Staff Listed Below JOE PALiilEuPA solidi NORAII RAIKrsOro 402 BUS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE Combination service stationsnack bar Ind house on wcuitraveiied highway in busy community Pro scnt gallonago good excellent tub urn possibiutlcs Low investment required very reasonable terms Service station training supplied with salary and expenses paid This is yelhrollrltl steady husk pass and real proï¬t appurtImA ity lor the applicant sclectod write In strictest cantldcacn giv ing personal background ï¬nancial position etc to box 74 barrio Ex aminer enactsle STORE lo at rcet to be moved Includes counter scales racrigcrat dccp trccror and oil stove $14000 turnover annually Tclcphoac PA 37468 alter pm IIANDYIIIANS Opportunity For sale21 room hotol in Thornton on 27 Highway rail price$3000 with only $2000 down Good in coma property Ideal or Iphrlr merits to Box 68 Ba in ExamnnrPp1y FINANCIAL $5080 ONLY 471 FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR HILL SIMMS PA 0203 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home Repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 or $56 Monthly $3544 at1$90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 months to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT 14 Dunlop St PA 66477 MORTGAGE Loans ANYWHERE Immediater to consolidate dchtsr pay ott existing mnflgazeshome improvements etc can or op gnintment PA nasal Mortgago uniting over Simpsonescars Dunlap strcot Ea monTOAGEbtst and and bought sold and arranged commercial and ruldenthl moacyr loaned on existing mortgages barrio Mm gago brokers PA H504 drivcl rnstaurant backed by ex bcriencc training advertising write to Snocap 3077 bathurst Toronto 01 further Inform Its wonderful the way Classified Adsget re sults Phone PA 82414 RENTALS APTS HOUSES WTD mail 30le Teacher not three or our bede house by September Prams DIN diurkl or outskim Apply Box on barn Examiner APTS HOUSES T0 RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lako OM Ind two bedroom nplrtmenu complete with siovo and rctttgcn aior Use or washer and dryer Redeemach npuusz PA slush THREE R00 Apartment Av mIDulu walk mm downtown Parking utilities Newly decora tcd Telephone PA unlit RENTALS ms HOUSES T0 RENT until POD Room nmcnt heated hat and cold water Pri vats bathroom Inn and utility mom Apply In Green hand man or telephone Endtord Proa pect Him Lam VIEW with checriul ourr roundihu Three room tell cau tuhcd apartment siovo and no irtgelator supplied located in the cut end Available immediately Telephone PA Mono ROOMS To LET ruminant Housekeeping Room to lot with reunite tun oi lriuntor and washing machine Centrally located For lunhcr in larmatlou telephone PA H9061 scu coxrnmm unlamlshcd our room apartment Hut Ind WIIC IUPDIkd 16 per month Dal cod location Available lm modiatciy Telephone PA nun tor nirthcr dotits THREE no unlurhtsbcd apart meat Icpsrato entrance sail con tained parking laciliticr Ncwly decorated Available immediately Telephone PA but tor lunhcr thlormailon THREE Rooll Apartment or re store rcrrlgcrator boat but let numurd Lisa 01 washer and dryer Telephone PA 54150 0R I100 unlurnlshrd apart mcnt to rent lIsrdwood noon Kitchen sunroom Telepbonn PA 60846 nlicr six NEw DUNGALOW tarnished with law rent to reliable couple that will let widower live in For tar thcr inlorlriauon call PA Mm AvAILAnLE Immediately 0a nrrnishcd apartment one unturn Ishcd both sou contained Ono child welcome Days phono PA $1270 cvcnlnga PA 808 ONE AND TWO bedroom Apart moats Stove rcirigcrator isniior scrvica and laundry lncIIItiu nearing trom sail monthly Teitr phona Lccch PA nosm rourt Itoolt Furnished apart ment tor rcnt Second loot Im rucdiatc osserslon close to how Post ottcc Apply 60 Owen st sitar pm SEVEN Rooll llouso lor rent with two bathroom hardwood Iioaro all heated lull bascmcni Largo yard lcnoed In Available soptcm bnr Taicpbono PA W1 FURNISHED two room apartment with private bath and parking iacliillcs Reasonable ront Loca tcd owcn and Wellington streets Tclcphono PA bsm UPPER DUPLEX spacious thrcn room artrnent with balcony heated envy duty wiring All re dcooratcd Tclcphane PA 84510 mcal hours or ovcntngs THREE B00 uniurnlshcd apart ment prlvntn bath parking III ties laundry tub 36a inoiudlntl heat water and lights child wel corne Telephone PA b9706 FURNISHED thrca room apart ment thrco plccc bath heavy duty stove and mrrigcratar Hardwood Iloals Selt containcd Avlllnbln July Apply Armstrongs llnrd ware IMMEDIATE Posscsslon Hcatcdi tarnished one bedroomaparimcnt Separate cntrancc Use or swim ming pool No childrcn or pots Tclcphonc siroud in Two 1100 tarnished apartment hot and cold water suitable tor mic or two adults Availabltl now Telephone PA tapas evontogs ror iurthcr articular THREE BEDROOM bungalow and year old Northcast end close to schools Four piece bath Modern kitchen storms and screens Tele phonaPA 87756 arter SCIII Two Rom nirnlshed bachelor Apartment with balcony or rent liedecolatcd Close to downtown Avallablo immediately Apply to Park strcct Two ROOMS and bath iuiaihod privatc entrance Suit couple Qulct district Tclophonc PA 66749 ahytlmo Ior Iurthcr inlor motion HEATED Apartment tor rent Large lIvIrliz room bedroom diu ette and kitchen with stove and rotrlgcrator Ccntral business can pio prelcrrcd Availablc lmmedi aicly Tolcphone PA 63516 NEW Two BEDROOM ground floor sell containcd apartman rte Irigerator and stove laundry lac llitios Overlooking Park and lake iront Apply so blakc st or tele phone PA 574 IMMEDIATE possession heated unfurnished two bedroom aparb mcnt in siroud apartment house No children or pcts Telephone stroud 48 nltIGHT furnished two room apart ment or rent with kitchen and badslttlluz roam Heavy duty stove Available immediately Apply at 127 Eurton Avenue NICELY Furnished Apartment vary central Available now suit able tor one or two adultr At stainers Stove and rotrigcrator host and water supplied Apply izo bayllcld Street HOUIIHKHNG Room lor rcpt two beds rdrflerllor and rank cite suit two business men who would uh quiet home in west end district Tellphonn PA Mm CENTRAL location bright bed room and kitchen or rent hilly tarnished reasonable rent with host and Debt included Ideal tor couple Telephone PA $5593 on HID Hourrkeeplng Rocas rult quiet older women on bus lInc Ono tarnished bedroom with kitchenette military or business coapia prclcrrcd Tole paouc pA BMI or PA noun ROOM BOARD ARTICLES tor SALE FILL YOUR Dogs is PETS Two GERMAN nuEPlImIJ Pup FREEZER iith the linear RED and burn MEATS ETC 100 Guhnnletd Quill Eufllfl Tenn an onion $3030 and over complrto Ltd or FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES an available to thou who In purchuo their order dnuy At your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE TIFHN sTRzzr BARRIE PHONE PA ml Free Delivery Open Emu Oil pm gUIaLDDZlNlG 1an GIAIIIII inch on contra an IIart PA mi AVAILADI Nice with board Central location Lun cbcs packed if desired Telcphon PA 52351 bright room SUMMER RESORTS Longwoocl Lodge Lover DlUlround Iplcluul room hot and cold watc very good tubing Only one mile to gall and tennis court EUROPEAN CHEF EUROPEAN CUISINE HOME COOKING Broiled Steaks With Mushrooms Southern Fried Chicken Very reasonable rates Meals can be served at all times or outsid ers Weekend guests and tamliies are welcome Clara to Alinndalo loll tonne Tel Stroud 62r23 COTTAGES T0 RENT Chair Telephone PA M811 RANGE lot nlr cINLHC our bar nr like new apartment sire heavy dukv Tclcphono PA E2096 tor lurihcr lmorrnatlon usun VACUUM cleanrrs tor sale H5 and up Pres home trial No obligation Telephone PA we or rlIrther tutormotion Imam WAsIIEIl used in good condition Ilm Ladys Bicycle nd one boy Bicycle All reasonably priced Telephone PA 771 WASHING MACHINE or it chsliaghousc automatic in good working condition New main bearings mm 15 also any sIIvEIutL Goon Uscd Sowingbia chines are now in our stock Prices rangc mm no and up There to bo cleared out immedi Tclcphonc PA E7960 LLOYD DAnl CarriEa or rain light grey and green Rood condi tion $75 Telephone PA Miss daysor PA 05819 alter six or mrthor Inlannation snLollATic zis zag Machines now in stock $15950 Also young budget straight stitch machines at 37950 Como and sea them new at singers Telephone PA 960 SK OsclLATING Sandor Tol cdo Computlnl whttn enamel Counter Scale all lb capacity Platiorm Scale with scoop 150 lbs capacity Telephone Ivy ism TYPEWRITEKS Portables no low in 359351 year guarantee Term so down pop week stu dent rentals repairs star writcr Cu 24 Dradtord st 66595 PIvE ROOM Cottage at Glenwood beach turnishcd Availablo July 25 an Clare to stores and dance hall Telephone Hill siroud lor iurtbcr intormation DIG BAY POINT clean modern nw cottage Iurnishcd All con vcnicnccs Near good bathing beach and stores nvo bedrooms Avaunbln July 29 Aug Is Tcle phonn PA Mani Two DEDROOM Colt with trlA side oonvcnlcnces at Oro noach Good swimming nd llshlng Avail ablo July an to August also August ID to September 550 weekly Telephone Ora 392 POUR BEDROOM Cottage nvnII able last tbrcerwccks In August also three bedroom cottage tor the last two weeks in August also small cottage with two bunk beds available now All on lake treat with good sandy bcach Thunder beach Apply II Tuck Dundonnld sti Barrio COTTAGES FOR SALE TWO COTTAGES and Lots tor sale at Little Lake $2500 for both or will sell separately real halt dymnnn opportunity Apply to box so bsrrlc Examiner ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLDP 51 WEST PHONE PA 427 THE RAFTERS ANTIQUES CRAIGIIURST ONTARIO nilniturr colored glass and china OpelIan for your convenioncc irom IO om till 10 pm in lilith North or barrio on Highway 93 PA 56317 MODERN two bcdroord unmrnlsh ad apartment Near East End Plaza Automatic laundry iacllities Venetian bunds and bamboo drapes Parking area Telephone PA 31929 Two BEDROOMS one living room kitchen and bathroom $70 moat hcatod Next to Christies Supermarket In Allnndoio Tele pho PA mm and ask for Sam stra sman lrona to pm UNIURNISKED heat part mcrlt three rooms and kitchenette privan ontrahne central location 566 monthly Available Augus to Also furnished two room apart ment iia baytreld strch Phone PA 66401 THREE ROOM hcotod nnturnlshcd apartment Private bathroom and Entrancei 0n ground Hoar Private veranda Washer and dryar suplt plicd Ap liaacos optional Free parking clcphono PA 60931 or PA 54012 NEW AND Modern ban and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kemponlelt bay Kant wa ter parking and janitor acrvlcn Included Automatic washlnx ra nliltics PA 54902 THREE noon unrumlshcd apart mept heat water suppuod Lacs tcd blalra and Dunlap Avauabls immediately For Inrther inlor mation Telnphonu PA least or PA 547m UNPUansIIED tour room apart mcnt iar rout Hosted and roll contained with PrIvutn bath Pos iessinh Immediately Telephbnti PA til5105 or PA 86828 or turn er lnlormntion ElmNIsuED two room bachelor apartment oompleteLv sell con tained ground Iloor Bright Hy dro and heat supplied FIreplnce and large clothes closets Avail abla August Tclophonc PA Mills QUEENS PARK DISIIIC TWO bedroom lowor duplex private tront entrance tour piece bath stove and ratrigcrator basement storage space Private parking PATIO ST vim square thick WATER PROOPED comm PAST Sariepnt Co Ltd Mary Siteet NEWSPAPER MATS sues sixth local to lining hcn houses sttlta garages etc nurse innittar 25¢ PER DOZEN The barri Examiner barrio oatrid RETREADS FOR sumo DRIVING AT DOMINION TIRE STORE lio BRADFORD ST bAIlRlE ELECTRIC CASH hoglster ior sale 76 Apply Joan Garrick Hair styl ter In lunple Avenue barrio ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Telcv phone PA 50274 DinnerFarrow Limited ONE COMPLETE sET or Encyclo pedia Eritannica and Donkenac Best oiier Telephone PA 03in nitor six NEW OVERHEAD Garage Doors 36 and up Fishing boat 50 Cabin Trailer not boat Motor 316 leIephorle PA b49594 tor in lormnuod WALNUT Plnlshcd Gateloll Table with three matching chairs also white two hunter electrlc hot One child welcome sail Telephonn PA 497 plate in goodcondition Teicobone PA Mm Inytlmo hioobltN Chosioriield Ind chair heavy duty our burner Stoyn Washing Machine Coleman oil space heater All in good condi tion Apply BILBhlIc inimiturc it nayllold street Telephone PA Mm TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Phone Pa 82414 BUSINESS pics or me both male wecltx om street Apply Mrs GW crawlcrd on Patterson Triepbono PA bind tor lunhcr talormauou SPECIAL 1960 ll rt Mahogany Delta Coup Top goat hp lohman Rotor 2t Gauon Permanent Gas Tank ouight Speedometer Compass kc Pair Paddler uln Proscrvers Ladder Anchor Cabin Unix 351 RmsoNAbLl OrrDR Accmzn Telephone PA 83915 DELANEY BOATS PHONE PA 83461 lElt Cruiscreile 40 hp Scott motor Special price $950 left Mahogany inboard Run about with top 135 hp Chrys ler motor $1950 17 Mahogany Plank Dome onstrntnr with used Vsa motor convertible top etc $2650 12min SAIL DOAT scow Do equnrn col ill and main nail Telephone PA 450 curt LOANssdoo at $22 per month Tclcpbono PA mos cresccutrinance 25 Dunlap St West IlNM DELCRAII new motor with electric start heavy duty trailer really bcauutul best would luro ollcr can no need at John street evenings mBBGLAES DOAT hip Johnlt Ion electric starting Ica Nee Tilt Trailer hilly couip ed lights dunl tanks compass llo preserv ers Privately owned lilsy bu seen at Allnhdalc Motors or phone PA 541107 alter oclock bcst otter FRUIT VEGETADLES CHERRIES Poll BALE Erin can tl cu Ind pick your own be RASPBBILRILS or sale by box or crate You may pick your own Ply Mr Green RR Id dhurst or tclcphona PA E7814 ARTICLES WANTED WANTED REFRIGERATOR FOR SUMMER COTTAGES HIGHEST TRADErm VALUE Call McFaddens FOR PRICES PA 89288 WE WILL PAY cAnII ior good used turnlturo or any good used article Individual or content lots Phono PA 62127 DEED BICYCLES and Tricycle wanted in any condition also Typewriters Will pick up Tele phone PA Milo or Iurtrler in iormatlan SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About LOW Rates By llonth or YBEI Telephone PA 82414 CAMPING EQUIPMENT SURVEYING TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT POR RENT Tents and Tarps Damp Cots and stoves Cnoibrl BARRI TENT AWNING CO LTD st BAYFLELD slhm TELEPHONE PA Hm CARPENTRY CARPENTER CONTRACTORS Altaratlops Renovation and Kitchhns OLD BUILDINGS ï¬EMOVED JAMES Cr SON Phone Res PA 66800 DIAPER SERVICE bAthlEs ansr DIAPER SERVICE Iwicn wcckir pickup dc dclIvcry it PDANcIs sT REAR PA 63551 Less than pack at clgarottcs EXCAVATING PILL GBAVEL TOP Sr SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery crushed rtans Dalr Yard Backho tor bir DENNIS MORAN zit Anon Street Derri PA E2307 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD sailm AND SON Paintingaud Papcr bringing Spray Painting service since mil RR BARRIE PA H956 SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrie PA M751 Long distancn Zenith 32000 at our expense ED PECONIvAND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 69061 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been ucouscd toromnvn your doad and crippled Innocent maisunder tho above aer FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECI BAREEI PArkwny H617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENnE sscor Roger Welsman Ontario Land Surveyor TELEPHONE PA class UPIIOISTEE UPHOLSIERY Chestertields Chairs Chrome Chairs ant Seats Summer Porch and Garden Furniture 15 YEARS SERVICE IN BARRIE FREE ESTIMATES AND PICKUP BARRIE Tent And Awning CO LIDi at BAYFIELD sr bAPIlIE PHONE PA com UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND oDraperies Isiip covers BIOBdIDom Cornmercial furniture Installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CUSTOM CD 64 BAYFIELD 51 PA 51612 PA 39931 Out or towncallcolloct complato range of rohrlcs about in your home CLEANING For fine furniture and rug cleaning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE FREE ISTIMATEs PA 61611 PA Mmi WELL DIGGING ITWELLCLEW How long since you cleaved your well YEARSiii YEARS YES WE CLEAN WELLS Wells Dug Dccpcncd ltepalrcd We also sell and install nuro shallow and Deep Well Pumps Phone or rvrlto KEN WINTERS 12 MARIA STREET bARRlE Justnorth or toll highway or bayneld PA MIH WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR No BARRIE PA 8764q battery and controlsfl pinning AltricLssior SALEG on hot nustcl lnlnicson 10 Cam st Collhowood UPHOISIERING AND RUQ umfmw