SALTERPERGUSON the bus or subway amidst crowd People driven by the heat of fifth floor apartment into the night air meat family and went into breeding and racing thor ride in the moonlight is it only for lovers It depends on the people and the kind of ride For some city dwellers it could mean trip on For others ride down country lane or street hushed by nightfall cruise on the Bay casts won drous spell In days gone by it meant saddling horse and riding the moonlit troll Where else can man feel more at peace with himself than under the stars in the wide openspaces FAMOUS STABLES When pass field of idle horses think of this bygone era with nostalgia It is difficult to imagine that the hub Barries industrial centre west of Anne street was once the site of mile race track and the famous stables of the late Wright one time coowner of the WrightHargreaves gold mine The mining magnate came to Barrie in 1922 when he purchased the stable and stock of the Dy oughbreds He maintained one of the largest establishments in Canada During this era Mr Wrights stables attracted racing enthusiasts and horse breeders from many parts of the world Mr Wrights love of horses dated back to the days of his youth in England and during his service with the British army in India and with the South African Cavalry regiment He also saw active duty with the Canadian forces during the first World War and was the only million aire to serve as private at this time One of the proudest moments in the life of this astonishing man was in 1989 when his thoroughbred Archworth wearing the colors of the late George McCullough won the Kings plate at old Woodbine KIN GS PLATE The late King George VI and Queen Elizabeth were touring Canada that year and saw the Kings plate run on this momentous occasion Prior to his death Mr Wright sold his horses and farms One of the buyers waslames Boyland pro minent name in Canadian racing circles today Among Mr Wrights souvenirs which are now the property of William Craig of Barrie are trophies and cups won by his famous horses Photos of winners hang proudly in the Craig home Also tucked away in his scrap books are many clippings including an article recalling the one time in history the Queens plate was run in Barrie in the late 1870s during Queen Victorias reign Mr Wrights quick wit his love of humanity and generosity will long be remembered by his family and friends snoar EASY Pushing my womans curiosity into Fall hair fash ions The headline news is short and easy short hair styles go with the ease in Fall clothes and the less bulk in hats Colffures will have little height but the beehive is definitely out although they will not go to the extreme of hugging the head There is gentle fullness indicated at the sides And of course theres growing interest in the use of hair coloring both in hair rinse and hair tint The Fall silhouette remains the relaxed look Fash ions are veered between the modified KookieLook and the svelte Jackie Kennedy profile Waistlines are generally normal but the low hip line and the overblouse look are important There is even hint for nextseason in the Xsintroduction of the higher waistline Colors vary greatly with theuse of mulberry plumeild cherry and magenta to gold and venetian green and apricot Looks like colorful season ahead VACATION Tlilm Crosbie Miss Fern Hodgson Miss Linda Daily Miss Emma Madden Mel Megill Mrs Irvine and daughter Katherine and and Mrs Cox daughter Ruth and son Mark For the stayathonles like me on with the heat and bon eourage WHAT THE STARS SAY ey ESTIELLITA work Bvarrie Couple Wed AtWindsor Temple Baptist mm Wind sor is the selling for the quiet wedding ammony loday unit ing inmanlnge DArcy Mes Gnllher and lira Lillian Jean Chubb both of Barrie Rev MacDonald will officiate The bride is the daughlcr of Mr and hire Beck Wind sor and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs Ethel McGruihEr Toronto Given in marriage by her faiher the bride wllL wear streetlength gown of yellow ny lon with white accessories Her corsage ls Sweetheart rosa while emotions and lily of the valley Mulroa of honor Mrs Mc Leod of Windsor will wear beige silk costume wilh malw ing accessories Groomsmnn be Mc hood Windsor reception will be held at lhe home of the brides parents Receiving the guests Mrs Bedr will be gowned in moss green loco dress wilh black accessor ies lilhe couple will reside in Bar ric Lunstud BRIDEELECT The engagement has been an nouncedof Catherine Patricia liofland daughter of Mr and Mrs Maxwell Anlbony Holfland Lefmy The biidegmomiobe is Lieutenant Gordon Edward Joico son of Mrs Doris Dol ding will take pluge Saturday August 19 at the Kew Beach lord of Toronto and the late James Edward Joioe The wed Uniiod Church Tomato CPL AND MRS JOHN DIDGEAN Bride Wears Gown Of Silk Organza Miss Joan Jennell became the bride of Cpl John McGean of Camp Borden at an afternoon ceremony held at Sl Judes Anglican Church Thornton Rev Harper officialed The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Jenneil The bridegroom is the son of Mrs Pearl bichan of lngonish Beach Nova Scotia and the isle Amos Motion The bride was given in mar rlage byher folher Mr Jen nelt She chose an imported gown of silk organza fashioned with fiited bodice Vneck line enhanced by soil folds of organza and short sleeves Tiny buttons marched down the back of ihe gown lo bustle back tiara of flowers and pearls held her shoulder length veil She carried cascade of red Sweetheart roses and white slelt phanoils ller attendanls were Miss Donna Jenneli maid of honor and Miss Vera Jennetl brides maid bolh sisters of the bride Miss Judy Laws cousin of the bride was flower girl Carrying through the theme of the bridal gown the maid of honor wore gown of blue or ganza over lafiela fashioned with round neckline and bouff ant skirt The bridesmaidsgown was of pink organdy over taffeta ADDS TO EXPENSE Flowers inmalcblng shades were fashioned inlo beaddresses for the allwdanls and they can rled bouquets of white shasta mums and pink emotions The flower girl wore dress of pink organza with matching flower headdress Rer bouquel was of while ahasta mumsand pink carnalions Cpl Smith of Camp Bor don attended llle bridegroom Ihe ushers were Cpl ll ONeill and Cpl Alisdalr both of Camp Borden Mrs Jamlesoa was organ ist and soloist was Jamieson who sang The Lords Prayer and Because reception was held in the church parlours The mother of iho bride received her guests wearing dress of pale blue nylon over flowered taffeta with while accessories carsage of pink sweetheart roses enhanced her ensemble She was assisted by Mrs Cooke of Calop Borden wear ing beige silk afternoon dress with matching topper and ac cessories Her corsage was of yellow roses and oarnallons Fortravelling the bride these an amethyst floral print dress with while accessories cor sage of while and yellow carna lions completed hcr costume Cpl and Mrs McGean will reside at Thornton Extra Baggage Causes Grief When Travelling VANCOUVER CP Excess air baggage just means extra charges endless upping and the bother and fins of unpacking unnc sary clothing travel consu taut Nora Gould says Two pieces of luggage are sufficient to carry all the neces sary items for three week holiday and remain within the Mpound luggage allowance ad hered to by airlines for tourist class passengers she says Miss Gould who travels ex tensively on her job witilcana dian Pacific Airlines suggests that the entire wardrobe for the trip be packed in one large piece of luggage The other piece should be an ovemigbt case which can be carried per sonally Cosmetics toilet articles slippers and brunch coat can all go into the overnight bag for use during the flight You can slip into the brunch coat and slippers while travelling and the slewardess will hand up your travelling ensemble Cosmetics havel best in plas tic bottles but remember not to fill to the top because liquids expand in pressurized aircraft cabins and lhe tops will pop if the bottle is too full Toilet ariiclessbould include face cloths soap seep flakes water softener and toilet tissue Your travelling purse should be large enough to accornmo dalé doomheals sun glases and other items youll want with you An evening bag for ailer five use is essential but make sure it is large enough to hold valuable items not safely left in hotel rooms Packing is no problem if you leave garments in the plastic bags used by dry cleaners This leavesalr pockets between gar ments and means they will be comparatively wrinkle fr ee when unpacked Smaller plastic bags from fruit or vegetables areriine for shoe wrappers travel iron is good invest ment but will be of little use during laternational travel un less it has an international plug Plano Recital Presented At Thornton United Church THORNTONThe piano pup ils of Mrs Jean Black pre sented their recital in Trinity United Church Thornton The church was decorated with ferns and bbskets of flow ers and there were many par ents and friends present Those taking part in the pro gram which consisted of solo all with the singing of the Na tional Anthem Pupils of Mrs Black who look the Royal Conservatory of Music examinations were Ma rie Black with first class hon ors Grade theory and Man lyn Houghion of Newton Robin of and Marie Fisher Holly honors in Grade plane BY Plane in One of the new collapsible models WSIHJS only pounds CHOOSE WITH CARE Clothing should lnclud basic dress which is appropriate for dining or the theatre two cottons which are washable and dark so they can be worn more than once between washingsgln skirt and sweater set two light weight wool or cotton suits two wash and wear blouses two sets of nylon lingerie nylon night gown or pyjamas lightweight raincoat 10 pairs of nylons and three pairs of shoesplain pumps dress shoes and flats for wailring and sightseeing In addition to your 44pound luggage allowance you can carry handbagovercoat foot rug umbrella walking stick camera binoculars infant food for consumption during flight and fully collapsible invalid wheel chair orcthcs wheel chair or crutches The pound allowance may include overnight bags brief cases typewriters radios ladies vanity cases and hat boxes KEEPING ONIONS Onions should be kept in dry cool place to prevent sprouting and deterioration For Hair Style Of Distinction VISIT loan gumck mm STYLISTS MAple Ave PA in iuels and trios were Misses Elaine Johnson Nancy Bell Denise Hill Bonnie Chip chase Sbaryn Ross Bonnie Fisher Marilyn Hougblon Pat ricia Bone Marie Fisher Bon nie Rainey Judy Treanor Shir FOR TOMORROW Generous influences prevail with social gatherings romance and travel especially sponsored Sports and other outdoor pur suits also share in planetary favor For 1m BIRTHDAY Ii tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you can make flne headway in the coming year if you concen trate on your most ambitious goals now July planetariiy speaking is your monthand even if results are not immedl alely forthcoming you canif you take advantage of all avail able opportunliiesreap rewards along job and financial lines by October and throughout the first six month of 196 Lale December and early 1962 will can be excellent for creative pursuits whether vo catiorlal or evocational Per sonal telalonships will be under excellent aspects 01ln75t of this year with parlicularly happy forecast for December also the period of August and September child born on this day will be loyal conscientious and de voted to home and family TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Phone Pa 82414 ley Williamson Keilha Beillyp Christine Flnkbiner Dianne Cooper Donna Harrie Linda Morron Randi llili Donna Thompson and Masters David Ross Ronald Bone and James Cooper After the program Randi llili presentedMrs Black wilh gift on behalf of her pupils very enjoyable evening conclud MATERNITY APPAREL 100 Collier Si PA 83804 VELKAY Alb DnorEall of Town Hall Yours for Privacy and Economy IMPERIAL STARTS MONDAY Aounuuu mun olemay LAST snowmo ronAv Gidget Goes Hawaiian more than 300 years ago ft is Miss Nanch Ferguson Will Marry Millet Salter Today This day marks special moment Miss Nancy Claire Ferguson in the life of And for her special moment Nancy will wear her sisters traditional bridal gown of white silk organza over taffeta for her appearance at oclock this after noon in Trinity Anglican Church Nancy will be escorted down the aisle on the andaf her father Clifford Ferguson to become the bride of William Millet Seller of Barrie BRIDAL GOWN The bride chose gown fam loned wilh ï¬tted bodice with heavy imported Guipure lace framing he portrai neckline The bouliant skirl was enhanc ed by band of matching Gulu Pure it olrciet of organza misled with pearls caumll her shoulder length veil of tulle illusion She carried bouquet of sharia daisics mingled with ivy and talisman es Rev ï¬eorge Sherring offi ciated at this afternoons cere many The bridal attendants were Mrs John Browlie sister of the bridd matron of honor Misses Barbara Buchanan and Carol diaedel of Ollawa and flirt Ronald Chrls tie of Barrie were bridesmaids The oilendants were gowned alike in goldenyellow siik shan iung sheath dresses with match ing bouffanl overskirls Circleis ol daisies and ivy were fashioned into beaddrcsses for the attendants They car ried nnsegays of sbastn daisies and ivy ll Myles Allison of Barrie acted as groomsmnn The ush ers were Clark Seymour of Cal gary Alberta John Ferguson broliler of the bride and Ron aid Christie of Barrie Z0 TEE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JULY 1861 PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Elich Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 6537 Notes are Intended to cover Ihe general social life of the oily and district Wedding anniversaries bridge parties birthdays comingofago per lice vililon and traerien are all items of interest to the women readers of this page Your help In supplying link now will be greedy ap preciated Please phone The Barrie Examiner PA 66581 and ask for be Womens Page Mrs James Dougaii of Man real and Miss Ethel Aldous of Los Angeles California are vis iting at the home of Mrs Arch ie Goodall Street ITS BOY Mr and Mrs Donald Dicker son have announced the birth of their first son born at Royal Victoria Hosiptal Barrie July 21 Glenn Charles weighed in at six pounds five ounces Mother and son are doing fine and father is slowly recovering Glenn Charles is brother for oneyearold Elizabeth Anne WEDDING GUESTS Among the outofclty guests at the SalterFerguson wedding in Trinity Anglican Church to day were Mr and Mrs Babiak Vancouver British Col umbia Mr and Mrs Butcher New Liskeard Mr and Mrs Anderson Carp Mrs Stewart and daughter Kathryn Renlrew Air Vice Marshal and Mrs Orr and daughter Barbara oilaw Miss Nancy Elliott Kingston Rev and Mrs Brbwniie Chippawa Miss Rosalind Orr Ottawa Mr and Mrs Paul Borysiuk St Catharines Mr and Mrs Clair Chinery and family Hamilton Mr and Mrs Robert McKnight Waterloo Mr and Mrs Meade and daughter Fergus Mr and Mrs Ray Ward Huntsville Mr and Mrs Russell Col llngwood Mr and Mrs Karl Krug Burlington Mr and Mrs Sheridan Montreal Quebec Mr Mac Thompson Fergus other guests attending are from Tomato and district VISITS BARBIE Mr and Mrs Parker Kempenfelt Drive are enter taining Miss Gloria Mohey of Victoria British Columbia Bring in warns Family lle like Pollll dlund lo see the famous pailisaded Huron Indian village recoustrucla ed under lhe careful supervision of Dr Wilfrid Jury noted Can adieu archaeologist and histor ian Over 350 feet in length the Villagejs full scale reproduo lion of ludian life infth country highlyrecommended by teachers and educational authorities Its only short drive to Midland and the Honor VILLAGE open Dally am pan Sunday lno pm run Adflllo 50c counten we Miss Mobey arrived at Melton Vla TCA jet airliner Lawn BOWLING CHAMP Barrie resident is to be unwarranted for her skill in lawn bowling Mrs Amy Vair Collier Street is competing in the 13B singles of the ladies provincial chamlponsbip Mrs Vair has won the lirst and sec oud stages of the play at Bee ton and Newmarket She will travel to Belleville Aug to play in the roundrobin semi finals Barrie Lawn Bowling Club members met last evening for patluck supper held in the club house Rain cancelled out the play for the Spsrbam Tro phy Better Chances For NZ Widows WELLINGTON The average widow in New Zea land aged between 20 and 25 has 918percent chance of re marrying the statistics depart ment reported recently As the age at the time ofbe chances of re marrying de creases the ï¬gures show Thus an average widow aged between 40 and 45 has percent chance of remarrying while one aged between so and 55 has only an luffpercent chance The departments review is the first prepared in New Zea iand on the subject it is based on theperlod 1955 to 1957 and applies to both Maoris and non Maorls Irrespective of age at the time of becoming widow the great majority of remarriages among widows occur during the first 10 years of widowhood the review shows valuable feature of the sta tistics is that they permit the calculation of the probabiliy of remarrlage of widow witbm any speciï¬ed future period tale ing into account both the length of time she has already been widow and her age at the fame of becoming widow coming widow increases the Miss anuellne MacDonald of Toronto was soloist LAWN RECEPTION The brides mother llrs Fer guson received gucsls on the lawn of her home on Castle Drive Mrs Ferguson wore an alien noon dress of champagne silk and chiffon with matching so cessories and mini green on chld corsoge She was assisted by Mrs Wil liam Miliel Salter moiher of the bridegroom gowned in street lehgih frock of deep blue silk chiffon wilh white access ories corsage of willie can nntionand pink sweetheart roses compleled hcr coslurne For the wedding trip Nancy were turquoise linen suit with sheth skirt and short boxy lackel with while pillbox straw hat and white accessor ies Her corsage was while gordenia and pink sweetheart roses The newlyweds will reside in Barrie Couple Will Wed This Altemoon Miss Judith Mary fllompson will become the bride of Wil llonl DArcy Trombley at quiet wedding at three oclock this afternoon Father Roseltis will olflcinie The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard Thomp son Churchill The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Loo Imrnbley of Belle Ewart The bride will be given in marriage by her father For her special day the bride will wear ballerinalength gown of while nylon not over taffeta underskirt and mulching bolero jacket halo of sequins and rhinestones will hold her veil of nylon nei Her bouquet il cascade of red roses and whim carnalions Miss JoAnn Tromblay of Belle Ewart will attend the bride RichardDavid Thomp son of Churclull will act as groomsman reception is being held at the residence of Mrs Margaret cole The couple will reside in Belle Ewart Starring Robert Preston Dorothy Mngnlro Eve Arden ADUDI WBTADIMENT LAST rme TODAY SNOW WHITE AND THREE STOOG ES 835730740955 p111 HURONIA rolmlluncmzn at ulï¬léIlRHllï¬llu WWW 27 NIGHT £7 MONDAY SuflIIIIRIIIS ON NEW manhole mam nulls surnmi Au ggun rus maroon